How to Guides
List of commands available
Use command shift-internal --help
to view all the commands available.
: Creates a default config yaml filecreate-feeder
: Uses the config yaml file to create synthetic feeder
Use yaml file to generate the feeder
Use the following commands to create the feeder from yaml file.
shift-internal create-config-file -c config.yaml
shift-internal create-feeder -c config.yaml
Understanding and updating yaml file
# can be string or tuple with lat lon pair
address: "chennai, india"
# distance must be in m, represents a bounding box distance form the address
distance: 300
# Coefficients for defining diversity factor: x[0]*log(num_cust) + x[1]
div_func_coeff: [0.3908524, 1.65180707]
# Substation must be (lon, lat) pair
location: [80.2786311, 13.091658]
# Name of the circuit
circuit_name: "chennai"
# kV for circuit
kv: 33.0
# Frequency in Hz
freq: 50
# Initial pu voltage for circuit
pu: 1.0
# Phase info for building substation
neutral_present: true
num_phase: 3
phase_type: null
# Sequence impedances
z1: [0.001, 0.001]
z0: [0.001, 0.001]
# kv voltage levels
kv_levels: [0.415, 11.0, 33.0]
# voltage levels for dist xfmrs
ht: 33.0 # High tension kv
lt: 11.0 # Low tension kv
# Phase for dist xfmrs
num_phase: 3
phase_type: null
# Connection type for dist xfmrs
ht: "delta"
lt: "star_grounded"
# Design factors
# Adjustment factor
adj_factor: 1.25
# planned growth rate in percentage
planned_avg_annual_growth: 2
# actual growth rate
actual_avg_annual_growth: 4
# actual years in operation
actual_years_in_operation: 15
# planned years in operation:
planned_years_in_operation: 10
# Catalog type to select type of catalog used
catalog_type: "all"
# Power factor used to compute kva for transformer
pf: 0.9
# Settings for loads
# Decided how to assign phases to loads
# Method for allocating phase
method: "random"
pct_single_phase: 100
pct_two_phase: 0
pct_three_phase: 0
# Deciding voltage level for loads
# Method for setting voltage to loads
method: "simple"
kv: 0.415
# Deciding connection type for loads
# Method for setting connection type to loads
method: "default"
# Deciding kw for loads
# Method for setting kw for loads
method: "piecewiselinear"
# Tuple must be in this format (area in m^2, non coincident kw)
curve: [[0,0], [10, 15.0], [20, 35], [50, 80]]
# Load type
# load type
name: "constantpowerfactor"
pf: 1.0
# Setting for distribution transformers
# Decide how to to come up with distribution transformers
name: "clustering"
# Decide cluster method
cluster_method: "location_kmeans"
# Number of clusters is required for kmeans
estimated_customers_per_transformer: 100
# voltage levels for dist xfmrs
ht: 11.0 # High tension kv
lt: 0.415 # Low tension kv
# Phase for dist xfmrs
num_phase: 3
phase_type: null
# Connection type for dist xfmrs
ht: "delta"
lt: "star_grounded"
# Design factors
# Adjustment factor
adj_factor: 1.25
# planned growth rate in percentage
planned_avg_annual_growth: 2
# actual growth rate
actual_avg_annual_growth: 4
# actual years in operation
actual_years_in_operation: 15
# planned years in operation:
planned_years_in_operation: 10
# Catalog type to select type of catalog used
catalog_type: "all"
# Power factor used to compute kva for transformer
pf: 0.9
# Settings for primary/HT conductors
# Voltage level for primary network
kv: 11.0
# Maximum pole to pole distance in meter
max_pp_distance: 100
# Conductor type used
cond_type: "overhead"
# Phase settings
num_phase: 3
neutral_present: false
phase_type: null
# Conductor configuration
# Configuration for three phase conductors
height_of_top_conductor: 9
space_between_conductors: 0.4
unit: "m"
type: "horizontal"
# Design factors
# Adjustment factor
adj_factor: 1.25
# planned growth rate in percentage
planned_avg_annual_growth: 2
# actual growth rate
actual_avg_annual_growth: 4
# actual years in operation
actual_years_in_operation: 15
# planned years in operation:
planned_years_in_operation: 10
# Allowed voltage drop used in drop estimation to find conductor
voltage_drop: 2
# Catalog type to select type of catalog used
catalog_type: "ACSR"
# Power factor
pf: 0.9
# Settings for primary/HT conductors
# Voltage level for primary network
kv: 0.415
# Maximum pole to pole distance in meter
max_pp_distance: 100
# Conductor type used
cond_type: "overhead"
# Phase settings
num_phase: 3
neutral_present: false
phase_type: null
service_drop_neutral: false
# Conductor configuration
# Configuration for three phase conductors
height_of_top_conductor: 9
height_of_neutral_conductor: 9.4
space_between_conductors: 0.4
unit: "m"
type: "horizontal"
# Configuration for single phase conductors
height_of_top_conductor: 9
unit: "m"
type: "horizontal"
# Design factors
# Adjustment factor
adj_factor: 1.25
# planned growth rate in percentage
planned_avg_annual_growth: 2
# actual growth rate
actual_avg_annual_growth: 4
# actual years in operation
actual_years_in_operation: 15
# planned years in operation:
planned_years_in_operation: 10
# Allowed voltage drop used in drop estimation to find conductor
voltage_drop: 5
# Catalog type to select type of catalog used
catalog_type: "ACSR"
# Catalog type to be used for lateral
catalog_type_lateral: all
# Power factor
pf: 0.9
type: "opendss"
path: "."