# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Handler objects to interface with NRWAL equation groups (files).
from abc import ABC
import copy
import re
import os
import json
import yaml
import numpy as np
import logging
import operator
from collections import OrderedDict
from NRWAL.handlers.equations import Equation
from NRWAL.utilities.utilities import find_parens
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class AbstractGroup(ABC):
"""Abstract class for groupings of equations or variables in a single
yaml or json file.
def __init__(self, group, name=None, interp_extrap_power=False,
use_nearest_power=False, interp_extrap_year=False,
group : str | dict
String filepath to a yaml or json file containing one or more
equation strings OR a pre-extracted dictionary from a yaml or
json file with equation strings as values.
name : str | None
Optional name for identification and debugging if this
AbstractGroup is being initialized with the "group" input argument
as a pre-extracted dictionary.
interp_extrap_power : bool
Flag to interpolate and extrapolate power (MW) dependent equations
based on the case-insensitive regex pattern: "_[0-9]*MW$"
This takes preference over the use_nearest_power flag.
If both interp_extrap_power & use_nearest_power are False, a
KeyError will be raised if the exact equation name request is not
use_nearest_power : bool
Flag to use the nearest valid power (MW) dependent equation
based on the case-insensitive regex pattern: "_[0-9]*MW$"
This is second priority to the interp_extrap_power flag.
If both interp_extrap_power & use_nearest_power are False, a
KeyError will be raised if the exact equation name request is not
interp_extrap_year : bool
Flag to interpolate and extrapolate equations keyed by year.
This takes preference over the use_nearest_year flag.
If both interp_extrap_year & use_nearest_year are False, a
KeyError will be raised if the exact equation name request is not
use_nearest_year : bool
Flag to use the nearest valid equation keyed by year.
This is second priority to the interp_extrap_year flag.
If both interp_extrap_year & use_nearest_year are False, a
KeyError will be raised if the exact equation name request is not
self._base_name = name
self._dir_name = None
if isinstance(group, str):
self._base_name = os.path.basename(group)
self._dir_name = os.path.dirname(group)
self._default_variables = {}
self._interp_extrap_power = interp_extrap_power
self._use_nearest_power = use_nearest_power
self._interp_extrap_year = interp_extrap_year
self._use_nearest_year = use_nearest_year
self._group = self._parse_group(group)
def __add__(self, other):
"""Add another equation group to this instance of EquationGroup (self)
and return a new EquationGroup object that updates this instance with
the new input. Note that overlapping sub EquationGroups in the original
EquationGroup may be overwritten by the new input if a duplicate key
other : EquationGroup | str | dict
Another EquationGroup object or filepath to an EquationGroup
to add to this instance of EquationGroup (self).
out : EquationGroup
A new EquationGroup instance with this instance of EquationGroup
(self) updated with the input EquationGroup.
Note that overlapping sub EquationGroups in the original
EquationGroup may be overwritten by the new input if a duplicate
key exists.
cls = self.__class__
if isinstance(other, (str, dict)):
other = cls(other, interp_extrap_power=self._interp_extrap_power,
out = copy.deepcopy(self)
return out
def __repr__(self):
return str(self)
def _getitem_math(obj, key, workspace):
"""Helper function to recusively perform math for __getitem__ method
obj : EquationGroup | EquationDirectory
Instance of EquationGroup or EquationDirectory. This is input
explicitly in a staticmethod instead of an instance method so that
EquationDirectory can share the method.
key : str
A key or set of keys (delimited by "::") to retrieve from this
EquationGroup instance. For example, if this EquationGroup
has an equation 'eqn1': 'm*x + b', the the input key could be:
'eqn1' to retrieve the Equation object that holds 'm*x + b'.
The input argument key can also be delimited like 'set_1::eqn1'
to retrieve eqn1 nested in a sub EquationGroup object "set_1".
The input argument can also have embedded math like
'set_1::eqn1 + set_2::eqn2 ** 2'.
workspace : None | dict
Temporary workspace to hold parts of math expressions. Useful
for extracting and caching parenthetical statements.
out : Equation | EquationGroup
An object in this instance of EquationGroup keyed by the
input argument key.
# order of operator map enforces order of operations
op_map = OrderedDict()
op_map['+'] = operator.add
op_map['-'] = operator.sub
op_map['*'] = operator.mul
op_map['/'] = operator.truediv
op_map['^'] = operator.pow
key = key.replace('**', '^')
if any(c in key for c in ('[', ']', '{', '}')):
msg = ('Cannot parse EquationGroup key with square or curly '
'brackets: {}'.format(key))
raise ValueError(msg)
while '(' in key:
start_loc, end_loc = find_parens(key)[0]
wkey = 'workspace_{}'.format(1 + len(workspace))
assert wkey not in workspace
pk = key[start_loc:end_loc]
key = key.replace(pk, wkey)
pk = pk.lstrip('(').rstrip(')')
workspace[wkey] = obj._getitem(pk, workspace)
if key in workspace:
return workspace[key]
for op_str, op_fun in op_map.items():
if op_str in key:
split_keys = key.partition(op_str)
k1 = split_keys[0].strip()
k2 = split_keys[2].strip()
out1 = workspace.get(k1, None)
if out1 is None:
out1 = obj._getitem(k1, workspace)
out2 = workspace.get(k2, None)
if out2 is None:
out2 = obj._getitem(k2, workspace)
return op_fun(out1, out2)
def _getitem(self, key, workspace):
"""Protected method for __getitem__ with additional args for
recursive call.
key : str
A key or set of keys (delimited by "::") to retrieve from this
EquationGroup instance. For example, if this EquationGroup
has an equation 'eqn1': 'm*x + b', the the input key could be:
'eqn1' to retrieve the Equation object that holds 'm*x + b'.
The input argument key can also be delimited like 'set_1::eqn1'
to eetrieve eqn1 nested in a sub EquationGroup object "set_1".
The input argument can also have embedded math like
'set_1::eqn1 + set_2::eqn2 ** 2'.
workspace : dict | None
Temporary workspace to hold parts of math expressions. Useful
for extracting and caching parenthetical statements.
out : Equation | EquationGroup
An object in this instance of EquationGroup keyed by the
input argument key.
if workspace is None:
workspace = {}
operators = ('+', '-', '*', '/', '^')
if any(op in key for op in operators):
return self._getitem_math(self, key, workspace)
if key not in self and Equation.is_num(key):
return Equation(key)
if '::' in str(key):
keys = key.split('::')
keys = [key]
keys = [str(k) for k in keys]
out = self._group
for eqn_key in keys:
nn_eqns, nn_values, eqn_value = \
self._get_nn_eqns_values(eqn_key, keys, out)
if eqn_key in out:
out = out[eqn_key]
elif (self._interp_extrap_power or self._interp_extrap_year
and len(nn_eqns) > 1):
x1, x3 = nn_values[0:2]
y1, y3 = nn_eqns[0:2]
out = (y3 - y1) * (eqn_value - x1) / (x3 - x1) + y1
if not any(out.variables):
out = Equation(out.eval())
elif any(nn_eqns):
out = nn_eqns[0]
msg = ('Could not retrieve equation key "{}", '
'could not find "{}" in last available keys: {}'
.format(key, eqn_key, list(out.keys())))
raise KeyError(msg)
return out
def __getitem__(self, key):
"""Retrieve a nested Equation or EquationGroup object from this
instance of an EquationGroup.
key : str
A key or set of keys (delimited by "::") to retrieve from this
EquationGroup instance. For example, if this EquationGroup
has an equation 'eqn1': 'm*x + b', the the input key could be:
'eqn1' to retrieve the Equation object that holds 'm*x + b'.
The input argument key can also be delimited like 'set_1::eqn1'
to eetrieve eqn1 nested in a sub EquationGroup object "set_1".
The input argument can also have embedded math like
'set_1::eqn1 + set_2::eqn2 ** 2'.
out : Equation | EquationGroup
An object in this instance of EquationGroup keyed by the
input argument key.
return self._getitem(key, None)
def __contains__(self, arg):
return arg in self.keys()
def _get_nn_eqns_values(self, eqn_key, keys, group):
"""Get lists of the nearest power or year dependent equations.
Current equation retrieval key from the keys list
keys : list
List of equation strings delimited by '::'. For example, if
retrieving "2015::eqn_group::eqn_2012", keys will be:
['2015', 'eqn_group', 'eqn_2012']
group : EquationGroup
Current group to retrieve equations from. This is typically the
group level just before the eqn_key
nn_eqns : list
List of Equation objects close to eqn_key. Empty list if eqn_key
is not the last entry in keys.
nn_values : list
List of power or year values sorted by distance to eqn_key and
corresponding to nn_eqns. Empty list if eqn_key is not the last
entry in keys.
eqn_value : None | int | float
Power in MW (float) or year in YYYY format (int) from eqn_key.
None if eqn_key is not the last entry in keys.
nn_eqns = []
nn_values = []
eqn_value = None
i = keys.index(eqn_key)
if i == (len(keys) - 1):
# Only look for adjacent equations when were at the last
# retrieval level in the EquationGroup
if ((self._interp_extrap_power or self._use_nearest_power)
and self.is_power_eqn(eqn_key)):
nn_eqns, nn_values = \
self.find_nearest_power_eqns(eqn_key, group=group)
eqn_value = self._parse_power(eqn_key)[0]
elif ((self._interp_extrap_year or self._use_nearest_year)
and self.is_year_eqn(eqn_key)):
nn_eqns, nn_values = \
self.find_nearest_year_eqns(eqn_key, group=group)
eqn_value = self._parse_year(eqn_key)[0]
return nn_eqns, nn_values, eqn_value
def is_power_eqn(cls, key):
"""Determine if an equation key is power-based by looking for the
case-insensitive regex pattern "_[0-9]*MW$"
key : str
An equation key/name.
out : bool
True if the regex pattern "_[0-9]*MW$" was found in key
out = False
if cls._parse_power(key)[0] is not None:
out = True
return out
def _parse_power(key):
"""Parse the integer power from an equation key
key : str
A key to retrieve an equation from this EquationGroup. Should
contain the case-insensitive regex pattern "_[0-9]*MW$". Otherwise,
None will be returned.
power : float | None
The numeric power value in key in the regex pattern "_[0-9]*MW$".
If the pattern is not found, None is returned
base_str : str
Key with the regex pattern stripped out.
base_str = key
power = re.search('_[0-9]*MW$', key, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
if power is not None:
base_str = key.replace(power.group(0), '')
power = float(power.group(0).upper().replace('MW', '').lstrip('_'))
return power, base_str
def find_nearest_power_eqns(self, request, group=None):
"""Find power-based (MW) equations in this EquationGroup that match
the request (by regex pattern "_[0-9]*MW$") and sort them by
difference in equation power.
For example, if the request is "eqn_a_7MW" and there are "eqn_a_4MW",
"eqn_a_6MW", and "eqn_a_10MW" in this group, this method will return
[eqn_a_6MW, eqn_a_10MW, eqn_a_4MW], [6, 10, 4]
request : str
A key to retrieve an equation from this EquationGroup. Should
contain the case-insensitive regex pattern "_[0-9]*MW$". Otherwise,
empty lists will be returned.
group : EquationGroup
Group to be looking in for equations adjacent to the requested
equation. Defaults to the top level self._group attribute.
eqns : list
List of Equation objects that match the request key and are sorted
by difference in the _*MW specification to the input request key.
If the request key does not have the _*MW specification or if no
other keys in this EquationGroup match the request then this will
return an empty list.
eqn_powers : list
List of float power MW values corresponding to eqns and sorted
by difference in the _*MW specification to the input request key.
If the request key does not have the _*MW specification or if no
other keys in this EquationGroup match the request then this will
return an empty list.
eqn_keys = []
eqn_powers = []
if group is None:
group = self._group
req_mw, base_str = self._parse_power(request)
if req_mw:
for key in group.keys():
match_mw, match_base = self._parse_power(key)
if match_mw and base_str == match_base:
if any(eqn_keys):
eqn_pow_diffs = np.abs(req_mw - np.array(eqn_powers))
indices = np.argsort(eqn_pow_diffs)
eqn_keys = list(np.array(eqn_keys)[indices])
eqn_powers = list(np.array(eqn_powers)[indices])
eqns = [group[k] for k in eqn_keys]
return eqns, eqn_powers
def is_year_eqn(cls, key):
"""Determine if an equation key is year-based by looking for
*_YYYY in the key
key : str
An equation key/name.
out : bool
True if a year string *_YYYY is found in key
out = False
if cls._parse_year(key)[0] is not None:
out = True
return out
def _parse_year(key):
"""Parse the integer year from an equation key
key : str
A key to retrieve an equation from this EquationGroup. Should
have the *_YYYY pattern. Otherwise, None will be returned.
year : int | None
The numeric year value in key. If the pattern is not found,
None is returned
base_str : str
Key with the regex pattern stripped out.
base_str = key
year = re.search('_[1-2][0-9]{3}$', key, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
if year is not None:
base_str = key.replace(year.group(0), '')
year = int(year.group(0).lstrip('_'))
# unlikely to be a year before 1800 or after 2200
if year < 1800 or year > 2200:
year = None
base_str = key
return year, base_str
def find_nearest_year_eqns(self, request, group=None):
"""Find year-based (*_YYYY) equations in this EquationGroup that match
the request difference in equation year.
request : str
A key to retrieve an equation from this EquationGroup. Should
have the *_YYYY pattern. Otherwise, None will be returned.
group : EquationGroup
Group to be looking in for equations adjacent to the requested
equation. Defaults to the top level self._group attribute.
eqns : list
List of Equation objects that match the request key and are sorted
by difference in the YYYY specification to the input request key.
If the request key does not have the YYYY specification or if no
other keys in this EquationGroup match the request then this will
return an empty list.
eqn_years : list
List of integer year YYYY values corresponding to eqns and sorted
by difference in the YYYY specification to the input request key.
If the request key does not have the YYYY specification or if no
other keys in this EquationGroup match the request then this will
return an empty list.
eqn_keys = []
eqn_years = []
if group is None:
group = self._group
req_yr, base_str = self._parse_year(request)
if req_yr:
for key in group.keys():
match_yr, match_base = self._parse_year(key)
if match_yr and base_str == match_base:
if any(eqn_keys):
eqn_pow_diffs = np.abs(req_yr - np.array(eqn_years))
indices = np.argsort(eqn_pow_diffs)
eqn_keys = list(np.array(eqn_keys)[indices])
eqn_years = list(np.array(eqn_years)[indices])
eqns = [group[k] for k in eqn_keys]
return eqns, eqn_years
def _parse_group(group):
group : str | dict
String filepath to a yaml or json file containing one or more
equation strings OR a pre-extracted dictionary from a yaml or
json file with equation strings as values.
group : dict
Loaded dictionary from a yaml or json file with equation strings
or nested equation group dictionaries as values.
if isinstance(group, str):
if not os.path.exists(group):
msg = 'Cannot find equation file path: {}'.format(group)
raise FileNotFoundError(msg)
if group.endswith('.json'):
with open(group, 'r') as f:
group = json.load(f)
elif group.endswith(('.yml', '.yaml')):
with open(group, 'r') as f:
group = yaml.safe_load(f)
msg = ('Cannot load file path, must be json or yaml: {}'
raise ValueError(msg)
if not isinstance(group, dict):
msg = 'Cannot use group of type: {}'.format(type(group))
raise TypeError(msg)
group = {str(k): v for k, v in group.items()}
return group
def set_default_variables(self, var_dict):
"""Set default variables available to this object and all sub-groups
and equations within this object.
var_dict : dict | None
Default variables namespace. Variables from this input will be
passed to all Equation objects in this EquationGroup. These
variables can always be overwritten when Equation.evaluate()
is called.
if var_dict is not None:
for v in self.values():
def _r_all_equations(cls, obj):
"""Recusively retrieve all Equation objects from an EquationGroup or
EquationDirectory object
obj : EquationGroup | EquationDirectory
Group or directory of equations to recusively search for base
Equation objects.
eqns : list
List of all Equation objects extracted from the input object.
eqns = []
for v in obj.values():
if isinstance(v, Equation):
elif not isinstance(v, (int, float, str)):
eqns += cls._r_all_equations(v)
return eqns
def head(self, n=5):
"""Return the first n lines of the group string representation"""
return '\n'.join(str(self).split('\n')[:n])
def tail(self, n=5):
"""Return the last n lines of the group string representation"""
return '\n'.join(str(self).split('\n')[-1 * n:])
def all_equations(self):
"""List of all Equation objects from this object."""
return self._r_all_equations(self)
def get(self, key, default_value):
"""Attempt to get a key from the EquationGroup, return
default_value if the key could not be retrieved"""
return self[key]
except KeyError:
return default_value
def keys(self):
"""Get the 1st level of equation group keys, same as dict.keys()"""
return self._group.keys()
def items(self):
"""Get the 1st level of equation (keys, values), same as dict.items().
return self._group.items()
def values(self):
"""Get the 1st level of equation values, same as dict.values()"""
return self._group.values()
class EquationGroup(AbstractGroup):
"""Class to handle a single json or yaml file with multiple wind cost
def __str__(self):
s = ['EquationGroup object with heirarchy:']
if self._base_name is not None:
s = ['EquationGroup object from "{}" with heirarchy:'
for k, v in self.items():
if isinstance(v, Equation):
s += ['\t' + x for x in str(v).split('\n')[1:]]
return '\n'.join(s)
def _parse_group(self, group):
"""Parse a group of equation strings defined in a yaml or json file
group : str | dict
String filepath to a yaml or json file containing one or more
equation strings OR a pre-extracted dictionary from a yaml or
json file with equation strings as values.
group : dict
Loaded dictionary from a yaml or json file with equation strings
or nested equation group dictionaries as values.
group = super()._parse_group(group)
for k, v in sorted(group.items()):
if Equation.is_num(k):
msg = ('You cannot use numbers as keys in group "{}"'
raise ValueError(msg)
if isinstance(v, (str, int, float)):
group[k] = Equation(v, name=k)
elif isinstance(v, dict):
cls = self.__class__
group[k] = cls(
v, name=k, interp_extrap_power=self._interp_extrap_power,
msg = ('Cannot use equation group value that is not a '
'string, float, int, or dictionary: {} ({})'
.format(v, type(v)))
raise TypeError(msg)
# if input variables for an equation are found in the same group, just
# insert the equations corresponding to those variables
working = True
while working:
working = False
for group_key, eqn in group.items():
if not isinstance(eqn, Equation):
for var in [v for v in eqn.variables if v in group]:
repl_str = '({})'.format(group[var].full)
new_eqn = eqn.full.replace(var, repl_str)
group[group_key] = eqn = eqn.replace_equation(new_eqn)
working = True
return group
def default_variables(self):
"""Get a dictionary of default variables from a variables.yaml file
accessible to this object
return self._default_variables
class VariableGroup(AbstractGroup):
"""Class to handle a single json or yaml file with multiple numerical
variable definitions from variables.yaml files.
def __str__(self):
s = ['VariableGroup object with variable definitions:']
for k, v in self.items():
s.append('{}: {}'.format(k, v))
return '\n'.join(s)
def var_dict(self):
"""Get a dictionary of the variable namespace where keys are variable
names and values are single numeric variable values.
return self._group
def _parse_group(self, group):
"""Parse a group of numerical variables defined in a yaml or json file
group : str | dict
String filepath to a yaml or json file containing one or more
numerical variable definitions OR a pre-extracted dictionary
from a yaml or json file with variable definitions.
group : dict
Loaded dictionary from a yaml or json file with numerical
variable definitions
group = super()._parse_group(group)
for k, v in group.items():
if Equation.is_num(k):
msg = ('You cannot use numbers as keys in group "{}"'
raise ValueError(msg)
if isinstance(v, int):
v = float(v)
group[k] = v
if not isinstance(v, float):
msg = ('Cannot use variable group value that is not a '
'float: {} ({})'.format(v, type(v)))
raise TypeError(msg)
return group