Minimum Installation Steps#
This library is designed to run locally on your computer. Follow these steps to install:
Clone the buildstock-projections repo
Create & activate your favorite venv in the repo (I prefer pyenv for mac/linux or windows, and the virtualenv plugin)
python -m pip install . --user
If running for ResStock, clone the resstock repo
If running projections for ResStock, a local ResStock checkout is required to enable sampling of housing characteristics. Any version of ResStock should be compatible with BuildStock-Projections so long as the initial buildstock.csv aligns with the checked out version.
Developers should install the library in editable mode:
python -m pip install -e .[dev] --user
Activate pre-commit (only once, after making a new venv) with
pre-commit install
Runs automatically on your staged changes before every commit
Settings and documentation links for pre-commit and ruff are in .pre-commit-config.yaml and pyproject.toml
To check all files, run
pre-commit run --all-files
Documentation will not build until there is a push to
, to view your updates to documentation as a Jupyter Book, installjupyter-book
and runjupyter-book build docs
from the parent directory.Pytest is used for unit testing, run
pytest .
to run them.