Source code for buildingmotif.model_builder

import secrets
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union

from rdflib import BNode, Graph, Literal, Namespace, URIRef
from import Store
from rdflib.term import Node

from buildingmotif.dataclasses import Library, Template
from buildingmotif.namespaces import RDF, RDFS

[docs]class TemplateBuilderContext(Graph): """ A context for building templates. This class allows the user to add templates to the context and then access them by name. The context also allows the user to compile all of the templates in the context into a single graph. """ def __init__(self, ns: Namespace, store: Optional[Union[Store, str]] = None): """ Creates a new TemplateBuilderContext. The context will create entities in the given namespace. :param ns: The namespace to use for the context :param store: An optional backing store for the graph; ok to leave blank unless you are experiencing performance issues using TemplateBuilderContext """ self.templates: Dict[str, Template] = {} self.wrappers: List[TemplateWrapper] = [] self.ns: Namespace = ns super(TemplateBuilderContext, self).__init__( store=store or "default", identifier=None )
[docs] def add_template(self, template: Template): """ Adds a template to the context with all of its dependencies inlined. Allows the user of the context to access the template by name. :param template: The template to add to the context """ self.templates[] = template.inline_dependencies()
[docs] def add_templates_from_library(self, library: Library): """ Adds all of the templates from a library to the context :param library: The library to add to the context """ for template in library.get_templates(): self.add_template(template)
def __getitem__(self, template_name): if template_name in self.templates: w = TemplateWrapper(self.templates[template_name], self.ns) self.wrappers.append(w) return w else: raise KeyError(f"Invalid template name: {template_name}")
[docs] def compile(self) -> Graph: """ Compiles all of the template wrappers and concatenates them into a single Graph :return: A graph containing all of the compiled templates """ graph = Graph() graph += self for wrapper in self.wrappers: graph += wrapper.compile() # add a label to every instance if it doesn't have one. Make # the label the same as the value part of the URI for s, o in graph.subject_objects(predicate=RDF.type): if (s, RDFS.label, None) not in graph: # get the 'value' part of the o URI using qname _, _, value = graph.namespace_manager.compute_qname(str(o)) graph.add((s, RDFS.label, Literal(value))) return graph
[docs]class TemplateWrapper: def __init__(self, template: Template, ns: Namespace): """ Creates a new TemplateWrapper. The wrapper is used to bind parameters to a template and then compile the template into a graph. :param template: The template to wrap :param ns: The namespace to use for the wrapper; all bindings will be added to this namespace """ self.template = template self.bindings: Dict[str, Node] = {} self.ns = ns def __call__(self, **kwargs): for k, v in kwargs.items(): self[k] = v return self def __getitem__(self, param): if param in self.bindings: return self.bindings[param] elif param not in self.template.all_parameters: raise KeyError(f"Invalid parameter: {param}") # if the param is not bound, then invent a name # by prepending the parameter name to a random string self.bindings[param] = self.ns[param + "_" + secrets.token_hex(4)] return self.bindings[param] def __setitem__(self, param, value): if param not in self.template.all_parameters: raise KeyError(f"Invalid parameter: {param}") # if value is not a URIRef, Literal or BNode, then put it in the namespace if not isinstance(value, (URIRef, Literal, BNode)): value = self.ns[value] # check datatype of value is URIRef, Literal or BNode if not isinstance(value, (URIRef, Literal, BNode)): raise TypeError(f"Invalid type for value: {type(value)}") self.bindings[param] = value @property def parameters(self): return self.template.parameters
[docs] def compile(self) -> Graph: """ Compiles the template into a graph. If there are still parameters to be bound, then the template will be returned. Otherwise, the template will be filled and the resulting graph will be returned. :return: A graph containing the compiled template :rtype: Graph """ tmp = self.template.evaluate(self.bindings) # if this is true, there are still parameters to be bound if isinstance(tmp, Template): bindings, graph = tmp.fill(self.ns, include_optional=False) self.bindings.update(bindings) return graph else: return tmp