Source code for marmot.plottingmodules.sensitivities

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""System sensitivity plots

This module contains methods that are
related to investigating generator and other device sensitivities. 

import logging
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd

import marmot.utils.mconfig as mconfig
from marmot.plottingmodules.plotutils.plot_data_helper import (
from marmot.plottingmodules.plotutils.plot_exceptions import (
from marmot.plottingmodules.plotutils.styles import GeneratorColorDict

logger = logging.getLogger("plotter." + __name__)
plot_data_settings: dict = mconfig.parser("plot_data")
curtailment_prop: str = mconfig.parser("plot_data", "curtailment_property")

[docs]class Sensitivities(PlotDataStoreAndProcessor): """System sensitivity plots The module contains methods that are related to investigating generator sensitivities. Sensitivities inherits from the PlotDataStoreAndProcessor class to assist in creating figures. """ def __init__( self, Zones: List[str], Scenarios: List[str], AGG_BY: str, ordered_gen: List[str], marmot_solutions_folder: Path, marmot_color_dict: dict = None, scenario_diff: List[str] = None, region_mapping: pd.DataFrame = pd.DataFrame(), **kwargs, ): """ Args: Zones (List[str]): List of regions/zones to plot. Scenarios (List[str]): List of scenarios to plot. AGG_BY (str): Informs region type to aggregate by when creating plots. ordered_gen (List[str]): Ordered list of generator technologies to plot, order defines the generator technology position in stacked bar and area plots. marmot_solutions_folder (Path): Directory containing Marmot solution outputs. marmot_color_dict (dict, optional): Dictionary of colors to use for generation technologies. Defaults to None. scenario_diff (List[str], optional): 2 value list, used to compare 2 scenarios. Defaults to None. region_mapping (pd.DataFrame, optional): Mapping file to map custom regions/zones to create custom aggregations. Aggregations are created by grouping PLEXOS regions. Defaults to pd.DataFrame(). """ # Instantiation of PlotDataStoreAndProcessor super().__init__(AGG_BY, ordered_gen, marmot_solutions_folder, **kwargs) self.Zones = Zones self.Scenarios = Scenarios if marmot_color_dict is None: self.marmot_color_dict = GeneratorColorDict.set_random_colors( self.ordered_gen ).color_dict else: self.marmot_color_dict = marmot_color_dict self.scenario_diff = scenario_diff self.region_mapping = region_mapping def _process_ts(self, df, zone_input): oz = df.xs(zone_input, level=self.AGG_BY) oz = oz.reset_index() oz = oz.groupby("timestamp").sum() return oz
[docs] def sensitivities_gas( self, prop: str = None, timezone: str = "", start_date_range: str = None, end_date_range: str = None, **_, ): """Highlights the difference in generation between two scenarios of a single resource. Plot is currently under development and not available to use. The two scenarios are specified in the "Scenario_Diff_plot" field of Marmot_user_defined_inputs.csv The single resource is specified in the "properties" field of Marmot_plot_select.csv. Blue hatches represent additional energy produced by the resource, and red hatches represent decreased energy. The difference in Gas-CC and Gas-CT generation, curtailment, and net interchange are also plotted. Each zone is plotted on a separate figure. Figures and data tables are returned to plot_main Args: prop (str, optional): Controls what generator technology type to create plot for, e.g Gas-CT, Wind etc. Controlled through the plot_select.csv. Defaults to None. timezone (str, optional): The timezone to display on the x-axes. Defaults to "". start_date_range (str, optional): Defines a start date at which to represent data from. Defaults to None. end_date_range (str, optional): Defines a end date at which to represent data to. Defaults to None. Returns: UnderDevelopment(): Exception class, plot is not functional. """ return UnderDevelopment() outputs: dict = {} if self.scenario_diff == [""]: logger.warning( "scenario_diff field is empty. Ensure User Input Sheet is set up correctly!" ) outputs = InputSheetError() return outputs if len(self.scenario_diff) == 1: logger.warning( "scenario_diff field only contains 1 entry, two are required. Ensure User Input Sheet is set up correctly!" ) outputs = InputSheetError() return outputs # List of properties needed by the plot, properties are a set of tuples and # contain 3 parts: required True/False, property name and scenarios required, # scenarios must be a list. properties = [ (True, "generator_Generation", self.scenario_diff), (True, f"generator_{curtailment_prop}", self.scenario_diff), (True, "region_Net_Interchange", self.scenario_diff), ] # Runs get_formatted_data within PlotDataStoreAndProcessor to populate PlotDataStoreAndProcessor dictionary # with all required properties, returns a 1 if required data is missing check_input_data = self.get_formatted_data(properties) if 1 in check_input_data: return MissingInputData() try: bc = adjust_for_leapday( self["generator_Generation"].get(self.scenario_diff[0]) ) except IndexError: logger.warning( 'scenario_diff "%s" is not in data. Ensure User Input Sheet is set up correctly!', self.scenario_diff[0], ) outputs = InputSheetError() return outputs bc_tech = bc.xs(prop, level="tech") bc_CT = bc.xs("Gas-CT", level="tech") bc_CC = bc.xs("Gas-CC", level="tech") try: scen = adjust_for_leapday( self["generator_Generation"].get(self.scenario_diff[1]) ) except IndexError: logger.warning( 'scenario_diff "%s" is not in data. Ensure User Input Sheet is set up correctly!', self.scenario_diff[0], ) outputs = InputSheetError() return outputs scen_tech = scen.xs(prop, level="tech") scen_CT = scen.xs("Gas-CT", level="tech") scen_CC = scen.xs("Gas-CC", level="tech") curt_bc = adjust_for_leapday( self[f"generator_{curtailment_prop}"].get(self.scenario_diff[0]) ) curt_scen = adjust_for_leapday( self[f"generator_{curtailment_prop}"].get(self.scenario_diff[1]) ) curt_diff_all = curt_scen - curt_bc regions = list(bc.index.get_level_values(self.AGG_BY).unique()) tech_regions = list(scen_tech.index.get_level_values(self.AGG_BY).unique()) CT_diff_all = scen_CT - bc_CT CT_regions = list(CT_diff_all.index.get_level_values(self.AGG_BY).unique()) CC_diff_all = scen_CC - bc_CC CC_regions = list(CC_diff_all.index.get_level_values(self.AGG_BY).unique()) diff_csv = pd.DataFrame( index=bc_tech.index.get_level_values("timestamp").unique() ) diff_csv_perc = pd.DataFrame( index=bc_tech.index.get_level_values("timestamp").unique() ) # Add net interchange difference to icing plot. bc_int = pd.read_hdf( self.processed_hdf5_folder.joinpath( self.scenario_diff[0] + "_formatted.h5" ), "region_Net_Interchange", ) bc_int = adjust_for_leapday( self["region_Net_Interchange"].get(self.scenario_diff[0]) ) scen_int = adjust_for_leapday( self["region_Net_Interchange"].get(self.scenario_diff[1]) ) int_diff_all = scen_int - bc_int for zone_input in self.Zones: print(self.AGG_BY + " = " + zone_input) if zone_input not in regions or zone_input not in tech_regions: outputs[zone_input] = pd.DataFrame() else: oz_bc = self._process_ts(bc_tech, zone_input) oz_scen = self._process_ts(scen_tech, zone_input) icing_diff = oz_scen - oz_bc icing_diff_perc = 100 * icing_diff / oz_bc oz_bc.columns = [prop + " " + str(self.scenario_diff[0])] oz_scen.columns = [str(self.scenario_diff[1])] Data_Out_List = [] Data_Out_List.append(oz_bc) Data_Out_List.append(oz_scen) diffs = pd.concat(Data_Out_List, axis=1, copy=False) # icing_diff.columns = [zone_input] # icing_diff_perc.columns = [zone_input] # diff_csv = pd.concat([diff_csv, icing_diff], axis = 1) # diff_csv_perc = pd.concat([diff_csv_perc, icing_diff_perc], axis = 1) # continue curt_diff = curt_diff_all.xs(zone_input, level=self.AGG_BY) curt_diff = self.df_process_gen_inputs(curt_diff) curt_diff = curt_diff.sum(axis=1) curt_diff = curt_diff.rename("Curtailment difference") Data_Out_List.append(curt_diff) int_diff_all = int_diff_all.reset_index() if self.AGG_BY not in int_diff_all.columns: int_diff_all = merge_new_agg( self.region_mapping, int_diff_all, self.AGG_BY ) int_diff = int_diff_all[int_diff_all[self.AGG_BY] == zone_input] int_diff = int_diff.groupby("timestamp").sum() int_diff.columns = ["Net export difference"] Data_Out_List.append(int_diff) fig2, axs = plotlib.setup_plot() plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.05, hspace=0.2) if zone_input in CT_regions: CT_diff = self._process_ts(CT_diff_all, zone_input) CT_diff.columns = ["Gas-CT difference"] Data_Out_List.append(CT_diff) if zone_input in CC_regions: CC_diff = self._process_ts(CC_diff_all, zone_input) CC_diff.columns = ["Gas-CC difference"] Data_Out_List.append(CC_diff) Data_Table_Out = pd.concat(Data_Out_List, axis=1, copy=False) custom_color_dict = { "Curtailment difference": self.marmot_color_dict["Curtailment"], prop + " " + self.scenario_diff[0]: self.marmot_color_dict[prop], self.scenario_diff[1]: self.marmot_color_dict[prop], "Gas-CC difference": self.marmot_color_dict["Gas-CC"], "Gas-CT difference": self.marmot_color_dict["Gas-CT"], "Net export difference": "black", } ls_dict = { "Curtailment difference": "solid", prop + " " + self.scenario_diff[0]: "solid", self.scenario_diff[1]: ":", "Gas-CC difference": "solid", "Gas-CT difference": "solid", "Net export difference": "--", } for col in Data_Table_Out.columns: plotlib.create_line_plot( axs, Data_Table_Out, col, color_dict=custom_color_dict, label=col, linestyle=ls_dict[col], n=0, ) # Make two hatches: blue for when scenario > basecase, and red for when scenario < basecase. if ( self.scenario_diff[1] != "Icing" and self.scenario_diff[1] != "DryHydro" ): axs[0].fill_between( diffs.index, diffs[prop + " " + str(self.scenario_diff[0])], diffs[str(self.scenario_diff[1])], where=diffs[str(self.scenario_diff[1])] > diffs[prop + " " + str(self.scenario_diff[0])], label="Increased " + prop.lower() + " generation", facecolor="blue", hatch="///", alpha=0.5, ) axs[0].fill_between( diffs.index, diffs[prop + " " + str(self.scenario_diff[0])], diffs[str(self.scenario_diff[1])], where=diffs[str(self.scenario_diff[1])] < diffs[prop + " " + str(self.scenario_diff[0])], label="Decreased " + prop.lower() + " generation", facecolor="red", hatch="///", alpha=0.5, ) axs[0].hlines( y=0, xmin=axs[0].get_xlim()[0], xmax=axs[0].get_xlim()[1], linestyle="--", ) axs[0].spines["right"].set_visible(False) axs[0].spines["top"].set_visible(False) axs[0].tick_params(axis="y", which="major", length=5, width=1) axs[0].tick_params(axis="x", which="major", length=5, width=1) axs[0].set_ylabel("Generation (MW)", color="black", rotation="vertical") axs[0].set_xlabel(timezone, color="black", rotation="horizontal") axs[0].margins(x=0.01) PlotDataStoreAndProcessor.set_subplot_timeseries_format(axs) handles, labels = axs[0].get_legend_handles_labels() axs[0].legend( reversed(handles), reversed(labels), facecolor="inherit", frameon=True, loc="lower left", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0), ) if plot_data_settings["plot_title_as_region"]: fig2.title(zone_input) outputs[zone_input] = {"fig": fig2, "data_table": Data_Table_Out} # diff_csv.to_csv(self.processed_hdf5_folder.joinpath(self.Scenario_name, icing_regional_MWdiffs.csv')) # diff_csv_perc.to_csv(self.processed_hdf5_folder.joinpath(self.Scenario_name, icing_regional_percdiffs.csv')) return outputs