
Given the complexity and computational intensity of ResStock, the best pathway for professionals and researchers to use ResStock successfully is use pre-created results, rather than running ResStock themselves. This section provides information about accessing ResStock results and links to published datasets.

Published Datasets

These datasets explore the annual and timeseries energy consumption of the U.S. residential building stock at the end-use level. Access the webinar recording, webinar slides, and the technical documentation for each dataset as they are available:

ResStock dataset releases are summarized in the following table with links for accessing the aggregate results. Scroll to the right for information on all of the datasets.

  2024.2 2024.2 2024.1 2022.1 2022.1 2022.1 2021.1 2021.1
Weather Year AMY 2018 TMY3 TMY3 AMY 2018 AMY 2012 TMY3 AMY 2018 TMY3
OEDI Name 2024/
Data Viewer Links n/a n/a n/a by state by state by state by_state,
Data Table with
metadata metadata metadata metadata metadata metadata metadata metadata
OpenEI Data Lake data dictionary data dictionary data dictionary data dictionary data dictionary data dictionary data dictionary data dictionary
Publication Date March 2024 March 2024 February 2024 September 2022 September 2022 October 2022 October 2021 October 2021
Release # 2024.2 2024.2 2024.1 2022.1 2022.1 2022.1 2021.1 2021.1
Building Stock
Residential housing
stock circa 2018
Residential housing
stock circa 2018
Residential housing
stock circa 2018
Residential housing
stock circa 2018
Residential housing
stock circa 2018
Residential housing
stock circa 2018
Residential housing
stock circa 2018
Residential housing
stock circa 2018
Upgrade Measures 15 15 260 10 10 10 0 0
Samples Simulated 550,000 550,000 2,200,000 550,000 550,000 550,000 550,000 550,000
Timeseries or
Annual Data
Timeseries and
Timeseries and
Annual Timeseries and
Timeseries and
Timeseries and
Timeseries and
Timeseries and
Representative Number of
Dwellings for Each Modeled
Dwelling Unit
252.3016 252.3016 63.0753 242.1310 242.1310 242.1310 242.1310 242.1310
Energy output available Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Carbon Emissions output
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
Utility Bills output
Yes Yes Yes No No No No No
Indoor Air Temperature
output available
Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No No

Data Access Platforms, Structure, and Content

ResStock data releases are collections of datasets include energy use across technology (e.g., air-conditioning, refrigerators, lighting, etc.) and fuel type that represents the United States housing stock. Data include either 550,000 or 2,200,000 models that if scaled up, cover all residential energy use in the U.S. housing sector. Data releases also include “what-if” scenarios of technology adoption. The output of each energy model is one year of energy consumption either summed for the whole year or at 15-minute intervals. Dealing with the raw output data from a national ResStock dataset requires skills for dealing with large files and large number of files, that might make interpretation inaccessible for many users. To support many use cases, aggregate load profiles (i.e. timeseries energy use added together from multiple models) for the following geographic resolutions are published for ResStock releases:

  • 17 ASHRAE/International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) climate zones
  • 8 U.S. Department of Energy Building America Climate zones
  • 2,300 + U.S. Census Public Microdata Areas
  • 3,100+ U.S. Counties
  • 48 States (continental U.S. only)

Data Access Platforms

The following table summarizes the various ways to access and use ResStock data. Scroll right to see all of the options.

  Metdata Individual Load Profiles Aggregate Load
Data Viewer Dashboards Full Database
Data Format .csv and
parquet files
.csv and
parquet files
.csv and
parquet files
Interactive dashboard
with .csv exports
Interactive dashboards
with image, .xlsx, .csv, .pdf
, .pptx, and tableau workbook
Amazon S3 bucket
Time Scale Annual 15-minute intervals 15-minute intervals Customizable Annual Annual or 15-minute
Grouped By Individual
Building ID
Building ID
Climate Zone 2004,
Building America Climate
Zone, ISO RTO region,
Customizable Customizable Customizable
Fields By Building Input
- Building type - Building Input
Building Input
Fields By Energy Consumption Energy Consumption Energy Consumption Energy Consumption Energy Consumption Energy Consumption
Fields By Energy Savings Energy Savings Energy Savings Energy Savings Energy Savings Energy Savings
Fields By Emissions Emissions Emissions Emissions Emissions Emissions
Fields By Calculated Fields Calculated Fields Calculated Fields - Calculated Fields Calculated Fields
Accessed Via Open Energy Data
Open Energy Data
Open Energy Data
(OEDI) Scripting Languages

The dataset has been formatted in multiple ways to meet the needs of different users and use cases.

  • Metadata: File of individual modeled dwelling unit housing and demographic characteristics together with annual energy and emission results. This is often called the “metadata” file.
  • Load Profiles: Timeseries energy and emissions results (individual building or pre-aggregated by geography) in downloadable spreadsheets.
  • Data Viewer: A web-based interactive data viewer with customizable time scales and aggregations.
  • Dashboards: In-depth web-based interactive data viewer with customizable aggregations for exploring annual results and sometimes supplemental metrics (e.g., upgrade costs).
  • Full Database: Full raw model results. Big data skills required.

Aggregate ResStock datasets can be accessed via the Open Energy Initiative (OpenEI) Data Lake, the ResStock Data Viewer, and the ResStock dashboards. Each data release can have multiple datasets for different weather years. Within the weather years, all dataset releases include 2018 and a “TMY3” weather year – which is a “typical meteorological year”. These weather files attempt to avoid capturing any year’s unusual weather pattern by compiling the most representative historic weather for a location. TMY3 timeseries energy data should not be used for larger geographies, i.e., one or more counties. In compiling the typical / representative weather TMY3 weather files pull historic weather from different years (e.g., January 2005, February 2002, March 1995, etc.). A key issue is that adjacent counties might pull their historic weather from different months, so regional weather patterns will not be aligned in aggregate timeseries results. Aggregate annual energy results can be used together since it will smooth out weather differences.

Please note, that there are separate public datasets available for residential and commercial building stocks. If you are interested in commercial buildings, please check out our sibling tool ComStock.

OEDI Data Lake

OpenEI is an energy information portal and is developed and maintained by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) with funding and support from the U.S. Department of Energy and a network of international partners & sponsors. The OpenEI data lake contains comprehensive aggregate data for ResStock releases. This includes metadata and timeseries energy consumption results (baseline and upgrades, if applicable), individual building energy models, weather files, geographic information, and data dictionaries.

The ResStock release directory structure of the data lake is summarized in the table below.

ResStock Data Viewer

The ResStock Data Viewer exists to quickly filter, slice, combine, visualize, and download results in custom ways. This platform is available at, and the Data Viewer link for each dataset is listed when available. Multiple geographic views of the datasets on the data viewer have been created: by state, by Census region, and by PUMA.

ResStock Dashboards

ResStock dashboards exist to give a more comprehensive overview of results in different ways, from housing characteristics, specific housing upgrade scenarios, or even focusing in on a specific topic like heat pumps. This platform is available at Multiple geographic views of the datasets on the dashboards have been created: by state, by Building America Climate Zone, and by AHSRAE / IECC Climate Zone.

OEDI Directory Structure and Contents

Name Contents
building_energy_models Building energy models, in OpenStudio format, that were run to
create the dataset.
geographic_information Information on various geographies used in the dataset
provided for convenience. Includes map files showing the
shapes of the geographies (states, PUMAs) used for
partitioning and lookup table mapping between census tracts
and various other geographies.
metadata Building characteristics (age, area, HVAC system type, etc.) for
each of the building energy models run to create the timeseries
and annual data. Descriptions of the characteristics are
included in the data_dictionary.tsv and enumeration_dictionary.tsv.
metadata_and_annual_results Building characteristics (age, area, HVAC system type, etc.) for
each of the building energy models run and annual results for
the data.
timeseries_aggregates Aggregate end-use load profiles by building type and geography
that can be opened and analyzed in Excel, Python, or other
common data analysis tools. Aggregated at different
timeseries_individual_buildings The raw timeseries data for each building energy model. This is
a large number of individual files!
weather Key weather data used as an input to run the building energy
models to create the dataset.
data_dictionary.tsv Describes the column names found in the metadata and
timeseries data files.
enumeration_dictionary.tsv Expands the definitions of the enumerations used in the
metadata files.
upgrades_lookup.json Measure package number matched with measure package
name for quick reference.
Measure Package Index.csv Description of measure package name with brief details on
what the measure package includes.

Dataset Naming Convention

ResStock releases on OEDI and the Data Viewer use a variation of the following naming convention.

Example 1: <dataset type>_dataset_<year of publication>.<release number>_<weather data>

Example 1: resstock_dataset_2024.1_resstock_tmy3

Example 2: <dataset type>_<weather data>_release_<release number>

Example 2: resstock_amy2018_release_2

  1. dataset type
    • resstock = residential building stock
    • comstock = commercial building stock
  2. weather data
    • amy2018 = actual meteorological year 2018 (2018 weather data from NOAA ISD, NSRDB, and MesoWest)
    • tmy3 = typical meteorological year from 1991-2005 (see this publication for details )
  3. year of publication
    • 2024 = dataset was published in 2024
    • 2022 = dataset was published in 2022
    • etc.
  4. release
    • release_1 = first release of the dataset during the year of publication
    • release_2 = second release of the dataset during the year of publication
    • etc.

Field Naming Convention

Below is a description of the field naming convention. The general topics are below, but this may not be a comprehensive list depending on the dataset, and not all fields may be represented depending on the file type.

At the highest level there is – “in.” for inputs, “out.” For outputs, and then a handful of other columns that provide simulation information.

For the “out.” prefix there is a second level that includes – fuel type, emissions, model parameter and statistic fields, and site energy. The “in.” prefix does not have a second level.

The third level of “out.” includes the end uses.

Finally, units are denoted by a “.” with the unit following.

First Level    
Prefix or name Description Example
bldg_id unique id of the building model 673
upgrade unique id number of the upgrade 1.01
Upgrade_name name of the upgrade ENERGY STAR heat pump
with electric back up
weight how many dwelling units this
building model represents
in real life
applicability indication if the upgrade
was applied to that building
in. inputs of building characteristics
and geospatial codes
out. modeled outputs out.electricity.plug_loads.
models_used Number of building models
used for the simulation
units_represented number of real life
dwelling units represented by
the number of models used
Second Level    
Prefix or name Description Example
out.params value of characteristics of
the upgraded dwelling that
can be potentially used as
cost multiplier
out.[fuel type] fuel type - electricity, natural gas,
propane, etc.
out.site_energy total of all end uses, site energy
out.load energy delivered by the technology out.load.hot_water.energy_delivered.kbtu
out.emissions total emissions out.emissions.electricity.lrmer_low_re_cost_2030_boxavg_co2e_kg
out.emissions_reduction reduction of total emissions out.emissions_reduction.natural_gas.
out.energy_burden energy burden of the dwelling unit out.energy_burden.percentage
out.energy_burden_reduction reduction of energy burden of the
dwelling unit
out.bills energy bill of the dwelling unit
and currency
out.unmet_hours number of hours the HVAC system
could not meet load
upgrade.hvac_[system efficiency] HVAC system efficiency upgrade.hvac_cooling_efficiency
upgrade.[hvac system has offset] if the HVAC system has an
offset and if true what is
the offset
Additional levels    
Prefix or name Description Example
out.[fuel type].[end use] end uses_heating, cooling, water heating, etc. out.electricity.range_oven.energy_consumption.kWh
out.emissions.[fuel type].[emissions scenario] emissions by fuel type and emissions scenario out.emissions.propane.lrmer_low_re_cost_2030_boxavg.co2e_kg
out.bills.[fuel type].usd.savings energy bill savings based on fuel type out.bills.electricity.usd.savings
…foo ”.” denotes the start of the unit name .co2e_kg

ResStock, Copyright (c) 2016-2024, Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. All rights reserved.