HDF Data Format#

This page describes the format PyDSS uses to export data in an HDF file. PyDSS contains code to convert the raw data to pandas.DataFrame objects or Python dictionaries, so normal users should not need to write their own tools to interpret the data.

Refer to PyDSS.pydss_results.PyDssResults and PyDSS.pydss_results.PyDssScenarioResults for user-friendly interfaces. They are also described in Analyze results.


Each PyDSS project creates <project-path>/store.h5 to store exported data for all scenarios.

Each scenario’s data is stored under Exports/<scenario-name>.

Data stored for an element property for individual elements is stored in an HDF dataset.


This dataset includes columns for each individual element.

Data stored for an element property across elements of a given type is stored in an HDF dataset


Data stored for an element property across elements of a given type split by element name are stored in an HDF dataset


If a property is configured to compute a moving average, sum, min, or max on the data then a suffix is added to the property name.

  • <property-name>/Avg

  • <property-name>/Max

  • <property-name>/Min

  • <property-name>/Sum

Common Metadata#

PyDSS stores metadata that is common to all datasets in the root of the scenario group. For example, the Timestamp dataset contains the simulation timestamps (seconds since epoch) for all datasets that store values at every time point.


Dataset Metadata#

PyDSS stores metadata for each dataset in HDF attributes as well as other datasets. This metadata describes the contents of datasets.

Attributes per dataset#

  • type: Describes what type of data is stored.

    • per_time_point: Data is stored at every time point; indices are shared.

    • value: Only a single value is stored for each element.

    • filtered: Data is stored after being filtered; indices are stored for each element.

    • metadata: Metadata for another dataset.

    • time_step: Data are time indices, tied to filtered.

  • length: Number of rows of valid data written to the dataset.

Metadata datasets per dataset#

These items are stored in datasets because they exceed the max size for attributes when the number of elements is larger than approximately 1000.

  • <property-name>ColumnRanges: Range of column indices for each element

  • <property-name>Columns: Column names for element, including units

  • <property-name>Names: Name of each element stored in the dataset. Order is the same as in ColumnRanges and Columns.

If a dataset is filtered then then the dataset has a single column that includes all elements. Another dataset contains metadata to describe the contents. This dataset has TimeStep appended to the property name. Each row of this dataset is an array where the first item is the simulation time step number and the second is the element index. The element indices follow the same order as the Names and Columns datasets described above.

For example, suppose Nodes.VoltageMetric is stored with limits of [0.95, 1.05] and the only violations are at time step 90 on nodes 4 and 5. The contents of this dataset would be:


[[90, 4], [90, 5]]


The HDF Group provides graphical and command-line tools to browse HDF files. They can be downloaded from https://support.hdfgroup.org/products/hdf5_tools/

# Run a test project.
pydss run tests/data/custom_exports_project

# View the raw data in the HDF file.

h5ls -r tests/data/custom_exports_project/store.h5 | grep Timestamp

/Exports/scenario1/Timestamp Dataset {96, 1}
/Exports/scenario1/TimestampColumns Dataset {1}

h5ls -r tests/data/custom_exports_project/store.h5 | grep LineLosses

/Exports/scenario1/Circuits/ElementProperties/LineLosses Dataset {96, 1}
/Exports/scenario1/Circuits/ElementProperties/LineLossesColumnRanges Dataset {1, 2}
/Exports/scenario1/Circuits/ElementProperties/LineLossesColumns Dataset {1}
/Exports/scenario1/Circuits/ElementProperties/LineLossesNames Dataset {1}