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Setting Up

Loading the Appropriate Modules#


A user can only run PLEXOS with Gurobi solvers on the clusters at this time. Please set up your model accordingly.

PLEXOS XML model files can only run with the Gurobi solver specified while creating the models. The most common combinations you may encounter are

PLEXOS Module Gurobi Module
plexos/9.000R09 gurobi/9.5.1
plexos/9.200R05 gurobi/10.0.1
plexos/9.200R06 gurobi/10.0.2

Please contact us if you encounter any issues or require a newer version.

Setting up the License#

Before we can run PLEXOS, we need to create a license file on the cluster. For this, run the following commands with some minor modifications

mkdir -p ~/.config/PLEXOS
echo '<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <licServer_IP val="" />
    <licServer_CommsPort val="399" />
    <licServer_IP_Secondary />
      <PrimaryServer_Port />
      <SecondaryServer_Port />
    <licServer_CommsPort_Secondary />
    <LastLicTypeUsed val="server" />
    <licServer_LogFolder val="/tmp/" />
    <licServer_LogEvents val="true" />
    <proxy_ip val="" />
    <proxy_port val="" />
    <proxy_uname val="" />
    <proxy_pass val="" />
    <BanListedMachines val="true" />
    <LastUpdateDate val="10/10/2021 13:11:10" />
  <UserName />
  <Company />
  <UserEmail />
  <CompanyCode />
  <LicenseServerRequestCount />
</XmlRegistryRoot>'   > ~/.config/PLEXOS/EE_reg.xml

Optional: Conda environment for PLEXOS with Python and R#


The following instructions are NOT required for only running PLEXOS. One only needs to load the relevant Gurobi and PLEXOS modules to run a PLEXOS XML database. Users may combine these runs with conda, Julia, or other software simply by loading the relevant modules and activating the appropriate conda and Julia environments.

  1. We need to load a few modules and create the requisite conda environment. First, we need to create a conda environment for PLEXOS.
    module purge
    module load conda
    conda create -n plex1 r-essentials
  2. Log out and log back in. Load the following modules and activate the conda environment
    module purge
    module load comp-intel intel-mpi mkl conda
    conda activate plex1
  3. Install additional R libraries using conda

    conda install r-doParallel
    conda install r-RSQLite
    conda install r-testthat
    conda install r-covr


    Most of the R libraries should be added as part of the initial install, but keep an eye out for the following packages.


    See below if you wish to use your own version of R and Python for PLEXOS.

  4. We need to install one, rplexos library from source. To do this, execute the following commands

    mkdir /home/$USER/temporary    
    cd /home/$USER/temporary
    git clone
    cd rplexos
    CXX=`which icpc` R CMD INSTALL .


    rplexos needs to be built using an Intel compiler and R always wishes to build libraries using the same compilers that was used in its creation. If setting CXX=which icpc shown above does not work, we need to fool R by renaming the intel C++ compiler using a symbolic link. This is a hack and should only be used if the above way of installation fails. In order for the hack run the following after replacing username in the 3rd line with your own username.

    ln -s `which icpc` x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu-c++
    export PATH=`pwd`:$PATH
    Rscript -e  "install.packages('/home/username/temporary/rplexos/',repos=NULL,type='source')"
    rm x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu-c++

  5. For some PLEXOS examples, we need to install an additional package called plexos-coad. For this run the following

    cd /scratch/$USER
    git clone
    cd plexos-coad
    #patch for python 3.9
    tofix=`grep -lr getchild`
    for f in $tofix ; do sed -i3x "s/for el_data in elem.getchildren()/for el_data in list\(elem\)/" $f ; done
    pip install Cython
    python install

  6. Finally make sure we have numpy and pandas in the plex1 conda environment.

    pip install numpy pandas

Loading an existing PLEXOS environment#

If you have successfully followed all the instructions in the previous subsection and installed PLEXOS, you can simply load the following modules and activate the conda environment

module purge
module load comp-intel intel-mpi mkl conda
conda activate plex1

Using your own version of R and Python#

This section is in regards to Point 3 in setting up the PLEXOS environment. The following R libraries will need to be installed manually in this case.


After installing the above, follow the remainder of the installation starting with point 4.