OpenFOAM Installation
Building OpenFOAM with cray-mpich and gcc
Instructions for installing OpenFOAM are available here.
In the instructions, you will be cloning the OpenFOAM folder which we will refer to as $OPENFOAM
In order to build OpenFOAM with cray-mpich, two files need to be edited.
In this file, the variable WM_MPLIB
will be defined as MPICH
Search for the line where the variable is exported and replace it with
This file defines where mpich is defined on the system.
You will search for the mpich definition block and replace it with
export MPI_ARCH_PATH=/opt/cray/pe/mpich/8.1.28/ofi/gnu/10.3
export PATH="${MPI_ARCH_PATH}/bin:${PATH}"
export FOAM_MPI=mpich-8.1.28
export MPI_HOME=/opt/cray/pe/mpich/8.1.28/ofi/gnu/10.3
#export FOAM_MPI=mpich2-1.1.1p1
_foamAddPath $MPI_ARCH_PATH/bin
# 64-bit on OpenSuSE 12.1 uses lib64 others use lib
_foamAddLib $MPI_ARCH_PATH/lib
_foamAddMan $MPI_ARCH_PATH/share/man
Before you install OpenFOAM, make sure to load Prgenv-gnu
This will load gcc and cray-mpich.
Make sure the same module is loaded at runtime.