Source code for mappymatch.constructs.trace

from __future__ import annotations

import re
from functools import cached_property
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Optional, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from geopandas import GeoDataFrame, points_from_xy, read_file, read_parquet
from pyproj import CRS

from mappymatch.constructs.coordinate import Coordinate
from import LATLON_CRS, XY_CRS

[docs] class Trace: """ A Trace is a collection of coordinates that represents a trajectory to be matched. Attributes: coords: A list of all the coordinates crs: The CRS of the trace index: The index of the trace """ _frame: GeoDataFrame def __init__(self, frame: GeoDataFrame): if frame.index.has_duplicates: duplicates = frame.index[frame.index.duplicated()].values raise IndexError( f"Trace cannot have duplicates in the index but found {duplicates}" ) self._frame = frame def __getitem__(self, i) -> Trace: if isinstance(i, int): i = [i] new_frame = self._frame.iloc[i] return Trace(new_frame) def __add__(self, other: Trace) -> Trace: if != raise TypeError("cannot add two traces together with different crs") new_frame = pd.concat([self._frame, other._frame]) return Trace(new_frame) def __len__(self): """Number of coordinate pairs.""" return len(self._frame) def __str__(self): output_lines = [ "Mappymatch Trace object", f"coords: {self.coords if hasattr(self, 'coords') else None}", f"frame: {self._frame}", ] return "\n".join(output_lines) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() @property def index(self) -> pd.Index: """Get index to underlying GeoDataFrame.""" return self._frame.index @cached_property def coords(self) -> List[Coordinate]: """ Get coordinates as Coordinate objects. """ coords_list = [ Coordinate(i, g, for i, g in zip(self._frame.index, self._frame.geometry) ] return coords_list @property def crs(self) -> CRS: """Get Coordinate Reference System(CRS) to underlying GeoDataFrame.""" return
[docs] @classmethod def from_geo_dataframe( cls, frame: GeoDataFrame, xy: bool = True, ) -> Trace: """ Builds a trace from a geopandas dataframe Expects the dataframe to have geometry column Args: frame: geopandas dataframe with _one_ trace xy: should the trace be projected to epsg 3857? Returns: The trace built from the geopandas dataframe """ # get rid of any extra info besides geometry and index frame = GeoDataFrame(geometry=frame.geometry, index=frame.index) if xy: frame = frame.to_crs(XY_CRS) return Trace(frame)
[docs] @classmethod def from_dataframe( cls, dataframe: pd.DataFrame, xy: bool = True, lat_column: str = "latitude", lon_column: str = "longitude", ) -> Trace: """ Builds a trace from a pandas dataframe Expects the dataframe to have latitude / longitude information in the epsg 4326 format Args: dataframe: pandas dataframe with _one_ trace xy: should the trace be projected to epsg 3857? lat_column: the name of the latitude column lon_column: the name of the longitude column Returns: The trace built from the pandas dataframe """ frame = GeoDataFrame( geometry=points_from_xy(dataframe[lon_column], dataframe[lat_column]), index=dataframe.index, crs=LATLON_CRS, ) return Trace.from_geo_dataframe(frame, xy)
[docs] @classmethod def from_gpx( cls, file: Union[str, Path], xy: bool = True, ) -> Trace: """ Builds a trace from a gpx file. Expects the file to have simple gpx structure: a sequence of lat, lon pairs Args: file: the gpx file xy: should the trace be projected to epsg 3857? Returns: The trace built from the gpx file """ filepath = Path(file) if not filepath.is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError(file) elif not filepath.suffix == ".gpx": raise TypeError( f"file of type {filepath.suffix} does not appear to be a gpx file" ) data = open(filepath).read() lat_column, lon_column = "lat", "lon" lat = np.array(re.findall(r'lat="([^"]+)', data), dtype=float) lon = np.array(re.findall(r'lon="([^"]+)', data), dtype=float) df = pd.DataFrame(zip(lat, lon), columns=[lat_column, lon_column]) return Trace.from_dataframe(df, xy, lat_column, lon_column)
[docs] @classmethod def from_csv( cls, file: Union[str, Path], xy: bool = True, lat_column: str = "latitude", lon_column: str = "longitude", ) -> Trace: """ Builds a trace from a csv file. Expects the file to have latitude / longitude information in the epsg 4326 format Args: file: the csv file xy: should the trace be projected to epsg 3857? lat_column: the name of the latitude column lon_column: the name of the longitude column Returns: The trace built from the csv file """ filepath = Path(file) if not filepath.is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError(file) elif not filepath.suffix == ".csv": raise TypeError( f"file of type {filepath.suffix} does not appear to be a csv file" ) columns = pd.read_csv(filepath, nrows=0).columns.to_list() if lat_column in columns and lon_column in columns: df = pd.read_csv(filepath) return Trace.from_dataframe(df, xy, lat_column, lon_column) else: raise ValueError( "Could not find any geometry information in the file; " "Make sure there are latitude and longitude columns " "[and provide the lat/lon column names to this function]" )
[docs] @classmethod def from_parquet(cls, file: Union[str, Path], xy: bool = True): """ Read a trace from a parquet file Args: file: the parquet file xy: should the trace be projected to epsg 3857? Returns: The trace built from the parquet file """ filepath = Path(file) frame = read_parquet(filepath) return Trace.from_geo_dataframe(frame, xy)
[docs] @classmethod def from_geojson( cls, file: Union[str, Path], index_property: Optional[str] = None, xy: bool = True, ): """ Reads a trace from a geojson file; If index_property is not specified, this will set any property columns as the index. Args: file: the geojson file index_property: the name of the property to use as the index xy: should the trace be projected to epsg 3857? Returns: The trace built from the geojson file """ filepath = Path(file) frame = read_file(filepath) if index_property and index_property in frame.columns: frame = frame.set_index(index_property) else: gname = index_cols = [c for c in frame.columns if c != gname] frame = frame.set_index(index_cols) return Trace.from_geo_dataframe(frame, xy)
[docs] def downsample(self, npoints: int) -> Trace: """ Downsample the trace to a given number of points Args: npoints: the number of points to downsample to Returns: The downsampled trace """ s = list(np.linspace(0, len(self._frame) - 1, npoints).astype(int)) new_frame = self._frame.iloc[s] return Trace(new_frame)
[docs] def drop(self, index=List) -> Trace: """ Remove points from the trace specified by the index parameter Args: index: the index of the points to drop (0 based index) Returns: The trace with the points removed """ new_frame = self._frame.drop(index) return Trace(new_frame)
[docs] def to_crs(self, new_crs: CRS) -> Trace: """ Converts the crs of a trace to a new crs Args: new_crs: the new crs to convert to Returns: A new trace with the new crs """ new_frame = self._frame.to_crs(new_crs) return Trace(new_frame)
[docs] def to_geojson(self, file: Union[str, Path]): """ Write the trace to a geojson file Args: file: the file to write to """ self._frame.to_file(file, driver="GeoJSON")