Technical Areas

Technical Areas#

The WETO software portfolio can be subdivided into key technical areas that cover the breadth of wind energy system design and analysis. The technical areas and their associated tools are listed here.

Engineering-fidelity Physics Models

%%{init: { 'logLevel': 'debug', 'theme': 'forest' } }%% mindmap root("WETO Software Portfolio") ps(Engineering-fidelity Physics Models) OpenFAST FAST.Farm MoorPy RAFT OWENS ps(" ") hfm(" ") do(" ") ctrl(" ") ra(" ") cost(" ") wild(" ") om(" ")
  • OpenFAST openfast/openfast - Multi-physics, multi-fidelity tool for simulating the coupled dynamic response of wind turbines.

  • FAST.Farm openfast/openfast - Mid-fidelity wind farm simulator that uses OpenFAST as a turbine model.

  • MoorPy nrel/moorpy - Quasi-static mooring model and a suite of associated functions for mooring system analysis.

  • RAFT WISDEM/RAFT - Library for frequency-domain analysis of floating wind turbines.

  • OWENS sandialabs/OWENS.jl - Multi-physics aero-servo-elastic tool with coupling to OpenFAST hydrodynamics and mooring for the coupled dynamic response of VAWTs and crossflow turbines.

High Fidelity Models

%%{init: { 'logLevel': 'debug', 'theme': 'forest' } }%% mindmap root("WETO Software Portfolio") ps(" ") hfm(High Fidelity Models) AMR Wind Nalu Wind OpenTurbine ERF pyNuMAD do(" ") ctrl(" ") ra(" ") cost(" ") wild(" ") om(" ")
  • AMR-Wind exawind/amr-wind - Massively parallel, block-structured adaptive-mesh, incompressible flow solver for wind turbine and wind farm simulations.

  • Nalu-Wind exawind/nalu-wind - Generalized, unstructured, massively parallel, incompressible flow solver for wind turbine and wind farm simulations.

  • OpenTurbine exawind/openturbine - Wind turbine structural dynamics simulation code for land-based and offshore wind turbines specifically designed to couple with low-fidelity aerodynamic/hydrodynamic models (OpenFAST) and high-fidelity computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models (ExaWind).

  • ERF erf-model/ERF - Compressible Navier-Stokes solver on an Arakawa C-grid for large-scale weather modeling.

  • pyNuMAD sandialabs/pyNuMAD - Simplifies the process of creating a three-dimensional model of a wind turbine blade by providing an intermediary between raw blade data and analytical platforms (ANSYS, Cubit, OpenFAST, etc).

Design & Optimization

%%{init: { 'logLevel': 'debug', 'theme': 'forest' } }%% mindmap root("WETO Software Portfolio") ps(" ") hfm(" ") do(Design & Optimization) WEIS WISDEM WindSE HOPP SONATA ctrl(" ") ra(" ") cost(" ") wild(" ") om(" ")
  • WEIS wisdem/weis - Wind Energy with Integrated Servo-control performs multifidelity co-design of wind turbines by combining multiple NREL-developed tools to enable design optimization of floating offshore wind turbines.

  • WISDEM wisdem/wisdem - Set of wind turbine and plant cost and energy production models along with financial models for assessing overall wind plant cost of energy.

  • WindSE nrel/windse - Python package that uses a FEniCS backend to perform wind farm simulations and optimization.

  • HOPP NREL/HOPP - Assesses optimal designs for the deployment of utility-scale hybrid energy plants, particularly considering wind, solar and storage.

  • SONATA ptrbortolotti/SONATA - Toolbox for Multidisciplinary Rotor Blade Design Environment for Structural Optimization and Aeroelastic Analysis.


%%{init: { 'logLevel': 'debug', 'theme': 'forest' } }%% mindmap root("WETO Software Portfolio") ps(" ") hfm(" ") do(" ") ctrl(Controls) ROSCO FLORIS FLASC hercules ra(" ") cost(" ") wild(" ") om(" ")
  • ROSCO NREL/ROSCO - Reference controller with industry-standard functionality and generic tuning

  • FLORIS nrel/floris - Controls-focused wind farm simulation software incorporating steady-state engineering wake models into a performance-focused Python framework.

  • FLASC nrel/flasc - Suite of analysis tools for SCADA data filtering, analysis, wind farm model validation, field experiment design, and field experiment monitoring.

  • hercules nrel/hercules - Wind farm emulator for controls testing with LES models.

Resource Assessment

%%{init: { 'logLevel': 'debug', 'theme': 'forest' } }%% mindmap root("WETO Software Portfolio") ps(" ") hfm(" ") do(" ") ctrl(" ") ra(Resource Assessment) DW TAP cost(" ") wild(" ") om(" ")
  • DW TAP NREL/dw-tap-app - A simple tool for cost-effectively and accurately assessing wind resources without having to physically take direct measurements in the field.

Cost Models

%%{init: { 'logLevel': 'debug', 'theme': 'forest' } }%% mindmap root("WETO Software Portfolio") ps(" ") hfm(" ") do(" ") ctrl(" ") ra(" ") cost(Cost Models) LandBOSSE ORBIT CORAL NRWAL wild(" ") om(" ")
  • LandBOSSE WISDEM/LandBOSSE - A systems engineering tool that estimates the balance-of-system (BOS) costs associated with installing utility scale wind plants (10, 1.5 MW turbines or larger)

  • ORBIT WISDEM/ORBIT - A model to study the cost and times associated with Offshore Wind Balance of System (BOS) processes.

  • CORAL NREL/CORAL - Concurrent ORBIT for shared Resource Analysis Library

  • NRWAL NREL/NRWAL - A library of offshore wind cost equations (plus new energy technologies like marine hydro!).

Wild Life Impact

%%{init: { 'logLevel': 'debug', 'theme': 'forest' } }%% mindmap root("WETO Software Portfolio") ps(" ") hfm(" ") do(" ") ctrl(" ") ra(" ") cost(" ") wild(Wild Life Impact) SSRS om(" ")
  • SSRS NREL/SSRS - A stochastic agent-based model for predicting raptor movements through an orographic updraft field estimated using the spatially varying wind conditions and ground features (altitude, slope, aspect).

Operation and Maintenance

%%{init: { 'logLevel': 'debug', 'theme': 'forest' } }%% mindmap root("WETO Software Portfolio") ps(" ") hfm(" ") do(" ") ctrl(" ") ra(" ") cost(" ") wild(" ") om(Operation and Maintenance) OpenOA WOMBAT
  • WOMBAT WISDEM/WOMBAT - A library to simulate the operation and maintenance phase (O&M) of distributed, land-based, and offshore wind farms using a discrete event simulation framework.

  • OpenOA nrel/openoa - A framework for working with large time-series data from wind plants, such as SCADA.