Source code for NRWAL.handlers.equations

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Handler objects to interface with single NRWAL equation strings.
import copy
import re
import numpy as np
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class Equation: """Class to handle and evaluate a single wind cost equation string.""" # illegal substrings that cannot be in cost equations ILLEGAL = ('import ', 'os.', 'sys.', '.__', '__.', 'eval', 'exec') def __init__(self, eqn, name=None, default_variables=None): """ Parameters ---------- eqn : str | int | float Cost equation in a string representation or a single number e.g.: "-34.80 * depth ** 2 + 207619.80 * depth + 221197699.89" name : str | None Optional equation name / key for string formatting default_variables : dict Optional dictionary of default variables accessible to this Equation object. These inputs can still be overwritten at runtime. """ self._default_variables = default_variables if self._default_variables is None: self._default_variables = {} self._str = None self._base_name = name self._eqn = str(eqn) self._preflight() def _preflight(self): """Run preflight checks on the equation string.""" for substr in self.ILLEGAL: if substr in str(self._eqn): msg = ('Will not evaluate string which contains "{}": {}' .format(substr, self._eqn)) logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) self.verify_no_self_reference()
[docs] def verify_no_self_reference(self): """Verify that the equation does not reference itself. Raises ------ ValueError If a reference to the equation name is found in its variables. """ if self._base_name in self.variables: msg = ("Self-referencing is not allowed! Please change " "either the equation name or the name of the dependent " "variable in the following input equation: {} = {}" .format(self._base_name, self._eqn)) logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg)
@staticmethod def _check_input_args(kwargs): """Check that input args to equation are of expected types.""" assert isinstance(kwargs, dict), 'Equation inputs must be a dict!' for k, v in kwargs.items(): msg = 'Input keys must be strings but received: {}'.format(k) assert isinstance(k, str), msg msg = ('Input data must be one of (int, float, np.ndarray, list, ' 'tuple), but received: {}'.format(type(v))) is_num = (isinstance(v, (int, float, np.ndarray, list, tuple)) | np.issubdtype(type(v), np.number)) assert is_num, msg if isinstance(v, np.ndarray): if np.issubdtype(v.dtype, np.integer): kwargs[k] = v.astype(np.float32) elif isinstance(v, int): kwargs[k] = float(v) return kwargs
[docs] def replace_equation(self, new_eqn): """Replace the expression of this equation with a new one. This method returns a new `Equation` instance that replaces the existing equation expression with the new one supplied by the user, keeping the equation name and default variables unchanged. Parameters ---------- new_eqn : str String representation of the new `Equation` instance. Returns ------- `Equation` A new `Equation` instance with the same name and default values as the old `Equation` but with the new equation expression. """ return self.__class__( new_eqn, name=self._base_name, default_variables=self.default_variables )
def __eqn_math(self, other, operator): """Perform arithmetic with this instance of Equation (self) and an input "other" Equation and return a new Equation object that evaluates the arithmetic operation of the two equations Parameters ---------- other : Equation | str | int | float Another Equation object or simple string representation of an equation operator : str An arithmetic operator in a python string such as: + - / * ** % Returns ------- out : Equation A new Equation instance with this instance of Equation (self) operated on by the input Equation. """ cls = self.__class__ if not isinstance(other, Equation): other = cls(other) arg1 = self._eqn arg2 = other._eqn if not self.is_num(arg1) and not self.is_variable(arg1): arg1 = '({})'.format(arg1) if not self.is_num(arg2) and not self.is_variable(arg2): arg2 = '({})'.format(arg2) new_eqn = '{} {} {}'.format(arg1, operator, arg2) new_str = '({} {} {})'.format(self, operator, other) def_vars = copy.deepcopy(self._default_variables) def_vars.update(other._default_variables) out = cls(new_eqn, default_variables=def_vars) out._str = new_str return out
[docs] def __add__(self, other): """Add another equation to this instance of Equation (self) and return a new Equation object that evaluates the sum of the two equations Parameters ---------- other : Equation | str | int | float Another Equation object or simple string representation of an equation to add to this instance of Equation (self). Returns ------- out : Equation A new Equation instance with this instance of Equation (self) summed with the input Equation. """ return self.__eqn_math(other, '+')
def __sub__(self, other): """Subtract another equation from this instance of Equation (self) and return a new Equation object that evaluates the difference of the two equations Parameters ---------- other : Equation | str | int | float Another Equation object or simple string representation of an equation to subtract from this instance of Equation (self). Returns ------- out : Equation A new Equation instance with this instance of Equation (self) subtracted by the input Equation. """ return self.__eqn_math(other, '-')
[docs] def __mul__(self, other): """Multiply another equation by this instance of Equation (self) and return a new Equation object that evaluates the product of the two equations Parameters ---------- other : Equation | str | int | float Another Equation object or simple string representation of an equation to multiply by this instance of Equation (self). Returns ------- out : Equation A new Equation instance with this instance of Equation (self) multiplied by the input Equation. """ return self.__eqn_math(other, '*')
def __pow__(self, other): """Raise this instance of Equation (self) by the output of another equation and return a new Equation object that evaluates this power function Parameters ---------- other : Equation | str | int | float Another Equation object or simple string representation of an equation to raise this instance of Equation (self) to the power of. Returns ------- out : Equation A new Equation instance with this instance of Equation (self) raise to the power of the output of the input Equation. """ return self.__eqn_math(other, '**') def __div__(self, other): """Divide this instance of Equation (self) by another Equation and return a new Equation object that evaluates the division of the two equations. Parameters ---------- other : Equation | str | int | float Another Equation object or simple string representation of an equation to divide this instance of Equation (self) by. Returns ------- out : Equation A new Equation instance with this instance of Equation (self) divided by the input Equation. """ return self.__eqn_math(other, '/') def __truediv__(self, other): """Divide this instance of Equation (self) by another Equation and return a new Equation object that evaluates the division of the two equations. Parameters ---------- other : Equation | str | int | float Another Equation object or simple string representation of an equation to divide this instance of Equation (self) by. Returns ------- out : Equation A new Equation instance with this instance of Equation (self) divided by the input Equation. """ return self.__eqn_math(other, '/') def __repr__(self): return str(self) def __str__(self): if self._str is None: if self.is_num(self._eqn) and not any(self.variables): self._str = str(self._eqn) else: vars_str = [v for v in self.variables if v not in self.default_variables] vars_str = str(vars_str).replace('[', '').replace(']', '')\ .replace("'", '').replace('"', '') gvars_str = [v for v in self.variables if v in self.default_variables] for gvar in gvars_str: base_str = ', ' if bool(vars_str) else '' kw_str = '{}={}'.format(gvar, self.default_variables[gvar]) vars_str += base_str + kw_str if self._base_name is None: self._str = 'Equation({})'.format(vars_str) else: self._str = '{}({})'.format(self._base_name, vars_str) return self._str def __contains__(self, arg): return arg in self._eqn
[docs] def set_default_variables(self, var_dict): """Set default variables available to this Equation object. Parameters ---------- var_dict : dict | None Default variables namespace. These variables can always be overwritten when Equation.evaluate() is called. """ if var_dict is not None: self._default_variables.update(copy.deepcopy(var_dict))
@staticmethod def _merge_vars(var_group, kwargs): """Create a copied namespace of input args for the Equation evaluation. This is the default-style variables set with the self._set_variables() method and the self._default_variables attribute updated with kwargs from the self.evaluate() method call. Parameters ---------- var_group : dict | None Variables group from a higher level than or adjacent to this instance of Equation. Variables from this input will be passed to the equation for evaluation. These variables can always be overwritten when Equation.evaluate() is called. kwargs : dict Keyword arguments setting variables of the equation. Returns ------- out : dict Copied input args from var_group updated with kwargs. """ if var_group is None: out = {} else: out = copy.deepcopy(var_group) out.update(kwargs) return out
[docs] @staticmethod def is_num(s): """Check if a string is a number""" try: float(str(s)) except ValueError: return False else: return True
[docs] @staticmethod def is_method(s): """Check if a string is a numpy/pandas or python builtin method""" return bool(s.startswith(('np.', 'pd.')) or s in dir(__builtins__))
[docs] @classmethod def is_variable(cls, s): """Check if a string is a variable name without any constants, operators, or arithmetic expressions""" flags = ('(', ')', '[', ']', '{', '}', '+', '-', '/', '*', '^', ' ', '<', '>', '=', '\\', '|', '&', '$', '@', '-') if cls.is_num(s): return False elif any(f in s for f in flags): return False else: return True
@property def full(self): """Get the full equation string without any pretty formatting.""" return self._eqn @property def default_variables(self): """Get a dictionary of default variables from a variables.yaml file accessible to this object Returns ------- dict """ return self._default_variables
[docs] @classmethod def parse_variables(cls, expression): """Parse variable names from an expression string.""" # finds and replaces all scientific notation numbers re_num = re.compile(r'[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*[eE][-+]?[0-9]*') nums = re.findall(re_num, str(expression)) for num in nums: expression = expression.replace(num, '-1') delimiters = ('*', '/', '+', '-', ' ', '(', ')', '[', ']', '>', '<') regex_pattern = '|'.join(map(re.escape, delimiters)) variables = [sub.strip(',') for sub in re.split(regex_pattern, str(expression)) if sub.strip(',') and cls.is_variable(sub) and not cls.is_num(sub.strip(',')) and not cls.is_method(sub)] variables = sorted(list(set(variables))) return variables
@property def variables(self): """Get a unique sorted list names of all input variables that the Equation needs. This will return an empty list if the equation has no variables. Returns ------- list """ return self.parse_variables(self._eqn)
[docs] @classmethod def is_equation(cls, expression): """Check if an expression is an equation to be handled by this framework. Parameters ---------- expression : str | int | float Expression to be checked as an equation or not. Returns ------- check : bool True if the expression is an equation that can be handled by this framework. """ check = False operators = ('*', '/', '+', '-', '^') if not isinstance(expression, (str, int, float)): check = False elif cls.is_num(expression): check = True elif any(x in str(expression) for x in operators): check = True return check
[docs] def eval(self, **kwargs): """Alias for evaluate().""" return self.evaluate(**kwargs)
[docs] def evaluate(self, **kwargs): """Evaluate the equation string and return the result Parameters ---------- kwargs : dict Keyword arguments setting variables of the equation. Note that this is **kwargs so this method can be run in either of these syntaxes: Equation.evaluate(input1=10, input2=20) Equation.evaluate(**{'input1': 10, 'input2': 20}) Returns ------- out : float | np.ndarray Evaluated output of this equation object. """ kwargs = self._check_input_args(kwargs) kwargs = self._merge_vars(self._default_variables, kwargs) missing = [v for v in self.variables if v not in globals() and v not in kwargs] if any(missing): msg = ('Cannot evaluate "{}", missing the following input args: {}' .format(self, missing)) logger.error(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) try: out = eval(str(self._eqn), globals(), kwargs) except Exception as e: msg = ('Could not evaluate NRWAL Equation {}, received error: {}' .format(self, e)) logger.exception(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) from e return out