Source code for nsrdb.albedo.cli

Command line interface for creating composite albedo data for a single day from
MODIS dry-land albedo and IMS snow data.

Mike Bannister

TODO: Refactor with new CLI. Setup to use config file instead of lots of args

import logging
import os
import sys
from datetime import datetime as dt

import click
from rex.utilities.hpc import SLURM
from rex.utilities.loggers import init_logger

from nsrdb.albedo.albedo import CompositeAlbedoDay
from nsrdb.albedo.ims import get_dt
from nsrdb.utilities.file_utils import daterange

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class Date(click.ParamType): """Date argument parser and sanity checker"""
[docs] @staticmethod def convert(value, param, ctx): """Click dtype convert method""" if len(value) == 7: # E.g., 2015001 date = get_dt(int(value[:4]), int(value[4:])) elif len(value) == 8: # E.g., 20150531 date = dt.strptime(value, '%Y%m%d') else: msg = ( 'Date must be provided in YYYYDDD or YYYYMMDD ' f'format (e.g. 2015012 or 20150305). {value} ' f'was provided. Param: {param}, ctx: {ctx}' ) click.echo(msg) logger.error(msg) sys.exit(1) return date
def _setup_paths(ctx): """Handle paths and path overrides""" # Verify path is set if ctx.obj['path'] is None and ( ctx.obj['mpath'] is None or ctx.obj['ipath'] is None or ctx.obj['apath'] is None ): msg = ( 'Paths for MODIS, IMS and composite albedo data ' 'must be set together using --path, or ' 'individually using --modis-path, --ims-path, and ' '--albedo-path.' ) click.echo(msg) logger.error(msg) sys.exit(1) # Over ride general path with specifics if ctx.obj['path'] is not None: if ctx.obj['mpath'] is None: ctx.obj['mpath'] = ctx.obj['path'] if ctx.obj['ipath'] is None: ctx.obj['ipath'] = ctx.obj['path'] if ctx.obj['apath'] is None: ctx.obj['apath'] = ctx.obj['path'] @click.option( '--path', '-p', type=click.Path(exists=True), help='Path for all data files. This may be partially ' 'overridden by the other path arguments.', ) @click.option( '--modis-path', '-m', type=click.Path(exists=True), help='Path of/for MODIS data files', ) @click.option( '--ims-path', '-i', type=click.Path(exists=True), help='Path of/for IMS data/metadata files', ) @click.option( '--albedo-path', '-a', type=click.Path(exists=True), help='Path to save composite albedo data files', ) @click.option( '--merra-path', '-me', type=click.Path(exists=True), help='Path to MERRA temperature data files', ) @click.option( '--log-level', type=click.Choice( ['DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL'], case_sensitive=False ), default='INFO', help='Logging level', ) @click.option( '--log-file', type=click.Path(), default='log/nsrdb.albedo.log', help='Logging output file.', ) @click.option( '--tiff', '-t', is_flag=True, default=False, help='Create TIFF and world file in addition to h5 file.', ) @click.pass_context def main( ctx, path, modis_path, ims_path, albedo_path, merra_path, log_level, log_file, tiff, ): """ Create composite albedo data for one day using MODIS and IMS data sets or convert existing albedo h5 file to TIFF with world file. """ ctx.obj = {} ctx.obj['path'] = path ctx.obj['mpath'] = modis_path ctx.obj['ipath'] = ims_path ctx.obj['apath'] = albedo_path ctx.obj['mepath'] = merra_path log_level = log_level.upper() ctx.obj['log_level'] = log_level ctx.obj['log_file'] = log_file ctx.obj['tiff'] = tiff init_logger('nsrdb.albedo', log_file=log_file, log_level=log_level) init_logger('nsrdb.utilities', log_file=log_file, log_level=log_level) @main.command() @click.argument('date', type=Date()) @click.option( '--modis-shape', nargs=2, type=int, default=None, help='Shape of MODIS data, in format: XXX YYY', ) @click.option( '--ims-shape', nargs=2, type=int, default=None, help='Shape of IMS data, in format: XXX YYY', ) @click.option( '--max-workers', type=int, default=None, help='Max workers to use. Defaults to number of cores.', ) @click.pass_context def singleday(ctx, date, modis_shape, ims_shape, max_workers): """ Calculate composite albedo for a single day. Date is in YYYYDDD or YYYYMMDD format """ _setup_paths(ctx) click.echo(f'Calculating single day composite albedo on {date}.')'Calculating single day composite albedo on {date}.') logger.debug(f'Click context: {ctx.obj}') _kwargs = {} if max_workers: _kwargs['max_workers'] = max_workers'Using max of {max_workers} workers') # Override data shapes, used for testing if modis_shape: _kwargs['modis_shape'] = modis_shape'Using MODIS data shape of {modis_shape}') if ims_shape: _kwargs['ims_shape'] = ims_shape'Using IMS data shape of {ims_shape}') cad = date, ctx.obj['mpath'], ctx.obj['ipath'], ctx.obj['apath'], ctx.obj['mepath'], **_kwargs, ) cad.write_albedo() if ctx.obj['tiff']: cad.write_tiff() @main.command() @click.argument('start', type=Date()) @click.argument('end', type=Date()) @click.option( '--alloc', required=True, type=str, help='HPC allocation account name.' ) @click.option( '--walltime', '-wt', default=1.0, type=float, help='HPC walltime request in hours. Default is 1.0', ) @click.option( '--feature', '-l', default=None, type=str, help=( 'Additional flags for SLURM job. Format is "--qos=high" ' 'or "--depend=[state:job_id]". Default is None.' ), ) @click.option( '--memory', '-mem', default=None, type=int, help='HPC node memory request in GB. Default is None', ) @click.option( '--stdout_path', '-sout', default=None, type=str, help='Subprocess standard output path. Default is in out_dir.', ) @click.pass_context def multiday(ctx, start, end, alloc, walltime, feature, memory, stdout_path): """Calculate composite albedo for a range of dates. Range is inclusive""" _setup_paths(ctx) if stdout_path is None: stdout_path = os.path.join(ctx.obj['apath'], 'stdout') if start > end: click.echo('Start date must be before end date') logger.error('Start date must be before end date') sys.exit(1)'Calculating composite albedo from {start} to {end}.') slurm_manager = SLURM() for date in daterange(start, end): log_file = ctx.obj['log_file'] if isinstance(log_file, str) and log_file.endswith('.log'): sdate = date.strftime('%Y%m%d') log_file = log_file.replace('.log', f'_{sdate}.log') cmd = get_node_cmd( date, ctx.obj['ipath'], ctx.obj['mpath'], ctx.obj['apath'], ctx.obj['mepath'], ctx.obj['tiff'], log_file, ) logger.debug(f'command for slurm: {cmd}') name = dt.strftime(date, 'a%Y%j') 'Running composite albedo processing on HPC with ' f'name "{name}" for {date}' ) out = slurm_manager.sbatch( cmd, alloc=alloc, memory=memory, walltime=walltime, feature=feature, name=name, stdout_path=stdout_path, )[0] if out: msg = ( f'Kicked off NSRDB albedo job "{name}" (SLURM ' f'jobid #{out}) on HPC.' ) else: msg = ( f'Was unable to kick off NSRDB albedo job "{name}". ' 'Please see the stdout error messages' ) click.echo(msg) @main.command() @click.argument('albedo-file') def h5totiff(albedo_file): """Convert composite data in H5 file to TIFF""" click.echo(f'Creating TIFF from {albedo_file}') CompositeAlbedoDay.write_tiff_from_h5(albedo_file)
[docs] def get_node_cmd(date, ipath, mpath, apath, mepath, tiff, log_file): """Create shell command for single day CLI call""" sdate = date.strftime('%Y%m%d') args = f'-i {ipath} -m {mpath} -a {apath} ' args += f'-me {mepath} --log-file {log_file}' if tiff: args += ' --tiff' args += f' singleday {sdate}' cmd = f'python -m nsrdb.albedo.cli {args}' return cmd
if __name__ == '__main__': main()