LCSS Example#
An example of using the LCSSMatcher to match a gps trace to the Open Street Maps road network
!pip install mappymatch
from mappymatch import package_root
First, we load the trace from a file. The mappymatch package has a few sample traces included that we can use for demonstration.
Before we build the trace, though, let's take a look at the file to see how mappymatch expects the input data:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv(package_root() / "resources/traces/sample_trace_3.csv")
latitude | longitude | |
0 | 39.655210 | -104.919169 |
1 | 39.655449 | -104.919274 |
2 | 39.655690 | -104.919381 |
3 | 39.655936 | -104.919486 |
4 | 39.656182 | -104.919593 |
Notice that we expect the input data to be in the EPSG:4326 coordinate reference system. If your input data is not in this format, you'll need to convert it prior to building a Trace object.
In order to idenfiy which coordinate is which in a trace, mappymatch uses the dataframe index as the coordinate index and so in this case, we just have a simple range based index for each coordinate. We could set a different index on the dataframe and mappymatch would use that to identify the coordinates.
Now, let's load the trace from the same file:
from mappymatch.constructs.trace import Trace
trace = Trace.from_csv(
package_root() / "resources/traces/sample_trace_3.csv",
Notice here that we pass three optional arguments to the from_csv
By default, mappymatch expects the latitude and longitude columns to be named "latitude" and "longitude" but you can pass your own values if needed.
Also by default, mappymatch converts the trace into the web mercator coordinate reference system (EPSG:3857) by setting xy=True
The LCSS matcher computes the cartesian distance between geometries and so a projected coordiante reference system is ideal.
In a future version of mappymatch we hope to support any projected coordiante system but right now we only support EPSG:3857.
Okay, let's plot the trace to see what it looks like (mappymatch uses folium under the hood for plotting):
from mappymatch.utils.plot import plot_trace
plot_trace(trace, point_color="black", line_color="yellow")
Next, we need to get a road map to match our Trace to. One way to do this is to build a small geofence around the trace and then download a map that just fits around our trace:
from mappymatch.constructs.geofence import Geofence
geofence = Geofence.from_trace(trace, padding=2e3)
Notice that we pass an optional argument to the constructor. The padding defines how large around the trace we should build our geofence and is in the same units as the trace. In our case, the trace has been projected to the web mercator CRS and so our units would be in approximate meters, 1e3 meters or 1 kilomter
Now, let's plot both the trace and the geofence:
from mappymatch.utils.plot import plot_geofence
plot_trace(trace, point_color="black", m=plot_geofence(geofence))
At this point, we're ready to download a road network.
Mappymatch has a couple of ways to represent a road network: The NxMap
and the IGraphMap
which use networkx
and igraph
, respectively, under the hood to represent the road graph structure.
You might experiment with both to see if one is more performant or memory efficient in your use case.
In this example we'll use the NxMap
from mappymatch.maps.nx.nx_map import NxMap, NetworkType
nx_map = NxMap.from_geofence(
{'osmid': 16983030, 'highway': 'residential', 'name': 'East Asbury Avenue', 'oneway': False, 'reversed': True, 'length': 79.54373679802445, 'speed_kph': 39.947450386398764, 'travel_time': 7.168353667206419, 'kilometers': 0.07954373679802446}
{'osmid': 16983030, 'highway': 'residential', 'name': 'East Asbury Avenue', 'oneway': False, 'reversed': False, 'length': 79.54373679802445, 'speed_kph': 39.947450386398764, 'travel_time': 7.168353667206419, 'kilometers': 0.07954373679802446}
{'osmid': 16986821, 'highway': 'residential', 'name': 'East Vassar Avenue', 'oneway': False, 'reversed': True, 'length': 83.64761710826589, 'speed_kph': 39.947450386398764, 'travel_time': 7.538188762411878, 'kilometers': 0.08364761710826589}
{'osmid': 16986821, 'highway': 'residential', 'name': 'East Vassar Avenue', 'oneway': False, 'reversed': False, 'length': 83.64761710826589, 'speed_kph': 39.947450386398764, 'travel_time': 7.538188762411878, 'kilometers': 0.08364761710826589}
{'osmid': 234196398, 'highway': 'secondary', 'lanes': '5', 'maxspeed': '30 mph', 'name': 'East Yale Avenue', 'oneway': False, 'reversed': True, 'length': 20.542709041809864, 'speed_kph': 48.2802, 'travel_time': 1.531761520261215, 'kilometers': 0.020542709041809864}
{'osmid': 37886699, 'highway': 'secondary', 'lanes': '6', 'maxspeed': '30 mph', 'name': 'East Yale Avenue', 'oneway': False, 'reversed': False, 'length': 14.354081263098669, 'speed_kph': 48.2802, 'travel_time': 1.0703081707854403, 'kilometers': 0.014354081263098669}
{'osmid': 16984718, 'highway': 'residential', 'name': 'South Kirkwood Court', 'oneway': False, 'reversed': True, 'length': 32.08319603301365, 'speed_kph': 39.947450386398764, 'travel_time': 2.8912860420792765, 'kilometers': 0.03208319603301365}
{'osmid': 33105941, 'highway': 'residential', 'name': 'East Kentucky Avenue', 'oneway': False, 'reversed': False, 'length': 41.12338570051541, 'speed_kph': 39.947450386398764, 'travel_time': 3.7059733998007873, 'kilometers': 0.041123385700515415}
{'osmid': 33105941, 'highway': 'residential', 'name': 'East Kentucky Avenue', 'oneway': False, 'reversed': True, 'length': 41.12338570051541, 'speed_kph': 39.947450386398764, 'travel_time': 3.7059733998007873, 'kilometers': 0.041123385700515415}
{'osmid': 1176411245, 'highway': 'residential', 'maxspeed': '25 mph', 'name': 'South Pennsylvania Street', 'oneway': False, 'reversed': False, 'length': 207.47072269064134, 'speed_kph': 40.2335, 'travel_time': 18.563997705551564, 'kilometers': 0.20747072269064135}
Warning: found 1667 of 10622 links with no geometry; creating link geometries from the node endpoints
The from_geofence
constructor uses the osmnx package under the hood to download a road network.
Notice we pass the optional argument network_type
which defaults to NetworkType.DRIVE
but can be used to get a different network like NetworkType.BIKE
or NetworkType.WALK
Now, we can plot the map to make sure we have the network that we want to match to:
from mappymatch.utils.plot import plot_map
Now, we're ready to perform the actual map matching.
In this example we'll use the LCSSMatcher
which implements the algorithm described in this paper:
We won't go into detail here for how to tune the paramters but checkout the referenced paper for more details if you're interested. The default parameters have been set based on internal testing on high resolution driving GPS traces.
from mappymatch.matchers.lcss.lcss import LCSSMatcher
matcher = LCSSMatcher(nx_map)
match_result = matcher.match_trace(trace)
Now that we have the results, let's plot them:
from mappymatch.utils.plot import plot_matches
<Axes: >

The plot_matches
function plots the roads that each point has been matched to and labels them with the road id.
In some cases, if the trace is much sparser (for example if it was collected a lower resolution), you might want see the estimated path, rather than the explict matched roads.
For example, let's reduce the trace frequency to every 30th point and re-match it:
reduced_trace = trace[0::30]
plot_trace(reduced_trace, point_color="black", line_color="yellow")
reduced_matches = matcher.match_trace(reduced_trace)
The match result also has a path
attribute with the estiamted path through the network:
from mappymatch.utils.plot import plot_path
reduced_trace, point_color="blue", m=plot_path(reduced_matches.path,
Lastly, we might want to convert the results into a format more suitible for saving to file or merging with some other dataset. To do this, we can convert the result into a dataframe:
result_df = reduced_matches.matches_to_dataframe()
coordinate_id | distance_to_road | road_id | geom | origin_junction_id | destination_junction_id | road_key | kilometers | travel_time | |
0 | 0 | 18.704781 | (432968976, 432968864, 0) | LINESTRING (-11679421.184827643 4815736.167510... | 432968976 | 432968864 | 0 | 0.548364 | 26.861128 |
1 | 30 | 6.637295 | (432968864, 176066679, 0) | LINESTRING (-11679700.006756231 4816391.715274... | 432968864 | 176066679 | 0 | 0.713160 | 24.543028 |
2 | 60 | 5.474720 | (176066679, 442605942, 0) | LINESTRING (-11680004.732730329 4817267.513675... | 176066679 | 442605942 | 0 | 0.849679 | 29.241278 |
3 | 90 | 6.923850 | (442615878, 442618319, 0) | LINESTRING (-11680833.539735131 4818830.551805... | 442615878 | 442618319 | 0 | 0.424253 | 14.600453 |
4 | 120 | 7.800845 | (442618319, 442617120, 0) | LINESTRING (-11681140.002293285 4819289.434003... | 442618319 | 442617120 | 0 | 0.957481 | 34.269262 |
Here, for each coordinate, we have the distance to the matched road, and then attributes of the road itself like the geometry, the OSM node id and the road distance and travel time.
We can also get a dataframe for the path:
path_df = reduced_matches.path_to_dataframe()
road_id | geom | origin_junction_id | destination_junction_id | road_key | kilometers | travel_time | |
0 | (432968976, 432968864, 0) | LINESTRING (-11679421.184827643 4815736.167510... | 432968976 | 432968864 | 0 | 0.548364 | 26.861128 |
1 | (432968864, 176066679, 0) | LINESTRING (-11679700.006756231 4816391.715274... | 432968864 | 176066679 | 0 | 0.713160 | 24.543028 |
2 | (176066679, 442605942, 0) | LINESTRING (-11680004.732730329 4817267.513675... | 176066679 | 442605942 | 0 | 0.849679 | 29.241278 |
3 | (442605942, 442615878, 0) | LINESTRING (-11680517.325589584 4818246.301911... | 442605942 | 442615878 | 0 | 0.510779 | 17.578186 |
4 | (442615878, 442618319, 0) | LINESTRING (-11680833.539735131 4818830.551805... | 442615878 | 442618319 | 0 | 0.424253 | 14.600453 |
Another thing we can do is to only get a certain set of road types to match to. For example, let's say I only want to consider highways and primary roads for matching, I can do so by passing a custom filter when building the road network:
nx_map = NxMap.from_geofence(
{'osmid': 427708173, 'highway': 'motorway_link', 'lanes': '2', 'oneway': True, 'reversed': False, 'length': 20.414537964823523, 'speed_kph': 74.37609513888889, 'travel_time': 0.9881177081981263, 'kilometers': 0.020414537964823523}
{'osmid': 344391013, 'highway': 'motorway_link', 'lanes': '1', 'oneway': True, 'reversed': False, 'length': 22.563432845186533, 'speed_kph': 74.37609513888889, 'travel_time': 1.0921299120501933, 'kilometers': 0.022563432845186533}
{'osmid': 177242486, 'highway': 'motorway_link', 'lanes': '3', 'oneway': True, 'reversed': False, 'length': 20.12349405707779, 'speed_kph': 74.37609513888889, 'travel_time': 0.974030412193569, 'kilometers': 0.02012349405707779}
{'osmid': 186241519, 'highway': 'primary', 'lanes': '4', 'maxspeed': '35 mph', 'name': 'South Colorado Boulevard', 'oneway': True, 'ref': 'CO 2', 'reversed': False, 'length': 12.226081069694452, 'speed_kph': 56.3269, 'travel_time': 0.7814009265714965, 'kilometers': 0.012226081069694451}
{'osmid': 132231509, 'highway': 'motorway', 'lanes': '4', 'maxspeed': '55 mph', 'name': 'West 6th Avenue Freeway', 'oneway': True, 'reversed': False, 'length': 58.72923421018891, 'speed_kph': 88.5137, 'travel_time': 2.388616035220312, 'kilometers': 0.05872923421018891}
{'osmid': 520031957, 'highway': 'motorway_link', 'lanes': '1', 'oneway': True, 'reversed': False, 'length': 197.08499535304279, 'speed_kph': 74.37609513888889, 'travel_time': 9.539435781698844, 'kilometers': 0.1970849953530428}
{'osmid': 16982076, 'highway': 'primary_link', 'lanes': '1', 'oneway': True, 'ref': 'US 287', 'reversed': False, 'length': 119.30913844814366, 'speed_kph': 72.77331257167408, 'travel_time': 5.902066062889359, 'kilometers': 0.11930913844814366}
{'osmid': 646049993, 'highway': 'primary_link', 'lanes': '1', 'oneway': False, 'reversed': False, 'length': 14.763038968321924, 'speed_kph': 72.77331257167408, 'travel_time': 0.7303081089460475, 'kilometers': 0.014763038968321924}
{'osmid': 645821551, 'highway': 'primary_link', 'lanes': '1', 'oneway': False, 'reversed': False, 'length': 12.546375003231507, 'speed_kph': 72.77331257167408, 'travel_time': 0.6206526598215344, 'kilometers': 0.012546375003231507}
{'osmid': 646049993, 'highway': 'primary_link', 'lanes': '1', 'oneway': False, 'reversed': True, 'length': 14.763038968321924, 'speed_kph': 72.77331257167408, 'travel_time': 0.7303081089460475, 'kilometers': 0.014763038968321924}
Warning: found 46 of 388 links with no geometry; creating link geometries from the node endpoints
Above you can see that now we have a much reduced graph to match to, let's see what happens
matcher = LCSSMatcher(nx_map)
match_result = matcher.match_trace(trace)
path_gdf = match_result.path_to_geodataframe()
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