import re
from collections import defaultdict
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from functools import cached_property
from itertools import chain
from secrets import token_hex
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, Generator, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union
import rdflib
from pyshacl.helper.path_helper import shacl_path_to_sparql_path
from rdflib import Graph, URIRef
from rdflib.collection import Collection
from rdflib.term import BNode, Node
from buildingmotif import get_building_motif
from buildingmotif.dataclasses.shape_collection import ShapeCollection
from buildingmotif.namespaces import CONSTRAINT, PARAM, RDF, SH, A, bind_prefixes
from buildingmotif.utils import (
from buildingmotif.dataclasses import Library, Model, Template
class GraphDiff:
"""An abstraction of a SHACL Validation Result that can produce a template
that resolves the difference between the expected and actual graph.
Each GraphDiff has a 'focus' that is the node in the model that the
GraphDiff is about. If 'focus' is None, then the GraphDiff is about the
model itself rather than a specific node
# the node that failed (shape target)
focus: Optional[URIRef]
# the SHACL validation result graph corresponding to this failure
validation_result: Graph
graph: Graph
def __post_init__(self):
[docs] def resolve(self, lib: "Library") -> List["Template"]:
"""Produces a list of templates to resolve this GraphDiff.
:param lib: the library to hold the templates
:type lib: Library
:return: templates that reconcile the GraphDiff
:rtype: List[Template]
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def reason(self) -> str:
"""Human-readable explanation of this GraphDiff."""
raise NotImplementedError
def _result_uri(self) -> Node:
"""Return the 'name' of the ValidationReport to make failed_shape/failed_component
easier to express. We compute this by taking advantage of the fact that the validation
result graph is actually a tree with a single root. We can find the root by finding
all URIs which appear as subjects in the validation_result graph that do *not* appear
as objects; this should be exactly one URI which is the 'root' of the validation result
return next(self.validation_result.subjects(RDF.type, SH.ValidationResult))
def failed_shape(self) -> Optional[URIRef]:
"""The URI of the Shape that failed"""
return self.validation_result.value(self._result_uri, SH.sourceShape)
def failed_component(self) -> Optional[URIRef]:
"""The Constraint Component of the Shape that failed"""
return self.validation_result.value(
self._result_uri, SH.sourceConstraintComponent
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.reason())
class OrShape(GraphDiff):
"""Represents an entity that is missing one of several possible shapes, via sh:or"""
shapes: Tuple[URIRef]
[docs] def reason(self) -> str:
"""Human-readable explanation of this GraphDiff."""
return f"{self.focus} needs to match one of the following shapes: {', '.join(self.shapes)}"
[docs] @classmethod
def from_validation_report(cls, report: Graph) -> List["OrShape"]:
"""Construct OrShape objects from a SHACL validation report.
:param report: the SHACL validation report
:type report: Graph
:return: a list of OrShape objects
:rtype: List[OrShape]
query = """
PREFIX sh: <>
SELECT ?result ?focus ?shapes WHERE {
?result sh:sourceConstraintComponent sh:OrConstraintComponent .
?result sh:sourceShape/sh:or ?shapes .
?result sh:focusNode ?focus .
results = report.query(query)
ret = []
for result, focus, shapes in results:
validation_report = report.cbd(result)
tuple([s for s in Collection(report, shapes)]),
return ret
class PathClassCount(GraphDiff):
"""Represents an entity missing paths to objects of a given type:
$this <path> <object> .
<object> a <classname> .
path: URIRef
minc: Optional[int]
maxc: Optional[int]
classname: URIRef
[docs] @classmethod
def from_validation_report(cls, report: Graph) -> List["PathClassCount"]:
"""Construct PathClassCount objects from a SHACL validation report.
:param report: the SHACL validation report
:type report: Graph
:return: a list of PathClassCount objects
:rtype: List[PathClassCount]
query = """
PREFIX sh: <>
SELECT ?focus ?path ?minc ?maxc ?classname WHERE {
?result sh:sourceShape/sh:qualifiedValueShape? ?shape .
{ ?result sh:sourceConstraintComponent sh:CountConstraintComponent }
{ ?result sh:sourceConstraintComponent sh:QualifiedMinCountConstraintComponent }
?result sh:focusNode ?focus .
?shape sh:resultPath ?path .
?shape sh:class ?classname .
?shape sh:minCount ?minc .
OPTIONAL { ?shape sh:maxCount ?maxc }
?shape sh:qualifiedValueShape [ sh:class ?classname ] .
?shape sh:qualifiedMinCount ?minc .
OPTIONAL { ?shape sh:qualifiedMaxCount ?maxc }
results = report.query(query)
return [
for focus, path, minc, maxc, classname in results
[docs] def reason(self) -> str:
"""Human-readable explanation of this GraphDiff."""
# interpret a SHACL property path as a sparql property path
path = shacl_path_to_sparql_path(
self.graph, self.path, prefixes=dict(self.graph.namespaces())
classname = self.graph.qname(self.classname)
return self.format_count_error(self.maxc, self.minc, path, classname)
[docs] def resolve(self, lib: "Library") -> List["Template"]:
"""Produces a list of templates to resolve this GraphDiff.
:param lib: the library to hold the templates
:type lib: Library
:return: templates that reconcile the GraphDiff
:rtype: List[Template]
assert self.focus is not None
body = Graph()
# extract everything after the last "delimiter" character from self.classname
name = re.split(r"[#\/]", self.classname)[-1]
focus = re.split(r"[#\/]", self.focus)[-1]
for _ in range(self.minc or 0):
inst = _gensym()
body.add((self.focus, self.path, inst))
body.add((inst, A, self.classname))
template_name = _guarantee_unique_template_name(lib, f"resolve{focus}{name}")
return [lib.create_template(template_name, body)]
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True, unsafe_hash=True)
class PathShapeCount(GraphDiff):
"""Represents an entity missing paths to objects that match a given shape.
$this <path> <object> .
<object> a <shapename> .
path: URIRef = field(hash=True)
minc: Optional[int] = field(hash=True)
maxc: Optional[int] = field(hash=True)
shapename: URIRef = field(hash=True)
extra_body: Optional[Graph] = field(hash=False)
extra_deps: Optional[Tuple] = field(hash=False)
[docs] @classmethod
def from_validation_report(
cls, report: Graph
) -> Generator["PathShapeCount", None, None]:
"""Construct PathShapeCount objects from a SHACL validation report.
:param report: the SHACL validation report
:type report: Graph
:return: a list of PathShapeCount objects
:rtype: List[PathShapeCount]
query = """
PREFIX sh: <>
SELECT ?focus ?path ?minc ?maxc ?shapename WHERE {
?result sh:sourceShape ?shape .
?result sh:resultPath ?path .
{ ?result sh:sourceConstraintComponent sh:CountConstraintComponent }
{ ?result sh:sourceConstraintComponent sh:QualifiedMinCountConstraintComponent }
?result sh:focusNode ?focus .
?shape sh:node ?shapename .
?shape sh:minCount ?minc .
OPTIONAL { ?shape sh:maxCount ?maxc }
?shape sh:qualifiedValueShape [ sh:node ?shapename ] .
?shape sh:qualifiedMinCount ?minc .
OPTIONAL { ?shape sh:qualifiedMaxCount ?maxc }
results = report.query(query)
for (focus, path, minc, maxc, shapename) in results:
extra_body, deps = get_template_parts_from_shape(shapename, report)
yield cls(
[docs] def reason(self) -> str:
"""Human-readable explanation of this GraphDiff."""
shapename = self.graph.qname(self.shapename)
return self.format_count_error(self.maxc, self.minc, self.path, shapename)
[docs] def resolve(self, lib: "Library") -> List["Template"]:
"""Produces a list of templates to resolve this GraphDiff."""
assert self.focus is not None
generated = []
if self.extra_deps:
for dep in self.extra_deps:
dep["args"] = {k: str(v)[len(PARAM) :] for k, v in dep["args"].items()}
# extract everything after the last "delimiter" character from self.shapename
name = re.split(r"[#\/]", self.shapename)[-1]
focus = re.split(r"[#\/]", self.focus)[-1]
for _ in range(self.minc or 0):
body = Graph()
inst = PARAM["name"]
body.add((self.focus, self.path, inst))
body.add((inst, A, self.shapename))
if self.extra_body:
replace_nodes(self.extra_body, { inst})
body += self.extra_body
template_name = _guarantee_unique_template_name(
lib, f"resolve{focus}{name}"
templ = lib.create_template(template_name, body)
if self.extra_deps:
from buildingmotif.dataclasses.template import Template
bm = get_building_motif()
for dep in self.extra_deps:
dbt = bm.table_connection.get_db_template_by_name(dep["template"])
t = Template.load(
templ.add_dependency(t, dep["args"])
return generated
class RequiredPath(GraphDiff):
"""Represents an entity missing a required property."""
path: URIRef
minc: Optional[int]
maxc: Optional[int]
[docs] @classmethod
def from_validation_report(cls, report: Graph) -> List["RequiredPath"]:
"""Construct RequiredPath objects from a SHACL validation report.
:param report: the SHACL validation report
:type report: Graph
:return: a list of RequiredPath objects
:rtype: List[RequiredPath]
query = """
PREFIX sh: <>
SELECT ?focus ?path ?minc ?maxc WHERE {
?result sh:sourceShape ?shape .
?result sh:resultPath ?path .
{ ?result sh:sourceConstraintComponent sh:CountConstraintComponent }
{ ?result sh:sourceConstraintComponent sh:QualifiedMinCountConstraintComponent }
?result sh:focusNode ?focus .
?shape sh:minCount ?minc .
OPTIONAL { ?shape sh:maxCount ?maxc }
?shape sh:qualifiedMinCount ?minc .
OPTIONAL { ?shape sh:qualifiedMaxCount ?maxc }
results = report.query(query)
return [
for focus, path, minc, maxc in results
[docs] def reason(self) -> str:
"""Human-readable explanation of this GraphDiff."""
path = shacl_path_to_sparql_path(
self.graph, self.path, prefixes=dict(self.graph.namespaces())
return self.format_count_error(self.maxc, self.minc, path)
[docs] def resolve(self, lib: "Library") -> List["Template"]:
"""Produces a list of templates to resolve this GraphDiff.
:param lib: the library to hold the templates
:type lib: Library
:return: templates that reconcile the GraphDiff
:rtype: List[Template]
assert self.focus is not None
body = Graph()
# extract everything after the last "delimiter" character from self.shapename
name = re.split(r"[#\/]", self.path)[-1]
focus = re.split(r"[#\/]", self.focus)[-1]
for _ in range(self.minc or 0):
inst = _gensym()
body.add((self.focus, self.path, inst))
template_name = _guarantee_unique_template_name(lib, f"resolve{focus}{name}")
return [lib.create_template(template_name, body)]
class RequiredClass(GraphDiff):
"""Represents an entity that should be an instance of the class."""
classname: URIRef
[docs] def reason(self) -> str:
"""Human-readable explanation of this GraphDiff."""
value_node = self.validation_result.value(self._result_uri, SH.value)
return f"{value_node} on {self.focus} needs to be a {self.classname}"
[docs] def resolve(self, lib: "Library") -> List["Template"]:
"""Produces a list of templates to resolve this GraphDiff.
:param lib: the library to hold the templates
:type lib: Library
:return: templates that reconcile the GraphDiff
:rtype: List[Template]
assert self.focus is not None
body = Graph()
name = re.split(r"[#\/]", self.classname)[-1]
body.add((self.focus, A, self.classname))
template_name = _guarantee_unique_template_name(lib, f"resolveSelf{name}")
return [lib.create_template(template_name, body)]
class GraphClassCardinality(GraphDiff):
"""Represents a graph that is missing an expected number of instances of
the given class.
classname: URIRef
expectedCount: int
[docs] def reason(self) -> str:
"""Human-readable explanation of this GraphDiff."""
return f"Graph did not have {self.expectedCount} instances of {self.classname}"
[docs] def resolve(self, lib: "Library") -> List["Template"]:
"""Produces a list of templates to resolve this GraphDiff.
:param lib: the library to hold the templates
:type lib: Library
:return: templates that reconcile the GraphDiff
:rtype: List[Template]
templs = []
name = re.split(r"[#\/]", self.classname)[-1]
for _ in range(self.expectedCount):
template_body = Graph()
template_body.add((PARAM["name"], A, self.classname))
template_name = _guarantee_unique_template_name(lib, f"resolveAdd{name}")
templs.append(lib.create_template(template_name, template_body))
return templs
class ValidationContext:
"""Holds the necessary information for processing the results of SHACL
shape_collections: List[ShapeCollection]
# the shapes graph that was used to validate the model
# This will be skolemized!
shapes_graph: Graph
valid: bool
report: rdflib.Graph
report_string: str
model: "Model"
def diffset(self) -> Dict[Optional[URIRef], Set[GraphDiff]]:
"""The unordered set of GraphDiffs produced from interpreting the input
SHACL validation report.
return self._report_to_diffset()
[docs] def as_templates(self) -> List["Template"]:
"""Produces the set of templates that reconcile the GraphDiffs from the
SHACL validation report.
:return: reconciling templates
:rtype: List[Template]
return diffset_to_templates(self.diffset)
[docs] def get_broken_entities(self) -> Set[URIRef]:
"""Get the set of entities that are broken in the model.
:return: set of entities that are broken
:rtype: Set[URIRef]
return {diff or "Model" for diff in self.diffset}
[docs] def get_diffs_for_entity(self, entity: URIRef) -> Set[GraphDiff]:
"""Get the set of diffs for a specific entity.
:param entity: the entity to get diffs for
:type entity: URIRef
:return: set of diffs for the entity
:rtype: Set[GraphDiff]
return self.diffset.get(entity, set())
[docs] def get_reasons_with_severity(
self, severity: Union[URIRef, str]
) -> Dict[Optional[URIRef], Set[GraphDiff]]:
Like diffset, but only includes ValidationResults with the given severity.
Permitted values are:
- SH.Violation or "Violation" for violations
- SH.Warning or "Warning" for warnings
- SH.Info or "Info" for info
:param severity: the severity to filter by
:type severity: Union[URIRef|str]
:return: a dictionary of focus nodes to the reasons with the given severity
:rtype: Dict[Optional[URIRef], Set[GraphDiff]]
if not isinstance(severity, URIRef):
severity = SH[severity]
# check if the severity is a valid SHACL severity
if severity not in {SH.Violation, SH.Warning, SH.Info}:
raise ValueError(
f"Invalid severity: {severity}. Must be one of SH.Violation, SH.Warning, or SH.Info"
# for each value in the diffset, filter out the diffs that don't have the given severity
# in the diffset.graph
return {
focus: {
for diff in diffs
if diff.validation_result.value(diff._result_uri, SH.resultSeverity)
== severity
for focus, diffs in self.diffset.items()
def _report_to_diffset(self) -> Dict[Optional[URIRef], Set[GraphDiff]]:
"""Interpret a SHACL validation report and say what is missing.
:return: a set of GraphDiffs that each abstract a SHACL shape violation
:rtype: Set[GraphDiff]
classpath = SH["class"] | (SH.qualifiedValueShape / SH["class"]) # type: ignore
shapepath = SH["node"] | (SH.qualifiedValueShape / SH["node"]) # type: ignore
# TODO: for future use
# proppath = SH["property"] | (SH.qualifiedValueShape / SH["property"]) # type: ignore
g = + self.shapes_graph
diffs: Dict[Optional[URIRef], Set[GraphDiff]] = defaultdict(set)
for result in g.objects(predicate=SH.result):
# check if the failure is due to our count constraint component
focus = g.value(result, SH.focusNode)
# get the subgraph corresponding to this ValidationReport -- see
# for details
# on the structure and expected properties
validation_report = g.cbd(result)
if (
g.value(result, SH.sourceConstraintComponent)
== CONSTRAINT.countConstraintComponent
expected_count = g.value(
result, SH.sourceShape / CONSTRAINT.exactCount # type: ignore
of_class = g.value(result, SH.sourceShape / CONSTRAINT["class"]) # type: ignore
# here, our 'self.focus' is the graph itself, which we don't want to have bound
# to the templates during evaluation (for this specific kind of diff).
# For this reason we override focus to be None
None, validation_report, g, of_class, int(expected_count)
elif (
g.value(result, SH.sourceConstraintComponent)
== SH.ClassConstraintComponent
requiring_shape = g.value(result, SH.sourceShape)
expected_class = g.value(requiring_shape, SH["class"])
if expected_class is None or isinstance(expected_class, BNode):
RequiredClass(focus, validation_report, g, expected_class)
elif (
g.value(result, SH.sourceConstraintComponent)
== SH.NodeConstraintComponent
# TODO: handle node constraint components
# check if property shape
elif g.value(result, SH.resultPath):
path = g.value(result, SH.resultPath)
min_count = g.value(
result, SH.sourceShape / (SH.minCount | SH.qualifiedMinCount) # type: ignore
max_count = g.value(
result, SH.sourceShape / (SH.maxCount | SH.qualifiedMaxCount) # type: ignore
classname = g.value(
SH.sourceShape / classpath,
# TODO: finish this for some shapes
# shapes_of_object = g.value(result, SH.sourceShape / SH.qualifiedValueShape)
# for soo in shapes_of_object:
# soo_graph = g.cbd(soo)
# handle properties (on qualifiedValueShapes?)
# extra = g.value(result, SH.sourceShape / proppath) # type: ignore
if focus and (min_count or max_count) and classname:
int(min_count) if min_count else None,
int(max_count) if max_count else None,
shapename = g.value(result, SH.sourceShape / shapepath) # type: ignore
if focus and (min_count or max_count) and shapename:
extra_body, deps = get_template_parts_from_shape(shapename, g)
int(min_count) if min_count else None,
int(max_count) if max_count else None,
if focus and (min_count or max_count):
int(min_count) if min_count else None,
int(max_count) if max_count else None,
# TODO: this is still kind of broken...ideally we would actually interpret the shapes
# inside the or clause
candidates = OrShape.from_validation_report(g)
for c in candidates:
return diffs
[docs]def diffset_to_templates(
grouped_diffset: Dict[Optional[URIRef], Set[GraphDiff]]
) -> List["Template"]:
"""Combine GraphDiff by focus node to generate a list of templates that
reconcile what is "wrong" with the Graph with respect to the GraphDiffs.
:param diffset: a set of diffs produced by `_report_to_diffset`
:type diffset: Set[GraphDiff]
:return: list of templates that should resolve the SHACL violations when
:rtype: List[Template]
from buildingmotif.dataclasses import Library, Template
lib = Library.create(f"resolve_{token_hex(4)}")
templates = []
# now merge all tempaltes together for each focus node
for focus, diffset in grouped_diffset.items():
if focus is None:
for diff in diffset:
templ_lists = (diff.resolve(lib) for diff in diffset)
templs: List[Template] = list(filter(None, chain.from_iterable(templ_lists)))
if len(templs) <= 1:
base = templs[0]
# treat all the other templates as dependencies of the first one.
# This allows us to do a "join" with inline_dependencies() which
# will ensure that there are no unintended overlaps in the choice
# of parameter name
for templ in templs[1:]:
# if there is a 'name' in the parameter list, join on that name.
# otherwise, just append the body
# (we don't need to use use to_inline() to ensure uniqueness of parameters
# because all params are created with _gensym() which ensures uniqueness)
if "name" in templ.parameters:
base.add_dependency(templ, {"name": "name"})
base.body += templ.body
unified = base.inline_dependencies()
# only try to evaluate if there are parameters, else this will fail.
# We may not have parameters if the GraphDiffs have all the information
# they need to patch the graph and don't need user input
if len(unified.parameters) > 0:
unified_evaluated = unified.evaluate({"name": focus})
unified_evaluated = unified
assert isinstance(unified_evaluated, Template)
return templates