OrdinanceGPT: Architectural Design Document

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose

This document describes the architectural design of the ordinance web scraping and extraction tool, focusing on its components, key classes, and their roles within the system.

1.2 Audience

  • Primary: Model developers working on expanding the capabilities of ordinance extraction.

  • Secondary: Model developers extending this functionality to other contexts.

1.3 Scope

Covers the OrdinanceGPT design, including key classes, their responsibilities, and interactions.

2. High-Level Architecture

2.1 System Context

Points of interaction for OrdinanceGPT:

  • End Users: Users submit model executions via command-line using a configuration file. Users can select specific jurisdictions to focus on.

  • Internet via Web Browser: The model searches the web for relevant legal documents. The most common search technique is Google Search.

  • LLMs: The model relies on LLMs (typically ChatGPT) to analyze web scraping results and subsequently extract information from documents.

  • Filesystem: Stores output files in organized sub-directories and compiles ordinance information into a CSV.


    group model[OrdinanceGPT]

    service input[User Input]
    service scraper(server)[Web Scraper] in model
    service llm(cloud)[LLM Service]
    service web(internet)[Web]
    service ds(disk)[Document Storage]
    service parser(server)[Document Parser] in model
    service out(database)[Ordinances]

    input:R --> L:scraper
    scraper:T --> L:llm
    scraper:T --> R:web
    scraper:B --> T:ds
    scraper:R --> L:parser
    parser:T --> B:llm
    parser:B --> T:out

3. Detailed Design

3.1 Web Scraper

The OrdinanceGPT Web Scraper consists of:

  • Google Search: Searches Google using pre-determined queries.

  • File Downloader: Converts Google Search results into documents (PDF or text).

  • Document Validators: Filters out irrelevant documents.


        flowchart LR

    A[Google Search] -->|File Downloader| B[Multiple Documents]
    B -->|Document Validator| C[Ordinance Document]
    C --> D[Disk storage]

3.2 Document Parser

The OrdinanceGPT Document Parser consists of:

  • Text Cleaner: Extract text from ordinance related to data of interest (i.e. wind turbine zoning).

  • Decision Tree: One decision tree per ordinance value of interest to guide data extraction using LLMs.


        flowchart LR

    A[Ordinance Document] -->|Text Cleaner| B[Cleaned Text]
    B --> C[Ordinance value extraction via Decision Tree]
    C --> D[Ordinance Database]

4 Key Concepts and Classes

4.1 Key Concept: Services

Because OrdinanceGPT is so reliant on LLMs, one of the main design goals is to minimize the code overhead incurred by querying the LLM API. In other words, we want to make it as simple as possible to make an LLM query from anywhere in the model code. Let’s look at the code required to do a single OpenAI query using the openai python wrapper:

import os
from openai import OpenAI

def my_function():


    client = OpenAI(

    chat_completion = client.chat.completions.create(
        messages=[{"role": "user", "content": "Say this is a test"}],

    if response is None:
        response_str = ""
        response_str = response.choices[0].message.content


if __name__ == "__main__":

Not bad! However, it’s still A LOT of boilerplate code every time you want to make query. Moreover, you may want to do extra processing on the response every time a call is made (i.e. convert it to JSON, track the number of tokens used, etc). One option is to refactor away some of the logic into a separate function:

import os
from openai import OpenAI

def count_token_use(response):

def parse_response_to_str(response):
    if response is None:
        return ""
    return response.choices[0].message.content

def call_openai(messages, model="gpt-4o"):
    client = OpenAI(
    chat_completion = client.chat.completions.create(
        messages=messages, model=model
    return parse_response_to_str(response)

def my_function():
    response_str = call_openai(
        messages=[{"role": "user", "content": "Say this is a test"}],

if __name__ == "__main__":

This is a lot closer to what we are looking for. However, all LLM deployments (that we know of anyways!) have quotas and rate limits. It can be frustrating to run into an unexpected rate limit error deep within our model logic, so we’d like to add a tracker for usage that staggers the submission of our queries to stay within the pre-imposed rate limits.

To achieve this without complicating the code we have to invoke every time we wish to submit an LLM query, we opt to submit our queries to a queue instead of to the API directly. Then, a separate worker can simultaneously monitor the queue and track rolling token usage. If the worker finds an item in the queue, it will submit the LLM call to the API as long as the rate limit has not been reached. Otherwise, it will wait until the limit has been reset before submitting an additional call.

This is the main concept behind services in the ELM ordinance code. We call the worker a Service, and it monitors a dedicated queue that we can submit to from anywhere in our code without having to worry about setting up usage monitors or other utility functions related to the API call. To use the service, we simply have to invoke the call (class)method with the relevant arguments. The only price we have to pay is that the service has to be running (i.e. actively monitoring a queue and tracking usage) when our function is called. In practice, the code looks something like this (with async flavor now spread throughout):

import asyncio
import openai
from elm.ords.services.provider import RunningAsyncServices
from elm.ords.services.openai import OpenAIService

async def my_function():
    # This function can be anywhere -
    # in a separate module or even in external code
    response_str = await OpenAIService.call(
        messages=[{"role": "user", "content": "Say this is a test"}],

async def main():
    client = openai.AsyncAzureOpenAI(
    openai_service = OpenAIService(
        client, rate_limit=1e4  # adjustable; counted in tokens per minute
    async with RunningAsyncServices([openai_service]):
        await my_function()

if __name__ == "__main__":

The cool thing is that if there are other functions in the model that use OpenAIService.call, this method will track their usage as well (all calls are submitted to the same queue), so no need to worry about exceeding limits when calling other methods! OpenAIService also provides some additional features behind the scenes, such as automatic resubmission upon API failure and ability to set up total token usage tracking.

4.1.1 Threaded and Process Pool Services

The ELM ordinance code takes the Services idea one step further. When running an async pipeline, it can be beneficial to run some work on separate threads or even CPU cores. Since these are limited resources, we can use Services to monitor their use as well! Let’s look at a few examples:

import asyncio
import openai
from elm.ords.services.provider import RunningAsyncServices
from elm.ords.services.openai import OpenAIService
from elm.ords.services.threaded import FileMover
from elm.ords.services.cpu import PDFLoader

async def read_pdf():
    # Loads a PDF file in a separate process (this can be time consuming if using OCR, for example)
    return PDFLoader.call(...)

async def my_function():
    response_str = await OpenAIService.call(
        messages=[{"role": "user", "content": "Say this is a test"}],
    FileMover.call(...) # Moves files to "./my_folder" using separate thread

async def main():
    client = openai.AsyncAzureOpenAI(
    services = [
        OpenAIService(client, rate_limit=1e4),  # OpenAI service, with rate monitoring as before
        FileMover(out_dir="./my_folder", max_workers=8),  # launches 8 threads, each of which can be used run individual jobs
        PDFLoader(max_workers=4),  # launches 4 processes, each of which can be used run individual jobs
    async with RunningAsyncServices(services):
        await read_pdf()
        await my_function()

if __name__ == "__main__":

There are several other services provided out of the box - see the documentation for details Alternatively, we provide two base classes that you can extend to get similar functionality: ThreadedService for threaded tasks and ProcessPoolService for multiprocessing tasks.

4.2 Key Classes

4.2.1 PlaywrightGoogleLinkSearch

Example Code:

from elm.web.google_search import PlaywrightGoogleLinkSearch

async def main():
    search_engine = PlaywrightGoogleLinkSearch()
    return await search_engine.results(
        "Wind energy zoning ordinance Decatur County, Indiana",

if __name__ == "__main__":

4.2.2 AsyncFileLoader

    Save content from links as files.
    1. Retrieve data from a URL.
    2. Determine wether information should be stored as a PDF or
       HTML document.
Key Relationships:
    Returns either :class:`~elm.web.document.PDFDocument` or
    :class:`~elm.web.document.HTMLDocument`. Uses `aiohttp` to
    access the web.

Example Code:

import asyncio
from elm.web.file_loader import AsyncFileLoader

async def main():
    loader = AsyncFileLoader()
    doc = await loader.fetch(
    return doc

if __name__ == "__main__":

4.2.3 PDFDocument / HTMLDocument

    Track document content and perform minor processing on it.
    1. Store "raw" document text.
    2. Compute "cleaned" text, which combines pages, strips HTML,
       and formats tables.
    3. Track pages and other document metadata.
Key Relationships:
    Created by :class:`~elm.web.file_loader.AsyncFileLoader` and
    used all over ordinance code.

Example Code:

from elm.web.document import HTMLDocument

content = ...
doc = HTMLDocument([content])
doc.text, doc.raw_pages, doc.attrs

4.2.4 OpenAIService

    Orchestrate OpenAI API calls.
    1. Monitor OpenAI call queue.
    2. Submit calls to OpenAI API if rate limit has not been
    3. Track token usage, both instantaneous (rate) and total (if
       user requests it).
    4. Parse responses into `str` and pass back to calling function.
Key Relationships:
    Must be activated with

Example Code:

import asyncio
import openai
from elm.ords.services.provider import RunningAsyncServices
from elm.ords.services.openai import OpenAIService

async def main():
    client = openai.AsyncAzureOpenAI(
    service = OpenAIService(client, rate_limit=1e4)
    async with RunningAsyncServices([service]):
        response_str = await OpenAIService.call(
            messages=[{"role": "user", "content": "Say this is a test"}],
    return response_str

if __name__ == "__main__":

4.2.5 LLMCaller / ChatLLMCaller / StructuredLLMCaller

    Helper classes to call LLMs.
    1. Use a service (e.g.
       :class:`~elm.ords.services.openai.OpenAIService`) to query an LLM.
    2. Maintain a useful context to simplify LLM query.
        - Typically these classes are initialized with a single LLM
          model (and optionally a usage tracker)
        - This context is passed to every ``Service.call`` invocation,
          allowing user to focus on only the message.
    3. Track message history
       or convert output into JSON
Key Relationships:
    Delegates most of work to underlying ``Service`` class.

Example Code:

import asyncio
import openai
from elm.ords.services.provider import RunningAsyncServices
from elm.ords.services.openai import OpenAIService
from elm.ords.llm import StructuredLLMCaller

CALLER = StructuredLLMCaller(

async def main():
    client = openai.AsyncAzureOpenAI(
    service = OpenAIService(client, rate_limit=1e4)

    async with RunningAsyncServices([service]):
        response_str = await CALLER.call(
            sys_msg="You are a helpful assistant",
            content="Say this is a test",
    return response_str

if __name__ == "__main__":

4.2.6 CountyValidator

    Determine wether a document pertains to a specific county.
    1. Use a combination of heuristics and LLM queries to determine
       wether or not a document pertains to a particular county.
Key Relationships:
    Uses a :class:`~elm.ords.llm.calling.StructuredLLMCaller` for
    LLM queries and delegates sub-validation to
    and :class:`~elm.ords.validation.location.URLValidator`.

Example Code:

import asyncio
import openai
from elm.ords.services.provider import RunningAsyncServices
from elm.ords.services.openai import OpenAIService
from elm.ords.llm import StructuredLLMCaller
from elm.ords.validation.location import CountyValidator
from elm.web.document import HTMLDocument

CALLER = StructuredLLMCaller(

async def main():
    content = ...
    doc = HTMLDocument([content])

    client = openai.AsyncAzureOpenAI(
    service = OpenAIService(client, rate_limit=1e4)
    validator =  CountyValidator(CALLER)

    async with RunningAsyncServices([service]):
        is_valid = await validator.check(
            doc, county="Decatur", state="Indiana"

    return is_valid

if __name__ == "__main__":

4.2.7 OrdinanceValidator

    Determine wether a document contains relevant ordinance
    1. Determine wether a document contains relevant (e.g.
    utility-scale wind zoning) ordinance information by splitting
    the text into chunks and parsing them individually using LLMs.
Key Relationships:
    Child class of
    which allows the validation to look at neighboring chunks of

Example Code:

import asyncio
import openai
from langchain.text_splitter import RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter
from elm.ords.extraction.ordinance import OrdinanceValidator
from elm.ords.services.provider import RunningAsyncServices
from elm.ords.services.openai import OpenAIService
from elm.ords.llm import StructuredLLMCaller
from elm.web.document import HTMLDocument

CALLER = StructuredLLMCaller(
TEXT_SPLITTER = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter(...)

async def main():
    content = ...
    doc = HTMLDocument([content])

    client = openai.AsyncAzureOpenAI(
    service = OpenAIService(client, rate_limit=1e4)
    chunks = TEXT_SPLITTER.split_text(doc.text)
    validator = OrdinanceValidator(CALLER, chunks)

    async with RunningAsyncServices([service]):
        contains_ordinances = await validator.parse()
        text = validator.ordinance_text

    return contains_ordinances, text

if __name__ == "__main__":

4.2.8 OrdinanceExtractor

    Extract relevant ordinance text from document.
    1. Extract portions from chunked document text relevant to
       particular ordinance type (e.g. wind zoning for utility-scale
Key Relationships:
    Uses a :class:`~elm.ords.llm.calling.StructuredLLMCaller` for
    LLM queries.

Example Code:

import asyncio
import openai
from langchain.text_splitter import RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter
from elm.ords.extraction.ordinance import OrdinanceExtractor
from elm.ords.services.provider import RunningAsyncServices
from elm.ords.services.openai import OpenAIService
from elm.ords.llm import StructuredLLMCaller

CALLER = StructuredLLMCaller(
TEXT_SPLITTER = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter(...)

async def main():
    content = ...

    client = openai.AsyncAzureOpenAI(
    service = OpenAIService(client, rate_limit=1e4)
    validator = OrdinanceExtractor(CALLER)

    async with RunningAsyncServices([service]):
        text_chunks = TEXT_SPLITTER.split_text(content)
        ordinance_text = await extractor.check_for_restrictions(text_chunks)

        text_chunks = text_splitter.split_text(ordinance_text)
        ordinance_text = await TEXT_SPLITTER extractor.check_for_correct_size(text_chunks)

    return ordinance_text

if __name__ == "__main__":

4.2.9 AsyncDecisionTree

    Represent a series of prompts that can be used in sequence to
    extract values of interest from text.
    1. Store all prompts used to extract a particular ordinance
       value from text.
    2. Track relationships between the prompts (i.e. which prompts
       is used first, which prompt is used next depending on the
       output of the previous prompt, etc.) using a directed acyclic
Key Relationships:
    Inherits from :class:`~elm.tree.DecisionTree` to add ``async``
    capabilities. Uses a :class:`~elm.ords.llm.calling.ChatLLMCaller`
    for LLm queries.

Example Code:

import asyncio
import openai
from elm.ords.services.provider import RunningAsyncServices
from elm.ords.services.openai import OpenAIService
from elm.ords.extraction.tree import AsyncDecisionTree

async def main():
    client = openai.AsyncAzureOpenAI(
    service = OpenAIService(client, rate_limit=1e4)

    G = ... # graph with prompts and a `ChatLLMCaller` instance embedded
    tree = AsyncDecisionTree(G)

    async with RunningAsyncServices([service]):
        response = await tree.async_run()

    return response

if __name__ == "__main__":

4.2.10 StructuredOrdinanceParser

    Extract structured ordinance data from text.
    1. Extract ordinance values into structured format by executing
       a decision-tree-based chain-of-thought prompt on the text for
       each value to be extracted.
Key Relationships:
    Uses a :class:`~elm.ords.llm.calling.StructuredLLMCaller` for
    LLM queries and multiple
    :class:`~elm.ords.extraction.tree.AsyncDecisionTree` instances
    to guide the extraction of individual values.

Example Code:

import asyncio
import openai
from elm.ords.extraction.parse import StructuredOrdinanceParser
from elm.ords.services.provider import RunningAsyncServices
from elm.ords.services.openai import OpenAIService
from elm.ords.llm import StructuredLLMCaller

CALLER = StructuredLLMCaller(

async def main():
    content = ...

    client = openai.AsyncAzureOpenAI(
    service = OpenAIService(client, rate_limit=1e4)
    parser = StructuredOrdinanceParser(CALLER)

    async with RunningAsyncServices([service]):
        ordinance_values = await parser.parse(content)

    return ordinance_values

if __name__ == "__main__":

5. Workflows

5.1 Downloading documents from Google

We give a rough breakdown of the following call:

import asyncio
from elm.web.search import web_search_links_as_docs

    "NREL wiki",
    "National Renewable Energy Laboratory director",
    "NREL leadership wikipedia",

async def main():
    docs = await web_search_links_as_docs(QUERIES, num_urls=4)
    return docs

if __name__ == "__main__":


  1. web_search_links_as_docs() is invoked with 3 queries and num_urls=4.

  2. Each of the three queries are processed asynchronously, creating a PlaywrightGoogleLinkSearch instance and retrieving the top URL results.

  3. Internal code reduces the URL lists returned from each of the queries into the top 4 URLs.

  4. AsyncFileLoader asynchronously downloads the content for reach of the top 4 URLs, determines the document type the content should be stored in (HTMLDocument or PDFDocument), creates and populates the document instances, and returns the document to the caller.

Sequence Diagram:

    participant A as web_search_links_as_docs()
    participant B as PlaywrightGoogleLinkSearch
    participant D as AsyncFileLoader
    participant E as HTMLDocument
    participant F as PDFDocument

    A ->> B: Query 1
    activate B
    A ->> B: Query 2
    B ->> A: Top-URL List 1
    A ->> B: Query 3
    B ->> A: Top-URL List 2
    B ->> A: Top-URL List 3
    deactivate B

    A ->> A: URL lists reduced to top 4 URLs

    A ->> D: URL 1
    activate D
    A ->> D: URL 2
    D ->> E: Content 1
    activate E
    A ->> D: URL 3
    E ->> A: Document 1
    deactivate E
    D ->> F: Content 2
    activate F
    D ->> E: Content 3
    activate E
    F ->> A: Document 2
    deactivate F
    E ->> A: Document 3
    deactivate E
    A ->> D: URL 4
    D ->> F: Content 4
    activate F
    F ->> A: Document 4
    deactivate F
    deactivate D

Note that the interleaved call-and-response pairs are meant to exhibit the async nature of the process and do not reflect a deterministic execution order.

5.2 Querying OpenAI

We give a rough breakdown of the following call:

import asyncio
import openai
from elm.ords.services.provider import RunningAsyncServices
from elm.ords.services.openai import OpenAIService
from elm.ords.llm import LLMCaller

async def main():
    client = openai.AsyncAzureOpenAI(
    service = OpenAIService(client, rate_limit=1e4)
    llm_caller = LLMCaller(
    async with RunningAsyncServices([service]):
        tasks = [
                    sys_msg="You are a helpful assistant",
                    content=f"Say this is a test: {i}"
            for i in range(1, 4)
        responses = await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
    return responses

if __name__ == "__main__":


  1. main() initializes openai.AsyncAzureOpenAI client, OpenAIService (not running), and LLMCaller.

  2. main() enters the RunningAsyncServices context, which starts the service.

  3. The now running OpenAIService initializes it’s own queue and begins monitoring it.

  4. main() now submits three LLM queries using the LLMCaller instance.

  5. LLMCaller puts the queries onto the queue initialized by OpenAIService.

  6. OpenAIService detects that the queue is not empty, checks that the rate limit has not been exceeded, and submits the first query to the LLM.

  7. OpenAIService detects that the queue is still not empty. It checks the updated rate limit. Seeing that it has not been exceeded, it submits the second query to the LLM.

  8. The LLM send back the first response to main().

  9. Once again, OpenAIService detects that the queue is not empty. It checks the updated rate limit, but it has now been exceeded. It does not submit the third query, and instead continues to monitor the running rate limit.

  10. OpenAIService detects that it has waited long enough, and that the rate limit has still not been exceeded. Since there is still a query in the queue, it submits the third query.

  11. The LLM send back the responses of query 2 and 3 to main().

  12. OpenAIService continues to monitor the queue, but main() has not submitted any more queries.

  13. Having received all the responses, main() exists the context. OpenAIService tears down the empty queue and stops running.

Sequence Diagram:


    participant B as LLMCaller
    participant A as main
    participant C as RunningAsyncServices
    participant D as OpenAIService
    participant E as OpenAIServiceQueue
    participant F as LLM (Chat GPT)

    A ->> D: Initialize
    activate D
    A ->> B: Initialize
    activate B
    A ->> C: Enter Context
    activate C
    C ->> D: Start Running
    D ->> E: Initialize
    activate E
    D ->> D: Check rate limit (OK)
    D ->> E: Check queue
    A ->> B: Submit queries
    B ->> E: Enqueue "Say this is a test: 1"
    D ->> D: Check rate limit (OK)
    D ->> E: Check queue
    E ->> D: Get LLM call request
    D ->> F: Submit call for "Say this is a test: 1"
    B ->> E: Enqueue "Say this is a test: 2"
    B ->> E: Enqueue "Say this is a test: 3"
    D ->> D: Check rate limit (OK)
    D ->> E: Check queue
    E ->> D: Get LLM call request
    D ->> F: Submit call for "Say this is a test: 2"
    F ->> A: Response: "This is a test: 1"
    D ->> D: Check rate limit (Failed)
    loop while rate limit exceeded
        D-->D: Check rate limit
    D ->> D: Check rate limit (OK)
    D ->> E: Check queue
    E ->> D: Get LLM call request
    D ->> F: Submit call for "Say this is a test: 3"
    F ->> A: Response: "This is a test: 2"
    F ->> A: Response: "This is a test: 3"
    D ->> D: Check rate limit (OK)
    D ->> E: Check queue

    A ->> C: Exit context
    C ->> D: Teardown
    deactivate C
    D ->> E: Teardown
    deactivate D
    deactivate E

    A ->> B: Teardown
    deactivate B

Note that the interleaved call-and-response pairs are meant to exhibit the async nature of the process and do not reflect a deterministic execution order.

6. Appendix

6.1 Tools and Libraries

  • aiohttp/beautifulsoup4: For fetching content from the web.

  • html2text: For utilities to pull text from HTML.

  • langchain: For utility classes like RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter.

  • networkx: For representing the DAG behind the decision tree(s).

  • pdftotext: For robust PDF to text conversion using poppler.

  • playwright: For navigating the web and performing Google searches.

  • PyPDF2: For auxiliary PDF utilities.

  • pytesseract (optional): For OCR utilities to read scanned PDF files.

  • tiktoken: For counting the number of LLM tokens used by a query.

7. Deliverables

This document can serve as a foundational guide for developers and analysis. It helps users of this code understand the software’s design and allows for smoother onboarding and more informed project planning.