Source code for marmot.plottingmodules.capacity_out

"""Generator outage plots.

This module contain methods that arerelated to related to 
generators that are on an outage.  

@author: Daniel Levie 

import logging
import os
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List

import matplotlib.dates as mdates
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import marmot.utils.mconfig as mconfig
from marmot.plottingmodules.plotutils.plot_data_helper import (
from marmot.plottingmodules.plotutils.plot_exceptions import (
from marmot.plottingmodules.plotutils.plot_library import PlotLibrary
from marmot.plottingmodules.plotutils.styles import GeneratorColorDict
from marmot.plottingmodules.plotutils.timeseries_modifiers import (

logger = logging.getLogger("plotter." + __name__)
plot_data_settings: dict = mconfig.parser("plot_data")
shift_leapday: bool = mconfig.parser("shift_leapday")

[docs]class CapacityOut(PlotDataStoreAndProcessor): """Generator outage plots. The module contains methods that are related to generators that are on an outage. CapacityOut inherits from the PlotDataStoreAndProcessor class to assist in creating figures. """ def __init__( self, Zones: List[str], Scenarios: List[str], AGG_BY: str, ordered_gen: List[str], marmot_solutions_folder: Path, marmot_color_dict: dict = None, gen_categories: GenCategories = GenCategories(), ylabels: List[str] = None, xlabels: List[str] = None, **kwargs, ): """ Args: Zones (List[str]): List of regions/zones to plot. Scenarios (List[str]): List of scenarios to plot. AGG_BY (str): Informs region type to aggregate by when creating plots. ordered_gen (List[str]): Ordered list of generator technologies to plot, order defines the generator technology position in stacked bar and area plots. marmot_solutions_folder (Path): Directory containing Marmot solution outputs. gen_categories (GenCategories): Instance of GenCategories class, groups generator technologies into defined categories. Deafults to GenCategories. marmot_color_dict (dict, optional): Dictionary of colors to use for generation technologies. Defaults to None. ylabels (List[str], optional): y-axis labels for facet plots. Defaults to None. xlabels (List[str], optional): x-axis labels for facet plots. Defaults to None. """ # Instantiation of PlotDataStoreAndProcessor super().__init__(AGG_BY, ordered_gen, marmot_solutions_folder, **kwargs) self.Zones = Zones self.Scenarios = Scenarios if marmot_color_dict is None: self.marmot_color_dict = GeneratorColorDict.set_random_colors( self.ordered_gen ).color_dict else: self.marmot_color_dict = marmot_color_dict self.gen_categories = gen_categories self.ylabels = ylabels self.xlabels = xlabels
[docs] def capacity_out_stack( self, start_date_range: str = None, end_date_range: str = None, data_resolution: str = "", **_, ): """Creates Timeseries stacked area plots of generation on outage by technology. Each scenario is plotted by a separate facet plot. Args: start_date_range (str, optional): Defines a start date at which to represent data from. Defaults to None. end_date_range (str, optional): Defines a end date at which to represent data to. Defaults to None. data_resolution (str, optional): Specifies the data resolution to pull from the formatted data and plot. Defaults to "", which will pull interval data. .. versionadded:: 0.10.0 Returns: dict: dictionary containing the created plot and its data table. """ outputs: dict = {} # List of properties needed by the plot, properties are a set of tuples and # contain 3 parts: required True/False, property name and scenarios required, # scenarios must be a list. properties = [ (True, f"generator_Installed_Capacity{data_resolution}", self.Scenarios), (True, f"generator_Available_Capacity{data_resolution}", self.Scenarios), ] # Runs get_formatted_data within PlotDataStoreAndProcessor to populate PlotDataStoreAndProcessor dictionary # with all required properties, returns a 1 if required data is missing check_input_data = self.get_formatted_data(properties) if 1 in check_input_data: return MissingInputData() # sets up x, y dimensions of plot ncols, nrows = set_facet_col_row_dimensions( self.xlabels, self.ylabels, multi_scenario=self.Scenarios ) grid_size = ncols * nrows # Used to calculate any excess axis to delete plot_number = len(self.Scenarios) excess_axs = grid_size - plot_number for zone_input in self.Zones:"Zone = {str(zone_input)}") mplt = PlotLibrary( nrows, ncols, sharex=True, sharey="row", squeeze=False, ravel_axs=True ) fig, axs = mplt.get_figure() plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.1, hspace=0.2) chunks = [] i = -1 for scenario in self.Scenarios:"Scenario = {scenario}") i += 1 install_cap = ( self[f"generator_Installed_Capacity{data_resolution}"] .get(scenario) .copy() ) avail_cap = ( self[f"generator_Available_Capacity{data_resolution}"] .get(scenario) .copy() ) if shift_leapday: avail_cap = adjust_for_leapday(avail_cap) if zone_input in avail_cap.index.get_level_values(self.AGG_BY).unique(): avail_cap = avail_cap.xs(zone_input, level=self.AGG_BY) else: logger.warning(f"No Generation in: {zone_input}") outputs[zone_input] = MissingZoneData() continue avail_cap.columns = ["avail"] install_cap.columns = ["cap"] avail_cap["year"] = avail_cap.index.get_level_values("timestamp").year install_cap["year"] = install_cap.index.get_level_values( "timestamp" ).year avail_cap.reset_index(inplace=True) cap_out = avail_cap.merge(install_cap, on=["year", "tech", "gen_name"]) cap_out["values"] = cap_out["cap"] - cap_out["avail"] cap_out = self.df_process_gen_inputs(cap_out) # Subset only thermal gen categories thermal_gens = [ therm for therm in self.gen_categories.thermal if therm in cap_out.columns ] cap_out = cap_out[thermal_gens] if cap_out.empty is True: logger.warning(f"No Thermal Generation in: {zone_input}") continue if pd.notna(start_date_range): cap_out = set_timestamp_date_range( cap_out, start_date_range, end_date_range ) if cap_out.empty is True: logger.warning("No generation in selected Date Range") continue # unitconversion based off peak outage hour, only checked once if i == 0: unitconversion = self.capacity_energy_unitconversion( cap_out, self.Scenarios, sum_values=True ) cap_out = cap_out / unitconversion["divisor"] scenario_names = pd.Series([scenario] * len(cap_out), name="Scenario") single_scen_out = cap_out.set_index([scenario_names], append=True) chunks.append(single_scen_out) mplt.stackplot( df=cap_out, color_dict=self.marmot_color_dict, labels=cap_out.columns, sub_pos=i, ) mplt.set_subplot_timeseries_format(sub_pos=i) if not chunks: outputs[zone_input] = MissingZoneData() continue Data_Table_Out = pd.concat(chunks, axis=0) Data_Table_Out = Data_Table_Out.add_suffix(f" ({unitconversion['units']})") # Add legend mplt.add_legend(reverse_legend=True) plt.ylabel( f"Capacity out ({unitconversion['units']})", color="black", rotation="vertical", labelpad=30, ) # Looks better for a one scenario plot # plt.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0.03, 1.25, 0.97]) # plt.tight_layout(rect=[0,0.03,1,0.97]) # Add title if plot_data_settings["plot_title_as_region"]: mplt.add_main_title(zone_input) outputs[zone_input] = {"fig": fig, "data_table": Data_Table_Out} return outputs
def capacity_out_stack_PASA( self, start: float = None, end: float = None, timezone: str = "", **_ ): outputs = UnderDevelopment() logger.warning( "capacity_out_stack_PASA requires PASA files, and is under development. Skipping plot." ) return outputs outputs: dict = {} for zone_input in self.Zones:"Zone = " + str(zone_input)) if not self.xlabels: ncols = 1 else: ncols = len(self.xlabels) if not self.ylabels: nrows = 1 else: nrows = len(self.ylabels) grid_size = ncols * nrows fig1, axs = plt.subplots( nrows, ncols, figsize=((8 * ncols), (4 * nrows)), sharey=True ) plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.05, hspace=0.2) if len(self.Multi_Scenario) > 1: axs = axs.ravel() i = 0 met_year = self.processed_hdf5_folder[ -4: ] # Extract met year from PLEXOS parent scenario. for scenario in self.Multi_Scenario:"Scenario = " + str(scenario)) infra_year = scenario[-4:] # Extract infra year from scenario name. capacity_out = pd.read_csv( os.path.join( "/projects/continental/pcm/Outage Profiles/capacity out for plotting/", infra_year + "_" + met_year + "_capacity out.csv", ) ) capacity_out.index = pd.to_datetime(capacity_out.DATETIME) one_zone = capacity_out[ capacity_out[self.AGG_BY] == zone_input ] # Select only this particular zone. one_zone = one_zone.drop(columns=["DATETIME", self.AGG_BY]) one_zone = one_zone.dropna(axis="columns") one_zone = one_zone / 1000 # MW -> GW # Calculate average outage for all technology for all year. sum_ts = one_zone.sum(axis="columns") overall_avg = sum_ts.mean() # Subset to match dispatch time horizon. Gen = pd.read_hdf( os.path.join( self.Marmot_Solutions_folder, scenario, "Processed_HDF5_folder", scenario + "_formatted.h5", ), "generator_Generation", ) start = Gen.index.get_level_values("timestamp")[0] end = Gen.index.get_level_values("timestamp")[-1] # OR select only time period of interest. if self.prop == "Date Range": "Plotting specific date range: \ {} to {}".format( str(self.start_date), str(self.end_date) ) ) one_zone = one_zone[self.start_date : self.end_date] else: one_zone = one_zone[start:end] tech_list = [ tech_type for tech_type in self.ordered_gen if tech_type in one_zone.columns ] # Order columns. one_zone = one_zone[tech_list] overall_avg_vec = pd.DataFrame( np.repeat(np.array(overall_avg), len(one_zone.index)), index=one_zone.index, columns=["Annual average"], ) overall_avg_vec = overall_avg_vec / 1000 Data_Table_Out = pd.concat([one_zone, overall_avg_vec], axis="columns") locator = mdates.AutoDateLocator(minticks=4, maxticks=8) formatter = mdates.ConciseDateFormatter(locator) formatter.formats[2] = "%d\n %b" formatter.zero_formats[1] = "%b\n %Y" formatter.zero_formats[2] = "%d\n %b" formatter.zero_formats[3] = "%H:%M\n %d-%b" formatter.offset_formats[3] = "%b %Y" formatter.show_offset = False if len(self.Multi_Scenario) > 1: sp = axs[i].stackplot( one_zone.index.values, one_zone.values.T, labels=one_zone.columns, linewidth=0, colors=[ self.marmot_color_dict.get(x, "#333333") for x in one_zone.T.index ], ) axs[i].spines["right"].set_visible(False) axs[i].spines["top"].set_visible(False) axs[i].tick_params(axis="y", which="major", length=5, width=1) axs[i].tick_params(axis="x", which="major", length=5, width=1) axs[i].margins(x=0.01) axs[i].xaxis.set_major_locator(locator) axs[i].xaxis.set_major_formatter(formatter) axs[i].hlines( y=overall_avg, xmin=axs[i].get_xlim()[0], xmax=axs[i].get_xlim()[1], label="Annual average", ) # Add horizontal line at average. if i == (len(self.Multi_Scenario) - 1): handles, labels = axs[i].get_legend_handles_labels() leg1 = axs[i].legend( reversed(handles), reversed(labels), loc="lower left", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0), facecolor="inherit", frameon=True, ) axs[i].add_artist(leg1) else: sp = axs.stackplot( one_zone.index.values, one_zone.values.T, labels=one_zone.columns, linewidth=0, colors=[ self.marmot_color_dict.get(x, "#333333") for x in one_zone.T.index ], ) axs.spines["right"].set_visible(False) axs.spines["top"].set_visible(False) axs.tick_params(axis="y", which="major", length=5, width=1) axs.tick_params(axis="x", which="major", length=5, width=1) axs.margins(x=0.01) axs.xaxis.set_major_locator(locator) axs.xaxis.set_major_formatter(formatter) axs.hlines( y=overall_avg, xmin=axs.get_xlim()[0], xmax=axs.get_xlim()[1], label="Annual average", ) # Add horizontal line at average. if i == (len(self.Multi_Scenario) - 1): handles, labels = axs.get_legend_handles_labels() leg1 = axs.legend( reversed(handles), reversed(labels), loc="lower left", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0), facecolor="inherit", frameon=True, ) axs.add_artist(leg1) i = i + 1 all_axes = fig1.get_axes() self.xlabels = ( pd.Series(self.xlabels) .str.replace("_", " ") .str.wrap(10, break_long_words=False) ) j = 0 k = 0 for ax in all_axes: if ax.is_last_row(): ax.set_xlabel(xlabel=(self.xlabels[j]), color="black") j = j + 1 if ax.is_first_col(): ax.set_ylabel( ylabel=(self.ylabels[k]), color="black", rotation="vertical" ) k = k + 1 fig1.add_subplot(111, frameon=False) plt.tick_params( labelcolor="none", top=False, bottom=False, left=False, right=False ) plt.xlabel(timezone, color="black", rotation="horizontal", labelpad=40) plt.ylabel( "Capacity out (MW)", color="black", rotation="vertical", labelpad=60 ) if plot_data_settings["plot_title_as_region"]: mplt.add_main_title(zone_input) outputs[zone_input] = {"fig": fig1, "data_table": Data_Table_Out} return outputs