Plot geofence. |
Plot the roads on an NxMap. |
Plot the points deviance from known roads with matplotlib. |
Plots a trace and the relevant matches on a folium map. |
Plot a list of roads. |
Plot a trace. |
- mappymatch.utils.plot.plot_geofence(geofence, m=None)[source]#
Plot geofence.
- Args:
geofence: The geofence to plot m: the folium map to plot on
- Returns:
The updated folium map with the geofence.
- Parameters:
geofence (Geofence)
m (Map | None)
- mappymatch.utils.plot.plot_trace(trace, m=None, point_color='black', line_color='green')[source]#
Plot a trace.
- Args:
trace: The trace. m: the folium map to plot on point_color: The color the points will be plotted in. line_color: The color for lines. If None, no lines will be plotted.
- Returns:
An updated folium map with a plot of trace.
- Parameters:
trace (Trace)
m (Map | None)
point_color (str)
line_color (str | None)
- mappymatch.utils.plot.plot_matches(matches, crs=<Projected CRS: EPSG:3857> Name: WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator Axis Info [cartesian]: - X[east]: Easting (metre) - Y[north]: Northing (metre) Area of Use: - name: World between 85.06°S and 85.06°N. - bounds: (-180.0, -85.06, 180.0, 85.06) Coordinate Operation: - name: Popular Visualisation Pseudo-Mercator - method: Popular Visualisation Pseudo Mercator Datum: World Geodetic System 1984 ensemble - Ellipsoid: WGS 84 - Prime Meridian: Greenwich)[source]#
Plots a trace and the relevant matches on a folium map.
Args: matches: A list of matches or a MatchResult. crs: what crs to plot in. Defaults to XY_CRS.
- Returns:
A folium map with trace and matches plotted.
- Parameters:
matches (MatchResult | List[Match])
- mappymatch.utils.plot.plot_map(tmap, m=None)[source]#
Plot the roads on an NxMap.
- Args:
tmap: The Nxmap to plot. m: the folium map to add to
- Returns:
The folium map with the roads plotted.
- Parameters:
tmap (NxMap)
m (Map | None)
- mappymatch.utils.plot.plot_match_distances(matches)[source]#
Plot the points deviance from known roads with matplotlib.
- Args:
matches (MatchResult): The coordinates of guessed points in the area in the form of a MatchResult object.
- Parameters:
matches (MatchResult)
- mappymatch.utils.plot.plot_path(path, crs, m=None, line_color='red', line_weight=10, line_opacity=0.8)[source]#
Plot a list of roads.
- Args:
path: The path to plot. crs: The crs of the path. m: The folium map to add to. line_color: The color of the line. line_weight: The weight of the line. line_opacity: The opacity of the line.
- Parameters:
path (List[Road])
crs (CRS)
m (Map | None)