Source code for marmot.plottingmodules.plotutils.plot_library

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Methods for creating plot figure and axs objects
and a library of regularly used plot types.

@author: Daniel Levie

import logging
import textwrap
from typing import List, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.ticker as mtick
from matplotlib.axes import Axes
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from matplotlib.patches import Patch

import marmot.utils.mconfig as mconfig

logger = logging.getLogger("plotter." + __name__)

font_settings = mconfig.parser("font_settings")
text_position = mconfig.parser("text_position")
axes_options = mconfig.parser("axes_options")

[docs]class SetupSubplot: """Sets up the main figure and subplots for use in Marmot and expands the functionality of matplotlib by adding further methods to quickly build plots. """ def __init__( self, nrows: int = 1, ncols: int = 1, figsize: Tuple[int, int] = ( mconfig.parser("figure_size", "xdimension"), mconfig.parser("figure_size", "ydimension"), ), sharey: bool = False, squeeze: bool = True, ravel_axs: bool = False, **kwargs, ): """Defines the dimensions (nrows, ncols) of a figure and its subplots. Builds on top of matplotlib.pyplot.subplots and preserves all functionality of that function. All arguments are optional and by default calling SetupSubplot() or PlotLibrary() which inherits SetupSubplot, will create a 1x1 figure with a figsize defined in the config.yml file. The following are some common values to pass when creating various plots. - 1x1 figure: SetupSubplot() - 1xN figure: SetupSubplot(nrows=1, ncols=N, sharey=True) - MxN figure: SetupSubplot(nrows=M, ncols=N, sharey=True, squeeze=False, ravel_axs=True) Plotting defaults are also set in this class, which are defined in the config.yml file. Args: nrows (int, optional): Number of rows of the subplot grid. Defaults to 1. ncols (int, optional): Number of columns of the subplot grid. Defaults to 1. figsize (Tuple[int, int], optional): The x,y dimension of each subplot. Defaults set in config.yml sharey (bool, optional): share the y-axis across all subplots. Defaults to False. squeeze (bool, optional): If True, extra dimensions are squeezed out from the returned axs objects if 1x1 figure or 1xN figure. Defaults to True. ravel_axs (bool, optional): If True the returned axs object is a 1D numpy object array of Axes objects. This can be used to convert MxN figure axs objects to 1D. Defaults to False. **kwargs These parameters will be passed to matplotlib.pyplot.subplots function. """ # Set plot defaults mpl.rc("xtick", labelsize=font_settings["xtick_size"]) mpl.rc("ytick", labelsize=font_settings["ytick_size"]) mpl.rc( "legend", fontsize=font_settings["legend_size"], frameon=axes_options["show_legend_frame"], ) mpl.rc("font", family=font_settings["font_family"]) mpl.rc("figure", max_open_warning=0) mpl.rc( "axes", labelsize=font_settings["axes_label_size"], titlesize=font_settings["title_size"], titlepad=text_position["title_height"], ) mpl.rc( "axes.spines", top=not (axes_options["hide_top_spine"]), bottom=not (axes_options["hide_bottom_spine"]), left=not (axes_options["hide_left_spine"]), right=not (axes_options["hide_right_spine"]), ) mpl.rc("xtick.major", size=axes_options["major_x_tick_length"], width=1) mpl.rc("ytick.major", size=axes_options["major_y_tick_length"], width=1) x = figsize[0] y = figsize[1] fig, axs = plt.subplots( nrows, ncols, figsize=((x * ncols), (y * nrows)), sharey=sharey, squeeze=squeeze, **kwargs, ) if ravel_axs: axs = axs.ravel() self.fig: Figure = fig self.axs: Axes = axs self.exax: Axes = fig.add_subplot(111, frameon=False) self.exax.tick_params( labelcolor="none", top=False, bottom=False, left=False, right=False ) def _check_if_array(self, sub_pos): if isinstance(self.axs, Axes): ax = self.axs else: ax = self.axs[sub_pos] return ax
[docs] def get_figure(self) -> Tuple[Figure, Union[Axes, List[Axes]]]: """Returns the matplotlib figure and Axes objects. axes can be either a single Axes object or an array of Axes objects depending on the figure dimensions defined. Returns: Tuple[Figure, Union[Axes, List[Axes]]]: matplotlib figure and axes objects """ return self.fig, self.axs
[docs] def add_legend( self, handles=None, labels: List[str] = None, loc=mconfig.parser("axes_options", "legend_position"), ncol=mconfig.parser("axes_options", "legend_columns"), reverse_legend: bool = False, sort_by: list = None, bbox_to_anchor=None, **kwargs, ) -> None: """Adds a legend to the desired location on the figure. Wrapper around matplotlib.axes.Axes.legend The location and number of columns to create can be set through the config.yml file. The available default options are: - 'lower right' - 'center right' - 'upper right' - 'upper center' - 'lower center' - 'lower left' - 'center left' - 'upper left' The default options will place the legend outside the main figure subplots to avoid any overlaps of elements. Custom placement is still possible through the loc and bbox_to_anchor arguments but is not advised as this will hard code the placement. Passing handles and labels is not required as these are obtained from the axs objects. Any duplicate label and their handle will be removed. Sorting of legend is advised when plotting multiple subplots as original order cannot be guaranteed. This can be done by passing a list to the sort_by argument, values will then be sorted by the order they appear in the list. Args: handles (Artists sequence, optional): A list of Artists (lines, patches) to be added to the legend. Use this together with labels, if you need full control on what is shown in the legend and the automatic mechanism described above is not sufficient. The length of handles and labels should be the same in this case. If they are not, they are truncated to the smaller length. Defaults to None. labels (List[str], optional): A list of labels to show next to the artists. Use this together with handles, if you need full control on what is shown in the legend and the automatic mechanism described above is not sufficient. Defaults to None. loc (str or pair of floats, optional): The location of the legend. Defaults set in config.yml. ncol (int, optional):The number of columns that the legend has. Defaults set in config.yml. reverse_legend (bool, optional): Revereses the legend order. Defaults to False. sort_by (list, optional): A list to sort the legend by, list can contain more or less entries than the legend, entries with no matches are not sorted and added to end of legend. Defaults to None. bbox_to_anchor (2-tuple, or 4-tuple of floats, optional): Box that is used to position the legend in conjunction with loc. This argument allows arbitrary placement of the legend. Defaults to None. **kwargs These parameters will be passed to matplotlib.axes.Axes.legend function. """ loc_anchor = { "lower right": ("lower left", (1.05, 0.0)), "center right": ("center left", (1.05, 0.5)), "upper right": ("upper left", (1.05, 1.0)), "upper center": ("lower center", (0.5, 1.25)), "lower center": ("upper center", (0.5, -0.25)), "lower left": ("lower right", (-0.2, 0.0)), "center left": ("center right", (-0.2, 0.5)), "upper left": ("upper right", (-0.2, 1.0)), } if handles == None or labels == None: if isinstance(self.axs, Axes): handles_list, labels_list = self.axs.get_legend_handles_labels() else: handles_list = [] labels_list = [] for ax in self.axs.ravel(): h, l = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() handles_list.extend(h) labels_list.extend(l) # Ensure there are unique labels and handle pairs labels_handles = dict(zip(labels_list, handles_list)) if sort_by: sorted_list = list(sort_by.copy()) extra_values = list(labels_handles.keys() - sorted_list) sorted_list.extend(extra_values) labels_handles = dict( sorted( labels_handles.items(), key=lambda pair: sorted_list.index(pair[0]), ) ) labels = labels_handles.keys() handles = labels_handles.values() if reverse_legend: handles = reversed(list(handles)) labels = reversed(list(labels)) if loc in loc_anchor: new_loc, bbox_to_anchor = loc_anchor.get(loc, None) else: bbox_to_anchor = bbox_to_anchor new_loc = loc self.exax.legend( handles, labels, loc=new_loc, ncol=ncol, bbox_to_anchor=bbox_to_anchor, **kwargs, )
[docs] def add_property_annotation( self, df: pd.DataFrame, prop: str, sub_pos: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]] = 0, curtailment_name: str = "Curtailment", energy_unit: str = "MW", re_gen_cat: list = None, gen_cols: list = None, ) -> pd.Timestamp: """Adds a property annotation to the subplot. .. versionadded:: 0.10.0 The current supported properties are: - Peak Demand - Min Net Load - Peak RE - Peak Unserved Energy - Peak Curtailment Based on the property selected this method will locate the timestamp and corresponding value of the property. The value and an arrow pointing to the location of the property will be annotated. Args: df (pd.DataFrame): Dataframe with datetime index prop (str): property sub_pos (Union[int, Tuple[int, int]], optional): Position of subplot, can be either a integer or a tuple of 2 integers depending on how SetupSubplot was instantiated. Defaults to 0 curtailment_name (str, optional): Name of curtailment column. Defaults to 'Curtailment'. energy_unit (str, optional): units to add to prop annotation. Defaults to 'MW'. re_gen_cat (list, optional): list of re techs, needed to for 'Peak RE' property. Defaults to None. gen_cols (list, optional): list of gen columns, needed for 'Peak RE' and 'Peak Curtailmnet' property. Defaults to None. Returns: pd.Timestamp: timstamp of property """ ax = self._check_if_array(sub_pos) # Ensure values are lists if isinstance(re_gen_cat, pd.Index): re_gen_cat = list(re_gen_cat) if isinstance(gen_cols, pd.Index): gen_cols = list(gen_cols) if prop == "Peak Demand": x_time_value = df["Total Demand"].idxmax() y_mw_value = df.loc[x_time_value, "Total Demand"] y_point_value = y_mw_value elif prop == "Min Net Load": x_time_value = df["Net Load"].idxmin() y_mw_value = df.loc[x_time_value, "Net Load"] y_point_value = y_mw_value elif prop == "Peak RE": if not re_gen_cat: logger.warning( f"To plot a {prop} annotation a " "list of re gen names is required. " "Pass a list to the add_property_annotation " "re_gen_cat argument." ) return None if not gen_cols: logger.warning( f"To plot a {prop} annotation a " "list of all generator names is required. " "Pass a list to the add_property_annotation " "gen_cols argument." ) return None re_df = df[df.columns.intersection(re_gen_cat)] re_total = re_df.sum(axis=1) gen_df = df[df.columns.intersection(gen_cols)] if curtailment_name in gen_df.columns: gen_df = gen_df.drop(curtailment_name, axis=1) x_time_value = re_total.idxmax() y_mw_value = re_total[x_time_value] y_point_value = gen_df.loc[x_time_value].sum() elif prop == "Peak Unserved Energy": x_time_value = df["Unserved Energy"].idxmax() y_mw_value = df.loc[x_time_value, "Unserved Energy"] y_point_value = df.loc[x_time_value, "Total Demand"] elif prop == "Peak Curtailment": if curtailment_name not in df: logger.warning("No Curtailment in dataset") return None if not gen_cols: logger.warning( f"To plot a {prop} annotation a " "list of generator names is required. " "Pass a list to the add_property_annotation " "gen_cols argument." ) return None curtailment = df[curtailment_name] gen_df = df[df.columns.intersection(gen_cols)] x_time_value = curtailment.idxmax() y_mw_value = curtailment[x_time_value] y_point_value = gen_df.loc[x_time_value].sum() elif prop == "Peak Reserve Provision": peak_re = df.sum(axis=1) x_time_value = peak_re.idxmax() y_mw_value = peak_re[x_time_value] y_point_value = y_mw_value else: logger.warning(f"Property: {prop}, Not Supported!") return None ax.annotate( f"{prop}: \n{str(format(y_mw_value, '.2f'))} {energy_unit}", xy=(x_time_value, y_point_value), xytext=(0.05, 1.0), textcoords="axes fraction", fontsize=13, arrowprops=dict(facecolor="black", width=1.5, shrink=0.05), ) return x_time_value
[docs] def add_main_title(self, label: str, **kwargs) -> None: """Adds a title centered above the main figure Wrapper around matplotlib.axes.Axes.set_title Args: label (str): Title of figure. **kwargs These parameters will be passed to matplotlib.axes.Axes.set_title function. """ self.exax.set_title(label, **kwargs)
[docs] def set_yaxis_major_tick_format( self, tick_format: str = "standard", decimal_accuracy: int = mconfig.parser("axes_options", "y_axes_decimalpt"), sub_pos: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]] = 0, ) -> None: """Sets the y axis major tick format of numbers. The decimal point accuracy of the numbers can be further adjusted using the config file "y_axes_decimalpt" input. Args: tick_format (str, optional): Format options. Opinions available are: - standard (1000 values seperated by ',') - percent (Adds % symbal to axis values) - log Defaults to 'standard'. decimal_accuracy (int, optional): Number of decimal points to use. Default set in config file. sub_pos (Union[int, Tuple[int, int]], optional): Position of subplot, can be either a integer or a tuple of 2 integers depending on how SetupSubplot was instantiated. Defaults to 0 """ ax = self._check_if_array(sub_pos) if tick_format == "standard": ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter( mtick.FuncFormatter(lambda x, pos: format(x, f",.{decimal_accuracy}f")) ) elif tick_format == "percent": ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(mtick.PercentFormatter(1.0)) elif tick_format == "log": logger.warning("set_yaxis_major_tick_format: 'log' Not yet developed") pass
[docs] def set_subplot_timeseries_format( self, minticks: int = mconfig.parser("axes_options", "x_axes_minticks"), maxticks: int = mconfig.parser("axes_options", "x_axes_maxticks"), sub_pos: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]] = 0, zero_formats_1: str = "%b\n %Y", zero_formats_2: str = "%d\n %b", zero_formats_3: str = "%H:%M\n %d-%b", ) -> None: """Auto sets timeseries format of subplot. Args: minticks (int, optional): Minimum tick marks. Defaults to mconfig.parser("axes_options","x_axes_minticks"). maxticks (int, optional): Max tick marks. Defaults to mconfig.parser("axes_options","x_axes_maxticks"). sub_pos (Union[int, Tuple[int, int]], optional): Position of subplot, can be either a integer or a tuple of 2 integers depending on how SetupSubplot was instantiated. Defaults to 0. zero_formats_1 (str, optional): Sets the zero_fromats[1] format. Defaults to '%b\\n %Y'. zero_formats_2 (str, optional): Sets the zero_formats[2] format. Defaults to '%d\\n %b'. zero_formats_3 (str, optional): Sets the zero_formats[3] format. Defaults to '%H:%M\\n %d-%b'. """ ax = self._check_if_array(sub_pos) locator = mdates.AutoDateLocator(minticks=minticks, maxticks=maxticks) formatter = mdates.ConciseDateFormatter(locator) formatter.formats[2] = "%d\n %b" formatter.zero_formats[1] = zero_formats_1 formatter.zero_formats[2] = zero_formats_2 formatter.zero_formats[3] = zero_formats_3 formatter.offset_formats[3] = "%b %Y" formatter.show_offset = False ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(locator) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(formatter)
[docs] def remove_excess_axs(self, excess_axs: int, grid_size: int) -> None: """Removes excess axes spins and tick marks. Args: excess_axs (int): # of excess axes. grid_size (int): Size of facet grid. """ axs = self.axs.ravel() while excess_axs > 0: axs[(grid_size) - excess_axs].spines["right"].set_visible(False) axs[(grid_size) - excess_axs].spines["left"].set_visible(False) axs[(grid_size) - excess_axs].spines["bottom"].set_visible(False) axs[(grid_size) - excess_axs].spines["top"].set_visible(False) axs[(grid_size) - excess_axs].tick_params( axis="both", which="both", colors="white" ) excess_axs -= 1
[docs] def set_barplot_xticklabels( self, labels: list, rotate: bool = mconfig.parser("axes_label_options", "rotate_x_labels"), num_labels: int = mconfig.parser("axes_label_options", "rotate_at_num_labels"), angle: float = mconfig.parser("axes_label_options", "rotation_angle"), sub_pos: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]] = 0, **kwargs, ) -> None: """Set the xticklabels on bar plots and determine whether they will be rotated. Wrapper around matplotlib.axes.Axes.set_xticklabels Checks to see if the number of labels is greater than or equal to the default number set in config.yml. If this is the case, rotate specify whether or not to rotate the labels and angle specifies what angle they should be rotated to. Args: labels (list): Labels to apply to xticks rotate (bool, optional): rotate labels True/False. Defaults to mconfig.parser("axes_label_options", "rotate_x_labels"). num_labels (int, optional): Number of labels to rotate at. Defaults to mconfig.parser("axes_label_options", "rotate_at_num_labels"). angle (float, optional): Angle of rotation. Defaults to mconfig.parser("axes_label_options", "rotation_angle"). sub_pos (Union[int, Tuple[int, int]], optional): Position of subplot, can be either a integer or a tuple of 2 integers depending on how SetupSubplot was instantiated. Defaults to 0. **kwargs These parameters will be passed to matplotlib.axes.Axes.set_xticklabels function. """ ax = self._check_if_array(sub_pos) if rotate: if (len(labels)) >= num_labels: ax.set_xticklabels(labels, rotation=angle, ha="right", **kwargs) else: labels = [textwrap.fill(x, 10, break_long_words=False) for x in labels] ax.set_xticklabels(labels, rotation=0, **kwargs) else: labels = [textwrap.fill(x, 10, break_long_words=False) for x in labels] ax.set_xticklabels(labels, rotation=0, **kwargs)
[docs] def add_facet_labels( self, xlabels_bottom: bool = True, xlabels: list = None, ylabels: list = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: """Adds labels to outside of facet plot. Args: xlabels_bottom (bool, optional): If True labels are placed under bottom axis. Defaults to True. xlabels (list, optional): list of xlabels. Defaults to None. ylabels (list, optional): list of ylabels. Defaults to None. **kwargs These parameters will be passed to matplotlib.axes.Axes.set_xlabel and matplotlib.axes.Axes.set_ylabel functions. """ if isinstance(self.axs, Axes): all_axes = [self.axs] else: all_axes = self.axs.ravel() j = 0 k = 0 if not xlabels: skip_xlabels = True else: skip_xlabels = False if not ylabels: skip_ylabels = True else: skip_ylabels = False for ax in all_axes: if not skip_xlabels: if xlabels_bottom: if ax.is_last_row(): try: ax.set_xlabel( xlabel=(xlabels[j]), color="black", fontsize=font_settings["axes_label_size"] - 2, **kwargs, ) except IndexError: logger.warning(f"Warning: xlabel missing for subplot x{j}") pass j = j + 1 else: if ax.is_first_row(): try: ax.set_xlabel( xlabel=(xlabels[j]), color="black", fontsize=font_settings["axes_label_size"] - 2, **kwargs, ) ax.xaxis.set_label_position("top") except IndexError: logger.warning(f"Warning: xlabel missing for subplot x{j}") pass j = j + 1 if not skip_ylabels: if ax.is_first_col(): try: ax.set_ylabel( ylabel=(ylabels[k]), color="black", rotation="vertical", fontsize=font_settings["axes_label_size"] - 2, **kwargs, ) except IndexError: logger.warning(f"Warning: ylabel missing for subplot y{k}") pass k = k + 1
[docs] def add_barplot_load_lines_and_use( self, load_and_use_df: pd.DataFrame, include_charging_line: bool = mconfig.parser( "plot_data", "include_barplot_load_storage_charging_line" ), load_legend_names: dict = mconfig.parser("load_legend_names"), sub_pos: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]] = 0, **kwargs, ) -> None: """Adds load lines to barplots and unserved energy if present. Args: load_and_use_df (pd.DataFrame): Dataframe containing load line data include_charging_line (bool, optional): Add storage charging line True/False. Defaults to mconfig.parser("plot_data", "include_barplot_load_storage_charging_line"). load_legend_names (dict, optional): Dictionary of load legend names. Must have keys 'load' and 'demand'. Defaults to mconfig.parser("load_legend_names"). sub_pos (Union[int, Tuple[int, int]], optional): Position of subplot, can be either a integer or a tuple of 2 integers depending on how SetupSubplot was instantiated. Defaults to 0. Raises: KeyError: Raised if either 'Total Load' or 'Total Demand' are missing in from the load_and_use_df """ if not set(["Total Load", "Total Demand"]).issubset( set(load_and_use_df.columns) ): raise KeyError( "'Total Load' and 'Total Demand' columns were not found in the " "data. These are required to add barplot load columns" ) ax = self._check_if_array(sub_pos) for n, index_key in enumerate(load_and_use_df.index): x = [ ax.patches[n].get_x(), ax.patches[n].get_x() + ax.patches[n].get_width(), ] height1 = [float(load_and_use_df.loc[index_key, "Total Load"])] * 2 if ( include_charging_line and load_and_use_df.loc[index_key, "Total Load"] > load_and_use_df.loc[index_key, "Total Demand"] ): ax.plot( x, height1, c="black", linewidth=2, linestyle="--", label=load_legend_names["load"], ) height2 = [float(load_and_use_df.loc[index_key, "Total Demand"])] * 2 ax.plot( x, height2, c="black", linewidth=1.5, label=load_legend_names["demand"], ) elif load_and_use_df.loc[index_key, "Total Demand"] > 0: ax.plot( x, height1, c="black", linewidth=2, label=load_legend_names["demand"], ) if ( "Unserved Energy" in load_and_use_df.columns and load_and_use_df.loc[index_key, "Unserved Energy"] > 0 ): height3 = [ float(load_and_use_df.loc[index_key, "Load-Unserved_Energy"]) ] * 2 ax.fill_between( x, height3, height1, facecolor="#DD0200", alpha=0.5, label="Unserved Energy", )
[docs]class PlotLibrary(SetupSubplot): """A library of commonly used plotting methods. Inherits the SetupSubplot class and takes all the same arguments as it. """
[docs] def stackplot( self, df: pd.DataFrame, color_dict: dict = None, sub_pos: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]] = 0, ytick_major_fmt: str = "standard", **kwargs, ): """Creates a stacked area plot. Wrapper around matplotlib.stackplot. Args: df (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame of data to plot. color_dict (dict): Colour dictionary, keys should be in data columns. Defaults to None. ytick_major_fmt (str, optional): Sets the ytick major format. Value gets passed to the set_yaxis_major_tick_format method Defaults to 'standard' sub_pos (Union[int, Tuple[int, int]], optional): Position of subplot, can be either a integer or a tuple of 2 integers depending on how SetupSubplot was instantiated. Defaults to 0 **kwargs These parameters will be passed to matplotlib.axes.Axes.stackplot function. """ ax = self._check_if_array(sub_pos) if color_dict: color_list = [color_dict.get(x, "#333333") for x in df.columns] else: color_list = None ax.stackplot( df.index.values, df.values.T, linewidth=0, colors=color_list, **kwargs ) self.set_yaxis_major_tick_format(tick_format=ytick_major_fmt, sub_pos=sub_pos) ax.margins(x=0.01)
# ax.grid(which='both', axis='both', linewidth=0.5)
[docs] def barplot( self, df: pd.DataFrame, color: Union[dict, list] = None, stacked: bool = False, sub_pos: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]] = 0, custom_tick_labels: list = None, ytick_major_fmt: str = "standard", legend=False, edgecolor="black", linewidth="0.1", **kwargs, ): """Creates a bar plot. Wrapper around Args: df (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame of data to plot. color (dict): dictionary of colors, dict keys should be found in df columns. stacked (bool, optional): Whether to stack bar values. Defaults to False. sub_pos (Union[int, Tuple[int, int]], optional): Position of subplot, can be either a integer or a tuple of 2 integers depending on how SetupSubplot was instantiated. Defaults to 0 custom_tick_labels (list, optional): List of custom tick labels to use. Defaults to None ytick_major_fmt (str, optional): Sets the ytick major format. Value gets passed to the set_yaxis_major_tick_format method Defaults to 'standard' **kwargs These parameters will be passed to matplotlib.axes.Axes.plot function. """ ax = self._check_if_array(sub_pos) if isinstance(color, dict): color_list = [color.get(x, "#333333") for x in df.columns] elif isinstance(color, list): color_list = color else: color_list = None stacked=stacked, color=color_list, ax=ax, legend=legend, edgecolor=edgecolor, linewidth=linewidth, **kwargs, ) self.set_yaxis_major_tick_format(tick_format=ytick_major_fmt, sub_pos=sub_pos) # ax.grid(which='both', axis='both', linewidth=0.5) # Set x-tick labels if isinstance(custom_tick_labels, pd.Index): custom_tick_labels = list(custom_tick_labels) if custom_tick_labels: tick_labels = custom_tick_labels else: tick_labels = df.index self.set_barplot_xticklabels(tick_labels, sub_pos=sub_pos)
[docs] def lineplot( self, data: pd.Series, column=None, color: Union[dict, str] = None, linestyle: str = "solid", sub_pos: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]] = 0, alpha: int = 1, ytick_major_fmt: str = "standard", **kwargs, ): """Creates a line plot. Wrapper around matplotlib.plot Args: data (pd.Series, pd.DataFrame): Series/ df of data to plot. column (str): If passing df as data column is required. color (dict, str, optional): Color dict or str, if dict color is chosen based on df column Defaults to None. linestyle (str, optional): Style of line to plot. Defaults to 'solid'. sub_pos (Union[int, Tuple[int, int]], optional): Position of subplot, can be either a integer or a tuple of 2 integers depending on how SetupSubplot was instantiated. Defaults to 0 alpha (int, optional): Line opacity. Defaults to 1. ytick_major_fmt (str, optional): Sets the ytick major format. Value gets passed to the set_yaxis_major_tick_format method Defaults to 'standard' **kwargs These parameters will be passed to matplotlib.axes.Axes.plot function. """ ax = self._check_if_array(sub_pos) if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): plot_data = data[column] else: plot_data = data if isinstance(color, (dict)): color = color.get(, "#333333") elif isinstance(color, str): color = color else: color = None ax.plot(plot_data, linestyle=linestyle, color=color, alpha=alpha, **kwargs) self.set_yaxis_major_tick_format(tick_format=ytick_major_fmt, sub_pos=sub_pos)
[docs] def histogram( self, df: pd.DataFrame, color_dict: dict, label=None, sub_pos: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]] = 0, **kwargs, ): """Creates a histogram plot Wrapper around matplotlib.hist Args: df (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame of data to plot. color_dict (dict): Colour dictionary label (list, optional): List of labels for legend. Defaults to None. sub_pos (Union[int, Tuple[int, int]], optional): Position of subplot, can be either a integer or a tuple of 2 integers depending on how SetupSubplot was instantiated. Defaults to 0 **kwargs These parameters will be passed to matplotlib.axes.Axes.hist function. """ ax = self._check_if_array(sub_pos) ax.hist( df, bins=20, range=(0, 1), color=color_dict[label], zorder=2, rwidth=0.8, label=label, **kwargs, )
[docs] def clustered_stacked_barplot( self, df_list: List[pd.DataFrame], labels: list, color_dict: dict, title: str = "", H: str = "//", sub_pos: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]] = 0, ytick_major_fmt="standard", **kwargs, ): """Creates a clustered stacked barplot. Args: df_list (List[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]): List of Pandas DataFrames The columns within each dataframe will be stacked with different colors. The corresponding columns between each dataframe will be set next to each other and given different hatches. labels (list): A list of strings, usually the scenario names color_dict (dict): Color dictionary, keys should be the same as labels title (str, optional): Optional plot title. Defaults to "". H (str, optional): Sets the hatch pattern to differentiate dataframe bars. Defaults to "//". sub_pos (Union[int, Tuple[int, int]], optional): Position of subplot, can be either a integer or a tuple of 2 integers depending on how SetupSubplot was instantiated. Defaults to 0 ytick_major_fmt (str, optional): Sets the ytick major format. Value gets passed to the set_yaxis_major_tick_format method Defaults to 'standard' **kwargs These parameters will be passed to matplotlib.axes.Axes.plot function. """ ax = self._check_if_array(sub_pos) n_df = len(df_list) n_col = len(df_list[0].columns) n_ind = len(df_list[0].index) column_names = [] for df, label in zip(df_list, labels): # for each data frame df.plot( kind="bar", linewidth=0.5, stacked=True, ax=ax, legend=False, grid=False, color=[color_dict.get(x, "#333333") for x in [label]], **kwargs, ) # make bar plots column_names.append(df.columns) # Unique Column names column_names = np.unique(np.array(column_names)).tolist() h, l = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() # get the handles we want to modify for i in range(0, n_df * n_col, n_col): # len(h) = n_col * n_df for j, pa in enumerate(h[i : i + n_col]): for rect in pa.patches: # for each index rect.set_x( (rect.get_x() + 1 / float(n_df + 1) * i / float(n_col)) - 0.15 ) if rect.get_height() < 0: rect.set_hatch(H) # edited part rect.set_width(1 / float(n_df + 1)) ax.set_xticks((np.arange(0, 2 * n_ind, 2) + 1 / float(n_df + 1)) / 2.0) x_labels = df.index.get_level_values(0) self.set_barplot_xticklabels(x_labels, **kwargs) ax.set_title(title) def custom_legend_elements(label): color = color_dict.get(label, "#333333") return Patch(facecolor=color, edgecolor=color) handles = [] label_list = labels.copy() for label in label_list: handles.append(custom_legend_elements(label)) for i, c_name in enumerate(column_names): handles.append(Patch(facecolor="gray", hatch=H * i)) label_list.append(c_name) self.set_yaxis_major_tick_format(tick_format=ytick_major_fmt, sub_pos=sub_pos) self.add_legend(handles, label_list)