
There are two main ways to use gdxpds. The first use case is the one that was initially supported: direct conversion between GDX files on disk and pandas DataFrames or a csv version thereof. Starting with the Version 1.0.0 rewrite, there is now a second style of use which involves interfacing with GDX files and symbols via the gdxpds.gdx.GdxFile and gdxpds.gdx.GdxSymbol classes.

Direct Conversion | Backend Classes

Direct Conversion

The two primary points of reference for the direct conversion utilities are GDX files on disk and python dicts of {symbol_name: pandas.DataFrame}, where each pandas.DataFrame contains data for a single set, parameter, equation, or variable. For sets and parameters, the last column of the DataFrame is assumed to contain the value of the element, which for sets should be True, and for parameters should be a float (or one of the gdxpds.special.NUMPY_SPECIAL_VALUES). Equations and variables have additional ‘value’ columns, in particular a level, a marginal value, a lower bound, an upper bound, and a scale, as enumerated in gdxpds.gdx.GamsValueType. These values are all assumed to be found in the last five columns of the DataFrame, also see gdxpds.gdx.GAMS_VALUE_COLS_MAP.

The basic interface to convert from GDX to DataFrames is gdxpds.to_dataframes():

import gdxpds

gdx_file = 'C:\path_to_my_gdx\data.gdx'
dataframes = gdxpds.to_dataframes(gdx_file)
for symbol_name, df in dataframes.items():
    print(f"Doing work with {symbol_name}\n{df}.")

And vice-versa we have gdxpds.to_gdx():

import gdxpds

# assume we have a DataFrame df with last column 'value'
data_ready_for_GAMS = { 'symbol_name': df }

gdx_file = 'C:\path_to_my_output_gdx\data_to_send_to_gams.gdx'
gdx = gdxpds.to_gdx(data_ready_for_GAMS, gdx_file)

Note that providing a gdx_file path is optional. In either case the in-memory gdx file is returned as an object of type gdxpds.gdx.GdxFile.

Additional functions include:

The package also includes command line utilities for converting between GDX and CSV, see

python C:\your_python_path\Scripts\gdx_to_csv.py --help
python C:\your_python_path\Scripts\csv_to_gdx.py --help

Backend Classes

The basic functionalities described above can also be achieved with direct use of the backend classes available in gdxpds.gdx. To duplicate the GDX read functionality shown above one would write:

import gdxpds

gdx_file = 'C:\path_to_my_gdx\data.gdx'
with gdxpds.gdx.GdxFile(lazy_load=False) as f:
    for symbol in f:
        symbol_name = symbol.name
        df = symbol.dataframe
        print(f"Doing work with {symbol_name}:\n{df}")

This interface also provides more precise control over what data is loaded at any particular time:

import gdxpds

gdx_file = 'C:\path_to_my_gdx\data.gdx'
with gdxpds.gdx.GdxFile() as f: # lazy_load defaults to True

    df_1 = f['param_1'].dataframe

    df_12 = f['param_12'].dataframe

And enables more transparent creation of new GDX files:

from itertools import product

from gdxpds.gdx import GdxFile, GdxSymbol, GamsDataType, append_set, append_paramter
import pandas as pd

out_file = 'my_new_gdx_data.gdx'
with GdxFile() as gdx:

    # Create a new set with one dimension
    data = pd.DataFrame([['u' + str(i)] for i in range(1,11)])
    data['Value'] = True
    gdx[-1].dataframe = data

    # Create a new parameter with one dimension
    data = pd.DataFrame([['u' + str(i), i*100] for i in range(1,11)],
                        columns=(gdx[-1].dims + gdx[-1].value_col_names))
    gdx[-1].dataframe = data

    # Create new sets with convenience function append_set
    append_set(gdx, "my_other_set", pd.DataFrame(
      [['v' + str(i)] for i in range(1,6)], columns = ['v'])
    append_set(gdx, "my_combo_set", pd.DataFrame(
      product(['u' + str(i) for i in range(1,11)], ['v' + str(i) for i in range(1,6)]),
      columns = ['u', 'v'])

    # Create a new parameter with convenience function append_parameter
    df = gdx[-1].dataframe.copy()
    df.loc[:,'Value'] = 1.0
    append_parameter(gdx, 'my_other_paramter', df)

    # Write the file to disk

The key classes and functions for directly using the backend are:

Starting with Version 1.1.0, gdxpds does not allow GdxSymbol.dims to change once they have been firmly established (as evidenced by GdxSymbol.num_dims > 0 or GdxSymbol.num_records > 0), but does allow GdxSymbol.dataframe to be set using the dimensional columns alone. In that use case, GdxSymbol fills in the remaining dataframe columns with default values.