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Gurobi Optimizer is a suite of solvers for mathematical programming.

For documentation, forums, and FAQs, see the Gurobi website.

Gurobi includes a linear programming solver (LP), quadratic programming solver (QP), quadratically constrained programming solver (QCP), mixed-integer linear programming solver (MILP), mixed-integer quadratic programming solver (MIQP), and a mixed-integer quadratically constrained programming solver (MIQCP).

Gurobi is available on multiple systems. There are 24 license tokens available for concurrent use - 6 are for general use (including commercial) and 18 standalone license tokens are for academic/government use. After logging onto the appropriate cluster, load the default Gurobi module using module load gurobi. The Gurobi interactive shell is run by typing "". Gurobi can also be interfaced with C/C++/Java/MATLAB/R codes by linking with the Gurobi libraries.


You can check how many Gurobi licenses are available for use by running the following command after loading the Gurobi module

gurobi_cl -t

For details on Gurobi programming, see the Gurobi Resource Center and Gurobi documentation.

Available Modules#

Kestrel Swift
gurobi/9.5.1 gurobi/9.5.1

Gurobi and MATLAB#

To use the Gurobi solver with MATLAB, make sure you have the Gurobi and MATLAB environment modules loaded, then issue the following two commands from the MATLAB prompt or your script:

>> grb = getenv('GRB_MATLAB_PATH')
>> path(path,grb)

Gurobi and General Algebraic Modeling System#

The General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS) is a high-level modeling system for mathematical programming and optimization. The GAMS package installed at NREL includes Gurobi solvers. For more information, see using GAMS.

Note that the Gurobi license for this interface is separate from the standalone Gurobi license, and supports far more instances.


When using the Gurobi solver in GAMS, the user should NOT load the Gurobi module. Simply using "module load gams" will be enough to load the required Gurobi components and access rights.