Model Information


ReEDS is a mathematical programming model of the electric power sector. Given a set of input assumptions, ReEDS models the evolution and operation of generation, storage, transmission, and production technologies.

The model consists of two separate but interrelated modules:

  • Supply module - this module solves a linear program for the cost-minimizing levels of power sector investment

  • Operation and storage (VRE) module - this module calculates key parameters for assessing the value of VRE generators and storage

The full, detailed documentation of the ReEDS model can be found in the latest version of the published documentation: Regional Energy Deployment System (ReEDS) Model Documentation: Version 2020.

Detailed documentation of ReEDS 2.0 input files are available here

Model Switches


  • GSw_HourlyNumClusters specifies the maximum number of representative periods.

  • Two other switches, GSw_HourlyPeakLevel and GSw_HourlyMinRElevel, indicate additional “outlying periods” that can be added (peak-load-containing periods for GSw_HourlyPeakLevel, minimum-average-PV-CF and minimum-average-wind-CF periods for GSw_HourlyMinRElevel). If running the US and both are set to “interconnect”, they add the 3 peak-load days, 3 minimum-wind days, and 3 minimum-PV days by interconnect, resulting in 33+9=42 by default if GSw_HourlyNumClusters=33. These “outlying periods” are only included when using capacity credit (GSw_PRM_CapCredit=1) instead of stress periods (GSw_PRM_CapCredit=0).

  • When using GSw_HourlyClusterAlgorithm=optimized (the default), then depending on the setting of GSw_HourlyClusterRegionLevel there will be a maximum number of days it needs to reproduce the distribution of load/pv/wind. When GSw_HourlyClusterRegionLevel=transreg (the default), there are 11 regions and 3 features, so it needs ~33 days to reproduce the distribution (like an eigenvalue problem).

    • So turning up GSw_HourlyNumClusters on its own won’t increase the temporal coverage. If you want more temporal coverage, the options are:

      • Switch to GSw_HourlyType=wek, which increases the length of the periods from 1 day to 5 days. If all the other switches are left at their defaults, switching to wek would increase the coverage from 42 days to 5*42=210 days.

      • Reduce GSw_HourlyClusterRegionLevel to something smaller than transreg (like st), and then increase GSw_HourlyNumClusters

      • Switch to GSw_HourlyClusteAlgorithm=hierarchical and then increase GSw_HourlyNumClusters (although that’s less desirable, because hierarchical clustering doesn’t do as good of a job of reproducing the actual spatial distribution of CF and load)

      • Switch to Gsw_HourlyType=year. Although if you’re running for the whole US you’ll need to turn on region aggregation (GSw_RegionResolution=aggreg and GSw_HierarchyFile in [default or agg1, or agg2 or agg3]) for it to solve.

  • GSw_HourlyClusterAlgorithm

    • If set to ‘hierarchical’, then hierarchical clustering is used via

          affinity='euclidean', linkage='ward')
    • If set to ‘optimized’, then a two-step custom optimization is performed using the hourly_repperiods.optimize_period_weights() and hourly_repperiods.assign_representative_days() functions to minimize the deviation in regional load and PV/wind CF between the weighted representative periods and the full year.

    • If set to a string containing the substring ‘user’, then instead of optimizing the choice of representative periods for this run, we read them from the inputs/variability/period_szn_user.csv file.

      • The scenario name is in the first column, labeled ‘scenario’. ReEDS will use rows with the same label as GSw_HourlyClusterAlgorithm.

        • So if you want to use the example period:szn map, just set GSw_HourlyClusterAlgorithm=user.

        • If you want to specify a different period:szn map, then add your mapping at the bottom of inputs/variability/period_szn_user.csv with a unique scenario name in the ‘scenario’ column, and set GSw_HourlyClusterAlgorithm to your unique scenario name, which must contain the substring ‘user’. (For example, I could use a mapping called ‘user_myname_20230130’ by adding my period:szn map to inputs/variability/period_szn_user.csv with ‘user_myname_20230130’ in the ‘scenario’ column and setting GSw_HourlyClusterAlgorithm=user_myname_20230130.)

        • Make sure the settings for GSw_HourlyType and GSw_HourlyWeatherYears match your user-defined map. For example, if your ‘user_myname_20230130’ map includes 365 representative days for weather year 2012, then set GSw_HourlyType=day and GSw_HourlyWeatherYears=2012.

  • GSw_PRM_StressThreshold: The default setting of ‘transgrp_10_EUE_sum’ means a threshold of “10 ppm NEUE in each transgrp”, with stress periods selected by the daily sum of EUE within each transgrp.

    • The first argument can be selected from [‘country’, ‘interconnect’, ‘nercr’, ‘transreg’, ‘transgrp’, ‘st’, ‘r’] and specifies the hierarchy level within which to compare RA performance against the threshold.

    • The second argument can be any float and specifies the RA performance threshold in parts per million [ppm].

    • The third argument can be ‘NEUE’ or ‘EUE’, specifying which metric to use when selecting stress periods. If set to ‘NEUE’ the model will add stress periods with the largest fraction of dropped load; if set to ‘EUE’ the model will add stress periods with the largest absolute MWh of dropped load.

    • The fourth argument can be ‘sum’ or ‘max’, specifying whether to add stress periods in order of their daily per-hour max dropped load or by their daily sum of dropped load when selecting stress periods.

    • If desired you can provide /-delimited entries like ‘transgrp_10_EUE_sum/country_1_EUE_sum’, meaning that each transgrp must have ≤10 ppm NEUE and the country overall must have ≤1 ppm NEUE.


  • Timestamps are formatted as y{year}d{day of year}h{hour of day} in hour-ending format in Eastern Standard Time. The numbering of days begins at 1. For example, the hour from 3am-4am on January 3, 2012 would be indicated as y2012d003h004.

    • When using representative weks (5-day periods), timestamps are instead formatted as y{year}w{wek of year}h{hour of wek}. The numbering of weks begins at 1. In this format, the hour from 3am-4am on January 3, 2012 would be indicated as y2012w001h052.

  • Representative and stress periods (indexed as szn within ReEDS) are labeled similarly to timestamps but without the h{hour of day} component…

    • Except stress periods and stress timeslices have an ‘s’ prefix. So if the time period above showed up as a stress period, it would be labeled as h=sy2012d003h004 and szn=sy2012d003 for represntative days (or h=sy2012w001h052 and szn=sy2012w001 for representative weks). Stress periods are modeled using different loads and transmission capacities than representative periods, so they need to be indexed separately.


This section provides guidance on identifying and resolving common issues encountered during model execution. By checking the locations and files listed below, users can better pinpoint errors.

Key Areas for Error Checking

  • GAMS Log File

    • Path: “/runs/{batch_prefix}_{case}/gamslog.txt”

    • Purpose: contains the log outputs for all execution statements from the case batch file

    • What to look for:

      • ‘ERROR’: will provide more information into the specific file or line in the source code that failed or has an error

      • ‘LP status’ and ‘Status’: can provide more insight into the model run

      • ‘Cur_year’: can help you determine which year the model run failed in

  • GAMS Listing Files

    • Path: “/runs//{batch_prefix}_{case}/lstfiles/”

    • Purpose: contains the listing files for GAMS executions

    • What to look for:

      • ‘1_inputs.lst’: errors will be preceded by ‘****’

      • ‘{batch_prefix}{case}{year}i0.lst’: there should be one file for each year of the model run

      • ‘Augur_errors_{year}’: this file will appear in the event that there is an augur-related issue

  • GAMS Workfiles

    • Path: “/runs/{batch_prefix}_{case}/g00files/”

    • Purpose: stores a snapshot of all the model information available to GAMS at that point in the case execution. More information about GAMS work files can be found here:

    • What to look for:

      • ‘{batch_prefix}{case}{last year run}i0.g00’: should exist for the last year run

  • Output Directory

    • Path: “/runs/{batch_prefix}_{case}/outputs/”

    • Purpose: the outputs folder contains the generated output files from the model run

    • What to look for:

      • ‘*.csv’ files: there should be many ‘.csv’ files in this folder

        • these files should contain data, an error message “GDX file not found” indicates an issue with the reporting script at the end of the model

      • ‘reeds-report/’ and ‘reeds-report-reduced/’: if these folders are not present, it can indicate a problem with the post-processing scripts

  • Augur Data

    • Path: “/runs/{batch_prefix}_{case}/ReEDS_Augur/augur_data/”

    • What to look for:

      • ‘ReEDS_Augur_{year}.gdx’: there should be a file for each year of the model run =

      • ‘reeds_data_{year}.gdx’: there should be a file for each year of the model run

  • Case Inputs

    • Path: “/runs/{batch_prefix}_{case}/inputs_case/”

    • What to look for:

      • ‘*.csv’ files: there should be many ‘.csv’ files in this folder, if there isn’t, it could indicate a problem with the pre-processing scripts

      • ‘inputs.gdx’: if this doesn’t exist, it could indicate a problem with the pre-processing scripts

Re-running a Failed ReEDS Case

To re-run a failed case from the year it failed:

  1. Comment out all the execution statements that completed successfully in “/runs/{batch_prefix}{case}/call{batch_prefix}_{case}.bat” (or *.sh file if on Mac)

    • Shortcut for commenting multiple lines: Ctrl + ‘/’ (Command + ‘/’ if on Mac)

  2. Re-run “/runs/{batch_prefix}{case}/call{batch_prefix}_{case}.bat”

Additionally, ‘’ is a helper script that can be used to restart any failed runs. For more information on how to use this script, see the section on Helper Scripts and Tools.