[ ]:
# This information helps with debugging and getting support :)
import sys, platform
import pandas as pd
import bifacial_radiance as br
print("Working on a ", platform.system(), platform.release())
print("Python version ", sys.version)
print("Pandas version ", pd.__version__)
print("bifacial_radiance version ", br.__version__)

6 - Exploring Trackerdict Structure#

Tutorial 6 gives a good, detailed introduction to the trackerdict structure step by step. Here is a condensed summary of functions you can use to explore the tracker dictionary.


  1. Create a short Simulation + tracker dictionary beginning to end for 1 day

  2. Explore the tracker dictionary

  3. Explore Save Options

1. Create a short Simulation + tracker dictionary beginning to end for 1 day#

import bifacial_radiance
from pathlib import Path
import os

testfolder = str(Path().resolve().parent.parent / 'bifacial_radiance' / 'Tutorial_06')
if not os.path.exists(testfolder):

simulationName = 'tutorial_6'
moduletype = 'test-module'
albedo = "litesoil"      # this is one of the options on ground.rad
lat = 37.5
lon = -77.6

# Scene variables
nMods = 3
nRows = 1
hub_height = 2.3 # meters
pitch = 10 # meters      # We will be using pitch instead of GCR for this example.

# Traking parameters
cumulativesky = False
limit_angle = 45 # tracker rotation limit angle
angledelta = 0.01 # we will be doing hourly simulation, we want the angle to be as close to real tracking as possible.
backtrack = True

#makeModule parameters
# x and y will be defined by the cell-level module parameters
xgap = 0.01
ygap = 0.10
zgap = 0.05
numpanels = 2
torquetube = True
axisofrotationTorqueTube = False
diameter = 0.1
tubetype = 'Oct'    # This will make an octagonal torque tube.
material = 'black'   # Torque tube will be made of this material (0% reflectivity)

tubeParams = {'diameter':diameter,

# Simulation range between two hours
startdate = '11_06_11'       # Options: mm_dd, mm_dd_HH, mm_dd_HHMM, YYYY-mm-dd_HHMM
enddate = '11_06_14'

# Cell Parameters
numcellsx = 6
numcellsy = 12
xcell = 0.156
ycell = 0.156
xcellgap = 0.02
ycellgap = 0.02

demo = bifacial_radiance.RadianceObj(simulationName, path=testfolder)
epwfile = demo.getEPW(lat,lon)
metdata = demo.readWeatherFile(epwfile, starttime=startdate, endtime=enddate)
cellLevelModuleParams = {'numcellsx': numcellsx, 'numcellsy':numcellsy,
                         'xcell': xcell, 'ycell': ycell, 'xcellgap': xcellgap, 'ycellgap': ycellgap}
mymodule = demo.makeModule(name=moduletype, xgap=xgap, ygap=ygap, zgap=zgap,
                           numpanels=numpanels, cellModule=cellLevelModuleParams, tubeParams=tubeParams)

sceneDict = {'pitch':pitch,'hub_height':hub_height, 'nMods': nMods, 'nRows': nRows}
demo.set1axis(limit_angle=limit_angle, backtrack=backtrack, gcr=mymodule.sceney / pitch, cumulativesky=cumulativesky)
demo.makeScene1axis(module=mymodule, sceneDict=sceneDict)
path = C:\Users\mprillim\sam_dev\bifacial_radiance\bifacial_radiance\Tutorial_06
Making path: images
Making path: objects
Making path: results
Making path: skies
Making path: EPWs
Making path: materials
Loading albedo, 1 value(s), 0.213 avg
1 nonzero albedo values.
Getting weather file: USA_VA_Richmond.724010_TMY2.epw
 ... OK!
8760 line in WeatherFile. Assuming this is a standard hourly WeatherFile for the year for purposes of saving Gencumulativesky temporary weather files in EPW folder.
Coercing year to 2021
Filtering dates
Saving file EPWs\metdata_temp.csv, # points: 8760
Calculating Sun position for Metdata that is right-labeled  with a delta of -30 mins. i.e. 12 is 11:30 sunpos

Module Name: test-module
Module was shifted by 0.078 in X to avoid sensors on air
This is a Cell-Level detailed module with Packaging Factor of 0.81 %
Module test-module updated in module.json
Creating ~4 skyfiles.
Created 4 skyfiles in /skies/

Making ~4 .rad files for gendaylit 1-axis workflow (this takes a minute..)
4 Radfiles created in /objects/

Making 4 octfiles in root directory.
Created 1axis_2021-11-06_1100.oct
Created 1axis_2021-11-06_1200.oct
Created 1axis_2021-11-06_1300.oct
Created 1axis_2021-11-06_1400.oct
Linescan in process: 1axis_2021-11-06_1100_Front
Linescan in process: 1axis_2021-11-06_1100_Back
Saved: results\irr_1axis_2021-11-06_1100.csv
Index: 2021-11-06_1100. Wm2Front: 330.40732962962966. Wm2Back: 59.466602222222214
Linescan in process: 1axis_2021-11-06_1200_Front
Linescan in process: 1axis_2021-11-06_1200_Back
Saved: results\irr_1axis_2021-11-06_1200.csv
Index: 2021-11-06_1200. Wm2Front: 198.1420037037037. Wm2Back: 38.49673555555556
Linescan in process: 1axis_2021-11-06_1300_Front
Linescan in process: 1axis_2021-11-06_1300_Back
Saved: results\irr_1axis_2021-11-06_1300.csv
Index: 2021-11-06_1300. Wm2Front: 247.1418111111111. Wm2Back: 49.16649851851852
Linescan in process: 1axis_2021-11-06_1400_Front
Linescan in process: 1axis_2021-11-06_1400_Back
Saved: results\irr_1axis_2021-11-06_1400.csv
Index: 2021-11-06_1400. Wm2Front: 124.24930370370369. Wm2Back: 32.21901444444445
Saving a cumulative-results file in the main simulation folder.This adds up by sensor location the irradiance over all hours or configurations considered.
Warning: This file saving routine does not clean results, so if your setup has ygaps, or 2+modules or torque tubes, doing a deeper cleaning and working with the individual results files in the results folder is highly suggested.

Saving Cumulative results
Saved: cumulative_results_.csv
{'2021-11-06_1100': {'surf_azm': 90.0,
  'surf_tilt': 32.06,
  'theta': -32.06,
  'ghi': 303,
  'dhi': 191,
  'temp_air': 19.4,
  'wind_speed': 7.2,
  'skyfile': 'skies\\sky2_37.5_-77.33_2021-11-06_1100.rad',
  'radfile': 'objects\\1axis2021-11-06_1100__C_1.16301_rtr_10.00000_tilt_32.06000_3modsx1rows_origin0,0.rad',
  'scene': {'module': {'x': 1.036, 'y': 2.092, 'z': 0.02, 'modulematerial': 'black', 'scenex': 1.046, 'sceney': 4.284, 'scenez': 0.1, 'numpanels': 2, 'bifi': 1, 'text': '! genbox black cellPVmodule 0.156 0.156 0.02 | xform -t -0.44 -2.142 0 -a 6 -t 0.176 0 0 -a 12 -t 0 0.176 0 -a 2 -t 0 2.192 0\r\n! genbox black octtube1a 1.046 0.04142135623730951 0.1 | xform -t -0.523 -0.020710678118654756 -0.15000000000000002\r\n! genbox black octtube1b 1.046 0.04142135623730951 0.1 | xform -t -0.445 -0.020710678118654756 -0.05 -rx 45 -t 0 0 -0.1\r\n! genbox black octtube1c 1.046 0.04142135623730951 0.1 | xform -t -0.445 -0.020710678118654756 -0.05 -rx 90 -t 0 0 -0.1\r\n! genbox black octtube1d 1.046 0.04142135623730951 0.1 | xform -t -0.445 -0.020710678118654756 -0.05 -rx 135 -t 0 0 -0.1 ', 'modulefile': 'objects\\test-module.rad', 'glass': False, 'offsetfromaxis': 0, 'xgap': 0.01, 'ygap': 0.1, 'zgap': 0.05}, 'modulefile': 'objects\\test-module.rad', 'hpc': False, 'name': 'Scene0', 'gcr': 0.4284, 'text': '!xform -rx 32.06 -t 0 0 2.3 -a 3 -t 1.046 0 0 -a 1 -t 0 10 0 -i 1 -t -1.046 -0.0 0 -rz 90.0 -t 0 0 0 objects\\test-module.rad', 'radfiles': 'objects\\1axis2021-11-06_1100__C_1.16301_rtr_10.00000_tilt_32.06000_3modsx1rows_origin0,0.rad', 'sceneDict': {'tilt': 0, 'pitch': 10, 'clearance_height': 2.3, 'azimuth': 90.0, 'nMods': 3, 'nRows': 1, 'modulez': 0.02, 'axis_tilt': 0, 'originx': 0, 'originy': 0}},
  'octfile': '1axis_2021-11-06_1100.oct',
  'AnalysisObj': {'octfile': '1axis_2021-11-06_1100.oct', 'name': '1axis_2021-11-06_1100', 'hpc': False, 'x': [1.46341, 1.100345, 0.7372787, 0.3742128, 0.01114695, -0.3519189, -0.7149848, -1.078051, -1.441117], 'y': [8.960805e-17, 6.737667e-17, 4.51453e-17, 2.291393e-17, 6.825537e-19, -2.154882e-17, -4.378019e-17, -6.601157e-17, -8.824294e-17], 'z': [1.408206, 1.635604, 1.863002, 2.0904, 2.317797, 2.545195, 2.772593, 2.999991, 3.227388], 'rearZ': [1.389562, 1.616959, 1.844357, 2.071755, 2.299153, 2.52655, 2.753948, 2.981346, 3.208743], 'mattype': ['a1.0.a2.2.0.cellPVmodule.6457', 'a1.0.a2.4.0.cellPVmodule.6457', 'a1.0.a2.7.0.cellPVmodule.6457', 'a1.0.a2.9.0.cellPVmodule.6457', 'a1.0.octtube1a.6457', 'a1.0.a2.2.1.cellPVmodule.6457', 'a1.0.a2.4.1.cellPVmodule.6457', 'a1.0.a2.7.1.cellPVmodule.6457', 'a1.0.a2.9.1.cellPVmodule.6457'], 'rearMat': ['a1.0.a2.2.0.cellPVmodule.2310', 'a1.0.a2.4.0.cellPVmodule.2310', 'a1.0.a2.7.0.cellPVmodule.2310', 'a1.0.a2.9.0.cellPVmodule.2310', 'sky', 'a1.0.a2.2.1.cellPVmodule.2310', 'a1.0.a2.4.1.cellPVmodule.2310', 'a1.0.a2.7.1.cellPVmodule.2310', 'a1.0.a2.9.1.cellPVmodule.2310'], 'Wm2Front': [337.20706666666666, 337.6397, 337.00833333333327, 337.3246666666667, 273.78326666666663, 337.2169666666666, 337.4324666666667, 337.6477666666667, 338.40573333333333], 'Wm2Back': [60.91701333333333, 60.583059999999996, 60.04819333333334, 57.43180999999999, 42.28062, 61.19686333333333, 63.16713000000001, 64.29886, 65.27587], 'Back/FrontRatio': [0.1806511153054662, 0.17943056035602342, 0.17817961520353548, 0.17025627064646723, 0.15443042259063344, 0.18147569045105252, 0.18719877024646045, 0.190431200548341, 0.19289175885192197], 'backRatio': [0.1806511153054662, 0.17943056035602342, 0.17817961520353548, 0.17025627064646723, 0.15443042259063344, 0.18147569045105252, 0.18719877024646045, 0.190431200548341, 0.19289175885192197], 'rearX': [1.451733, 1.088667, 0.7256009, 0.3625351, -0.000530807, -0.3635967, -0.7266626, -1.089728, -1.452794], 'rearY': [8.889299e-17, 6.666162e-17, 4.443024e-17, 2.219887e-17, -3.250256e-20, -2.226388e-17, -4.449525e-17, -6.672662e-17, -8.895799e-17]},
  'Wm2Front': [337.20706666666666,
  'Wm2Back': [60.91701333333333,
  'backRatio': [0.1806511153054662,
 '2021-11-06_1200': {'surf_azm': 90.0,
  'surf_tilt': 9.27,
  'theta': -9.27,
  'ghi': 200,
  'dhi': 197,
  'temp_air': 20.0,
  'wind_speed': 5.2,
  'skyfile': 'skies\\sky2_37.5_-77.33_2021-11-06_1200.rad',
  'radfile': 'objects\\1axis2021-11-06_1200__C_1.95495_rtr_10.00000_tilt_9.27000_3modsx1rows_origin0,0.rad',
  'scene': {'module': {'x': 1.036, 'y': 2.092, 'z': 0.02, 'modulematerial': 'black', 'scenex': 1.046, 'sceney': 4.284, 'scenez': 0.1, 'numpanels': 2, 'bifi': 1, 'text': '! genbox black cellPVmodule 0.156 0.156 0.02 | xform -t -0.44 -2.142 0 -a 6 -t 0.176 0 0 -a 12 -t 0 0.176 0 -a 2 -t 0 2.192 0\r\n! genbox black octtube1a 1.046 0.04142135623730951 0.1 | xform -t -0.523 -0.020710678118654756 -0.15000000000000002\r\n! genbox black octtube1b 1.046 0.04142135623730951 0.1 | xform -t -0.445 -0.020710678118654756 -0.05 -rx 45 -t 0 0 -0.1\r\n! genbox black octtube1c 1.046 0.04142135623730951 0.1 | xform -t -0.445 -0.020710678118654756 -0.05 -rx 90 -t 0 0 -0.1\r\n! genbox black octtube1d 1.046 0.04142135623730951 0.1 | xform -t -0.445 -0.020710678118654756 -0.05 -rx 135 -t 0 0 -0.1 ', 'modulefile': 'objects\\test-module.rad', 'glass': False, 'offsetfromaxis': 0, 'xgap': 0.01, 'ygap': 0.1, 'zgap': 0.05}, 'modulefile': 'objects\\test-module.rad', 'hpc': False, 'name': 'Scene0', 'gcr': 0.4284, 'text': '!xform -rx 9.27 -t 0 0 2.3 -a 3 -t 1.046 0 0 -a 1 -t 0 10 0 -i 1 -t -1.046 -0.0 0 -rz 90.0 -t 0 0 0 objects\\test-module.rad', 'radfiles': 'objects\\1axis2021-11-06_1200__C_1.95495_rtr_10.00000_tilt_9.27000_3modsx1rows_origin0,0.rad', 'sceneDict': {'tilt': 9.27, 'pitch': 10, 'clearance_height': 1.954951469221026, 'azimuth': 90.0, 'nMods': 3, 'nRows': 1, 'modulez': 0.02, 'axis_tilt': 0, 'originx': 0, 'originy': 0}},
  'octfile': '1axis_2021-11-06_1200.oct',
  'AnalysisObj': {'octfile': '1axis_2021-11-06_1200.oct', 'name': '1axis_2021-11-06_1200', 'hpc': False, 'x': [1.694604, 1.271798, 0.8489932, 0.426188, 0.003382829, -0.4194224, -0.8422275, -1.265033, -1.687838], 'y': [1.037645e-16, 7.787519e-17, 5.198584e-17, 2.609649e-17, 2.071385e-19, -2.568221e-17, -5.157156e-17, -7.746091e-17, -1.033503e-16], 'z': [2.044687, 2.113697, 2.182706, 2.251716, 2.320726, 2.389735, 2.458745, 2.527755, 2.596765], 'rearZ': [2.022974, 2.091984, 2.160994, 2.230003, 2.299013, 2.368023, 2.437032, 2.506042, 2.575052], 'mattype': ['a1.0.a2.2.0.cellPVmodule.6457', 'a1.0.a2.4.0.cellPVmodule.6457', 'a1.0.a2.7.0.cellPVmodule.6457', 'a1.0.a2.9.0.cellPVmodule.6457', 'a1.0.octtube1a.6457', 'a1.0.a2.2.1.cellPVmodule.6457', 'a1.0.a2.4.1.cellPVmodule.6457', 'a1.0.a2.7.1.cellPVmodule.6457', 'a1.0.a2.9.1.cellPVmodule.6457'], 'rearMat': ['a1.0.a2.2.0.cellPVmodule.2310', 'a1.0.a2.4.0.cellPVmodule.2310', 'a1.0.a2.7.0.cellPVmodule.2310', 'a1.0.a2.9.0.cellPVmodule.2310', 'sky', 'a1.0.a2.2.1.cellPVmodule.2310', 'a1.0.a2.4.1.cellPVmodule.2310', 'a1.0.a2.7.1.cellPVmodule.2310', 'a1.0.a2.9.1.cellPVmodule.2310'], 'Wm2Front': [198.11946666666665, 198.12856666666667, 198.1377666666667, 198.14700000000002, 198.15623333333335, 198.16546666666667, 198.17466666666667, 198.1839, 198.06496666666666], 'Wm2Back': [34.83488666666667, 34.24818666666667, 33.691833333333335, 32.87728, 69.20081, 33.90951666666666, 35.152636666666666, 35.88444, 36.67103], 'Back/FrontRatio': [0.17582679494327863, 0.172857525723487, 0.17004160215660302, 0.16592284554979103, 0.3492217207311971, 0.17111632072294772, 0.1773811954713579, 0.18106545957840378, 0.18514553821210072], 'backRatio': [0.17582679494327863, 0.172857525723487, 0.17004160215660302, 0.16592284554979103, 0.3492217207311971, 0.17111632072294772, 0.1773811954713579, 0.18106545957840378, 0.18514553821210072], 'rearX': [1.69106, 1.268254, 0.8454493, 0.4226441, -0.0001610871, -0.4229663, -0.8457714, -1.268577, -1.691382], 'rearY': [1.035475e-16, 7.765819e-17, 5.176884e-17, 2.587949e-17, -9.863739e-21, -2.589921e-17, -5.178856e-17, -7.767792e-17, -1.035673e-16]},
  'Wm2Front': [198.11946666666665,
  'Wm2Back': [34.83488666666667,
  'backRatio': [0.17582679494327863,
 '2021-11-06_1300': {'surf_azm': 90.0,
  'surf_tilt': -14.87,
  'theta': 14.87,
  'ghi': 250,
  'dhi': 249,
  'temp_air': 20.0,
  'wind_speed': 7.2,
  'skyfile': 'skies\\sky2_37.5_-77.33_2021-11-06_1300.rad',
  'radfile': 'objects\\1axis2021-11-06_1300__C_1.75031_rtr_10.00000_tilt_-14.87000_3modsx1rows_origin0,0.rad',
  'scene': {'module': {'x': 1.036, 'y': 2.092, 'z': 0.02, 'modulematerial': 'black', 'scenex': 1.046, 'sceney': 4.284, 'scenez': 0.1, 'numpanels': 2, 'bifi': 1, 'text': '! genbox black cellPVmodule 0.156 0.156 0.02 | xform -t -0.44 -2.142 0 -a 6 -t 0.176 0 0 -a 12 -t 0 0.176 0 -a 2 -t 0 2.192 0\r\n! genbox black octtube1a 1.046 0.04142135623730951 0.1 | xform -t -0.523 -0.020710678118654756 -0.15000000000000002\r\n! genbox black octtube1b 1.046 0.04142135623730951 0.1 | xform -t -0.445 -0.020710678118654756 -0.05 -rx 45 -t 0 0 -0.1\r\n! genbox black octtube1c 1.046 0.04142135623730951 0.1 | xform -t -0.445 -0.020710678118654756 -0.05 -rx 90 -t 0 0 -0.1\r\n! genbox black octtube1d 1.046 0.04142135623730951 0.1 | xform -t -0.445 -0.020710678118654756 -0.05 -rx 135 -t 0 0 -0.1 ', 'modulefile': 'objects\\test-module.rad', 'glass': False, 'offsetfromaxis': 0, 'xgap': 0.01, 'ygap': 0.1, 'zgap': 0.05}, 'modulefile': 'objects\\test-module.rad', 'hpc': False, 'name': 'Scene0', 'gcr': 0.4284, 'text': '!xform -rx -14.87 -t 0 0 2.3 -a 3 -t 1.046 0 0 -a 1 -t 0 10 0 -i 1 -t -1.046 -0.0 0 -rz 90.0 -t 0 0 0 objects\\test-module.rad', 'radfiles': 'objects\\1axis2021-11-06_1300__C_1.75031_rtr_10.00000_tilt_-14.87000_3modsx1rows_origin0,0.rad', 'sceneDict': {'tilt': -14.87, 'pitch': 10, 'clearance_height': 1.7503054702295644, 'azimuth': 90.0, 'nMods': 3, 'nRows': 1, 'modulez': 0.02, 'axis_tilt': 0, 'originx': 0, 'originy': 0}},
  'octfile': '1axis_2021-11-06_1300.oct',
  'AnalysisObj': {'octfile': '1axis_2021-11-06_1300.oct', 'name': '1axis_2021-11-06_1300', 'hpc': False, 'x': [1.650823, 1.23677, 0.8227171, 0.408664, -0.005389162, -0.4194423, -0.8334954, -1.247549, -1.661602], 'y': [1.010838e-16, 7.573034e-17, 5.037689e-17, 2.502345e-17, -3.29991e-19, -2.568343e-17, -5.103688e-17, -7.639032e-17, -1.017438e-16], 'z': [2.760052, 2.650113, 2.540175, 2.430236, 2.320297, 2.210358, 2.100419, 1.99048, 1.880541], 'rearZ': [2.738789, 2.62885, 2.518911, 2.408972, 2.299033, 2.189095, 2.079156, 1.969217, 1.859278], 'mattype': ['a1.0.a2.2.0.cellPVmodule.6457', 'a1.0.a2.4.0.cellPVmodule.6457', 'a1.0.a2.7.0.cellPVmodule.6457', 'a1.0.a2.9.0.cellPVmodule.6457', 'a1.0.octtube1a.6457', 'a1.0.a2.2.1.cellPVmodule.6457', 'a1.0.a2.4.1.cellPVmodule.6457', 'a1.0.a2.7.1.cellPVmodule.6457', 'a1.0.a2.9.1.cellPVmodule.6457'], 'rearMat': ['a1.0.a2.2.0.cellPVmodule.2310', 'a1.0.a2.4.0.cellPVmodule.2310', 'a1.0.a2.7.0.cellPVmodule.2310', 'a1.0.a2.9.0.cellPVmodule.2310', 'sky', 'a1.0.a2.2.1.cellPVmodule.2310', 'a1.0.a2.4.1.cellPVmodule.2310', 'a1.0.a2.7.1.cellPVmodule.2310', 'a1.0.a2.9.1.cellPVmodule.2310'], 'Wm2Front': [247.13283333333334, 247.1093, 247.0856, 247.06193333333331, 247.03823333333335, 247.01456666666664, 247.29599999999996, 247.27796666666666, 247.25986666666665], 'Wm2Back': [47.766070000000006, 46.72716333333333, 45.55165333333334, 44.57091333333333, 86.23722, 41.25900666666667, 42.92781666666667, 43.42467, 44.033973333333336], 'Back/FrontRatio': [0.19328017275389922, 0.189094357189212, 0.18435501291180234, 0.18040307678691314, 0.3490830943586963, 0.16702998609939163, 0.1735881012170252, 0.17561004312403442, 0.17808711069793226], 'backRatio': [0.19328017275389922, 0.189094357189212, 0.18435501291180234, 0.18040307678691314, 0.3490830943586963, 0.16702998609939163, 0.1735881012170252, 0.17561004312403442, 0.17808711069793226], 'rearX': [1.656469, 1.242416, 0.8283629, 0.4143098, 0.0002566268, -0.4137965, -0.8278496, -1.241903, -1.655956], 'rearY': [1.014295e-16, 7.607604e-17, 5.07226e-17, 2.536916e-17, 1.571386e-20, -2.533773e-17, -5.069117e-17, -7.604461e-17, -1.013981e-16]},
  'Wm2Front': [247.13283333333334,
  'Wm2Back': [47.766070000000006,
  'backRatio': [0.19328017275389922,
 '2021-11-06_1400': {'surf_azm': 90.0,
  'surf_tilt': -36.95,
  'theta': 36.95,
  'ghi': 136,
  'dhi': 135,
  'temp_air': 17.2,
  'wind_speed': 6.7,
  'skyfile': 'skies\\sky2_37.5_-77.33_2021-11-06_1400.rad',
  'radfile': 'objects\\1axis2021-11-06_1400__C_1.01241_rtr_10.00000_tilt_-36.95000_3modsx1rows_origin0,0.rad',
  'scene': {'module': {'x': 1.036, 'y': 2.092, 'z': 0.02, 'modulematerial': 'black', 'scenex': 1.046, 'sceney': 4.284, 'scenez': 0.1, 'numpanels': 2, 'bifi': 1, 'text': '! genbox black cellPVmodule 0.156 0.156 0.02 | xform -t -0.44 -2.142 0 -a 6 -t 0.176 0 0 -a 12 -t 0 0.176 0 -a 2 -t 0 2.192 0\r\n! genbox black octtube1a 1.046 0.04142135623730951 0.1 | xform -t -0.523 -0.020710678118654756 -0.15000000000000002\r\n! genbox black octtube1b 1.046 0.04142135623730951 0.1 | xform -t -0.445 -0.020710678118654756 -0.05 -rx 45 -t 0 0 -0.1\r\n! genbox black octtube1c 1.046 0.04142135623730951 0.1 | xform -t -0.445 -0.020710678118654756 -0.05 -rx 90 -t 0 0 -0.1\r\n! genbox black octtube1d 1.046 0.04142135623730951 0.1 | xform -t -0.445 -0.020710678118654756 -0.05 -rx 135 -t 0 0 -0.1 ', 'modulefile': 'objects\\test-module.rad', 'glass': False, 'offsetfromaxis': 0, 'xgap': 0.01, 'ygap': 0.1, 'zgap': 0.05}, 'modulefile': 'objects\\test-module.rad', 'hpc': False, 'name': 'Scene0', 'gcr': 0.4284, 'text': '!xform -rx -36.95 -t 0 0 2.3 -a 3 -t 1.046 0 0 -a 1 -t 0 10 0 -i 1 -t -1.046 -0.0 0 -rz 90.0 -t 0 0 0 objects\\test-module.rad', 'radfiles': 'objects\\1axis2021-11-06_1400__C_1.01241_rtr_10.00000_tilt_-36.95000_3modsx1rows_origin0,0.rad', 'sceneDict': {'tilt': -36.95, 'pitch': 10, 'clearance_height': 1.012405558600545, 'azimuth': 90.0, 'nMods': 3, 'nRows': 1, 'modulez': 0.02, 'axis_tilt': 0, 'originx': 0, 'originy': 0}},
  'octfile': '1axis_2021-11-06_1400.oct',
  'AnalysisObj': {'octfile': '1axis_2021-11-06_1400.oct', 'name': '1axis_2021-11-06_1400', 'hpc': False, 'x': [1.356818, 1.014457, 0.6720971, 0.3297368, -0.01262347, -0.3549838, -0.6973441, -1.039704, -1.382065], 'y': [8.308113e-17, 6.21176e-17, 4.115408e-17, 2.019056e-17, -7.729649e-19, -2.173649e-17, -4.270001e-17, -6.366353e-17, -8.462706e-17], 'z': [3.346858, 3.089339, 2.83182, 2.574301, 2.316782, 2.059263, 1.801745, 1.544226, 1.286707], 'rearZ': [3.329276, 3.071758, 2.814239, 2.55672, 2.299201, 2.041682, 1.784163, 1.526644, 1.269125], 'mattype': ['a1.0.a2.2.0.cellPVmodule.6457', 'a1.0.a2.4.0.cellPVmodule.6457', 'a1.0.a2.7.0.cellPVmodule.6457', 'a1.0.a2.9.0.cellPVmodule.6457', 'a1.0.octtube1a.6457', 'a1.0.a2.2.1.cellPVmodule.6457', 'a1.0.a2.4.1.cellPVmodule.6457', 'a1.0.a2.7.1.cellPVmodule.6457', 'a1.0.a2.9.1.cellPVmodule.6457'], 'rearMat': ['a1.0.a2.2.0.cellPVmodule.2310', 'a1.0.a2.4.0.cellPVmodule.2310', 'a1.0.a2.7.0.cellPVmodule.2310', 'a1.0.a2.9.0.cellPVmodule.2310', 'sky', 'a1.0.a2.2.1.cellPVmodule.2310', 'a1.0.a2.4.1.cellPVmodule.2310', 'a1.0.a2.7.1.cellPVmodule.2310', 'a1.0.a2.9.1.cellPVmodule.2310'], 'Wm2Front': [124.42463333333335, 124.31856666666665, 124.21103333333333, 124.407, 124.27879999999999, 124.1492, 124.29609999999998, 124.10283333333332, 124.05556666666666], 'Wm2Back': [33.30500333333334, 32.75482, 32.21354, 31.187083333333334, 46.71498, 27.4618, 29.25820333333333, 28.460649999999998, 28.61505], 'Back/FrontRatio': [0.2676699522526039, 0.2634727652150225, 0.2593431500598037, 0.25068390564379567, 0.37588554213959147, 0.2211981938007349, 0.2353892675962137, 0.2293293384706086, 0.23066130853747632], 'backRatio': [0.2676699522526039, 0.2634727652150225, 0.2593431500598037, 0.25068390564379567, 0.37588554213959147, 0.2211981938007349, 0.2353892675962137, 0.2293293384706086, 0.23066130853747632], 'rearX': [1.370042, 1.027682, 0.6853217, 0.3429614, 0.0006011179, -0.3417592, -0.6841195, -1.02648, -1.36884], 'rearY': [8.38909e-17, 6.292738e-17, 4.196385e-17, 2.100033e-17, 3.680785e-20, -2.092672e-17, -4.189024e-17, -6.285376e-17, -8.381728e-17]},
  'Wm2Front': [124.42463333333335,
  'Wm2Back': [33.30500333333334,
  'backRatio': [0.2676699522526039,

2. Explore the tracker dictionary#

You can use any of the below options to explore the tracking dictionary. Copy it into an empty cell to see their contents.

print(demo)   # Shows all keys for top-level RadianceObj

trackerkeys = sorted(demo.trackerdict.keys()) # get the trackerdict keys to see a specific hour.

demo.trackerdict[trackerkeys[0]] # This prints all trackerdict content
demo.trackerdict[trackerkeys[0]]['scene']  # This shows the Scene Object contents
demo.trackerdict[trackerkeys[0]]['scene'].module.scenex  # This shows the Module Object in the Scene's contents
demo.trackerdict[trackerkeys[0]]['scene'].sceneDict # Printing the scene dictionary saved in the Scene Object
demo.trackerdict[trackerkeys[0]]['scene'].sceneDict['tilt'] # Addressing one of the variables in the scene dictionary

# Looking at the AnalysisObj results indivudally
demo.trackerdict[trackerkeys[0]]['AnalysisObj']  # This shows the Analysis Object contents
demo.trackerdict[trackerkeys[0]]['AnalysisObj'].mattype # Addressing one of the variables in the Analysis Object

# Looking at the Analysis results Accumulated for the day:
demo.Wm2Back  # this value is the addition of every individual irradiance result for each hour simulated.

#  Access module values

{'metdata': <bifacial_radiance.main.MetObj object at 0x000001B686A32050>, 'data': {}, 'path': 'C:\\Users\\mprillim\\sam_dev\\bifacial_radiance\\bifacial_radiance\\Tutorial_06', 'name': '2021-11-06_1400', 'materialfiles': ['materials\\ground.rad'], 'skyfiles': ['skies\\sky2_37.5_-77.33_2021-11-06_1400.rad'], 'radfiles': [], 'octfile': '1axis_2021-11-06_1400.oct', 'Wm2Front': array([906.884     , 907.19613333, 906.44273333, 906.9406    ,
       843.25653333, 906.5462    , 907.19923333, 907.21246667,
       907.78613333]), 'Wm2Back': array([176.82297333, 174.31323   , 171.50522   , 166.06708667,
       244.43363   , 163.82718667, 170.50578667, 172.06862   ,
       174.59592333]), 'backRatio': 0.19928946612004073, 'hpc': False, 'nowstr': '2024-04-05_15734', 'basename': 'tutorial_6', 'ground': <bifacial_radiance.main.GroundObj object at 0x000001B686AB8250>, 'epwfile': 'EPWs\\USA_VA_Richmond.724010_TMY2.epw', 'gencumsky_metfile': 'EPWs\\metdata_temp.csv', 'module': {'x': 1.036, 'y': 2.092, 'z': 0.02, 'modulematerial': 'black', 'scenex': 1.046, 'sceney': 4.284, 'scenez': 0.1, 'numpanels': 2, 'bifi': 1, 'text': '! genbox black cellPVmodule 0.156 0.156 0.02 | xform -t -0.44 -2.142 0 -a 6 -t 0.176 0 0 -a 12 -t 0 0.176 0 -a 2 -t 0 2.192 0\r\n! genbox black octtube1a 1.046 0.04142135623730951 0.1 | xform -t -0.523 -0.020710678118654756 -0.15000000000000002\r\n! genbox black octtube1b 1.046 0.04142135623730951 0.1 | xform -t -0.445 -0.020710678118654756 -0.05 -rx 45 -t 0 0 -0.1\r\n! genbox black octtube1c 1.046 0.04142135623730951 0.1 | xform -t -0.445 -0.020710678118654756 -0.05 -rx 90 -t 0 0 -0.1\r\n! genbox black octtube1d 1.046 0.04142135623730951 0.1 | xform -t -0.445 -0.020710678118654756 -0.05 -rx 135 -t 0 0 -0.1 ', 'modulefile': 'objects\\test-module.rad', 'glass': False, 'offsetfromaxis': 0, 'xgap': 0.01, 'ygap': 0.1, 'zgap': 0.05}, 'trackerdict': {'2021-11-06_1100': {'surf_azm': 90.0, 'surf_tilt': 32.06, 'theta': -32.06, 'ghi': 303, 'dhi': 191, 'temp_air': 19.4, 'wind_speed': 7.2, 'skyfile': 'skies\\sky2_37.5_-77.33_2021-11-06_1100.rad', 'radfile': 'objects\\1axis2021-11-06_1100__C_1.16301_rtr_10.00000_tilt_32.06000_3modsx1rows_origin0,0.rad', 'scene': {'module': {'x': 1.036, 'y': 2.092, 'z': 0.02, 'modulematerial': 'black', 'scenex': 1.046, 'sceney': 4.284, 'scenez': 0.1, 'numpanels': 2, 'bifi': 1, 'text': '! genbox black cellPVmodule 0.156 0.156 0.02 | xform -t -0.44 -2.142 0 -a 6 -t 0.176 0 0 -a 12 -t 0 0.176 0 -a 2 -t 0 2.192 0\r\n! genbox black octtube1a 1.046 0.04142135623730951 0.1 | xform -t -0.523 -0.020710678118654756 -0.15000000000000002\r\n! genbox black octtube1b 1.046 0.04142135623730951 0.1 | xform -t -0.445 -0.020710678118654756 -0.05 -rx 45 -t 0 0 -0.1\r\n! genbox black octtube1c 1.046 0.04142135623730951 0.1 | xform -t -0.445 -0.020710678118654756 -0.05 -rx 90 -t 0 0 -0.1\r\n! genbox black octtube1d 1.046 0.04142135623730951 0.1 | xform -t -0.445 -0.020710678118654756 -0.05 -rx 135 -t 0 0 -0.1 ', 'modulefile': 'objects\\test-module.rad', 'glass': False, 'offsetfromaxis': 0, 'xgap': 0.01, 'ygap': 0.1, 'zgap': 0.05}, 'modulefile': 'objects\\test-module.rad', 'hpc': False, 'name': 'Scene0', 'gcr': 0.4284, 'text': '!xform -rx 32.06 -t 0 0 2.3 -a 3 -t 1.046 0 0 -a 1 -t 0 10 0 -i 1 -t -1.046 -0.0 0 -rz 90.0 -t 0 0 0 objects\\test-module.rad', 'radfiles': 'objects\\1axis2021-11-06_1100__C_1.16301_rtr_10.00000_tilt_32.06000_3modsx1rows_origin0,0.rad', 'sceneDict': {'tilt': 0, 'pitch': 10, 'clearance_height': 2.3, 'azimuth': 90.0, 'nMods': 3, 'nRows': 1, 'modulez': 0.02, 'axis_tilt': 0, 'originx': 0, 'originy': 0}}, 'octfile': '1axis_2021-11-06_1100.oct', 'AnalysisObj': {'octfile': '1axis_2021-11-06_1100.oct', 'name': '1axis_2021-11-06_1100', 'hpc': False, 'x': [1.46341, 1.100345, 0.7372787, 0.3742128, 0.01114695, -0.3519189, -0.7149848, -1.078051, -1.441117], 'y': [8.960805e-17, 6.737667e-17, 4.51453e-17, 2.291393e-17, 6.825537e-19, -2.154882e-17, -4.378019e-17, -6.601157e-17, -8.824294e-17], 'z': [1.408206, 1.635604, 1.863002, 2.0904, 2.317797, 2.545195, 2.772593, 2.999991, 3.227388], 'rearZ': [1.389562, 1.616959, 1.844357, 2.071755, 2.299153, 2.52655, 2.753948, 2.981346, 3.208743], 'mattype': ['a1.0.a2.2.0.cellPVmodule.6457', 'a1.0.a2.4.0.cellPVmodule.6457', 'a1.0.a2.7.0.cellPVmodule.6457', 'a1.0.a2.9.0.cellPVmodule.6457', 'a1.0.octtube1a.6457', 'a1.0.a2.2.1.cellPVmodule.6457', 'a1.0.a2.4.1.cellPVmodule.6457', 'a1.0.a2.7.1.cellPVmodule.6457', 'a1.0.a2.9.1.cellPVmodule.6457'], 'rearMat': ['a1.0.a2.2.0.cellPVmodule.2310', 'a1.0.a2.4.0.cellPVmodule.2310', 'a1.0.a2.7.0.cellPVmodule.2310', 'a1.0.a2.9.0.cellPVmodule.2310', 'sky', 'a1.0.a2.2.1.cellPVmodule.2310', 'a1.0.a2.4.1.cellPVmodule.2310', 'a1.0.a2.7.1.cellPVmodule.2310', 'a1.0.a2.9.1.cellPVmodule.2310'], 'Wm2Front': [337.20706666666666, 337.6397, 337.00833333333327, 337.3246666666667, 273.78326666666663, 337.2169666666666, 337.4324666666667, 337.6477666666667, 338.40573333333333], 'Wm2Back': [60.91701333333333, 60.583059999999996, 60.04819333333334, 57.43180999999999, 42.28062, 61.19686333333333, 63.16713000000001, 64.29886, 65.27587], 'Back/FrontRatio': [0.1806511153054662, 0.17943056035602342, 0.17817961520353548, 0.17025627064646723, 0.15443042259063344, 0.18147569045105252, 0.18719877024646045, 0.190431200548341, 0.19289175885192197], 'backRatio': [0.1806511153054662, 0.17943056035602342, 0.17817961520353548, 0.17025627064646723, 0.15443042259063344, 0.18147569045105252, 0.18719877024646045, 0.190431200548341, 0.19289175885192197], 'rearX': [1.451733, 1.088667, 0.7256009, 0.3625351, -0.000530807, -0.3635967, -0.7266626, -1.089728, -1.452794], 'rearY': [8.889299e-17, 6.666162e-17, 4.443024e-17, 2.219887e-17, -3.250256e-20, -2.226388e-17, -4.449525e-17, -6.672662e-17, -8.895799e-17]}, 'Wm2Front': [337.20706666666666, 337.6397, 337.00833333333327, 337.3246666666667, 273.78326666666663, 337.2169666666666, 337.4324666666667, 337.6477666666667, 338.40573333333333], 'Wm2Back': [60.91701333333333, 60.583059999999996, 60.04819333333334, 57.43180999999999, 42.28062, 61.19686333333333, 63.16713000000001, 64.29886, 65.27587], 'backRatio': [0.1806511153054662, 0.17943056035602342, 0.17817961520353548, 0.17025627064646723, 0.15443042259063344, 0.18147569045105252, 0.18719877024646045, 0.190431200548341, 0.19289175885192197]}, '2021-11-06_1200': {'surf_azm': 90.0, 'surf_tilt': 9.27, 'theta': -9.27, 'ghi': 200, 'dhi': 197, 'temp_air': 20.0, 'wind_speed': 5.2, 'skyfile': 'skies\\sky2_37.5_-77.33_2021-11-06_1200.rad', 'radfile': 'objects\\1axis2021-11-06_1200__C_1.95495_rtr_10.00000_tilt_9.27000_3modsx1rows_origin0,0.rad', 'scene': {'module': {'x': 1.036, 'y': 2.092, 'z': 0.02, 'modulematerial': 'black', 'scenex': 1.046, 'sceney': 4.284, 'scenez': 0.1, 'numpanels': 2, 'bifi': 1, 'text': '! genbox black cellPVmodule 0.156 0.156 0.02 | xform -t -0.44 -2.142 0 -a 6 -t 0.176 0 0 -a 12 -t 0 0.176 0 -a 2 -t 0 2.192 0\r\n! genbox black octtube1a 1.046 0.04142135623730951 0.1 | xform -t -0.523 -0.020710678118654756 -0.15000000000000002\r\n! genbox black octtube1b 1.046 0.04142135623730951 0.1 | xform -t -0.445 -0.020710678118654756 -0.05 -rx 45 -t 0 0 -0.1\r\n! genbox black octtube1c 1.046 0.04142135623730951 0.1 | xform -t -0.445 -0.020710678118654756 -0.05 -rx 90 -t 0 0 -0.1\r\n! genbox black octtube1d 1.046 0.04142135623730951 0.1 | xform -t -0.445 -0.020710678118654756 -0.05 -rx 135 -t 0 0 -0.1 ', 'modulefile': 'objects\\test-module.rad', 'glass': False, 'offsetfromaxis': 0, 'xgap': 0.01, 'ygap': 0.1, 'zgap': 0.05}, 'modulefile': 'objects\\test-module.rad', 'hpc': False, 'name': 'Scene0', 'gcr': 0.4284, 'text': '!xform -rx 9.27 -t 0 0 2.3 -a 3 -t 1.046 0 0 -a 1 -t 0 10 0 -i 1 -t -1.046 -0.0 0 -rz 90.0 -t 0 0 0 objects\\test-module.rad', 'radfiles': 'objects\\1axis2021-11-06_1200__C_1.95495_rtr_10.00000_tilt_9.27000_3modsx1rows_origin0,0.rad', 'sceneDict': {'tilt': 9.27, 'pitch': 10, 'clearance_height': 1.954951469221026, 'azimuth': 90.0, 'nMods': 3, 'nRows': 1, 'modulez': 0.02, 'axis_tilt': 0, 'originx': 0, 'originy': 0}}, 'octfile': '1axis_2021-11-06_1200.oct', 'AnalysisObj': {'octfile': '1axis_2021-11-06_1200.oct', 'name': '1axis_2021-11-06_1200', 'hpc': False, 'x': [1.694604, 1.271798, 0.8489932, 0.426188, 0.003382829, -0.4194224, -0.8422275, -1.265033, -1.687838], 'y': [1.037645e-16, 7.787519e-17, 5.198584e-17, 2.609649e-17, 2.071385e-19, -2.568221e-17, -5.157156e-17, -7.746091e-17, -1.033503e-16], 'z': [2.044687, 2.113697, 2.182706, 2.251716, 2.320726, 2.389735, 2.458745, 2.527755, 2.596765], 'rearZ': [2.022974, 2.091984, 2.160994, 2.230003, 2.299013, 2.368023, 2.437032, 2.506042, 2.575052], 'mattype': ['a1.0.a2.2.0.cellPVmodule.6457', 'a1.0.a2.4.0.cellPVmodule.6457', 'a1.0.a2.7.0.cellPVmodule.6457', 'a1.0.a2.9.0.cellPVmodule.6457', 'a1.0.octtube1a.6457', 'a1.0.a2.2.1.cellPVmodule.6457', 'a1.0.a2.4.1.cellPVmodule.6457', 'a1.0.a2.7.1.cellPVmodule.6457', 'a1.0.a2.9.1.cellPVmodule.6457'], 'rearMat': ['a1.0.a2.2.0.cellPVmodule.2310', 'a1.0.a2.4.0.cellPVmodule.2310', 'a1.0.a2.7.0.cellPVmodule.2310', 'a1.0.a2.9.0.cellPVmodule.2310', 'sky', 'a1.0.a2.2.1.cellPVmodule.2310', 'a1.0.a2.4.1.cellPVmodule.2310', 'a1.0.a2.7.1.cellPVmodule.2310', 'a1.0.a2.9.1.cellPVmodule.2310'], 'Wm2Front': [198.11946666666665, 198.12856666666667, 198.1377666666667, 198.14700000000002, 198.15623333333335, 198.16546666666667, 198.17466666666667, 198.1839, 198.06496666666666], 'Wm2Back': [34.83488666666667, 34.24818666666667, 33.691833333333335, 32.87728, 69.20081, 33.90951666666666, 35.152636666666666, 35.88444, 36.67103], 'Back/FrontRatio': [0.17582679494327863, 0.172857525723487, 0.17004160215660302, 0.16592284554979103, 0.3492217207311971, 0.17111632072294772, 0.1773811954713579, 0.18106545957840378, 0.18514553821210072], 'backRatio': [0.17582679494327863, 0.172857525723487, 0.17004160215660302, 0.16592284554979103, 0.3492217207311971, 0.17111632072294772, 0.1773811954713579, 0.18106545957840378, 0.18514553821210072], 'rearX': [1.69106, 1.268254, 0.8454493, 0.4226441, -0.0001610871, -0.4229663, -0.8457714, -1.268577, -1.691382], 'rearY': [1.035475e-16, 7.765819e-17, 5.176884e-17, 2.587949e-17, -9.863739e-21, -2.589921e-17, -5.178856e-17, -7.767792e-17, -1.035673e-16]}, 'Wm2Front': [198.11946666666665, 198.12856666666667, 198.1377666666667, 198.14700000000002, 198.15623333333335, 198.16546666666667, 198.17466666666667, 198.1839, 198.06496666666666], 'Wm2Back': [34.83488666666667, 34.24818666666667, 33.691833333333335, 32.87728, 69.20081, 33.90951666666666, 35.152636666666666, 35.88444, 36.67103], 'backRatio': [0.17582679494327863, 0.172857525723487, 0.17004160215660302, 0.16592284554979103, 0.3492217207311971, 0.17111632072294772, 0.1773811954713579, 0.18106545957840378, 0.18514553821210072]}, '2021-11-06_1300': {'surf_azm': 90.0, 'surf_tilt': -14.87, 'theta': 14.87, 'ghi': 250, 'dhi': 249, 'temp_air': 20.0, 'wind_speed': 7.2, 'skyfile': 'skies\\sky2_37.5_-77.33_2021-11-06_1300.rad', 'radfile': 'objects\\1axis2021-11-06_1300__C_1.75031_rtr_10.00000_tilt_-14.87000_3modsx1rows_origin0,0.rad', 'scene': {'module': {'x': 1.036, 'y': 2.092, 'z': 0.02, 'modulematerial': 'black', 'scenex': 1.046, 'sceney': 4.284, 'scenez': 0.1, 'numpanels': 2, 'bifi': 1, 'text': '! genbox black cellPVmodule 0.156 0.156 0.02 | xform -t -0.44 -2.142 0 -a 6 -t 0.176 0 0 -a 12 -t 0 0.176 0 -a 2 -t 0 2.192 0\r\n! genbox black octtube1a 1.046 0.04142135623730951 0.1 | xform -t -0.523 -0.020710678118654756 -0.15000000000000002\r\n! genbox black octtube1b 1.046 0.04142135623730951 0.1 | xform -t -0.445 -0.020710678118654756 -0.05 -rx 45 -t 0 0 -0.1\r\n! genbox black octtube1c 1.046 0.04142135623730951 0.1 | xform -t -0.445 -0.020710678118654756 -0.05 -rx 90 -t 0 0 -0.1\r\n! genbox black octtube1d 1.046 0.04142135623730951 0.1 | xform -t -0.445 -0.020710678118654756 -0.05 -rx 135 -t 0 0 -0.1 ', 'modulefile': 'objects\\test-module.rad', 'glass': False, 'offsetfromaxis': 0, 'xgap': 0.01, 'ygap': 0.1, 'zgap': 0.05}, 'modulefile': 'objects\\test-module.rad', 'hpc': False, 'name': 'Scene0', 'gcr': 0.4284, 'text': '!xform -rx -14.87 -t 0 0 2.3 -a 3 -t 1.046 0 0 -a 1 -t 0 10 0 -i 1 -t -1.046 -0.0 0 -rz 90.0 -t 0 0 0 objects\\test-module.rad', 'radfiles': 'objects\\1axis2021-11-06_1300__C_1.75031_rtr_10.00000_tilt_-14.87000_3modsx1rows_origin0,0.rad', 'sceneDict': {'tilt': -14.87, 'pitch': 10, 'clearance_height': 1.7503054702295644, 'azimuth': 90.0, 'nMods': 3, 'nRows': 1, 'modulez': 0.02, 'axis_tilt': 0, 'originx': 0, 'originy': 0}}, 'octfile': '1axis_2021-11-06_1300.oct', 'AnalysisObj': {'octfile': '1axis_2021-11-06_1300.oct', 'name': '1axis_2021-11-06_1300', 'hpc': False, 'x': [1.650823, 1.23677, 0.8227171, 0.408664, -0.005389162, -0.4194423, -0.8334954, -1.247549, -1.661602], 'y': [1.010838e-16, 7.573034e-17, 5.037689e-17, 2.502345e-17, -3.29991e-19, -2.568343e-17, -5.103688e-17, -7.639032e-17, -1.017438e-16], 'z': [2.760052, 2.650113, 2.540175, 2.430236, 2.320297, 2.210358, 2.100419, 1.99048, 1.880541], 'rearZ': [2.738789, 2.62885, 2.518911, 2.408972, 2.299033, 2.189095, 2.079156, 1.969217, 1.859278], 'mattype': ['a1.0.a2.2.0.cellPVmodule.6457', 'a1.0.a2.4.0.cellPVmodule.6457', 'a1.0.a2.7.0.cellPVmodule.6457', 'a1.0.a2.9.0.cellPVmodule.6457', 'a1.0.octtube1a.6457', 'a1.0.a2.2.1.cellPVmodule.6457', 'a1.0.a2.4.1.cellPVmodule.6457', 'a1.0.a2.7.1.cellPVmodule.6457', 'a1.0.a2.9.1.cellPVmodule.6457'], 'rearMat': ['a1.0.a2.2.0.cellPVmodule.2310', 'a1.0.a2.4.0.cellPVmodule.2310', 'a1.0.a2.7.0.cellPVmodule.2310', 'a1.0.a2.9.0.cellPVmodule.2310', 'sky', 'a1.0.a2.2.1.cellPVmodule.2310', 'a1.0.a2.4.1.cellPVmodule.2310', 'a1.0.a2.7.1.cellPVmodule.2310', 'a1.0.a2.9.1.cellPVmodule.2310'], 'Wm2Front': [247.13283333333334, 247.1093, 247.0856, 247.06193333333331, 247.03823333333335, 247.01456666666664, 247.29599999999996, 247.27796666666666, 247.25986666666665], 'Wm2Back': [47.766070000000006, 46.72716333333333, 45.55165333333334, 44.57091333333333, 86.23722, 41.25900666666667, 42.92781666666667, 43.42467, 44.033973333333336], 'Back/FrontRatio': [0.19328017275389922, 0.189094357189212, 0.18435501291180234, 0.18040307678691314, 0.3490830943586963, 0.16702998609939163, 0.1735881012170252, 0.17561004312403442, 0.17808711069793226], 'backRatio': [0.19328017275389922, 0.189094357189212, 0.18435501291180234, 0.18040307678691314, 0.3490830943586963, 0.16702998609939163, 0.1735881012170252, 0.17561004312403442, 0.17808711069793226], 'rearX': [1.656469, 1.242416, 0.8283629, 0.4143098, 0.0002566268, -0.4137965, -0.8278496, -1.241903, -1.655956], 'rearY': [1.014295e-16, 7.607604e-17, 5.07226e-17, 2.536916e-17, 1.571386e-20, -2.533773e-17, -5.069117e-17, -7.604461e-17, -1.013981e-16]}, 'Wm2Front': [247.13283333333334, 247.1093, 247.0856, 247.06193333333331, 247.03823333333335, 247.01456666666664, 247.29599999999996, 247.27796666666666, 247.25986666666665], 'Wm2Back': [47.766070000000006, 46.72716333333333, 45.55165333333334, 44.57091333333333, 86.23722, 41.25900666666667, 42.92781666666667, 43.42467, 44.033973333333336], 'backRatio': [0.19328017275389922, 0.189094357189212, 0.18435501291180234, 0.18040307678691314, 0.3490830943586963, 0.16702998609939163, 0.1735881012170252, 0.17561004312403442, 0.17808711069793226]}, '2021-11-06_1400': {'surf_azm': 90.0, 'surf_tilt': -36.95, 'theta': 36.95, 'ghi': 136, 'dhi': 135, 'temp_air': 17.2, 'wind_speed': 6.7, 'skyfile': 'skies\\sky2_37.5_-77.33_2021-11-06_1400.rad', 'radfile': 'objects\\1axis2021-11-06_1400__C_1.01241_rtr_10.00000_tilt_-36.95000_3modsx1rows_origin0,0.rad', 'scene': {'module': {'x': 1.036, 'y': 2.092, 'z': 0.02, 'modulematerial': 'black', 'scenex': 1.046, 'sceney': 4.284, 'scenez': 0.1, 'numpanels': 2, 'bifi': 1, 'text': '! genbox black cellPVmodule 0.156 0.156 0.02 | xform -t -0.44 -2.142 0 -a 6 -t 0.176 0 0 -a 12 -t 0 0.176 0 -a 2 -t 0 2.192 0\r\n! genbox black octtube1a 1.046 0.04142135623730951 0.1 | xform -t -0.523 -0.020710678118654756 -0.15000000000000002\r\n! genbox black octtube1b 1.046 0.04142135623730951 0.1 | xform -t -0.445 -0.020710678118654756 -0.05 -rx 45 -t 0 0 -0.1\r\n! genbox black octtube1c 1.046 0.04142135623730951 0.1 | xform -t -0.445 -0.020710678118654756 -0.05 -rx 90 -t 0 0 -0.1\r\n! genbox black octtube1d 1.046 0.04142135623730951 0.1 | xform -t -0.445 -0.020710678118654756 -0.05 -rx 135 -t 0 0 -0.1 ', 'modulefile': 'objects\\test-module.rad', 'glass': False, 'offsetfromaxis': 0, 'xgap': 0.01, 'ygap': 0.1, 'zgap': 0.05}, 'modulefile': 'objects\\test-module.rad', 'hpc': False, 'name': 'Scene0', 'gcr': 0.4284, 'text': '!xform -rx -36.95 -t 0 0 2.3 -a 3 -t 1.046 0 0 -a 1 -t 0 10 0 -i 1 -t -1.046 -0.0 0 -rz 90.0 -t 0 0 0 objects\\test-module.rad', 'radfiles': 'objects\\1axis2021-11-06_1400__C_1.01241_rtr_10.00000_tilt_-36.95000_3modsx1rows_origin0,0.rad', 'sceneDict': {'tilt': -36.95, 'pitch': 10, 'clearance_height': 1.012405558600545, 'azimuth': 90.0, 'nMods': 3, 'nRows': 1, 'modulez': 0.02, 'axis_tilt': 0, 'originx': 0, 'originy': 0}}, 'octfile': '1axis_2021-11-06_1400.oct', 'AnalysisObj': {'octfile': '1axis_2021-11-06_1400.oct', 'name': '1axis_2021-11-06_1400', 'hpc': False, 'x': [1.356818, 1.014457, 0.6720971, 0.3297368, -0.01262347, -0.3549838, -0.6973441, -1.039704, -1.382065], 'y': [8.308113e-17, 6.21176e-17, 4.115408e-17, 2.019056e-17, -7.729649e-19, -2.173649e-17, -4.270001e-17, -6.366353e-17, -8.462706e-17], 'z': [3.346858, 3.089339, 2.83182, 2.574301, 2.316782, 2.059263, 1.801745, 1.544226, 1.286707], 'rearZ': [3.329276, 3.071758, 2.814239, 2.55672, 2.299201, 2.041682, 1.784163, 1.526644, 1.269125], 'mattype': ['a1.0.a2.2.0.cellPVmodule.6457', 'a1.0.a2.4.0.cellPVmodule.6457', 'a1.0.a2.7.0.cellPVmodule.6457', 'a1.0.a2.9.0.cellPVmodule.6457', 'a1.0.octtube1a.6457', 'a1.0.a2.2.1.cellPVmodule.6457', 'a1.0.a2.4.1.cellPVmodule.6457', 'a1.0.a2.7.1.cellPVmodule.6457', 'a1.0.a2.9.1.cellPVmodule.6457'], 'rearMat': ['a1.0.a2.2.0.cellPVmodule.2310', 'a1.0.a2.4.0.cellPVmodule.2310', 'a1.0.a2.7.0.cellPVmodule.2310', 'a1.0.a2.9.0.cellPVmodule.2310', 'sky', 'a1.0.a2.2.1.cellPVmodule.2310', 'a1.0.a2.4.1.cellPVmodule.2310', 'a1.0.a2.7.1.cellPVmodule.2310', 'a1.0.a2.9.1.cellPVmodule.2310'], 'Wm2Front': [124.42463333333335, 124.31856666666665, 124.21103333333333, 124.407, 124.27879999999999, 124.1492, 124.29609999999998, 124.10283333333332, 124.05556666666666], 'Wm2Back': [33.30500333333334, 32.75482, 32.21354, 31.187083333333334, 46.71498, 27.4618, 29.25820333333333, 28.460649999999998, 28.61505], 'Back/FrontRatio': [0.2676699522526039, 0.2634727652150225, 0.2593431500598037, 0.25068390564379567, 0.37588554213959147, 0.2211981938007349, 0.2353892675962137, 0.2293293384706086, 0.23066130853747632], 'backRatio': [0.2676699522526039, 0.2634727652150225, 0.2593431500598037, 0.25068390564379567, 0.37588554213959147, 0.2211981938007349, 0.2353892675962137, 0.2293293384706086, 0.23066130853747632], 'rearX': [1.370042, 1.027682, 0.6853217, 0.3429614, 0.0006011179, -0.3417592, -0.6841195, -1.02648, -1.36884], 'rearY': [8.38909e-17, 6.292738e-17, 4.196385e-17, 2.100033e-17, 3.680785e-20, -2.092672e-17, -4.189024e-17, -6.285376e-17, -8.381728e-17]}, 'Wm2Front': [124.42463333333335, 124.31856666666665, 124.21103333333333, 124.407, 124.27879999999999, 124.1492, 124.29609999999998, 124.10283333333332, 124.05556666666666], 'Wm2Back': [33.30500333333334, 32.75482, 32.21354, 31.187083333333334, 46.71498, 27.4618, 29.25820333333333, 28.460649999999998, 28.61505], 'backRatio': [0.2676699522526039, 0.2634727652150225, 0.2593431500598037, 0.25068390564379567, 0.37588554213959147, 0.2211981938007349, 0.2353892675962137, 0.2293293384706086, 0.23066130853747632]}}, 'cumulativesky': False, 'hub_height': 2.3}

3. Explore Save Options#

The following lines offer ways to save your trackerdict or your demo object.

demo.exportTrackerDict(trackerdict = demo.trackerdict, savefile = 'results\\test_reindexTrue.csv', reindex = False)
demo.save(savefile = 'results\\demopickle.pickle')

Exporting TrackerDict
Saved to file results\demopickle.pickle