
The graphenv Python library is designed to

  1. make graph search problems more readily expressible as RL problems via an extension of the OpenAI gym API while

  2. enabling their solution via scalable learning algorithms in the popular RLLib library.

RLLib provides out-of-the-box support for both parametrically-defined actions and masking of invalid actions. However, native support for action spaces where the action _choices_ change for each state is challenging to implement in a computationally efficient fashion. The graphenv library provides utility classes that simplify the flattening and masking of action observations for choosing from a set of successor states at every node in a graph search.

The intended audience for the graphenv library consist of researchers working on graph search problems that are amenable to a reinforcement learning formulation, broadly described as “learning to optimize”. This includes those working on classical combinatorial optimization problems such as the Traveling Salesperson Problem, as well as problems that do not have a clear algebraic expression but where the environment dynamics can be simulated, for instance, molecular design.


Graphenv can be installed with pip:

pip install graphenv

Graphenv depends on gym, networkx, ray[tune,rllib], as well as one of either tensorflow or pytorch. You can install Graphenv together with the chosen ML framework using

pip install graphenv[tensorflow]


pip install graphenv[torch]

Quick Start

graph-env allows users to create a customized graph search by subclassing the Vertex class. Basic examples are provided in the [graphenv/examples](graphenv/examples) folder. The following code snippet shows how to randomly sample from valid actions for a random walk down a 1D corridor:

import random
from graphenv.examples.hallway.hallway_state import HallwayState
from graphenv.graph_env import GraphEnv

state = HallwayState(corridor_length=10)
env = GraphEnv({"state": state, "max_num_children": 2})

obs = env.make_observation()
done = False
total_reward = 0

while not done:
   action = random.choice(range(len(env.state.children)))
   obs, reward, terminated, truncated, info = env.step(action)
   done = terminated or truncated
   total_reward += reward


Indices and tables