PyDSS Project Layout#

A PyDSS project is made up of one or more scenarios that run simulations on a shared OpenDSS model. The purpose of scenarios is to allow users to customize inputs, outputs, or controls. Here are some examples to define multiple scenarios:

  • Run different control algorithms.

  • Run snapshot simulations at different time points.

  • Generate custom plots.

  • Run custom post-process scripts after each call to Solve.

Simulation Settings#

The main configuration file for the simulation is stored at <project-name>/simulation.toml. Refer to SimulationSettingsModel for more information. The following model defines all options valid for the simulation.toml file


Each scenario provides customizable config files in <project-name>/Scenarios/<scenario-name>. Refer to these subdirectories:

  • pyControllerList

  • ExportLists


If export_results is enabled then exported data for each scenario will be located in output directories at <project-name>/Exports/<scenario-name>/.


If any reports are enabled then generated report files will be located in the output directory <project-name>/Reports/.

Example layout#

Here is an example project that uses different controllers for each scenario.

tree examples/custom_contols
├── DSSfiles
│   ├── HECO19021_Profile9998.DSV
│   ├── HECO19021_Profile9998.dbl
│   ├── HECO19021_VLN_Node.Txt
│   ├── Loadshapes_Sep8to15.dss
│   ├── MPX000460267.csv
│   ├── MPX000472455.csv
│   ├── MPX000594341.csv
│   ├── MPX000635970.csv
│   ├── MPX000637601.csv
│   ├── Master_Spohn_existing_VV.dss
│   ├── PVGenerators_existing_VV.dss
│   ├── SecLines.dss
│   ├── SecLoads_Timeseries_realloc.dss
│   ├── Vsource_profile.csv
│   ├── buscoords.dss
│   └── testcodes.dss
├── Exports
├── ProfileManager.toml
├── Profiles
│   ├── mapping.toml
│   └── profiles.hdf5
├── Scenarios
│   ├── base_case
│   │   ├── ExportLists
│   │   │   └── ExportMode-byClass.toml
│   │   ├── pyControllerList
│   │   └── pyPlotList
│   ├── multiple_controls
│   │   ├── ExportLists
│   │   │   └── ExportMode-byClass.toml
│   │   ├── PostProcess
│   │   ├── pyControllerList
│   │   │   ├── PvController.toml
│   │   │   └── StorageController.toml
│   │   └── pyPlotList
│   ├── self_consumption
│   │   ├── ExportLists
│   │   │   └── ExportMode-byClass.toml
│   │   ├── PostProcess
│   │   ├── pyControllerList
│   │   │   └── StorageController.toml
│   │   └── pyPlotList
├── simulation.toml