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Modern tool for exploring and performing DER impact assessment for power distribution networks.

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Installation Instruction

In order to use EMERGE you would need to install two softwares python (>3.9) and latest stable version of Node. Assuming both of them are already installed. You can follow following steps.

The commands below should work if you are using windows command prompt. However if you are using mac or linux you would need to slightly adjust the command to activate environment use source env/bin/activate instead of env\Scripts\activate.bat everything else should work in all OS platforms. Here is a link where you can read more about creating virtual environment in python .

mkdir emerge_test
cd emerge_test
python3 -m venv env
git clone
cd emerge
pip install -e.

Assuming your current directory points to root of cloned emerge repositoty you can run the following commands to install npm dependencies.

cd emerge/emerge_web
npm install