2024 NAWEA / WindTech Workshops

2024 NAWEA / WindTech Workshops#

Prior to the 2024 NAWEA / WindTech conference at Rutgers University, NREL will host a series of workshops related to the collection of wind energy software produced at the lab. Each workshop will introduce a specific software project and provide practical suggestions for modeling and analysis. Additionally, an overview of the WETO Software Stack and the work under the Holistic Modeling Project will be provided along with a discussion of community needs.


A number of side events are hosted during NAWEA and registration for those is done during registration for the conference. Prior to the conference, a separate workshops registration form will be sent for attendees to register for specific workshops and events.

See https://naweawindtech2024.org/side-events for more information.

The materials from the workshops will be posted here after the conference.