Source code for elm.web.rhub

Code to build Corpus from the researcher hub.
import os
import os.path
import logging
import json
import math
import re
import requests
import pandas as pd

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class ProfilesRecord(dict): """Class to handle a single profiles as dictionary data. This class requires setting an 'RHUB_API_KEY' environment variable to access the Pure Web Service. The API key can be obtained by contacting an NREL library representative: """ def __init__(self, record): """ Parameters ---------- record : dict Profile in dict form, typically a response from the API. """ api_key = os.getenv("RHUB_API_KEY") assert api_key is not None, "Please set RHUB_API_KEY!" assert isinstance(record, dict) super().__init__(**record)
[docs] @staticmethod def clean_text(html_text): """Clean html text from API response Parameters ---------- html_text : str Text containing html characters. Returns ------- clean : str Text with html characters removed. """ clean = re.sub(r'<.*?>', '', html_text) clean = clean.replace('\xa0', ' ') return clean
@property def first_name(self): """Get the first name of this researcher. Returns ------- first : str Full name of researcher. """ names = self.get('name') first = names.get('firstName') return first @property def last_name(self): """Get the last name of this researcher. Returns ------- last : str Last name of researcher. """ names = self.get('name') last = names.get('lastName') return last @property def title(self): """Get the full name of this researcher. Returns ------- full : str Full name of researcher. """ names = self.get('name') first = names.get('firstName') last = names.get('lastName') full = first + ' ' + last return full @property def email(self): """Get the email address of this researcher. Returns ------- email : str Email address of researcher. """ email = None orgs = self.get('staffOrganisationAssociations') if orgs: emails_dict = orgs[0].get('emails') if emails_dict: email = emails_dict[0].get('value').get('value') return email @property def url(self): """Get the url or this researcher's profile. Returns ------- url : str URL to researcher's profile. """ info = self.get('info') url = info.get('portalUrl') return url @property def id(self): """Get API ID of researcher. Returns ------- id : str Researcher ID. """ level = self.get('ids')[0] id = level.get('value').get('value') return id @property def position(self): """Get the position of this researcher. Returns ------- position : str Researcher's position. """ position = None org = self.get('staffOrganisationAssociations') if org: info = org[0].get('jobDescription') text = info.get('text')[0] position = text.get('value') return position @property def profile_information(self): """Get key profile information for this record: Personal Profile, Research Interests, Professional Experience. Returns ------- bio : str Researcher's profile text. interests : str Text from Research Interests section. experience : str Text from Professional Experience section. """ prof = self.get('profileInformations') bio = None interests = None experience = None if prof: for section in prof: type = section.get('type').get('term') if 'Personal Profile' in str(type): info = section.get('value').get('text')[0] bio = info.get('value') bio = self.clean_text(bio) if 'Research Interests' in str(type): info = section.get('value').get('text')[0] interests = info.get('value') interests = self.clean_text(interests) if 'Professional Experience' in str(type): info = section.get('value').get('text')[0] experience = info.get('value') experience = self.clean_text(experience) return bio, interests, experience @property def education(self): """Get the education information of this researcher. Returns ------- levels : list Degree levels, ex: Master, Bachelor, PhD degs : list Area of study, ex: Mechanical Engineering schools : list School awarding the degree. """ researcher_name = self.title edu = self.get('educations') out_strings = [] if edu: for e in edu: try: if e.get('projectTitle'): quali = e.get('qualification') level = quali.get('term').get('text')[0].get('value') deg = e.get('projectTitle').get('text')[0].get('value') org = e.get('organisationalUnits') if org: value = org[0].get('externalOrganisationalUnit') name = value.get('name') school = name.get('text')[0].get('value') else: deg_school = deg deg = deg_school.split(',')[0] school = deg_school.split(',')[1] deg_string = (f'{researcher_name} has a {level} ' f'degree in {deg} from {school}. ') out_strings.append(deg_string) else: quali = e.get('qualification') level = quali.get('term').get('text')[0].get('value') org = e.get('organisationalUnits')[0] org_unit = org.get('externalOrganisationalUnit') name = org_unit.get('name') school = name.get('text')[0].get('value') deg_string = (f'{researcher_name} has a {level} ' f'degree from {school}. ') out_strings.append(deg_string) except Exception: pass return out_strings @property def publications(self): """Get the publications this researcher contributed to. Returns ------- pubs : list All publications associated with this researcher. """ api_key = os.getenv("RHUB_API_KEY") assert api_key is not None, "Please set RHUB_API_KEY!" id = self.get('pureId') url = (f'' f'{id}/research-outputs?size=100' f'&apiKey={api_key}') session = requests.Session() response = session.get(url, headers={'Accept': 'application/json'}) content = response.json()['items'] pubs = [] for pub in content: title = pub.get('title').get('value') pubs.append(title) return pubs
[docs] def download(self, fp): """Download text file containing researchers profile information. Parameters ---------- fp : str Filepath to download this record to. """ name = self.title if self.position: full = (f"The following is a brief biography for {name} " f"who is a {self.position} for the National Renewable " f"Energy Laboratory: ") else: full = (f"The following is a brief biography for {name} " f"who works for the National Renewable " f"Energy Laboratory: ") profile, interests, experience = self.profile_information if profile: full += profile + ' ' if interests: research = (f"{name}'s research interests include: " f"{interests}. ") full += research if experience: research = (f"{name}'s professional experience includes: " f"{experience}. ") full += research if for edu in full += edu if self.publications: publications = (f"{name} has been involved in the following " f"publications: {', '.join(self.publications)}. ") full += publications with open(fp, "w") as text_file: text_file.write(full)
[docs] class ProfilesList(list): """Class to retrieve and handle multiple profiles from an API URL. This class requires setting an 'RHUB_API_KEY' environment variable to access the Pure Web Service. The API key can be obtained by contacting an NREL library representative: """ def __init__(self, url, n_pages=1): """ Parameters ---------- url : str Research Hub API URL to request, see this for details: n_pages : int Number of pages to get from the API. Typical response has 20 entries per page. Default of 1 ensures that this class doesnt hang on a million responses. """ api_key = os.getenv("RHUB_API_KEY") assert api_key is not None, "Please set RHUB_API_KEY!" self.url = url self._session = requests.Session() self._response = None self._n_pages = 0 self._iter = 0 records = self._get_all(n_pages) records = [ProfilesRecord(single) for single in records] records = [prof for prof in records if prof.last_name != 'NREL'] super().__init__(records) def _get_first(self): """Get the first page of Profiles. Returns ------- first_page : list First page of records as a list. """ self._response = self._session.get( self.url, headers={'Accept': 'application/json'} ) resp = self._response.json() if not self._response.ok: msg = ('API Request got error {}: "{}"' .format(self._response.status_code, self._response.reason)) raise RuntimeError(msg) first_page = self._response.json()['items'] self._n_pages = 1 if 'last' not in self._response.links: count_pages = resp['count'] / resp['pageInformation'].get('size') self._n_pages = math.ceil(count_pages) else: url = self._response.links['last']['url'] self._n_pages = int(url.split('page=')[-1]) logger.debug('Found approximately {} records.' .format(self._n_pages * len(first_page))) return first_page def _get_pages(self, n_pages): """Get response pages up to n_pages from Research Hub. Parameters ---------- n_pages : int Number of pages to retrieve Returns ------- next_pages : list This function will return a generator of next pages, each of which is a list of profiles. """ if n_pages > 1: for page in range(2, self._n_pages + 1): if page <= n_pages: next_page = self._session.get( self.url, params={'page': page}, headers={'Accept': 'application/json'}) next_page = next_page.json()['items'] yield next_page else: break def _get_all(self, n_pages): """Get all pages of profiles up to n_pages. Parameters ---------- n_pages : int Number of pages to retrieve Returns ------- all_records : list List of all publication records. """ first_page = self._get_first() records = first_page for page in self._get_pages(n_pages): records.extend(page) return records
[docs] def meta(self): """Get a meta dataframe with details on all of the profiles. Returns ------- df : pd.DataFrame Dataframe containing all metadata information. """ i = 0 attrs = ('title', 'email', 'url', 'id') df = pd.DataFrame(columns=attrs) for record in self: for attr in attrs: out = getattr(record, attr) if not isinstance(out, str): out = json.dumps(out)[i, attr] = out[i, 'fn'] = f'{}.txt'[i, 'category'] = 'Researcher Profile' i += 1 return df
[docs] def download(self, out_dir): """Download all profiles from the records in this object into a directory. TXT files will be given file names based on researcher ID. Parameters ---------- out_dir : str Directory to download TXT files to. This directory will be created if it does not already exist. """ os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True) for record in self: fn = fp_out = os.path.join(out_dir, fn + '.txt') if not os.path.exists(fp_out): try: except Exception as e: print(f"Could not download {record.title} with error {e}") logger.exception('Could not download profile ID {}: {}' .format(record.title, e))'Finished Profiles download!')
[docs] class PublicationsRecord(dict): """Class to handle a single publication as dictionary data. This class requires setting an 'RHUB_API_KEY' environment variable to access the Pure Web Service. The API key can be obtained by contacting an NREL library representative: """ def __init__(self, record): """ Parameters ---------- record : dict Research Hub record in dict form, typically a response from API. """ api_key = os.getenv("RHUB_API_KEY") assert api_key is not None, "Please set RHUB_API_KEY!" assert isinstance(record, dict) super().__init__(**record) @property def title(self): """Get the title of this publication. Returns ------- title : str Publication title. """ title = self.get('title').get('value') return title @property def year(self): """Get the publish year. Returns ------- year : int Year of publication. """ status = self.get('publicationStatuses')[0] year = status.get('publicationDate').get('year') return year @property def url(self): """Get the url associated with the publication. Returns ------- url : str Publication URL. """ info = self.get('info') url = info.get('portalUrl') return url @property def id(self): """Get the 'NREL Publication Number' for this record. Returns ------- id : str Publication Number. """ try: group = self.get('keywordGroups')[0] cont = group.get('keywordContainers')[0] id = cont.get('freeKeywords')[0].get('freeKeywords')[0] id = id.replace('/', '-') except TypeError: id = self.get('externalId') return id @property def authors(self): """Get the names of all authors for a publication. Returns ------- out : str String containing author names. """ pa = self.get('personAssociations') if not pa: return None authors = [] for r in pa: name = r.get('name') if not name: continue first = name.get('firstName') last = name.get('lastName') full = " ".join(filter(bool, [first, last])) if not full: continue authors.append(full) out = ', '.join(authors) return out @property def category(self): """Get the publication category for this record. Returns ------- cat : str Publication category, ex: Technical Report, Article. """ type = self.get('type') term = type.get('term') cat = term.get('text')[0].get('value') return cat @property def links(self): """Get the doi and pdf links for a publication. Returns ------- doi : str doi link for publication. pdf_url : str pdf link for publication. """ ev = self.get('electronicVersions') doi = None pdf_url = None if ev: for link in ev: if link.get('doi'): doi = link.get('doi') if link.get('link'): pdf_url = link.get('link') return doi, pdf_url @property def abstract(self): """Get the abstract text for this publication. Returns ------- value : str String containing abstract text. """ abstract = self.get('abstract') if not abstract: return None text = abstract.get('text') if not text: return None value = text[0].get('value') return value
[docs] def save_abstract(self, abstract_text, out_fp): """Download abstract text to .txt file to the directory provided. Parameters ---------- abstract_text : str String with abstract text. out_dir : str Directory to download TXT files to. """ title = self.title full = f"The report titled {title} can be summarized as follows: " full += abstract_text with open(out_fp, "w") as text_file: text_file.write(full)
[docs] def download(self, pdf_dir, txt_dir): """Download PDFs and TXT files to the directories provided. If a record does not fit the criteria for PDF download, a TXT file with the record abstract will be saved to the TXT directory. Parameters ---------- pdf_dir : str Directory for pdf download. txt_dir : str Directory for txt download. """ category = self.category pdf_url = self.links[1] abstract = self.abstract pdf_categories = ['Technical Report', 'Paper', 'Fact Sheet'] if category not in pdf_categories: fn ='/', '-') + '.txt' fp = os.path.join(txt_dir, fn) if not os.path.exists(fp): if abstract: self.save_abstract(abstract, fp) else:'{self.title}: does not have an ' 'abstract to downlod') else: if pdf_url and pdf_url.endswith('.pdf'): fn ='/', '-') + '.pdf' fp = os.path.join(pdf_dir, fn) if not os.path.exists(fp): session = requests.Session() response = session.get(pdf_url) with open(fp, 'wb') as f_pdf: f_pdf.write(response.content) else: fn ='/', '-') + '.txt' fp = os.path.join(txt_dir, fn) self.save_abstract(abstract, fp)
[docs] class PublicationsList(list): """Class to retrieve and handle multiple publications from an API URL. This class requires setting an 'RHUB_API_KEY' environment variable to access the Pure Web Service. The API key can be obtained by contacting an NREL library representative: """ def __init__(self, url, n_pages=1): """ Parameters ---------- url : str Research Hub API URL to request, see this for details: n_pages : int Number of pages to get from the API. Typical response has 20 entries per page. Default of 1 ensures that this class doesnt hang on a million responses. """ api_key = os.getenv("RHUB_API_KEY") assert api_key is not None, "Please set RHUB_API_KEY!" self.url = url self._session = requests.Session() self._response = None self._n_pages = 0 self._iter = 0 records = self._get_all(n_pages) records = [PublicationsRecord(single) for single in records] super().__init__(records) def _get_first(self): """Get the first page of publications Returns ------- first_page : list Publication records as list. """ self._response = self._session.get( self.url, headers={'Accept': 'application/json'}) resp = self._response.json() if not self._response.ok: msg = ('API Request got error {}: "{}"' .format(self._response.status_code, self._response.reason)) raise RuntimeError(msg) first_page = self._response.json()['items'] self._n_pages = 1 if 'last' not in self._response.links: count_pages = resp['count'] / resp['pageInformation'].get('size') self._n_pages = math.ceil(count_pages) else: url = self._response.links['last']['url'] self._n_pages = int(url.split('page=')[-1]) logger.debug('Found approximately {} records.' .format(self._n_pages * len(first_page))) return first_page def _get_pages(self, n_pages): """Get response pages up to n_pages from Research Hub. Parameters ---------- n_pages : int Number of pages to retrieve Returns ------- next_pages : list This function will return a generator of next pages, each of which is a list of records. """ if n_pages > 1: for page in range(2, self._n_pages + 1): if page <= n_pages: next_page = self._session.get( self.url, params={'page': page}, headers={'Accept': 'application/json'}) next_page = next_page.json()['items'] yield next_page else: break def _get_all(self, n_pages): """Get all pages of publications up to n_pages. Parameters ---------- n_pages : int Number of pages to retrieve Returns ------- all_records : list List of all publication records. """ first_page = self._get_first() records = first_page for page in self._get_pages(n_pages): records.extend(page) return records
[docs] def meta(self): """Get a meta dataframe with details on all of the publications. Returns ------- df : pd.DataFrame Dataframe containing all metadata information. """ i = 0 attrs = ('title', 'year', 'url', 'id', 'category', 'authors') df = pd.DataFrame(columns=attrs) for record in self: doi = record.links[0] pdf_url = record.links[1] for attr in attrs: out = getattr(record, attr) if not isinstance(out, str): out = json.dumps(out)[i, attr] = out[i, 'doi'] = doi[i, 'pdf_url'] = pdf_url i += 1 return df
[docs] def download(self, pdf_dir, txt_dir): """Download all PDFs and abstract TXTs from the records in this objectbinto a directory. Files will be given file names based on their record ID. Parameters ---------- pdf_dir : str Directory to download PDFs to. This directory will be created if it does not already exist. txt_dir : str Directory to download TXTs to. This directory will be created if it does not already exist. """ os.makedirs(pdf_dir, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(txt_dir, exist_ok=True) for record in self: try:, txt_dir) except Exception as e: logger.exception('Could not download {}: {}' .format(record.title, e))'Finished publications download!')