Source code for fied.analysis.boiler_inventory_comparison

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import pathlib
import json
from urllib.request import urlopen
import as px
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
import as pio

[docs] def fix_fips(fips): """ Correct float formatting for county FIPS. Parameters ---------- fips : str County FIPS in original formatting. Returns ------- fips : str County FIPS, corrected and re-formatted """ try: fips = fips.replace('.0', '') except AttributeError: fips = str(fips) fips = fips.replace('.0', '') len_missing = 5 - len(fips) if len_missing > 0: fips = '0'*len_missing+fips else: pass return fips
[docs] def convert_units(x, unit): """ Convert energy units from MMBtu to MJ and power units from MMBtu/hr to MW. Parameters ---------- x : float Value to be converted unit : {'power', 'energy'} Type of unit to convert. Returns ------- y : float Converted unit, or None """ units = { 'power': 0.29307107, # convert to MW 'energy': 1054.35 # convert to MJ } try: y = x * units[unit] except TypeError: y = np.nan return y
[docs] def get_boiler_data(boiler_url): """ Download Northwestern boiler inventory and return it as a dataframe. Parameters ---------- boiler_url : str URL for Northwestern boiler inventory Returns ------- bdb : pandas.DataFrame Boiler inventory as a pandas DataFrame """ dtypes = { 'state': str, 'county': str, 'company_name': str, 'site_name': str, 'naics_code': float, 'zip_code': str, 'eis_unit_id': float, 'naics_sub': int, 'fuel_type': str, 'data_source': str, 'REPORTING_YEAR': float, 'UNIT_TYPE': str, 'TIER': str, 'FUEL_COM': float, 'FUEL_UNIT': str, 'Op Hours Per Year': object } converters = { 'fips': lambda x: (fix_fips(x)), } col_rename = { 'ENERGY_COM_MMBtu': 'energyMJ', 'fips': 'countyFIPS', 'naics_code': 'naicsCode', 'eis_unit_id': 'eisUnitID', 'fuel_type': 'fuelType' } # use_cols = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18] bdb = pd.read_csv(boiler_url, dtype=dtypes, sep=',', converters=converters, na_values=['', 'na']) for c in ['cap_mmbtuhr', 'ENERGY_COM_MMBtu', 'ENERGY_MMBtu_hr']: if c =='ENERGY_COM_MMBtu': bdb.loc[:, c] = bdb[c].apply(lambda x: convert_units(x, 'energy')) else: bdb.loc[:, c] = bdb[c].apply(lambda x: convert_units(x, 'power')) bdb.rename(columns=col_rename, inplace=True) bdb.loc[:, 'designCapacity'] = np.nan bdb.designCapacity.update(bdb.cap_mmbtuhr) bdb.designCapacity.update(bdb.ENERGY_MMBtu_hr) return bdb
[docs] def get_fied_boiler(fied_path): """ Load FIED and return information only on boilers. Parameters ---------- fied_path : str Returns ------- fied_boiler : pandas.DataFrame """ fied_boiler = pd.read_csv(fied_path, converters={'fips': lambda x: (fix_fips(x))}, low_memory=False, index_col=[0]) fied_boiler = fied_boiler.query("unitTypeStd == 'boiler'").copy(deep=True) fied_boiler.loc[:, 'countyFIPS'] = fied_boiler.countyFIPS.apply(lambda x: fix_fips(x)) # Drop territories fied_boiler = fied_boiler.where(~fied_boiler.stateCode.isin(['VI', 'PR'])).dropna(how='all') naics_sub = pd.DataFrame(fied_boiler.naicsCode.dropna().unique()) naics_sub.columns = ['naicsCode'] naics_sub.loc[:, 'naics_sub'] = naics_sub.naicsCode.apply( lambda x: int(str(x)[0:3]) ) fied_boiler = pd.merge( fied_boiler, naics_sub, on='naicsCode', how='left' ) return fied_boiler
[docs] def compare_boilers_aggregate(bdb, fied_boiler, compare_type=None): """ Compare either county or NAICS (3-digit) sums of design capacity and energy estimates. Parameters ---------- bdb : pandas.DataFrame fied_boiler : pandas.DataFrame type : str, {'county', 'naics'} Aggregate data sets at either county- or naics-level. Returns ------- comparison : pandas.DataFrame """ grouping_column = {'county': 'countyFIPS', 'naics': 'naics_sub'} try: comparison = pd.concat( [bdb.groupby(grouping_column[compare_type]).designCapacity.sum(), fied_boiler.groupby(grouping_column[compare_type]).designCapacity.sum(), bdb.groupby(grouping_column[compare_type]).energyMJ.sum(), fied_boiler.groupby(grouping_column[compare_type])[['energyMJ', 'energyMJq2']].sum().sum(axis=1)], axis=1 ) except KeyError: print("Must specify compare_type") else: comparison.columns = ['designCapacity_bdb', 'designCapacity_fied', 'energyMJ_bdb', 'energyMJ_fied'] return comparison
[docs] def compare_boilers_units(bdb, fied_boiler): """ Compare boiler inventory and FIED boilers on an individual unit level. Includes only Parameters ---------- bdb : pandas.DataFrame fied_boiler : pandas.DataFrame Returns ------- units : pandas.DataFrame units_summary : pandas.DataFrame """ fied_edit = fied_boiler.copy(deep=True) fied_edit.fuelType.replace({ 'diesel': 'oil products', 'naturalGas': 'natural gas', 'resFuelOil': 'oil products', 'lpgHGL': 'other fuels', 'gasoline': 'oil products', 'other': 'other fuels', 'coke': 'other fuels' }, inplace=True) units = pd.merge( bdb.dropna(subset=['eisUnitID'])[['eisUnitID', 'energyMJ', 'designCapacity', 'fuelType', 'naics_sub', 'state']], fied_edit.dropna(subset=['eisUnitID'])[['eisUnitID', 'energyMJ', 'energyMJq2', 'designCapacity', 'fuelType', 'stateCode', 'naicsCode']], on='eisUnitID', how='inner', suffixes=['_bdb', '_fied'] ) units.loc[:, 'capCompare'] = (units.designCapacity_fied.subtract( units.designCapacity_bdb, fill_value=0 )).divide(units.designCapacity_bdb, fill_value=0) units.loc[:, 'energyCompare'] = (units[units.energyMJ_fied>0].energyMJ_fied.subtract( units[units.energyMJ_fied>0].energyMJ_bdb, fill_value=0 )).divide(units[units.energyMJ_fied>0].energyMJ_bdb, fill_value=0) units.loc[:, 'energyCompare'] = (units[units.energyMJq2>0].energyMJq2.subtract( units[units.energyMJq2>0].energyMJ_bdb, fill_value=0 )).divide(units[units.energyMJq2>0].energyMJ_bdb, fill_value=0) units.loc[:, 'fuelCompare'] = units.fuelType_fied == units.fuelType_bdb # There can be multiple combustion units reported under a single EIS unit ID. # dups = units[units.eisUnitID.duplicated(keep=False)] units_summary = pd.DataFrame(units[['capCompare', 'energyCompare']].describe()) units_summary.loc['% matching', 'fuelCompare'] = units.fuelCompare.sum() / units.fuelCompare.count() # for s in ['bdb', 'fied']: # for t in ['cap', 'energy']: # units_summary.loc['% /reported_{s}', f'{t}Compare'] = return units, units_summary
[docs] def plot_scatter_comparison(comparison, compare_type=None, write_fig=True): """ Creates two subplots that compare county sums of design capacity (MW) and energy (MJ) for the boiler inventory and the foundational dataset. Parameters ---------- comparison : pandas.DataFrame write_fig : Bool, default=True compare_type : str; {'county', 'naics'} Returns ------- None """ plot_data = comparison.copy(deep=True) plot_data.fillna(0, inplace=True) plot_data.reset_index(inplace=True) fig = make_subplots(rows=1, cols=2, subplot_titles=('Design Capacity (MW)', 'Energy (MJ)')) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=plot_data.designCapacity_bdb, y=plot_data.designCapacity_fied, mode='markers' ), row=1, col=1 ) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=plot_data.energyMJ_bdb, y=plot_data.energyMJ_fied, mode='markers' ), row=1, col=2 ) # Hardcoded coordinates for diagonal lines. line_xy = { 'county': { 'capacity_x': [0.001, 1E6], 'capacity_y': [0.001, 1E6], 'energy_x': [100, 1E12], 'energy_y': [100, 1E12], }, 'naics': { 'capacity_x': [10, 1E6], 'capacity_y': [10, 1E6], 'energy_x': [1E4, 1E12], 'energy_y': [1E4, 1E12] } } fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=line_xy[compare_type]['capacity_x'], y=line_xy[compare_type]['capacity_y'], mode='lines', line=dict(color='black', width=2, dash='dash') ), row=1, col=1 ) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=line_xy[compare_type]['energy_x'], y=line_xy[compare_type]['energy_y'], mode='lines', line=dict(color='black', width=2, dash='dash') ), row=1, col=2 ) for n in [1, 2]: fig.update_xaxes( title_text='NW Boiler Inventory', type='log', row=1, col=n, showexponent='all', exponentformat='power', showgrid=True ) fig.update_yaxes( title_text='Foundational Data', type='log', row=1, col=n, showexponent='all', exponentformat='power', showgrid=True ) fig.update_layout( height=800, width=1000, showlegend=False, template='presentation' ) if write_fig is True: pio.write_image( fig, file=f'./analysis/figures/boiler_compare_scatter_{compare_type}.svg' ) else: return None
if __name__ == '__main__': boiler_url = '' fied_path = pathlib.Path('foundational_industry_data_2017.csv.gz') bdb = get_boiler_data(boiler_url) fied_boiler = get_fied_boiler(fied_path) agg_comparison = {} # Note that FIED is for 2017; the boiler inventory uses multiple reporting years. # This is more of an issue for energy than design capacity, as it's expected that # energy use is more likely to change by year than design capacity. for t in ['county', 'naics']: # comparison = compare_boilers_aggregate(bdb, fied_boiler, compare_type=t) # plot_scatter_comparison(comparison, compare_type=t, write_fig=True) agg_comparison[t] = compare_boilers_aggregate(bdb, fied_boiler, compare_type=t) units, units_summary = compare_boilers_units(bdb, fied_boiler)