This class mirrors |
- class ShapeCollection(_id: int, graph: Graph, _bm: BuildingMOTIF)[source]#
This class mirrors
.- graph: Graph#
- classmethod create() ShapeCollection [source]#
Create a new ShapeCollection.
- Returns:
new ShapeCollection
- Return type:
- classmethod load(id: int) ShapeCollection [source]#
Get ShapeCollection from database by id.
- Parameters:
id (int) – ShapeCollection id
- Returns:
- Return type:
- property id: Optional[int]#
- property graph_name: Optional[URIRef]#
Returns the name of the graph (subject of “a owl:Ontology”) if one exists
- add_triples(*triples: Tuple[Node, Node, Node]) None [source]#
Add the given triples to the graph.
- Parameters:
triples (Triple) – a sequence of triples to add to the graph
- add_graph(graph: Graph) None [source]#
Add the given graph to the ShapeCollection.
- Parameters:
graph (rdflib.Graph) – the graph to add to the ShapeCollection
- resolve_imports(recursive_limit: int = - 1, error_on_missing_imports: bool = True) ShapeCollection [source]#
Resolves owl:imports to as many levels as requested.
By default, all owl:imports are recursively resolved. This limit can be changed to 0 to suppress resolving imports, or to 1..n to handle recursion up to that limit.
- Parameters:
recursive_limit (int, optional) – how many levels of owl:imports to resolve, defaults to -1 (all)
error_on_missing_imports (bool, optional) – if True, raises an error if any of the dependency ontologies are missing (i.e. they need to be loaded into BuildingMOTIF), defaults to True
- Returns:
a new ShapeCollection with the types resolved
- Return type:
- infer_templates(library: Library) None [source]#
Infer templates from the graph in this ShapeCollection and add them to the given library.
- Parameters:
library (Library) – The library to add inferred templates to
- get_shapes_of_definition_type(definition_type: URIRef, include_labels=False) Union[List[URIRef], List[Tuple[URIRef, str]]] [source]#
Get subjects present in shape of the definition type.
- Parameters:
definition_type (URIRef) – desired definition type
- Returns:
- Return type:
- get_shapes_of_domain(domain: URIRef) List[URIRef] [source]#
Get subjects present in shape of domain type.
- Parameters:
domain (URIRef) – desired domain
- Returns:
- Return type:
- get_shapes_about_class(rdf_type: URIRef, contexts: Optional[List[ShapeCollection]] = None) List[URIRef] [source]#
Returns a list of shapes that either target the given class (or superclasses of it), or otherwise only apply to URIs of the given type.
- Parameters:
rdf_type (URIRef) – an OWL class
contexts (List["ShapeCollection"], optional) – list of ShapeCollections that help determine the class structure
- Returns:
a list of shapes in this ShapeCollection that concern that class
- Return type:
- shape_to_query(shape: URIRef) str [source]#
This method takes a URI representing a SHACL shape as an argument and returns a SPARQL query selecting the information which would be used to satisfy that SHACL shape. This uses the following rules: - <shape> sh:targetClass <class> -> ?target rdf:type/rdfs:subClassOf* <class> - <shape> sh:property [ sh:path <path>; sh:class <class>; sh:name <name> ] ->
?target <path> ?name . ?name rdf:type/rdfs:subClassOf* <class>
- <shape> sh:property [ sh:path <path>; sh:hasValue <value>] ->
?target <path> <value>