Marmot - an energy modelling results visualization tool#
Marmot is a data formatting and visualization tool for production cost and capacity expansion modelling results. It provides an efficient way to analysis data by combing temporally disaggregated results and allowing the aggregation of different device types and modelling regions.
Marmot currently supports analysis of PLEXOS and SIIP production costs modelling results, and ReEDS capacity expansion results.
Marmot has approximately 120 pre-built plots which allow significant customization, allowing a user to create publication figures and data-tables fast.
Stacked Generation Plot#
If you are a new Marmot user, check out the Getting Started section of the documentation for installation instructions and introductory tutorials. For more in depth explanations of various operations and details on Marmot, read our How-to Guides. If you would like to see some example plot outputs, you can view them in the Plotting Examples Gallery.
Getting started
Install the software, introductory tutorials.
How-to Guides
Guides on using Marmot.
Plotting Examples Gallery
Marmot output figures examples
Input File References
Guide to input files.
Code References
Guide to code api.