
class PhygnnModel(model, feature_names=None, label_names=None, norm_params=None, normalize=(True, False), one_hot_categories=None)[source]

Bases: ModelBase

Phygnn Model interface

  • model (PhysicsGuidedNeuralNetwork) – PhysicsGuidedNeuralNetwork Model instance

  • feature_names (list) – Ordered list of feature names.

  • label_names (list) – Ordered list of label (output) names.

  • norm_params (dict, optional) – Dictionary mapping feature and label names (keys) to normalization parameters (mean, stdev), by default None

  • normalize (bool | tuple, optional) – Boolean flag(s) as to whether features and labels should be normalized. Possible values: - True means normalize both - False means don’t normalize either - Tuple of flags (normalize_feature, normalize_label) by default True

  • one_hot_categories (dict, optional) – Features to one-hot encode using given categories, if None do not run one-hot encoding, by default None


build(p_fun, feature_names, label_names[, ...])

Build phygnn model from given features, layers and kwargs

build_trained(p_fun, features, labels, p[, ...])

Build phygnn model from given features, layers and kwargs and then train with given labels and kwargs


Recursively convert numeric values in dict to work with json dump


Get feature | label mean


Get means and stdevs for given feature/label names


Get feature | label stdev


Load model from model path.

make_one_hot_feature_names(feature_names, ...)

Update feature_names after one-hot encoding

normalize(data[, names])

Normalize given data

parse_features(features[, names])

Parse features - preprocessing of feature data before training or prediction.

parse_labels(labels[, names])

Parse labels and normalize if desired

predict(features[, table, parse_kwargs, ...])

Use model to predict label from given features


Save phygnn model to path.


Set the random seed for reproducible results.


Set new loss weights

train_model(features, labels, p[, n_batch, ...])

Train the model with the provided features and label

unnormalize(data[, names])

Un-normalize given data



Get a list of the NN bias weights (tensors)


Number of features


Feature means, used for (un)normalization


List of the feature variable names.


Feature stdevs, used for (un)normalization


Model training history DataFrame (None if not yet trained)


Input feature names


Get a list of the NN kernel weights (tensors)


Number of labels


label means, used for (un)normalization


label variable names


label stdevs, used for (un)normalization


Model layers


Mapping feature/label names to the mean values for (un)normalization


Trained model


Tensorflow model summary


Features and label (un)normalization parameters


Flag to normalize features


Flag to normalize labels


categories to use for one-hot encoding


One-hot encoded feature names


Input feature names to be one-hot encoded


Mapping feature/label names to the stdev values for (un)normalization


A record of important versions that this model was built with.


Get a list of layer weights for gradient calculations.


alias of PhysicsGuidedNeuralNetwork

property layers

Model layers



property weights

Get a list of layer weights for gradient calculations.



property kernel_weights

Get a list of the NN kernel weights (tensors)

(can be used for kernel regularization).

Does not include input layer or dropout layers. Does include the output layer.



property bias_weights

Get a list of the NN bias weights (tensors)

(can be used for bias regularization).

Does not include input layer or dropout layers. Does include the output layer.



property history

Model training history DataFrame (None if not yet trained)


pandas.DataFrame | None

property version_record

A record of important versions that this model was built with.



train_model(features, labels, p, n_batch=16, batch_size=None, n_epoch=10, shuffle=True, validation_split=0.2, run_preflight=True, return_diagnostics=False, p_kwargs=None, parse_kwargs=None)[source]

Train the model with the provided features and label

  • features (np.ndarray | pd.DataFrame) – Feature data in a >=2D array or DataFrame. If this is a DataFrame, the index is ignored, the columns are used with self.feature_names, and the df is converted into a numpy array for batching and passing to the training algorithm. A 2D input should have the shape: (n_observations, n_features). A 3D input should have the shape: (n_observations, n_timesteps, n_features). 4D inputs have not been tested and should be used with caution.

  • labels (np.ndarray | pd.DataFrame) – Known output data in a 2D array or DataFrame. Same dimension rules as features.

  • p (np.ndarray | pd.DataFrame) – Supplemental feature data for the physics loss function in 2D array or DataFrame. Same dimension rules as features.

  • n_batch (int) – Number of times to update the NN weights per epoch (number of mini-batches). The training data will be split into this many mini-batches and the NN will train on each mini-batch, update weights, then move onto the next mini-batch.

  • batch_size (int | None) – Number of training samples per batch. This input is redundant to n_batch and will not be used if n_batch is not None.

  • n_epoch (int) – Number of times to iterate on the training data.

  • shuffle (bool) – Flag to randomly subset the validation data and batch selection from features, labels, and p.

  • validation_split (float) – Fraction of features and labels to use for validation.

  • p_kwargs (None | dict) – Optional kwargs for the physical loss function p_fun.

  • run_preflight (bool) – Flag to run preflight checks.

  • return_diagnostics (bool) – Flag to return training diagnostics dictionary.

  • parse_kwargs (dict) – kwargs for cls.parse_features

  • norm_labels (bool, optional) – Flag to normalize label, by default True


diagnostics (dict, optional) – Namespace of training parameters that can be used for diagnostics.


Save phygnn model to path.


path (str) – Target model save path. Can be a target .json, .pkl, or a directory that will be created+populated with a pkl model file and json parameters file.


Set new loss weights


loss_weights (tuple) – Loss weights for the neural network y_true vs y_predicted and for the p_fun loss, respectively. For example, loss_weights=(0.0, 1.0) would simplify the phygnn loss function to just the p_fun output.

classmethod build(p_fun, feature_names, label_names, normalize=(True, False), one_hot_categories=None, loss_weights=(0.5, 0.5), hidden_layers=None, input_layer=None, output_layer=None, layers_obj=None, metric='mae', optimizer=None, learning_rate=0.01, history=None, kernel_reg_rate=0.0, kernel_reg_power=1, bias_reg_rate=0.0, bias_reg_power=1, name=None)[source]

Build phygnn model from given features, layers and kwargs

  • p_fun (function) – Physics function to guide the neural network loss function. This fun must take (phygnn, y_true, y_predicted, p, **p_kwargs) as arguments with datatypes (PhysicsGuidedNeuralNetwork, tf.Tensor, np.ndarray, np.ndarray). The function must return a tf.Tensor object with a single numeric loss value (output.ndim == 0).

  • feature_names (list) – Ordered list of feature names.

  • label_names (list) – Ordered list of label (output) names.

  • normalize (bool | tuple, optional) – Boolean flag(s) as to whether features and labels should be normalized. Possible values: - True means normalize both - False means don’t normalize either - Tuple of flags (normalize_feature, normalize_label) by default True

  • one_hot_categories (dict, optional) – Features to one-hot encode using given categories, if None do not run one-hot encoding, by default None

  • loss_weights (tuple, optional) – Loss weights for the neural network y_true vs y_predicted and for the p_fun loss, respectively. For example, loss_weights=(0.0, 1.0) would simplify the phygnn loss function to just the p_fun output.

  • hidden_layers (list, optional) – List of dictionaries of key word arguments for each hidden layer in the NN. Dense linear layers can be input with their activations or separately for more explicit control over the layer ordering. For example, this is a valid input for hidden_layers that will yield 8 hidden layers (10 layers including input+output):

    [{‘units’: 64, ‘activation’: ‘relu’, ‘dropout’: 0.01},

    {‘units’: 64}, {‘batch_normalization’: {‘axis’: -1}}, {‘activation’: ‘relu’}, {‘dropout’: 0.01}, {‘class’: ‘Flatten’}, ]

  • input_layer (None | bool | dict) – Input layer. specification. Can be a dictionary similar to hidden_layers specifying a dense / conv / lstm layer. Will default to a keras InputLayer with input shape = n_features. Can be False if the input layer will be included in the hidden_layers input.

  • output_layer (None | bool | list | dict) – Output layer specification. Can be a list/dict similar to hidden_layers input specifying a dense layer with activation. For example, for a classfication problem with a single output, output_layer should be [{‘units’: 1}, {‘activation’: ‘sigmoid’}]. This defaults to a single dense layer with no activation (best for regression problems). Can be False if the output layer will be included in the hidden_layers input.

  • layers_obj (None | phygnn.utilities.tf_layers.Layers) – Optional initialized Layers object to set as the model layers including pre-set weights. This option will override the hidden_layers, input_layer, and output_layer arguments.

  • metric (str, optional) – Loss metric option for the NN loss function (not the physical loss function). Must be a valid key in phygnn.loss_metrics.METRICS

  • optimizer (tensorflow.keras.optimizers | dict | None) – Instantiated tf.keras.optimizers object or a dict optimizer config from tf.keras.optimizers.get_config(). None defaults to Adam.

  • learning_rate (float, optional) – Optimizer learning rate. Not used if optimizer input arg is a pre-initialized object or if optimizer input arg is a config dict.

  • history (None | pd.DataFrame, optional) – Learning history if continuing a training session.

  • kernel_reg_rate (float, optional) – Kernel regularization rate. Increasing this value above zero will add a structural loss term to the loss function that disincentivizes large hidden layer weights and should reduce model complexity. Setting this to 0.0 will disable kernel regularization.

  • kernel_reg_power (int, optional) – Kernel regularization power. kernel_reg_power=1 is L1 regularization (lasso regression), and kernel_reg_power=2 is L2 regularization (ridge regression).

  • bias_reg_rate (float, optional) – Bias regularization rate. Increasing this value above zero will add a structural loss term to the loss function that disincentivizes large hidden layer biases and should reduce model complexity. Setting this to 0.0 will disable bias regularization.

  • bias_reg_power (int, optional) – Bias regularization power. bias_reg_power=1 is L1 regularization (lasso regression), and bias_reg_power=2 is L2 regularization (ridge regression).

  • name (None | str) – Optional model name for debugging.


model (PhygnnModel) – Initialized PhygnnModel instance

classmethod build_trained(p_fun, features, labels, p, normalize=(True, False), one_hot_categories=None, loss_weights=(0.5, 0.5), hidden_layers=None, input_layer=None, output_layer=None, layers_obj=None, metric='mae', optimizer=None, learning_rate=0.01, history=None, kernel_reg_rate=0.0, kernel_reg_power=1, bias_reg_rate=0.0, bias_reg_power=1, n_batch=16, batch_size=None, n_epoch=10, shuffle=True, validation_split=0.2, run_preflight=True, return_diagnostics=False, p_kwargs=None, parse_kwargs=None, save_path=None, name=None)[source]

Build phygnn model from given features, layers and kwargs and then train with given labels and kwargs

  • p_fun (function) – Physics function to guide the neural network loss function. This fun must take (phygnn, y_true, y_predicted, p, **p_kwargs) as arguments with datatypes (PhysicsGuidedNeuralNetwork, tf.Tensor, np.ndarray, np.ndarray). The function must return a tf.Tensor object with a single numeric loss value (output.ndim == 0).

  • features (np.ndarray | pd.DataFrame) – Feature data in a >=2D array or DataFrame. If this is a DataFrame, the index is ignored, the columns are used with self.feature_names, and the df is converted into a numpy array for batching and passing to the training algorithm. A 2D input should have the shape: (n_observations, n_features). A 3D input should have the shape: (n_observations, n_timesteps, n_features). 4D inputs have not been tested and should be used with caution.

  • labels (np.ndarray | pd.DataFrame) – Known output data in a 2D array or DataFrame. Same dimension rules as features.

  • p (np.ndarray | pd.DataFrame) – Supplemental feature data for the physics loss function in 2D array or DataFrame. Same dimension rules as features.

  • normalize (bool | tuple, optional) – Boolean flag(s) as to whether features and labels should be normalized. Possible values: - True means normalize both - False means don’t normalize either - Tuple of flags (normalize_feature, normalize_label) by default True

  • one_hot_categories (dict, optional) – Features to one-hot encode using given categories, if None do not run one-hot encoding, by default None

  • loss_weights (tuple, optional) – Loss weights for the neural network y_true vs y_predicted and for the p_fun loss, respectively. For example, loss_weights=(0.0, 1.0) would simplify the phygnn loss function to just the p_fun output.

  • hidden_layers (list, optional) – List of dictionaries of key word arguments for each hidden layer in the NN. Dense linear layers can be input with their activations or separately for more explicit control over the layer ordering. For example, this is a valid input for hidden_layers that will yield 8 hidden layers (10 layers including input+output):

    [{‘units’: 64, ‘activation’: ‘relu’, ‘dropout’: 0.01},

    {‘units’: 64}, {‘batch_normalization’: {‘axis’: -1}}, {‘activation’: ‘relu’}, {‘dropout’: 0.01}, {‘class’: ‘Flatten’}, ]

  • input_layer (None | bool | dict) – Input layer. specification. Can be a dictionary similar to hidden_layers specifying a dense / conv / lstm layer. Will default to a keras InputLayer with input shape = n_features. Can be False if the input layer will be included in the hidden_layers input.

  • output_layer (None } bool | list | dict) – Output layer specification. Can be a list/dict similar to hidden_layers input specifying a dense layer with activation. For example, for a classfication problem with a single output, output_layer should be [{‘units’: 1}, {‘activation’: ‘sigmoid’}]. This defaults to a single dense layer with no activation (best for regression problems). Can be False if the output layer will be included in the hidden_layers input.

  • layers_obj (None | phygnn.utilities.tf_layers.Layers) – Optional initialized Layers object to set as the model layers including pre-set weights. This option will override the hidden_layers, input_layer, and output_layer arguments.

  • metric (str, optional) – Loss metric option for the NN loss function (not the physical loss function). Must be a valid key in phygnn.loss_metrics.METRICS

  • optimizer (tensorflow.keras.optimizers | dict | None) – Instantiated tf.keras.optimizers object or a dict optimizer config from tf.keras.optimizers.get_config(). None defaults to Adam.

  • learning_rate (float, optional) – Optimizer learning rate. Not used if optimizer input arg is a pre-initialized object or if optimizer input arg is a config dict.

  • history (None | pd.DataFrame, optional) – Learning history if continuing a training session.

  • kernel_reg_rate (float, optional) – Kernel regularization rate. Increasing this value above zero will add a structural loss term to the loss function that disincentivizes large hidden layer weights and should reduce model complexity. Setting this to 0.0 will disable kernel regularization.

  • kernel_reg_power (int, optional) – Kernel regularization power. kernel_reg_power=1 is L1 regularization (lasso regression), and kernel_reg_power=2 is L2 regularization (ridge regression).

  • bias_reg_rate (float, optional) – Bias regularization rate. Increasing this value above zero will add a structural loss term to the loss function that disincentivizes large hidden layer biases and should reduce model complexity. Setting this to 0.0 will disable bias regularization.

  • bias_reg_power (int, optional) – Bias regularization power. bias_reg_power=1 is L1 regularization (lasso regression), and bias_reg_power=2 is L2 regularization (ridge regression).

  • n_batch (int) – Number of times to update the NN weights per epoch (number of mini-batches). The training data will be split into this many mini-batches and the NN will train on each mini-batch, update weights, then move onto the next mini-batch.

  • batch_size (int | None) – Number of training samples per batch. This input is redundant to n_batch and will not be used if n_batch is not None.

  • n_epoch (int) – Number of times to iterate on the training data.

  • shuffle (bool) – Flag to randomly subset the validation data and batch selection from features and labels.

  • validation_split (float)

  • run_preflight (bool) – Flag to run preflight checks.

  • return_diagnostics (bool) – Flag to return training diagnostics dictionary. Fraction of features and labels to use for validation.

  • p_kwargs (None | dict) – Optional kwargs for the physical loss function p_fun.

  • parse_kwargs (dict) – kwargs for cls.parse_features

  • norm_labels (bool, optional) – Flag to normalize label, by default True

  • save_path (str, optional) – Directory path to save model to. The tensorflow model will be saved to the directory while the framework parameters will be saved in json, by default None

  • name (None | str) – Optional model name for debugging.


  • model (TfModel) – Initialized and trained TfModel obj

  • diagnostics (dict, optional) – Namespace of training parameters that can be used for diagnostics.

classmethod load(path)[source]

Load model from model path.


path (str) – Directory path for PhygnnModel to load model from. There should be a saved model directory with json and pickle files for the PhygnnModel framework.


model (PhygnnModel) – Loaded PhygnnModel from disk.

static dict_json_convert(inp)

Recursively convert numeric values in dict to work with json dump


inp (dict) – Dictionary to convert.


out (dict) – Copy of dict input with all nested numeric values converted to base python int or float and all arrays converted to lists.

property feature_dims

Number of features



property feature_means

Feature means, used for (un)normalization



property feature_names

List of the feature variable names.



property feature_stdevs

Feature stdevs, used for (un)normalization




Get feature | label mean


name (str) – feature | label name


mean (float) – Mean value used for normalization


Get means and stdevs for given feature/label names


names (list) – list of feature/label names to get normalization params for


  • means (list) – List of means to use for (un)normalization

  • stdevs (list) – List of stdevs to use for (un)normalization


Get feature | label stdev


name (str) – feature | label name


stdev (float) – Stdev value used for normalization

property input_feature_names

Input feature names



property label_dims

Number of labels



property label_means

label means, used for (un)normalization



property label_names

label variable names



property label_stdevs

label stdevs, used for (un)normalization



static make_one_hot_feature_names(feature_names, one_hot_categories)

Update feature_names after one-hot encoding

  • feature_names (list) – Input feature names

  • one_hot_categories (dict) – Features to one-hot encode using given categories


one_hot_feature_names (list) – Updated list of feature names with one_hot categories

property means

Mapping feature/label names to the mean values for (un)normalization



property model

Trained model



property model_summary

Tensorflow model summary



property normalization_parameters

Features and label (un)normalization parameters



normalize(data, names=None)

Normalize given data

  • data (dict | pandas.DataFrame | ndarray) – Data to normalize

  • names (list, optional) – List of data item names, needed to normalized ndarrays, by default None


data (dict | pandas.DataFrame | ndarray) – Normalized data in same format as input

property normalize_features

Flag to normalize features



property normalize_labels

Flag to normalize labels



property one_hot_categories

categories to use for one-hot encoding



property one_hot_feature_names

One-hot encoded feature names



property one_hot_input_feature_names

Input feature names to be one-hot encoded



parse_features(features, names=None, **kwargs)

Parse features - preprocessing of feature data before training or prediction. This will do one-hot encoding based on self.one_hot_categories, and feature normalization based on self.normalize_features

  • features (pandas.DataFrame | dict | ndarray) – Features to train on or predict from

  • names (list, optional) – List of feature names, by default None

  • kwargs (dict, optional) – kwargs for PreProcess.one_hot


features (ndarray) – Parsed features array normalized and with str columns converted to one hot vectors if desired

parse_labels(labels, names=None)

Parse labels and normalize if desired

  • labels (pandas.DataFrame | dict | ndarray) – Features to train on or predict from

  • names (list, optional) – List of label names, by default None


labels (ndarray) – Parsed labels array, normalized if desired

predict(features, table=True, parse_kwargs=None, predict_kwargs=None)

Use model to predict label from given features

  • features (dict | pandas.DataFrame) – features to predict from

  • table (bool, optional) – Return pandas DataFrame

  • parse_kwargs (dict) – kwargs for cls.parse_features

  • predict_kwargs (dict) – kwargs for tensorflow.*.predict


prediction (ndarray | pandas.DataFrame) – label prediction

static seed(s=0)

Set the random seed for reproducible results.


s (int) – Random number generator seed

property stdevs

Mapping feature/label names to the stdev values for (un)normalization



unnormalize(data, names=None)

Un-normalize given data

  • data (dict | pandas.DataFrame | ndarray) – Data to un-normalize

  • names (list, optional) – List of data item names, needed to un-normalized ndarrays, by default None


data (dict | pandas.DataFrame | ndarray) – Native data in same format as input