Example 05: FLORIS Standin and Electrolyzer

Example 05: FLORIS Standin and Electrolyzer#


This example demonstrates how to use the FLORIS as the wind standin model combined with and electrolyzer plant in a simple case. This example also uses a WHOC controller to allow the user to give set points to the wind farm to control the wind farm power output, set in the ‘wind_power_reference_data.csv’ file. The wind speed and wind directions inputs are given in ‘floris_standin_data.csv’ and can be changed to vary the conditions of the wind simulation. The ‘plot_outputs.py’ file contains a python script that allows the user to plot the wind turbine and farm power outputs and the electrolyzer plant hydrogen output.


To run the example, execute the following command in the terminal from within the Example 05 folder:

bash run_script.sh

Checking outputs#

To check the outputs, execute the following command in the terminal:

python plot_outputs.py