- class CloudVar(name, var_meta, date, freq=None, dsets=('cloud_type', 'cld_opd_dcomp', 'cld_reff_dcomp', 'cld_press_acha'), parallax_correct=True, solar_shading=True, remap_pc=True, **kwargs)[source]
Framework for cloud data extraction (GOES data processed by UW).
- Parameters:
name (str) – NSRDB var name.
var_meta (str | pd.DataFrame | None) – CSV file or dataframe containing meta data for all NSRDB variables. Defaults to the NSRDB var meta csv in git repo.
date (datetime.date) – Single day to extract data for.
freq (str | None) – Optional timeseries frequency to force cloud files to (time_index.freqstr). If None, the frequency of the cloud file list will be inferred.
dsets (tuple | list) – Source datasets to extract. It is more efficient to extract all required datasets at once from each cloud file, so that only one kdtree is built for each unique coordinate set in each cloud file.
parallax_correct (bool) – Flag to adjust cloud coordinates so clouds are overhead their coordinates and not at the apparent location from the sensor.
solar_shading (bool) – Flag to adjust cloud coordinates so clouds are assigned to the coordiantes they shade.
remap_pc (bool) – Flag to remap the parallax-corrected and solar-shading-corrected data back onto the original semi-regular GOES coordinates
(fp_cloud, **kwargs)Get a single cloud timestep data handler for one cloud file.
(fstr[, integer])Extract the cloud file timestamp.
(flist)Infer the cloud data timestep frequency from the file list.
(flist)Get the actual time index of the file set based on the timestamps.
Perform pre-flight checks - source pattern check.
(cloud_var_single)Save a single cloud object to a cache for later use.
(array)Perform a safe data scaling operation on a source data array.
(array)Perform a safe data unscaling operation on a source data array.
Return a dictionary of dataset attributes for HDF5 dataset attrs.
Get the nearest neighbor result cache csv file for this var.
Get the variable's intended storage chunk shape.
Get the data source.
Get the date for this handler
Long variable description.
Get the day of year string e.g. 001 for jan 1 and 365 for Dec 31.
Get the source dataset name for the NSRDB variable.
Get the data type attribute.
Get the elevation correction preference.
Alias for cloudvar file list.
Get a dataframe with nominal time index and available cloud files.
Get the source file set name for the NSRDB variable.
Get the variable's intended storage datatype.
List of cloud data file paths for one day.
Get the file list timeseries frequency.
Get the inferred frequency from the file list.
Get a boolean mask to locate the current variable in the meta data.
Get the NSRDB variable name.
Get the date after the date for this handler.
Get the file path for the date for the target NSRDB variable name based on the glob self.next_pattern.
Check if file for next date exists
Get the next date source file pattern which is sent to glob().
Get the source file pattern which is sent to glob().
Get the variable's physical maximum value.
Get the variable's physical minimum value.
Get the variable's intended storage scale factor.
Get a kwargs dict to initialize a single cloud timestep data handler
Get the source directory containing the variable data files.
Get the spatial interpolation method.
Get the temporal interpolation method.
Get the GOES cloud data time index.
Get the units attribute.
Return the meta data for NSRDB variables.
- property doy
Get the day of year string e.g. 001 for jan 1 and 365 for Dec 31
- Returns:
- property pattern
Get the source file pattern which is sent to glob().
- Returns:
str | None
- pre_flight()[source]
Perform pre-flight checks - source pattern check.
- Returns:
missing (str) – Look for the source pattern and return the string if not found. If nothing is missing, return an empty string.
- static get_timestamp(fstr, integer=True)[source]
Extract the cloud file timestamp.
- Parameters:
fstr (str) – File path or file name with timestamp.
integer (bool) – Flag to convert string match to integer.
- Returns:
time (int | str | None) – Integer timestamp of format: YYYYDDDHHMM (YYYY DDD HH MM) where DDD is day of year (1 through 366). None if not found
- property file
Alias for cloudvar file list.
- Returns:
- property flist
List of cloud data file paths for one day. Each file is a timestep.
Note that this is the raw parsed file list, which may not match self.file_df DataFrame, which is the final file list based on desired timestep frequency
- Returns:
flist (list) – List of .h5 or .nc full file paths sorted by timestamp. Exception raised if no files are found.
- property inferred_freq
Get the inferred frequency from the file list.
- Returns:
freq (str) – Pandas datetime frequency.
- property freq
Get the file list timeseries frequency.
Is forced if this object is initialized with freq != None. Otherwise, inferred from file list.
- Returns:
freq (str) – Nominal pandas datetimeindex frequency of the cloud file list.
- property file_df
Get a dataframe with nominal time index and available cloud files.
- Returns:
_file_df (pd.DataFrame) – Timeseries of available cloud file paths. The datetimeindex is created by the infered timestep frequency of the cloud files. The data column is the file paths. Timesteps with missing data files has NaN file paths.
- static infer_data_time_index(flist)[source]
Get the actual time index of the file set based on the timestamps.
- Parameters:
flist (list) – List of strings of cloud files (with or without full file path).
- Returns:
time_index (pd.datetimeindex) – Pandas datetime index based on the actual file timestamps.
- static infer_data_freq(flist)[source]
Infer the cloud data timestep frequency from the file list.
- Parameters:
flist (list) – List of strings of cloud files (with or without full file path).
- Returns:
freq (str) – Pandas datetime frequency.
- property time_index
Get the GOES cloud data time index.
- Returns:
cloud_ti (pd.DatetimeIndex) – Pandas datetime index for the current day at the cloud temporal resolution (should match the NSRDB resolution).
- property single_handler_kwargs
Get a kwargs dict to initialize a single cloud timestep data handler
- Returns:
- property attrs
Return a dictionary of dataset attributes for HDF5 dataset attrs.
- Returns:
attrs (dict) – Namespace of attributes to define the dataset.
- property cache_file
Get the nearest neighbor result cache csv file for this var.
- Returns:
_cache_file (False | str) – False for no caching, or a string filename (no path).
- property chunks
Get the variable’s intended storage chunk shape.
- Returns:
chunks (tuple) – Data storage chunk shape (row_chunk, col_chunk).
- property data_source
Get the data source.
- Returns:
data_source (str) – Data source.
- property date
Get the date for this handler
- Returns:
- property description
Long variable description.
- Returns:
description (str) – Description of the variable to provide more info than the sometimes opaque dset names.
- property dset_name
Get the source dataset name for the NSRDB variable. This is typically the netcdf or h5 source dataset name for the variable such as T2M or TOTANGSTR (for MERRA temp and alpha)
- Returns:
- property dtype
Get the data type attribute.
- Returns:
dtype (str) – Intended NSRDB disk data type.
- property elevation_correct
Get the elevation correction preference.
- Returns:
elevation_correct (bool) – Whether or not to use elevation correction for the current var.
- property file_set
Get the source file set name for the NSRDB variable. This is typically used for MERRA source filesets such as tavg1_2d_aer_Nx or tavg1_2d_slv_Nx (for MERRA)
- Returns:
- property final_dtype
Get the variable’s intended storage datatype.
- Returns:
dtype (str) – Data type for the current variable.
- static get_handler(fp_cloud, **kwargs)[source]
Get a single cloud timestep data handler for one cloud file.
- Parameters:
fp_cloud (str) – Single cloud source file either .nc or .h5
kwargs (dict) – Kwargs for the initialization of CloudVarSingleH5 or CloudVarSingleNC along with fp_cloud
- Returns:
obj (None | CloudVarSingleNC | CloudVarSingleH5) – Handler for a single cloud data file.
- property mask
Get a boolean mask to locate the current variable in the meta data.
- property name
Get the NSRDB variable name.
- property next_date
Get the date after the date for this handler. This is used to get the data for the next date for temporal interpolation
- Returns:
- property next_file
Get the file path for the date for the target NSRDB variable name based on the glob self.next_pattern. The file is used to get the data for the next date for temporal interpolation
- Returns:
- property next_file_exists
Check if file for next date exists
- property next_pattern
Get the next date source file pattern which is sent to glob().
- Returns:
str | None
- property physical_max
Get the variable’s physical maximum value.
- Returns:
physical_max (float) – Physical maximum value for the variable. Variable range can be truncated at this value. Must be consistent with the final dtype and scale factor.
- property physical_min
Get the variable’s physical minimum value.
- Returns:
physical_min (float) – Physical minimum value for the variable. Variable range can be truncated at this value. Must be consistent with the final dtype and scale factor.
- scale_data(array)
Perform a safe data scaling operation on a source data array.
- Steps:
Enforce physical range limits
Apply scale factor (mulitply)
Round if integer
Enforce dtype bit range limits
Perform dtype conversion
Return manipulated array
- Parameters:
array (np.ndarray) – Source data array with full precision (likely float32).
- Returns:
array (np.ndarray) – Source data array with final datatype.
- property scale_factor
Get the variable’s intended storage scale factor.
- Returns:
scale_factor (float) – Scale factor for the current variable. Data is multiplied by this scale factor before being stored.
- property source_dir
Get the source directory containing the variable data files.
- Returns:
source_dir (str) – Directory containing source data files (with possible sub folders).
- property spatial_method
Get the spatial interpolation method.
- Returns:
spatial_method (str) – NN or IDW
- property temporal_method
Get the temporal interpolation method.
- Returns:
temporal_method (str) – linear or nearest
- property units
Get the units attribute.
- Returns:
units (str) – NSRDB variable units.
- unscale_data(array)
Perform a safe data unscaling operation on a source data array.
- Parameters:
array (np.ndarray) – Scaled source data array with integer precision.
- Returns:
array (np.ndarray) – Unscaled source data array with float32 precision.
- property var_meta
Return the meta data for NSRDB variables.
- Returns:
_var_meta (pd.DataFrame) – Meta data for NSRDB variables.