Source code for gdxpds.gdx

Backend functionality for reading and writing GDX files. 
The GdxFile and GdxSymbol classes are full-featured interfaces
for going between the GDX format and pandas DataFrames,
including translation between GDX and numpy special values. 

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
from builtins import super

import atexit
from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict

    from import MutableSequence
except ImportError:
    from collections import MutableSequence

import copy
from ctypes import c_bool
from enum import Enum
import logging
from numbers import Number

# try to import gdx loading utility
    # special Windows dll for optimized loading of GAMS parameters
    import gdx2py
    HAVE_GDX2PY = True
except ImportError: pass

# gdxpds needs to be imported before pandas to try to avoid library conflict on 
# Linux that causes a segmentation fault.
from gdxpds import Error
from import NeedsGamsDir

import gdxcc
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import gdxpds.special as special
# Import some things for backward compatibility
from gdxpds.special import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def replace_df_column(df,colname,new_col): """ Utility function that replaces df[colname] with new_col. Special care is taken for the case when df has multiple columns named '*', since this causes pandas to crash. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame edited in place by this function colname : str name of column in df whose data is to be replaced new_col : vector, list, pandas.Series new column data for df[colname] """ cols = df.columns tmpcols = [col if col != '*' else 'aaa' for col in cols ] df.columns = tmpcols df[colname] = new_col df.columns = cols return
[docs]class GdxError(Error): def __init__(self, H, msg): """ Pulls information from gdxcc about the last encountered error and appends it to msg. Parameters ---------- H : pointer or None SWIG binding pointer to a GDX object msg : str gdxpds error message Attributes ---------- msg : str msg that is passed in with a gdxErrorStr appended """ if H: msg += ". " + gdxcc.gdxErrorStr(H, gdxcc.gdxGetLastError(H))[1] + "." super().__init__(msg)
[docs]class GdxFile(MutableSequence, NeedsGamsDir): def __init__(self,gams_dir=None,lazy_load=True): """ Initializes a GdxFile object by connecting to GAMS and creating a pointer. Throws a GdxError if either of those operations fail. Parameters ---------- gams_dir : None or str lazy_load : bool If True, :py:class:`GdxSymbol` data are not automatically loaded when the symbols are initially :py:meth:`read`. Individual data tables can only be accessed later after the corresponding calls to :py:meth:`GdxSymbol.load`. If False, all data are automatically loaded and the full GDX file is available in memory after the call to :py:meth:`read`. """ self.lazy_load = lazy_load self._version = None self._producer = None self._filename = None self._symbols = OrderedDict() NeedsGamsDir.__init__(self,gams_dir=gams_dir) self._H = self._create_gdx_object() self.universal_set = GdxSymbol('*',GamsDataType.Set,dims=1,file=None,index=0) self.universal_set._file = self atexit.register(gdxcc.gdxFree, self.H) return
[docs] def cleanup(self): gdxcc.gdxFree(self.H)
def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.cleanup() def __del__(self): self.cleanup()
[docs] def clone(self): """ Returns a new GdxFile containing clones of the GdxSymbols in this GdxFile. The clone will not be associated with a filename. The clone's GdxSymbols will not have indexes. The clone will be ready to write to a new file. Returns ------- :py:class:`GdxFile` """ result = GdxFile(gams_dir=self.gams_dir,lazy_load=False) for symbol in self: result.append(symbol.clone()) result[-1]._file = result return result
@property def empty(self): """ Returns True if this GdxFile object does not contain any symbols. Returns ------- bool """ return len(self) == 0 @property def H(self): """ GDX object handle """ return self._H @property def filename(self): """ Filename this :py:class:`GdxFile` is associated with, if any Returns ------- None or str """ return self._filename @property def version(self): """ GDX file version """ return self._version @property def producer(self): """ What program wrote the GDX file """ return self._producer @property def num_elements(self): """ Total number of records present in this file, summed over all symbols. Returns ------- int """ return sum([symbol.num_records for symbol in self])
[docs] def read(self,filename): """ Opens gdx file at filename and reads meta-data. If not self.lazy_load, also loads all symbols. Throws an Error if not self.empty. Throws a GdxError if any calls to gdxcc fail. Parameters ---------- filename : pathlib.Path or str """ if not self.empty: raise Error(" can only be used if the GdxFile is .empty") # open the file rc = gdxcc.gdxOpenRead(self.H,str(filename)) if not rc[0]: raise GdxError(self.H,f"Could not open {filename!r}") self._filename = filename # read in meta-data ... # ... for the file ret, self._version, self._producer = gdxcc.gdxFileVersion(self.H) if ret != 1: raise GdxError(self.H,"Could not get file version") ret, symbol_count, element_count = gdxcc.gdxSystemInfo(self.H) logger.debug(f"Opening '{filename}' with {symbol_count} symbols and " f"{element_count} elements with lazy_load = {self.lazy_load}.") # ... for the symbols ret, name, dims, data_type = gdxcc.gdxSymbolInfo(self.H,0) if ret != 1: raise GdxError(self.H,"Could not get symbol info for the universal set") self.universal_set = GdxSymbol(name,data_type,dims=dims,file=self,index=0) for i in range(symbol_count): index = i + 1 ret, name, dims, data_type = gdxcc.gdxSymbolInfo(self.H,index) if ret != 1: raise GdxError(self.H,f"Could not get symbol info for symbol {index}") try: sym = GdxSymbol(name,data_type,dims=dims,file=self,index=index) self.append(sym) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Unable to initialize GdxSymbol {name!r}, because {e}. SKIPPING.") # read all symbols if not lazy_load if not self.lazy_load: for symbol in self: symbol.load() return
[docs] def write(self,filename): """ Writes this :py:class:`GdxFile` to filename Parameters ---------- filename : pathlib.Path or str """ # only write if all symbols loaded for symbol in self: if not symbol.loaded: raise Error("All symbols must be loaded before this file can be written.") ret = gdxcc.gdxOpenWrite(self.H,str(filename),"gdxpds") if not ret: raise GdxError(self.H, f"Could not open {filename!r} for writing. " "Consider cloning this file (.clone()) before trying to write.") self._filename = filename # write the universal set self.universal_set.write() for i, symbol in enumerate(self,start=1): try: symbol.write(index=i) except: logger.error("Unable to write {} to {}".format(symbol,filename)) raise gdxcc.gdxClose(self.H)
def __repr__(self): return "GdxFile(self,gams_dir={},lazy_load={})".format( repr(self.gams_dir), repr(self.lazy_load)) def __str__(self): s = "GdxFile containing {} symbols and {} elements.".format(len(self),self.num_elements) sep = " Symbols:\n " for symbol in self: s += sep + str(symbol) sep = "\n " return s
[docs] def __getitem__(self,key): """ Supports list-like indexing and symbol-based indexing Parameters ---------- key : int or str If int, the index into the list of symbols. If str, the name of the symbol to be accessed. Returns ------- :py:class:`GdxSymbol` """ return self._symbols[self._name_key(key)]
[docs] def __setitem__(self,key,value): """ Supports overwriting or adding a :py:class:`GdxSymbol` via a list-like interface Parameters ---------- key : int Must be an index into the list of symbols, within range(len(self)+1) value : :py:class:`GdxSymbol` """ self._check_insert_setitem(key, value) value._file = self if key < len(self): self._symbols[self._name_key(key)] = value self._fixup_name_keys() return assert key == len(self) self._symbols[] = value return
def __delitem__(self,key): """ Deletes a symbol from this :py:class:`GdxFile`'s collection Parameters ---------- key : int or str If int, the index into the list of symbols. If str, the name of the symbol to be accessed. """ del self._symbols[self._name_key(key)] return def __len__(self): """ Number of :py:class:`GdxSymbol`s in this :py:class:`GdxFile` """ return len(self._symbols)
[docs] def insert(self,key,value): """ Inserts value at position key Parameters ---------- key : int Must be an index into the list of symbols, within range(len(self)+1) value : :py:class:`GdxSymbol` """ self._check_insert_setitem(key, value) value._file = self if key == len(self) and not in self._symbols: # We can safely append the symbol. This is fast (O(log(n)) complexity) self._symbols[] = value else: # Need to insert inside the sequence. This is slow (O(n) complexity) data = [(, symbol) for symbol in self] data.insert(key,(,value)) self._symbols = OrderedDict(data) return
def __contains__(self,key): """ Returns True if __getitem__ works with key. """ try: self.__getitem__(key) return True except: return False
[docs] def keys(self): """ List of symbol names obtained by iterating through this :py:class:`GdxFile` Returns ------- list of str """ return [ for symbol in self]
def _name_key(self,key): name_key = key if isinstance(key,int): name_key = list(self._symbols.keys())[key] return name_key def _check_insert_setitem(self,key,value): if not isinstance(value,GdxSymbol): raise Error("GdxFiles only contain GdxSymbols. GdxFile was given a {}.".format(type(value))) if not isinstance(key,int): raise Error("When adding or replacing GdxSymbols in GdxFiles, only integer, not name indices, may be used.") if key > len(self): raise Error("Invalid key, {}".format(key)) return def _fixup_name_keys(self): self._symbols = OrderedDict([(, symbol) for cur_key, symbol in self._symbols]) return def _create_gdx_object(self): H = gdxcc.new_gdxHandle_tp() rc = gdxcc.gdxCreateD(H,self.gams_dir,gdxcc.GMS_SSSIZE) if not rc: raise GdxError(H,rc[1]) return H
[docs]class GamsDataType(Enum): Set = gdxcc.GMS_DT_SET Parameter = gdxcc.GMS_DT_PAR Variable = gdxcc.GMS_DT_VAR Equation = gdxcc.GMS_DT_EQU Alias = gdxcc.GMS_DT_ALIAS
[docs]class GamsVariableType(Enum): Unknown = gdxcc.GMS_VARTYPE_UNKNOWN Binary = gdxcc.GMS_VARTYPE_BINARY Integer = gdxcc.GMS_VARTYPE_INTEGER Positive = gdxcc.GMS_VARTYPE_POSITIVE Negative = gdxcc.GMS_VARTYPE_NEGATIVE Free = gdxcc.GMS_VARTYPE_FREE SOS1 = gdxcc.GMS_VARTYPE_SOS1 SOS2 = gdxcc.GMS_VARTYPE_SOS2 Semicont = gdxcc.GMS_VARTYPE_SEMICONT Semiint = gdxcc.GMS_VARTYPE_SEMIINT
[docs]class GamsEquationType(Enum): Equality = 53 + gdxcc.GMS_EQUTYPE_E GreaterThan = 53 + gdxcc.GMS_EQUTYPE_G LessThan = 53 + gdxcc.GMS_EQUTYPE_L NothingEnforced = 53 + gdxcc.GMS_EQUTYPE_N External = 53 + gdxcc.GMS_EQUTYPE_X Conic = 53 + gdxcc.GMS_EQUTYPE_C
[docs]class GamsValueType(Enum): Level = gdxcc.GMS_VAL_LEVEL # .l Marginal = gdxcc.GMS_VAL_MARGINAL # .m Lower = gdxcc.GMS_VAL_LOWER # .lo Upper = gdxcc.GMS_VAL_UPPER # .ub Scale = gdxcc.GMS_VAL_SCALE # .scale @classmethod def _missing_(cls, value): if isinstance(value,str): for value_type in cls: if == value: return value_type if value == 'Value': return GamsValueType(GamsValueType.Level) super()._missing_(value)
GAMS_VALUE_COLS_MAP = defaultdict(lambda : [('Value',GamsValueType.Level.value)]) """ List of value columns provided for each :py:attr:`GamsValueType` """ GAMS_VALUE_COLS_MAP[GamsDataType.Variable] = [(, value_type.value) for value_type in GamsValueType] GAMS_VALUE_COLS_MAP[GamsDataType.Equation] = GAMS_VALUE_COLS_MAP[GamsDataType.Variable] GAMS_VALUE_DEFAULTS = { GamsValueType.Level: 0.0, GamsValueType.Marginal: 0.0, GamsValueType.Lower: -np.inf, GamsValueType.Upper: np.inf, GamsValueType.Scale: 1.0 } """ Default values for each :py:class:`GamsValueType` """ GAMS_VARIABLE_DEFAULT_LOWER_UPPER_BOUNDS = { GamsVariableType.Unknown: (-np.inf,np.inf), GamsVariableType.Binary: (0.0,1.0), GamsVariableType.Integer: (0.0,np.inf), GamsVariableType.Positive: (0.0,np.inf), GamsVariableType.Negative: (-np.inf,0.0), GamsVariableType.Free : (-np.inf,np.inf), GamsVariableType.SOS1: (0.0,np.inf), GamsVariableType.SOS2: (0.0,np.inf), GamsVariableType.Semicont: (1.0,np.inf), GamsVariableType.Semiint: (1.0,np.inf) } """ Default lower and upper bounds for each :py:class:`GamsVariableType` """
[docs]class GdxSymbol(object): def __init__(self,name,data_type,dims=0,file=None,index=None, description='',variable_type=None,equation_type=None): """ In-memory representation of a GAMS GDX Symbol Parameters ---------- name : str data_type : :py:class:`GamsDataType` dims : int or list of str If dims is set to an int, then that number of dimensions will be created, each indicated with the wildcard name '*'. Otherwise, a list of strings is expected, each string being a dimension name. file : None or :py:class:`GdxFile` Users should not set file. File is set by, e.g., :py:meth:`` and :py:meth:`GdxFile.append`. index : None or int Users should not set file. File is set by, e.g., :py:meth:`` and :py:meth:`GdxFile.append`. description : str Human readable description for this :py:class:`GdxSymbol` variable_type : None or :py:class:`GamsVariableType` Only expected if data_type == :py:attr:`GamsDataType.Variable` equation_type : None or :py:class:`GamsEquationType` Only expected if data_type == :py:attr:`GamsDataType.Equation` """ self._name = name self.description = description self._loaded = False self._data_type = GamsDataType(data_type) self._variable_type = None; self.variable_type = variable_type self._equation_type = None; self.equation_type = equation_type self._dataframe = None; self._dims = None self.dims = dims assert self._dataframe is not None self._file = file self._index = index # adding this flag to implement ability to load set text instead of boolean values self._fixup_set_vals = True if self.file is not None: # reading from file # get additional meta-data ret, records, userinfo, description = gdxcc.gdxSymbolInfoX(self.file.H,self.index) if ret != 1: raise GdxError(self.file.H,"Unable to get extended symbol information for {}".format( self._num_records = records if self.data_type == GamsDataType.Variable: self.variable_type = GamsVariableType(userinfo) elif self.data_type == GamsDataType.Equation: self.equation_type = GamsEquationType(userinfo) self.description = description if self.index > 0: ret, gdx_domain = gdxcc.gdxSymbolGetDomainX(self.file.H,self.index) if ret == 0: raise GdxError(self.file.H,"Unable to get domain information for {}".format( assert len(gdx_domain) == len(self.dims), "Dimensional information read in from GDX should be consistent." self.dims = gdx_domain else: # universal set assert self.index == 0 self._loaded = True return # writing new symbol self._loaded = True return
[docs] def clone(self): """ Create a copy of this :py:class:`GdxSymbol` Returns ------- :py:class:`GdxSymbol` """ if not self.loaded: raise Error("Symbol {} cannot be cloned because it is not yet loaded.".format(repr( assert self.loaded result = GdxSymbol(,self.data_type, dims=self.dims, description=self.description, variable_type=self.variable_type, equation_type=self.equation_type) result.dataframe = copy.deepcopy(self.dataframe) assert result.loaded return result
@property def name(self): """ Name of this :py:class:`GdxSymbol` Returns ------- str """ return self._name @name.setter def name(self,value): self._name = value if self.file is not None: self.file._fixup_name_keys() return @property def data_type(self): """ GAMS data type of this :py:class:`GdxSymbol` Returns ------- :py:class:`GamsDataType` """ return self._data_type @data_type.setter def data_type(self, value): if not self.loaded or self.num_records > 0: raise Error("Cannot change the data_type of a GdxSymbol that is yet to be read for file or contains records.") self._data_type = GamsDataType(value) self.variable_type = None self.equation_type = None self._init_dataframe() return @property def variable_type(self): """ Only not none if :py:attr:`data_type` == :py:attr:`GamsDataType.Variable` Returns ------- None or :py:attr:`GamsDataType.Variable` """ return self._variable_type @variable_type.setter def variable_type(self,value): if self.data_type == GamsDataType.Variable: if value is None: # default to Free self._variable_type = GamsVariableType.Free else: try: self._variable_type = GamsVariableType(value) except: if isinstance(self._variable_type,GamsVariableType): logger.warning("Ignoring invalid GamsVariableType request '{}'.".format(value)) return logger.debug("Setting variable_type to {}.".format(GamsVariableType.Free)) self._variable_type = GamsVariableType.Free return assert self.data_type != GamsDataType.Variable if value is not None: logger.warning("GdxSymbol is not a Variable, so setting variable_type to None") self._variable_type = None @property def equation_type(self): """ Only not none if :py:attr:`data_type` == :py:attr:`GamsDataType.Equation` Returns ------- None or :py:attr:`GamsDataType.Equation` """ return self._equation_type @equation_type.setter def equation_type(self,value): if self.data_type == GamsDataType.Equation: if value is None: # default to Equality self._equation_type = GamsEquationType.Equality else: try: self._equation_type = GamsEquationType(value) except: if isinstance(self._equation_type,GamsEquationType): logger.warning("Ignoring invalid GamsEquationType request '{}'.".format(value)) return logger.debug("Setting equation_type to {}.".format(GamsEquationType.Equality)) self._equation_type = GamsEquationType.Equality return assert self.data_type != GamsDataType.Equation if value is not None: logger.warning("GdxSymbol is not an Equation, so setting equation_type to None") self._equation_type = None @property def value_cols(self): """ List of (name, GamsValueType.value) tuples that describe the value columns in the dataframe, that is, the columns that follow the self.dims columns. Returns ------- list of (str, int) """ return GAMS_VALUE_COLS_MAP[self.data_type] @property def value_col_names(self): """ List of value column names, that is, the columns that follow the self.dims columns. Returns ------- list of str """ return [col_name for col_name, col_ind in self.value_cols]
[docs] def get_value_col_default(self,value_col_name): if not value_col_name in self.value_col_names: raise Error(f"{value_col_name} is not one of the value columns for " f"this GdxSymbol, which is a {self.data_type}") value_col = GamsValueType(value_col_name) if self.data_type == GamsDataType.Set: assert value_col == GamsValueType.Level return c_bool(True) if (self.data_type == GamsDataType.Variable) and ( (value_col == GamsValueType.Lower) or (value_col == GamsValueType.Upper)): lb_default, ub_default = GAMS_VARIABLE_DEFAULT_LOWER_UPPER_BOUNDS[self.variable_type] if value_col == GamsValueType.Lower: return lb_default else: assert value_col == GamsValueType.Upper return ub_default return GAMS_VALUE_DEFAULTS[value_col]
@property def file(self): """ :py:class:`GdxFile` file that contains this :py:class:`GdxSymbol`, if any Returns ------- None or :py:class:`GdxFile` """ return self._file @property def index(self): """ Index of this :py:class:`GdxSymbol` in its :py:class:`GdxFile`, if any Returns ------- None or int """ return self._index @property def loaded(self): """ Whether the data for this symbol has been loaded Returns ------- bool """ return self._loaded @property def full_typename(self): if self.data_type == GamsDataType.Parameter and self.dims == 0: return 'Scalar' elif self.data_type == GamsDataType.Variable: return + " " + return @property def dims(self): """ List of dimension names over which this symbol is defined. If the :py:class:`GdxSymbol` was constructed with dims set to an integer, all dimension names will be the wildcard '*'. Returns ------- list of str length of list is equal to :py:attr:`num_dims` """ return self._dims @dims.setter def dims(self, value): if (self._dims is not None) and (self.loaded and ((self.num_dims > 0) or (self.num_records > 0))): if not isinstance(value,list) or len(value) != self.num_dims: raise Error(f"Cannot set dims to {value}, because the number of " "dimensions has already been set to {self.num_dims}.") if isinstance(value, int): self._dims = ['*'] * value self._init_dataframe() return if not isinstance(value, list): raise Error('dims must be an int or a list. Was passed {} of type {}.'.format(value, type(value))) for dim in value: if not isinstance(dim, str): raise Error('Individual dimensions must be denoted by strings. Was passed {} as element of {}.'.format(dim, value)) assert (self._dims is None) or (self.loaded and (self.num_dims == 0) and (self.num_records == 0)) or (len(value) == self.num_dims) self._dims = value if self.loaded and self.num_records > 0: self._dataframe.columns = self.dims + self.value_col_names return self._init_dataframe() @property def num_dims(self): """ Number of dimensions over which this symbol is defined Returns ------- int """ return len(self.dims) @property def dataframe(self): """ Data table for this symbol. Dim columns are followed by value columns, left to right. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame """ return self._dataframe @dataframe.setter def dataframe(self, data): try: # get data in common format and start dealing with dimensions if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): df = data.copy() has_col_names = True else: df = pd.DataFrame(data) has_col_names = False if df.empty: # clarify dimensionality, as needed for loading empty GdxSymbols df = pd.DataFrame(data,columns=self.dims + self.value_cols) # finish handling dimensions n = len(df.columns) if (self.num_dims > 0) or (self.num_records > 0): if not ((n == self.num_dims) or (n == self.num_dims + len(self.value_cols))): raise Error("Cannot set dataframe to {} because the number ".format(df.head()) + \ "of dimensions would change. This symbol has {} ".format(self.num_dims) + \ "dimensions, currently represented by {}.".format(self.dims)) num_dims = self.num_dims else: # num_dims not explicitly established yet. in this case we must # assume value columns have been provided or dimensionality is 0 num_dims = max(n - len(self.value_cols),0) if (num_dims == 0) and (n < len(self.value_cols)): raise Error("Cannot set dataframe to {} because the number ".format(df.head()) + \ "of dimensions cannot be established consistent with {}.".format(self)) if self.loaded and (num_dims > 0): logger.warning('Inferring {} to have {} dimensions. '.format(,num_dims) + 'Recommended practice is to explicitly set gdxpds.gdx.GdxSymbol dims in the constructor.') replace_dims = True if has_col_names: dim_cols = list(df.columns)[:num_dims] elif self.num_dims == num_dims: dim_cols = self.dims replace_dims = False else: dim_cols = ['*'] * num_dims for col in dim_cols: if not isinstance(col, str): replace_dims = False"Not using dataframe column names to set dimensions because {} is not a string.".format(col)) if num_dims != self.num_dims: self.dims = num_dims break if replace_dims: self.dims = dim_cols # all done establishing dimensions assert self.num_dims == num_dims # finalize the dataframe if n == self.num_dims: self._append_default_values(df) df.columns = self.dims + self.value_col_names self._dataframe = df except Exception: logger.error("Unable to set dataframe for {} to\n{}\n\nIn process dataframe: {}".format(self,data,self._dataframe)) raise if self.data_type == GamsDataType.Set: self._fixup_set_value() return def _init_dataframe(self): self._dataframe = pd.DataFrame([],columns=self.dims + self.value_col_names) if self.data_type == GamsDataType.Set: colname = self._dataframe.columns[-1] replace_df_column(self._dataframe,colname,self._dataframe[colname].astype(c_bool)) return def _append_default_values(self,df): assert len(df.columns) == self.num_dims logger.debug("Applying default values to create valid dataframe for '{}'.") for value_col_name in self.value_col_names: df[value_col_name] = self.get_value_col_default(value_col_name) def _fixup_set_value(self): """ Tricky to get boolean set values to come through right. isinstance(True,Number) == True and float(True) = 1, but isinstance(c_bool(True),Number) == False, and this keeps the default value of 0.0. Could just test for isinstance(,bool), but this fix has the added advantage of speaking the GDX bindings data type language, and also fills in any missing values, so users no longer need to actually specify self.dataframe['Value'] = True. """ assert self.data_type == GamsDataType.Set colname = self._dataframe.columns[-1] assert colname == self.value_col_names[0], f"Unexpected final column {colname!r} in Set dataframe" if self._dataframe[colname].isnull().values.any(): logger.warning(f"Filling null values in {self} with True. To be " "filled:\n{self._dataframe[self._dataframe[colname].isnull()]}") replace_df_column(self._dataframe, colname, self._dataframe[colname].fillna(value=True)) if self._fixup_set_vals: replace_df_column(self._dataframe,colname,self._dataframe[colname].apply(lambda x: c_bool(x))) self._fixup_set_vals = True return @property def num_records(self): """ Number of rows in the data table, per the DataFrame if :py:attr:`loaded`, or per GAMS. Returns ------- int """ if self.loaded: return len(self.dataframe.index) return self._num_records def __repr__(self): return "GdxSymbol({},{},{},file={},index={},description={},variable_type={},equation_type={})".format( repr(, repr(self.data_type), repr(self.dims), repr(self.file), repr(self.index), repr(self.description), repr(self.variable_type), repr(self.equation_type)) def __str__(self): s = s += ", " + self.description s += ", " + self.full_typename s += ", {} records".format(self.num_records) s += ", {} dims {}".format(self.num_dims, self.dims) s += ", loaded" if self.loaded else ", not loaded" return s
[docs] def load(self, load_set_text=False): """ Loads this :py:class:`GdxSymbol` from its :py:attr:`file`, thereby popluating :py:attr:`dataframe`. Parameters ---------- load_set_text : bool If True (default is False) and this symbol is a :class:`GamsDataType.Set <GamsDataType>`, loads the GDX Text field into the :py:attr:`dataframe` rather than a `c_bool`. """ if self.loaded:"Nothing to do. Symbol already loaded.") return if not self.file: raise Error("Cannot load {} because there is no file pointer".format(repr(self))) if not self.index: raise Error("Cannot load {} because there is no symbol index".format(repr(self))) if self.data_type == GamsDataType.Parameter and HAVE_GDX2PY: self.dataframe = gdx2py.par2list(self.file.filename, self._loaded = True return _ret, records = gdxcc.gdxDataReadStrStart(self.file.H,self.index) def reader(): handle = self.file.H for i in range(records): yield gdxcc.gdxDataReadStr(handle) vc = self.value_cols # do this for speed in the next line if load_set_text and (self.data_type == GamsDataType.Set): data = [elements + [gdxcc.gdxGetElemText(self.file.H,int(values[col_ind]))[1] for _col_name, col_ind in vc] for _ret, elements, values, _afdim in reader()] self._fixup_set_vals = False else: data = [elements + [values[col_ind] for col_name, col_ind in vc] for ret, elements, values, afdim in reader()] self.dataframe = data if not self.data_type in (GamsDataType.Set, GamsDataType.Alias): self.dataframe = special.convert_gdx_to_np_svs(self.dataframe, self.num_dims) self._loaded = True return
[docs] def unload(self): """ Drops this :py:class:`GdxSymbol`'s :py:attr:`dataframe` """ self.dataframe = None self._loaded = False
[docs] def write(self,index=None): """ Writes this :py:class:`GdxSymbol` to its :py:attr:`file` """ if not self.loaded: raise Error(f"Cannot write unloaded symbol {!r}.") if self.file is None: raise Error(f"Cannot write {self!r} because there is no file pointer") if self.data_type == GamsDataType.Set: self._fixup_set_value() if index is not None: self._index = index if self.index == 0: # universal set gdxcc.gdxUELRegisterRawStart(self.file.H) gdxcc.gdxUELRegisterRaw(self.file.H, gdxcc.gdxUELRegisterDone(self.file.H) return # write the data userinfo = 0 if self.variable_type is not None: userinfo = self.variable_type.value elif self.equation_type is not None: userinfo = self.equation_type.value if not gdxcc.gdxDataWriteStrStart(self.file.H,, self.description, self.num_dims, self.data_type.value, userinfo): raise GdxError(self.file.H,"Could not start writing data for symbol {}".format(repr( # set domain information if self.num_dims > 0: if self.index: if not gdxcc.gdxSymbolSetDomainX(self.file.H,self.index,self.dims): raise GdxError(self.file.H,"Could not set domain information for {}. Domains are {}".format(repr(,repr(self.dims))) else:"Not writing domain information because symbol index is unknown.") values = gdxcc.doubleArray(gdxcc.GMS_VAL_MAX) # make sure index is clean -- needed for merging in convert_np_to_gdx_svs self.dataframe = self.dataframe.reset_index(drop=True) # convert special numeric values if appropriate to_write = self.dataframe.copy() if (self.data_type in (GamsDataType.Set, GamsDataType.Alias)) else special.convert_np_to_gdx_svs(self.dataframe, self.num_dims) # write each row for row in to_write.itertuples(index=False, name=None): dims = [str(x) for x in row[:self.num_dims]] vals = row[self.num_dims:] for _col_name, col_ind in self.value_cols: values[col_ind] = float(0.0) try: if isinstance(vals[col_ind],Number): values[col_ind] = float(vals[col_ind]) except: raise Error("Unable to set element {} from {}.".format(col_ind,vals)) gdxcc.gdxDataWriteStr(self.file.H,dims,values) gdxcc.gdxDataWriteDone(self.file.H) return
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Helper functions # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def append_set(gdx_file, set_name, df, cols=None, dim_names=None, description=None): """ Convenience function that appends set_name to gdx_file as a :class:`GamsDataType.Set <GamsDataType>` :class:`GdxSymbol` using data in df. Parameters ---------- gdx_file : :class:`GdxFile` file to which new :class:`GdxSymbol` is to be added set_name : str name of the :class:`GdxSymbol` to be added df : pandas.DataFrame dataframe or data that can be used to construct a dataframe containing the set data. assumes that all columns define dimensions (there is no 'Value' column) cols : None or list of str if not None, these are the columns in df to be used for the set definition dim_names : None or list of str if provided, the columns of a copy of df (or of df[cols]) will be renamed to these names, because the dimension names are taken from the final dataframe, these will also be the dimension names description : None or str passed directly to :class:`GdxSymbol` """ # ensure df is DataFrame and not Series logger.debug(f"Defining set {set_name!r} based on:\n{df!r}") tmp = pd.DataFrame(df) # select down to data we actually want if cols is not None: tmp = tmp[cols] if dim_names is not None: if tmp.empty: tmp = pd.DataFrame([], columns = dim_names) else: tmp.columns = dim_names # define the symbol gdx_file.append(GdxSymbol(set_name, GamsDataType.Set, dims = list(tmp.columns), description = description)) # define the data for the symbol gdx_file[-1].dataframe = tmp # debug description of what happened logger.debug(f"Added set {set_name!r} to {gdx_file!r} using processed data:\n{tmp!r}") return
[docs]def append_parameter(gdx_file, param_name, df, cols=None, dim_names=None, description=None): """ Convenience function that appends param_name to gdx_file as a :class:`GamsDataType.Parameter <GamsDataType>` :class:`GdxSymbol` using data in df. Parameters ---------- gdx_file : :class:`GdxFile` file to which new :class:`GdxSymbol` is to be added param_name : str name of the :class:`GdxSymbol` to be added df : pandas.DataFrame dataframe or data that can be used to construct a dataframe containing the parameter data. assumes that the last selected column is the 'Value' column cols : None or list of str if not None, these are the columns in df to be used for the parameter definition (dimension columns followed by value column) dim_names : None or list of str if provided, the columns of a copy of df (or of df[cols]) will be renamed to these names + ['Value']. because the dimension names are taken from the final dataframe, these will also be the dimension names description : None or str passed directly to :class:`GdxSymbol` """ # pre-process the data logger.debug(f"Defining parameter {param_name!r} based on:\n{df!r}") tmp = pd.DataFrame(df) if cols is not None: tmp = tmp[cols] if dim_names is not None: if tmp.empty: tmp = pd.DataFrame([], columns = dim_names + ['Value']) else: tmp.columns = dim_names + ['Value'] # define the symbol gdx_file.append(GdxSymbol(param_name, GamsDataType.Parameter, dims = list(tmp.columns)[:-1], description = description)) # define the data for the symbol gdx_file[-1].dataframe = tmp # debug descripton of what happened logger.debug(f"Added parameter {param_name!r} to {gdx_file!r} using processed data:\n{tmp!r}") return