Source code for phygnn.base

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Custom Neural Network Infrastructure.
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import random
import os
import pickle
import pprint
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import logging
from inspect import signature
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras.layers import BatchNormalization, Dropout, LSTM

from phygnn.utilities import VERSION_RECORD
from phygnn.layers.handlers import Layers

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class CustomNetwork(ABC): """Custom infrastructure for feed forward neural networks. Note that the phygnn model requires TensorFlow 2.x """ def __init__(self, n_features=None, n_labels=None, hidden_layers=None, input_layer=False, output_layer=False, layers_obj=None, feature_names=None, output_names=None, name=None): """ Parameters ---------- n_features : int, optional Number of input features. This should match the last dimension of the feature training data. n_labels : int, optional Number of output labels. This should match the last dimension of the label training data. hidden_layers : list, optional List of dictionaries of key word arguments for each hidden layer in the NN. Dense linear layers can be input with their activations or separately for more explicit control over the layer ordering. For example, this is a valid input for hidden_layers that will yield 8 hidden layers (10 layers including input+output): [{'units': 64, 'activation': 'relu', 'dropout': 0.01}, {'units': 64}, {'batch_normalization': {'axis': -1}}, {'activation': 'relu'}, {'dropout': 0.01}, {'class': 'Flatten'}, ] input_layer : None | bool | dict Input layer. specification. Can be a dictionary similar to hidden_layers specifying a dense / conv / lstm layer. Defaults to False so the input layer will be included in the hidden_layers input. output_layer : None | bool | list | dict Output layer specification. Can be a list/dict similar to hidden_layers input specifying a dense layer with activation. For example, for a classfication problem with a single output, output_layer should be [{'units': 1}, {'activation': 'sigmoid'}]. Default is False so the output layer will be included in the hidden_layers input. layers_obj : None | phygnn.utilities.tf_layers.Layers Optional initialized Layers object to set as the model layers including pre-set weights. This option will override the hidden_layers, input_layer, and output_layer arguments. feature_names : list | tuple | None, optional Training feature names (strings). Mostly a convenience so that a loaded-from-disk model will have declared feature names, making it easier to feed in features for prediction. This will also get set if phygnn is trained on a DataFrame. output_names : list | tuple | None, optional Prediction output names (strings). Mostly a convenience so that a loaded-from-disk model will have declared output names, making it easier to understand prediction output. This will also get set if phygnn is trained on a DataFrame. name : None | str Optional model name for debugging. """ self._n_features = n_features self._n_labels = n_labels self.feature_names = feature_names self.output_names = output_names = name if isinstance(name, str) else 'CustomNetwork' self._version_record = VERSION_RECORD'Active python environment versions: \n{}' .format(pprint.pformat(self._version_record, indent=4))) # iterator counter self._i = 0 self._layers = layers_obj if layers_obj is None: self._layers = Layers(n_features, n_labels=n_labels, hidden_layers=hidden_layers, input_layer=input_layer, output_layer=output_layer) elif not isinstance(layers_obj, Layers): msg = ('phygnn received layers_obj input of type "{}" but must be ' 'a phygnn Layers object'.format(type(layers_obj))) logger.error(msg) raise TypeError(msg)'Successfully initialized model with {} layers' .format(len(self.layers))) def __iter__(self): """Iterate through the layers in this CustomNetwork object.""" return self def __next__(self): """Iterate through the layers in this CustomNetwork object.""" if self._i >= len(self.layers): self._i = 0 raise StopIteration layer = self.layers[self._i] self._i += 1 return layer @staticmethod def _check_shapes(x, y): """Check the shape of two input arrays for usage in this NN.""" msg = ('Number of input observations dont match! Received arrays of ' 'shapes {} and {} where the 0-axis should match and be the ' 'number of observations'.format(x.shape, y.shape)) assert x.shape[0] == y.shape[0], msg return True @property def version_record(self): """A record of important versions that this model was built with. Returns ------- dict """ return self._version_record @property def layers(self): """ Ordered list of TensorFlow keras layers that make up this model including input and output layers Returns ------- list """ return self._layers.layers @property def layers_obj(self): """ phygnn layers handler object Returns ------- phygnn.utilities.tf_layers.Layers """ return self._layers @property def weights(self): """ Get a list of layer weights and bias terms for gradient calculations. Returns ------- list """ return self._layers.weights @property def kernel_weights(self): """ Get a list of the NN kernel weights (tensors) (can be used for kernel regularization). Does not include input layer or dropout layers. Does include the output layer. Returns ------- list """ return self._layers.kernel_weights @property def bias_weights(self): """ Get a list of the NN bias weights (tensors) (can be used for bias regularization). Does not include input layer or dropout layers. Does include the output layer. Returns ------- list """ return self._layers.bias_weights @property def model_params(self): """ Model parameters, used to save model to disc Returns ------- dict """ model_params = {'hidden_layers': self._layers.hidden_layer_kwargs, 'input_layer': self._layers.input_layer_kwargs, 'output_layer': self._layers.output_layer_kwargs, 'n_features': self._n_features, 'n_labels': self._n_labels, 'layers_obj': self.layers_obj, 'feature_names': self.feature_names, 'output_names': self.output_names, 'name':, 'version_record': self.version_record, } return model_params
[docs] @staticmethod def seed(s=0): """ Set the random seed for reproducable results. Parameters ---------- s : int Random seed """ random.seed(s) np.random.seed(s) tf.random.set_seed(s)
[docs] @classmethod def get_val_split(cls, *args, shuffle=True, validation_split=0.2): """Get a validation split and remove from from the training data. This applies the split along the 1st data dimension. Parameters ---------- args : np.ndarray This is one or more positional arguments that are numpy arrays to be split. They must have the same length. shuffle : bool Flag to randomly subset the validation data from x and y. shuffle=False will take the first entries in x and y. validation_split : float Fraction of x and y to put in the validation set. Returns ------- out : list List with the same length as the number of positional input arguments. Each list entry is itself a list with two entries. For example, the first entry in the output is of the format: [the training split, and the validation split] and corresponds to the first positional input argument. """ L = args[0].shape[0] n = int(L * validation_split) # get the validation dataset indices, vi if shuffle: vi = np.random.choice(L, replace=False, size=(n,)) else: vi = np.arange(n) # get the training dataset indices, ti ti = np.array(list(set(range(L)) - set(vi))) assert len(set(vi)) == len(vi) assert len(set(list(vi) + list(ti))) == L out = [] for arg in args: out.append([arg[ti], arg[vi]]) for out_sub in out[1:]: cls._check_shapes(out[0][0], out_sub[0]) cls._check_shapes(out[0][1], out_sub[1]) logger.debug('Validation feature data has shape {} and training ' 'feature data has shape {} (split of {})' .format(out[0][1].shape, out[0][0].shape, validation_split)) return out
[docs] @staticmethod def make_batches(*args, n_batch=16, batch_size=None, shuffle=True): """Make lists of unique data batches by splitting x and y along the 1st data dimension. Parameters ---------- args : np.ndarray This is one or more positional arguments that are numpy arrays to be batched. They must have the same length. n_batch : int | None Number of times to update the NN weights per epoch. The training data will be split into this many batches and the NN will train on each batch, update weights, then move onto the next batch. batch_size : int | None Number of training samples per batch. This input is redundant to n_batch and will not be used if n_batch is not None. shuffle : bool Flag to randomly subset the validation data from x and y. Returns ------- batches : GeneratorType Generator of batches, each iteration of the generator has as many entries as are input in the positional arguments. Each entry in the iteration is an ND array with the same original dimensions as the input just with a subset batch of the 0 axis """ L = args[0].shape[0] if shuffle: i = np.random.choice(L, replace=False, size=(L,)) assert len(set(i)) == L else: i = np.arange(L) for arg in args: msg = ('Received arrays to be batched of multiple lengths: {} {}' .format(L, len(arg))) assert len(arg) == L, msg if n_batch is None and isinstance(batch_size, int): n_batch = int(np.ceil(L / batch_size)) batch_indexes = np.array_split(i, n_batch) for batch_index in batch_indexes: yield [arg[batch_index] for arg in args]
[docs] def preflight_features(self, x): """Run preflight checks and data conversions on feature data. Parameters ---------- x : np.ndarray | pd.DataFrame Feature data in a >=2D array or DataFrame. If this is a DataFrame, the index is ignored, the columns are used with self.feature_names, and the df is converted into a numpy array for batching and passing to the training algorithm. Generally speaking, the data should always have the number of observations in the first axis and the number of features/channels in the last axis. Spatial and temporal dimensions can be used in intermediate axes. Returns ---------- x : np.ndarray Feature data in a >=2D array """ if self._n_features is None: self._n_features = x.shape[-1] x_msg = ('x data has {} features but expected {}' .format(x.shape[-1], self._n_features)) assert x.shape[-1] == self._n_features, x_msg if isinstance(x, pd.DataFrame): x_cols = x.columns.values.tolist() if self.feature_names is None: self.feature_names = x_cols else: msg = ('Cannot work with input x columns: {}, previously set ' 'feature names are: {}' .format(x_cols, self.feature_names)) assert self.feature_names == x_cols, msg x = x.values return x
[docs] def predict(self, x, to_numpy=True, training=False, training_layers=(BatchNormalization, Dropout, LSTM)): """Run a prediction on input features. Parameters ---------- x : np.ndarray | pd.DataFrame Feature data in a >=2D array or DataFrame. If this is a DataFrame, the index is ignored, the columns are used with self.feature_names, and the df is converted into a numpy array for batching and passing to the training algorithm. Generally speaking, the data should always have the number of observations in the first axis and the number of features/channels in the last axis. Spatial and temporal dimensions can be used in intermediate axes. to_numpy : bool Flag to convert output from tensor to numpy array training : bool Flag for predict() used in the training routine. This is used to freeze the BatchNormalization and Dropout layers. training_layers : list | tuple List of tensorflow.keras.layers classes that training=bool should be passed to. By default this is (BatchNormalization, Dropout, LSTM) Returns ------- y : tf.Tensor | np.ndarray Predicted output data. """ x = self.preflight_features(x) # run x through the input layer to get y y = self.layers[0](x) for i, layer in enumerate(self.layers[1:]): try: if isinstance(layer, training_layers): y = layer(y, training=training) else: y = layer(y) except Exception as e: msg = ('Could not run layer #{} "{}" on tensor of shape {}' .format(i + 1, layer, y.shape)) logger.error(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) from e if to_numpy: y = y.numpy() return y
[docs] def save(self, fpath): """Save phygnn model to pickle file. Parameters ---------- fpath : str File path to .pkl file to save model to. """ if not fpath.endswith('.pkl'): e = 'Can only save model to .pkl file!' logger.error(e) raise ValueError(e) dirname = os.path.dirname(fpath) if dirname and not os.path.exists(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname) model_params = self._history_to_dict(self.model_params) with open(fpath, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(model_params, f)'Saved model to: {}'.format(fpath))
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, fpath): """Load a phygnn model that has been saved to a pickle file. Parameters ---------- fpath : str File path to .pkl file to load model from. Returns ------- model : PhysicsGuidedNeuralNetwork Instantiated phygnn model """'Loading saved model: {}'.format(fpath)) if not os.path.exists(fpath): e = 'Could not load file, does not exist: {}'.format(fpath) logger.error(e) raise FileNotFoundError(e) if not fpath.endswith('.pkl'): e = 'Can only load model from .pkl file!' logger.error(e) raise ValueError(e) with open(fpath, 'rb') as f: model_params = pickle.load(f) model_params = cls._history_to_df(model_params) if 'version_record' in model_params: version_record = model_params.pop('version_record')'Loading model from disk that was created with the ' 'following package versions: \n{}' .format(pprint.pformat(version_record, indent=4))) sig = signature(cls) model_params = {k: v for k, v in model_params.items() if k in sig.parameters} model = cls(**model_params)'Successfully initialized model from file: {}' .format(fpath)) return model
@classmethod def _history_to_dict(cls, model_params): """Make sure history is a dictionary prior to saving""" if isinstance(model_params.get('history', None), pd.DataFrame): model_params['history'] = model_params['history'].to_dict() return model_params @classmethod def _history_to_df(cls, model_params): """Convert history to pandas dataframe after model initialization""" if isinstance(model_params.get('history', None), dict): model_params['history'] = pd.DataFrame(model_params['history']) return model_params
[docs]class GradientUtils(ABC): """TF 2.0 gradient descent utilities.""" def __init__(self): # placeholders attributes for concrete class self._layers = [] self.weights = None self._optimizer = None
[docs] @abstractmethod def predict(self, x): """Placeholder for loss function Parameters ---------- x : np.ndarray Input feature data to predict on in a >=2D array. Returns ------- y_predicted : tf.Tensor Model-predicted output data in a >=2D tensor. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def calc_loss(self, y_true, y_predicted): """Placeholder for loss function Parameters ---------- y_true : np.ndarray Known output data in a >=2D array. y_predicted : tf.Tensor Model-predicted output data in a >=2D tensor. Returns ------- loss : tf.tensor Loss function output comparing the y_predicted against y_true. """
def _get_grad(self, x, y_true): """Get the gradient based on a mini-batch of x and y_true data. Parameters ---------- x : np.ndarray Feature data in a >=2D array. Generally speaking, the data should always have the number of observations in the first axis and the number of features/channels in the last axis. Spatial and temporal dimensions can be used in intermediate axes. y_true : np.ndarray Known y values. Returns ------- grad : tf.Tensor Gradient data relating the change in model weights to the change in loss value loss : Loss function output comparing the y_predicted against y_true. """ with tf.GradientTape() as tape: for layer in self._layers: y_predicted = self.predict(x, to_numpy=False, training=True) loss = self.calc_loss(y_true, y_predicted) grad = tape.gradient(loss, self.weights) return grad, loss
[docs] def run_gradient_descent(self, x, y_true): """Run gradient descent for one mini-batch of (x, y_true) and adjust NN weights Parameters ---------- x : np.ndarray Feature data in a >=2D array. Generally speaking, the data should always have the number of observations in the first axis and the number of features/channels in the last axis. Spatial and temporal dimensions can be used in intermediate axes. y_true : np.ndarray Known y values. Returns ------- loss : tf.Tensor Loss function output comparing the y_predicted against y_true. """ grad, loss = self._get_grad(x, y_true) self._optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(grad, self.weights)) return loss