Source code for buildingmotif.api.views.model

import flask
from flask import Blueprint, current_app, jsonify, request
from flask_api import status
from rdflib import Graph, URIRef
from rdflib.plugins.parsers.notation3 import BadSyntax

from buildingmotif.api.serializers.model import serialize
from buildingmotif.database.errors import (
from buildingmotif.dataclasses import Library, Model, ShapeCollection

blueprint = Blueprint("models", __name__)

[docs]@blueprint.route("", methods=(["GET"])) def get_all_models() -> flask.Response: """Get all models. :return: all models :rtype: flask.Response """ db_models = current_app.building_motif.table_connection.get_all_db_models() return jsonify(serialize(db_models))
[docs]@blueprint.route("/<models_id>", methods=(["GET"])) def get_model(models_id: int) -> flask.Response: """Get Model by id. :param models_id: model id :type models_id: int :return: requested model :rtype: flask.Response """ try: model = current_app.building_motif.table_connection.get_db_model(models_id) except ModelNotFound: return {"message": f"ID: {models_id}"}, status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND return jsonify(serialize(model)), status.HTTP_200_OK
[docs]@blueprint.route("/<models_id>/graph", methods=(["GET"])) def get_model_graph(models_id: int) -> Graph: """Get model graph by id. :param models_id: model id :type models_id: int :return: requested model graph :rtype: rdflib.Graph """ try: model = Model.load(models_id) except ModelNotFound: return {"message": f"ID: {models_id}"}, status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND g = Graph() + model.graph return g.serialize(format="ttl"), status.HTTP_200_OK
[docs]@blueprint.route("/<models_id>/target_nodes", methods=(["GET"])) def get_target_nodes(models_id: int) -> Graph: """Get model graph by id. :param models_id: model id :type models_id: int :return: requested model graph :rtype: rdflib.Graph """ try: model = Model.load(models_id) except ModelNotFound: return {"message": f"ID: {models_id}"}, status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND result = model.graph.query( """ SELECT ?type WHERE { ?target rdf:type ?type } """ ) result = list({r for r in result}) result.sort() return result, status.HTTP_200_OK
[docs]@blueprint.route("", methods=(["POST"])) def create_model() -> flask.Response: """Create model :return: new model :rtype: Model """ if request.content_type != "application/json": return { "message": "request content type must be json" }, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST name = request.json.get("name") description = request.json.get("description") if name is None: return {"message": "must give name"}, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST try: model = Model.create(name, description) except ValueError: return { "message": f"{name} does not look like a valid URI, " "trying to serialize this will break." }, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST current_app.building_motif.session.commit() model = current_app.building_motif.table_connection.get_db_model( return jsonify(serialize(model)), status.HTTP_201_CREATED
[docs]@blueprint.route("/<models_id>/graph", methods=(["PATCH", "PUT"])) def update_model_graph(models_id: int) -> flask.Response: """Update model graph. Takes xml body of ttl formated graph. :param models_id: model id :type models_id: int :return: updated model graph :rtype: rdflib.Graph """ try: model = Model.load(models_id) except ModelNotFound: return {"message": f"ID: {models_id}"}, status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND if request.content_type != "application/xml": return { "message": "request content type must be xml" }, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST try: graph = Graph().parse(, format="ttl") except BadSyntax as e: return {"message": f"data is unreadable: {e}"}, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST if request.method == "PUT": model.graph.remove((None, None, None)) model.add_graph(graph) current_app.building_motif.session.commit() return model.graph.serialize(format="ttl")
[docs]@blueprint.route("/<models_id>/validate", methods=(["POST"])) def validate_model(models_id: int) -> flask.Response: # get model try: model = Model.load(models_id) except ModelNotFound: return {"message": f"ID: {models_id}"}, status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND # we will read the shape collections from the input shape_collections = [] # get shacl_engine from the query params, defaults to the current engine shacl_engine = request.args.get("shacl_engine", None) # no body provided -- default to model manifest if request.content_length is None: shape_collections = [model.get_manifest()] else: # get body if request.content_type != "application/json": return flask.Response( {"message": "request content type must be json"}, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, ) try: body = request.json except Exception as e: return {"message": f"cannot read body {e}"}, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST if body is not None and not isinstance(body, dict): return {"message": "body is not dict"}, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST body = body if body is not None else {} nonexistent_libraries = [] for library_id in body.get("library_ids", []): try: shape_collection = Library.load(library_id).get_shape_collection() shape_collections.append(shape_collection) except LibraryNotFound: nonexistent_libraries.append(library_id) if len(nonexistent_libraries) > 0: return { "message": f"Libraries with ids {nonexistent_libraries} do not exist" }, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST # if shape_collections is empty, model.validate will default to the model's manifest vaildation_context = model.validate( shape_collections, error_on_missing_imports=False, shacl_engine=shacl_engine ) return { "message": vaildation_context.report_string, "valid": vaildation_context.valid, "reasons": { focus_node: list(set(gd.reason() for gd in grahdiffs)) for focus_node, grahdiffs in vaildation_context.diffset.items() }, }, status.HTTP_200_OK
[docs]@blueprint.route("/<models_id>/validate_shape", methods=(["POST"])) def validate_shape(models_id: int) -> flask.Response: # get model try: model = Model.load(models_id) except ModelNotFound: return {"message": f"ID: {models_id}"}, status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND # get body if request.content_type != "application/json": return flask.Response( {"message": "request content type must be json"}, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, ) try: body = request.json except Exception as e: return {"message": f"cannot read body {e}"}, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST if not isinstance(body, dict): return {"message": "body is not dict"}, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST # shape collections shape_collections = [] nonexistent_shape_collections = [] for shape_collection_id in body.get("shape_collection_ids", []): try: shape_collection = ShapeCollection.load(shape_collection_id) shape_collections.append(shape_collection) except ShapeCollectionNotFound: nonexistent_shape_collections.append(shape_collection_id) if len(nonexistent_shape_collections) > 0: return { "message": f"shape collections with ids {nonexistent_shape_collections} do not exist" }, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST if body.get("target_class", None) is None: return { "message": "target class is required to execute this endpoint" }, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST shape_uris = [URIRef(shape_uri) for shape_uri in body.get("shape_uris", [])] target_class = URIRef(body.get("target_class")) # test conformance = model.test_model_against_shapes( shape_collections=shape_collections, shapes_to_test=shape_uris, target_class=target_class, ) result = {} for shape_uri, validation_context in conformance.items(): diffsets = validation_context.diffset.values() reasons = [diff.reason() for diffset in diffsets for diff in diffset] result[shape_uri] = reasons return result, status.HTTP_200_OK