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Guide to Developers

Follow these steps to contribute to the project

  1. Fork the repo located at

  2. Clone the forked repo in your local setup

    git clone<YourUserName>/shift
  3. Create the branch following naming convention feature\<feature_name> by executing the command

    git checkout -b feature\<feature-name>
  4. If you need instructions to create the environment please refer to the Home page.

  5. Make your changes

  6. Make sure to write tests in a proper file, create new file as necessary. Convention is to have single test file for each module.
  7. Execute the test and make sure all of them pass.

    cd <cloned_repo>
    pytest -p no:faulthandler
  8. Make sure your code has passed linting test and black test. Use the following commands for checking linting and formatting.

    pip install pylint
    cd <cloned_directory>
    pylint shift
    pip install black
    black --check --line-length 80 shift
  9. Make sure you are following Googles docstring guidlines when documenting classes, methods, functions, modules and packages.

  10. In order to update the documentation page please make your changes inside docs/ folder and to view the changes run the following command.

    cd <cloned_repo>
    mkdocs serve