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Getting started (Needs Updating)

Step 1: Installation

In order to start using EMERGE make sure you have installed all the softwares and dependencies as pointed out in the Welcome page.

Step 2: Distribution Model

For this tutorial we are going to use the distribution model already present in the emerge repository. You will find the model in examples/opendss directory. However if you have your own OpenDSS distribution system model feel free to use that.

Step 3: Folder for storing emerge output data

Let's create an empty directory to store all the data emerge will generate in the upcoming steps. Let's call this folder emerge_test_data. You can create this folder anywhere you want. Once you have created the folder let's open up a terminal and activate the python environment where emerge is installed. You will need to visit the folder that you created during the installation process which should contain env folder (if you have not changed the environment name) and run the command env/Scripts/activate.bat if you are using windows command prompt or source env/bin/activat if you are using Mac or Linux terminal.

Step 4: Creating geojsons

In this step we will use create-geojsons command. To see the full list of commands available you can execute the command emerge --help. Make sure you have activated the environment before running the command.

create-geojsons command will create single json file for each asset type and this will be used to visualize different asset layers in the dashboard later on. Before running the command, let's create another folder insider emerge_test_data folder called geojsons. Now let's run the following the command. Make sure to update full path of master.dss file.

emerge create-geojsons -m <>/emerge/opendss/master.dss -o geojsons

You should see following files in geojsons folder.

└── emerge_test_data
    └── geojsons
        ├── buses.json
        ├── lines.json
        ├── loads.json
        └── transformer.json

Step 5: Creating snapshot metrics

In this step we will use snapshot-metrics command. This command will run a snapshot powerflow and extract basic technical parameters such as voltages, thermal loadings which will be later displayed in the dashboard.

Execute following command to generate snapshot metrics. Make sure you are cd'ed in emerge_test_folder directory before you run this command and update full path of master.dss file.

emerge snapshot-metrics -m <>/emerge/opendss/master.dss -o snapshot.json

The folder structure now sould look like this.

└── emerge_test_data
    ├── geojsons
    |   ├── buses.json
    |   ├── lines.json
    |   ├── loads.json
    |   └── transformer.json
    └── snapshot.json

Step 6: Creating time series metrics

In this step we will use compute-time-series-metrics command. This command will run a time series powerflow and compute various risk metrics which will be later displayed in the dashboard.

Execute following command to generate risk metrics following time series powerflow simulation. Make sure you are in emerge_test_folder directory before you run this command and update full path of master.dss file. By default simulation will run for a day in 60 minute resolution. To learn more about the options run the command emerge compute-time-series-metrics --help.

emerge compute-time-series-metrics -m <>/emerge/opendss/master.dss -o timeseries.json

The folder structure now sould look like this.

└── emerge_test_data
    ├── geojsons
    |   ├── buses.json
    |   ├── lines.json
    |   ├── loads.json
    |   └── transformer.json
    ├── snapshot.json
    └── timeseries.json

Step 7: Creating PV deployment scenarios

In this step we will use generate-pv-scenarios-for-feeder command. This command will create PV deployment scenarios on top of base distribution system model. Create folder named pvscenarios inside emerge_test_data folder.

Execute following command to create PV deployment scenarios. Make sure you are in emerge_test_folder directory before you run this command and update full path of master.dss file. By default it will create 10 PV scenarios in the step of 10%. To learn more about the options run the command emerge generate-pv-scenarios-for-feeder --help.

emerge generate-pv-scenarios-for-feeder -m <>/emerge/opendss/master.dss -o scenarios

The folder structure now sould look like this.

└── emerge_test_data
    ├── geojsons
    |   ├── buses.json
    |   ├── lines.json
    |   ├── loads.json
    |   └── transformer.json
    ├── scenarios
    |   ├── scenario_0_10
    |   |   └── PVsystems.dss
    |   ├── scenario_0_20
    |   |   └── PVsystems.dss
    |   ├── scenario_0_30
    |   |   └── PVsystems.dss
    |   ├── scenario_0_40
    |   |   └── PVsystems.dss
    |   ├── scenario_0_50
    |   |   └── PVsystems.dss
    |   ├── scenario_0_60
    |   |   └── PVsystems.dss
    |   ├── scenario_0_70
    |   |   └── PVsystems.dss
    |   ├── scenario_0_80
    |   |   └── PVsystems.dss
    |   ├── scenario_0_90
    |   |   └── PVsystems.dss
    |   └── scenario_0_100
    |       └── PVsystems.dss
    ├── snapshot.json
    └── timeseries.json

Step 8: Computing time series metrics for all scenarios with Unity Power Factor Settings

In this step we will use compute-multiscenario-time-series-metrics command. This command will run time series power flow simulation for all PV deployment scenarios in parallel.

Execute following to create metrics for all deployment scenarios. Make sure you are in emerge_test_folder directory before you run this command and update full path of master.dss file. By default it will run simulation for a day in hour resolution. To learn more about the options run the command emerge compute-multiscenario-time-series-metrics --help. Note in this command we are using 4 cores in parallel. If your computer does not have 4 cores please reduce the number of cores used in parallel simulation. Make sure to update PV profile name after -pn flag.

emerge compute-multiscenario-time-series-metrics -m <>/emerge/opendss/master.dss -sf pvscenarios -o scenario_metrics_unity_pf -nc 4 -pn <pvshape_july1>

The folder structure now sould look like this.

└── emerge_test_data
    ├── geojsons
    |   ├── buses.json
    |   ├── lines.json
    |   ├── loads.json
    |   └── transformer.json
    ├── scenarios
    |   ├── scenario_0_10
    |   |   └── PVsystems.dss
    |   ├── scenario_0_20
    |   |   └── PVsystems.dss
    |   ├── scenario_0_30
    |   |   └── PVsystems.dss
    |   ├── scenario_0_40
    |   |   └── PVsystems.dss
    |   ├── scenario_0_50
    |   |   └── PVsystems.dss
    |   ├── scenario_0_60
    |   |   └── PVsystems.dss
    |   ├── scenario_0_70
    |   |   └── PVsystems.dss
    |   ├── scenario_0_80
    |   |   └── PVsystems.dss
    |   ├── scenario_0_90
    |   |   └── PVsystems.dss
    |   └── scenario_0_100
    |       └── PVsystems.dss
    ├── scenario_metrics_unity_pf
    |   ├── scenario_0_10.json
    |   ├── scenario_0_10_convergence.csv
    |   ├── scenario_0_20.json
    |   ├── scenario_0_20_convergence.csv
    |   ├── scenario_0_30.json
    |   ├── scenario_0_30_convergence.csv
    |   ├── scenario_0_40.json
    |   ├── scenario_0_40_convergence.csv
    |   ├── scenario_0_50.json
    |   ├── scenario_0_50_convergence.csv
    |   ├── scenario_0_60.json
    |   ├── scenario_0_60_convergence.csv
    |   ├── scenario_0_70.json
    |   ├── scenario_0_70_convergence.csv
    |   ├── scenario_0_80.json
    |   ├── scenario_0_80_convergence.csv
    |   ├── scenario_0_90.json
    |   ├── scenario_0_90_convergence.csv
    |   ├── scenario_0_100.json
    |   └── scenario_0_100_convergence.csv
    ├── snapshot.json
    └── timeseries.json

Step 9: Computing time series metrics for all scenarios with VoltVar Settings

In this step we will use same compute-multiscenario-time-series-metrics command but update inverter settings to use VoltVar and run simulation for all deployment scenarios. This command will run time series power flow simulation for all PV deployment scenarios in parallel.

Execute following to create metrics for all deployment scenarios. Make sure you are in emerge_test_folder directory before you run this command and update full path of master.dss file. By default it will run simulation for a day in hour resolution. To learn more about the options run the command emerge compute-multiscenario-time-series-metrics --help. Note in this command we are using 4 cores in parallel. If your computer does not have 4 cores please reduce the number of cores used in parallel simulation. Make sure to update PV profile name after -pn flag.

emerge compute-multiscenario-time-series-metrics -m models/master.dss -sf pvscenarios -o scenario_metrics_voltvar -nc 4 -vvar True -pn <pvshape_july1>

The folder structure now sould look like this.

└── emerge_test_data
    ├── geojsons
    |   ├── buses.json
    |   ├── lines.json
    |   ├── loads.json
    |   └── transformer.json
    ├── scenarios
    |   ├── scenario_0_10
    |   |   └── PVsystems.dss
    |   ├── scenario_0_20
    |   |   └── PVsystems.dss
    |   ├── scenario_0_30
    |   |   └── PVsystems.dss
    |   ├── scenario_0_40
    |   |   └── PVsystems.dss
    |   ├── scenario_0_50
    |   |   └── PVsystems.dss
    |   ├── scenario_0_60
    |   |   └── PVsystems.dss
    |   ├── scenario_0_70
    |   |   └── PVsystems.dss
    |   ├── scenario_0_80
    |   |   └── PVsystems.dss
    |   ├── scenario_0_90
    |   |   └── PVsystems.dss
    |   └── scenario_0_100
    |       └── PVsystems.dss
    ├── scenario_metrics_voltvar
    |   ├── scenario_0_10.json
    |   ├── scenario_0_10_convergence.csv
    |   ├── scenario_0_20.json
    |   ├── scenario_0_20_convergence.csv
    |   ├── scenario_0_30.json
    |   ├── scenario_0_30_convergence.csv
    |   ├── scenario_0_40.json
    |   ├── scenario_0_40_convergence.csv
    |   ├── scenario_0_50.json
    |   ├── scenario_0_50_convergence.csv
    |   ├── scenario_0_60.json
    |   ├── scenario_0_60_convergence.csv
    |   ├── scenario_0_70.json
    |   ├── scenario_0_70_convergence.csv
    |   ├── scenario_0_80.json
    |   ├── scenario_0_80_convergence.csv
    |   ├── scenario_0_90.json
    |   ├── scenario_0_90_convergence.csv
    |   ├── scenario_0_100.json
    |   └── scenario_0_100_convergence.csv
    ├── scenario_metrics_unity_pf
    |   ├── scenario_0_10.json
    |   ├── scenario_0_10_convergence.csv
    |   ├── scenario_0_20.json
    |   ├── scenario_0_20_convergence.csv
    |   ├── scenario_0_30.json
    |   ├── scenario_0_30_convergence.csv
    |   ├── scenario_0_40.json
    |   ├── scenario_0_40_convergence.csv
    |   ├── scenario_0_50.json
    |   ├── scenario_0_50_convergence.csv
    |   ├── scenario_0_60.json
    |   ├── scenario_0_60_convergence.csv
    |   ├── scenario_0_70.json
    |   ├── scenario_0_70_convergence.csv
    |   ├── scenario_0_80.json
    |   ├── scenario_0_80_convergence.csv
    |   ├── scenario_0_90.json
    |   ├── scenario_0_90_convergence.csv
    |   ├── scenario_0_100.json
    |   └── scenario_0_100_convergence.csv
    ├── snapshot.json
    └── timeseries.json

Step 10: Computing time series metrics for all scenarios with Night time off VoltVar Settings

In this step we will use same compute-multiscenario-time-series-metrics command but update inverter settings to use VoltVar with night time off and compute metrics for all scenarios again. The command will run time series power flow simulation for all PV deployment scenarios in parallel.

Execute following to create metrics for all deployment scenarios. Make sure you are in emerge_test_folder directory before you run this command and update full path of master.dss file. By default it will run simulation for a day in hour resolution. To learn more about the options run the command emerge compute-multiscenario-time-series-metrics --help. Note in this command we are using 4 cores in parallel. If your computer does not have 4 cores please reduce the number of cores used in parallel simulation. Make sure to update PV profile name after -pn flag.

emerge compute-multiscenario-time-series-metrics -m models/master.dss -sf pvscenarios -o scenario_metrics_voltvar_nightoff -nc 4 -vvar True -nt False -pn <pvshape_july1>

The folder structure now sould look like this.

└── emerge_test_data
    ├── geojsons
    |   ├── buses.json
    |   ├── lines.json
    |   ├── loads.json
    |   └── transformer.json
    ├── scenarios
    |   ├── scenario_0_10
    |   |   └── PVsystems.dss
    |   ├── scenario_0_20
    |   |   └── PVsystems.dss
    |   ├── scenario_0_30
    |   |   └── PVsystems.dss
    |   ├── scenario_0_40
    |   |   └── PVsystems.dss
    |   ├── scenario_0_50
    |   |   └── PVsystems.dss
    |   ├── scenario_0_60
    |   |   └── PVsystems.dss
    |   ├── scenario_0_70
    |   |   └── PVsystems.dss
    |   ├── scenario_0_80
    |   |   └── PVsystems.dss
    |   ├── scenario_0_90
    |   |   └── PVsystems.dss
    |   └── scenario_0_100
    |       └── PVsystems.dss
    ├── scenario_metrics_voltvar
    |   ├── scenario_0_10.json
    |   ├── scenario_0_10_convergence.csv
    |   ├── scenario_0_20.json
    |   ├── scenario_0_20_convergence.csv
    |   ├── scenario_0_30.json
    |   ├── scenario_0_30_convergence.csv
    |   ├── scenario_0_40.json
    |   ├── scenario_0_40_convergence.csv
    |   ├── scenario_0_50.json
    |   ├── scenario_0_50_convergence.csv
    |   ├── scenario_0_60.json
    |   ├── scenario_0_60_convergence.csv
    |   ├── scenario_0_70.json
    |   ├── scenario_0_70_convergence.csv
    |   ├── scenario_0_80.json
    |   ├── scenario_0_80_convergence.csv
    |   ├── scenario_0_90.json
    |   ├── scenario_0_90_convergence.csv
    |   ├── scenario_0_100.json
    |   └── scenario_0_100_convergence.csv
    ├── scenario_metrics_unity_pf
    |   ├── scenario_0_10.json
    |   ├── scenario_0_10_convergence.csv
    |   ├── scenario_0_20.json
    |   ├── scenario_0_20_convergence.csv
    |   ├── scenario_0_30.json
    |   ├── scenario_0_30_convergence.csv
    |   ├── scenario_0_40.json
    |   ├── scenario_0_40_convergence.csv
    |   ├── scenario_0_50.json
    |   ├── scenario_0_50_convergence.csv
    |   ├── scenario_0_60.json
    |   ├── scenario_0_60_convergence.csv
    |   ├── scenario_0_70.json
    |   ├── scenario_0_70_convergence.csv
    |   ├── scenario_0_80.json
    |   ├── scenario_0_80_convergence.csv
    |   ├── scenario_0_90.json
    |   ├── scenario_0_90_convergence.csv
    |   ├── scenario_0_100.json
    |   └── scenario_0_100_convergence.csv
    ├── scenario_metrics_voltvar_nightoff
    |   ├── scenario_0_10.json
    |   ├── scenario_0_10_convergence.csv
    |   ├── scenario_0_20.json
    |   ├── scenario_0_20_convergence.csv
    |   ├── scenario_0_30.json
    |   ├── scenario_0_30_convergence.csv
    |   ├── scenario_0_40.json
    |   ├── scenario_0_40_convergence.csv
    |   ├── scenario_0_50.json
    |   ├── scenario_0_50_convergence.csv
    |   ├── scenario_0_60.json
    |   ├── scenario_0_60_convergence.csv
    |   ├── scenario_0_70.json
    |   ├── scenario_0_70_convergence.csv
    |   ├── scenario_0_80.json
    |   ├── scenario_0_80_convergence.csv
    |   ├── scenario_0_90.json
    |   ├── scenario_0_90_convergence.csv
    |   ├── scenario_0_100.json
    |   └── scenario_0_100_convergence.csv
    ├── snapshot.json
    └── timeseries.json

Step 11: Updating the config.json

Navigate to the emerge/emerge/api directory and update the content of config.json file. The content of json file should look like this. Make sure to include the full path here and update the port of front end application if it is running in different port. By default should run in 3000 port.

    "snapshot_metrics_db": "<>/emerge_test_data/snapshot.json",
    "timeseries_metrics_db": "<>/emerge_test_data/timeseries.json",
    "geojson_path": "<>/emerge_test_data/geojsons",
    "scenario_metrics_db": "<>/emerge_test_data/scenario_metrics",
    "scenario_metrics_vvar": "<>/emerge_test_data/scenario_metrics_voltvar",
    "scenario_metrics_vvar_nighttime": "<>/emerge_test_data/scenario_metrics_voltvar_nightoff",
    "ui_url": "http://localhost:3000"

Step 12: Run the python server

You will need to cd into emerge/emerge/api directory and run the following command.

uvicorn main:app --reload

Keep this terminal running and open up a new terminal for next step.

Step 11: Run the front end

You will need to cd into emerge/emerge/emerge_web directory and run the following command. It will take couple of seconds for the server start. Do not close the terminal and keep it running.

npm run start

Step 12: Explore the dashboard

Now visit localhost:3000 in your browser and you should see a dashboard.