# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Module to handle SAM Resource iterator to create site by site resource
from inspect import signature
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from warnings import warn
import logging
from rex.utilities.bc_parse_table import parse_bc_table
from rex.utilities.exceptions import (ResourceKeyError, ResourceRuntimeError,
ResourceValueError, SAMInputWarning)
from rex.utilities.parse_keys import parse_keys
from rex.utilities.solar_position import SolarPosition
from rex.utilities.utilities import get_lat_lon_cols
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class SAMResource:
Resource container for SAM. Resource handlers preload the datasets needed
by SAM for the sites of interest. SAMResource handles all ETL needed before
resource data is passed into SAM.
>>> import os
>>> from rex import TESTDATADIR, WindResource
>>> file = os.path.join(TESTDATADIR, 'wtk/ri_100_wtk_2012.h5')
Here we load a SAM Resource container for a windpower analysis for sites 7
and 8 at a hub height of 90m:
>>> sam = WindResource.preload_SAM(file, sites=[7, 8], hub_heights=90)
>>> sam
SAMResource with 2 windpower sites
You can then use the SAMResource object to easily retrieve the data that is
needed to run the SAM windpower module:
>>> sam[7]
winddirection pressure temperature windspeed
2012-01-01 00:00:00+00:00 0.0 0.965329 4.270 7.565000
2012-01-01 01:00:00+00:00 0.0 0.965921 3.870 8.040000
2012-01-01 02:00:00+00:00 0.0 0.966612 4.070 10.370000
2012-01-01 03:00:00+00:00 0.0 0.966721 4.060 11.174999
2012-01-01 04:00:00+00:00 0.0 0.967224 3.515 8.570000
... ... ... ... ...
2012-12-31 19:00:00+00:00 0.0 0.967826 -1.965 6.515000
2012-12-31 20:00:00+00:00 0.0 0.967036 -2.095 6.750000
2012-12-31 21:00:00+00:00 0.0 0.966740 -2.495 9.215000
2012-12-31 22:00:00+00:00 0.0 0.966158 -2.735 10.680000
2012-12-31 23:00:00+00:00 0.0 0.965852 -2.460 10.805000
[8784 rows x 4 columns]
>>> sam['meta', 7]
latitude 41.975849
longitude -71.762329
country United States
state RI
county Providence
timezone -5
elevation 208
offshore 0
Name: 7, dtype: object
>>> sam['meta', 8]
latitude 41.993584
longitude -71.754852
country United States
state RI
county Providence
timezone -5
elevation 180
offshore 0
Name: 8, dtype: object
>>> sam['meta', 9]
KeyError: 9
# Resource variables to load for each SAM technology
RES_VARS = {'pv': ('dni', 'dhi', 'ghi', 'wind_speed', 'air_temperature'),
'pvwattsv5': ('dni', 'dhi', 'ghi', 'wind_speed',
'pvwattsv7': ('dni', 'dhi', 'ghi', 'wind_speed',
'pvwattsv8': ('dni', 'dhi', 'ghi', 'wind_speed',
'pvsamv1': ('dni', 'dhi', 'ghi', 'wind_speed',
'csp': ('dni', 'dhi', 'wind_speed', 'air_temperature',
'dew_point', 'surface_pressure'),
'tcsmoltensalt': ('dni', 'dhi', 'wind_speed',
'air_temperature', 'dew_point',
'solarwaterheat': ('dni', 'dhi', 'wind_speed',
'air_temperature', 'dew_point',
'troughphysicalheat': ('dni', 'dhi', 'wind_speed',
'air_temperature', 'dew_point',
'lineardirectsteam': ('dni', 'dhi', 'wind_speed',
'air_temperature', 'dew_point',
'wind': ('pressure', 'temperature', 'winddirection',
'windpower': ('pressure', 'temperature', 'winddirection',
'wave': ('significant_wave_height', 'energy_period'),
'geothermal': ('temperature', 'potential_MW')}
# valid data ranges for PV solar resource:
PV_DATA_RANGES = {'dni': (0.0, 1360.0),
'dhi': (0.0, 1360.0),
'ghi': (0.0, 1360.0),
'wind_speed': (0, 120),
'air_temperature': (-200, 100)}
# valid data ranges for CSP solar resource:
CSP_DATA_RANGES = {'dni': (0.0, 1360.0),
'dhi': (0.0, 1360.0),
'ghi': (0.0, 1360.0),
'wind_speed': (0, 120),
'air_temperature': (-200, 100),
'dew_point': (-200, 100),
'surface_pressure': (300, 1100)}
# valid data ranges for wind resource in SAM based on the cpp file:
# https://github.com/NREL/ssc/blob/develop/shared/lib_windfile.cpp
WIND_DATA_RANGES = {'windspeed': (0, 120),
'winddirection': (0, 360),
'pressure': (0.5, 1.099),
'temperature': (-200, 100),
'rh': (0.1, 99.9)}
# prevent negative wave data; some negative periods are observed on the
# west coast along the shore. These are small wave areas and should be fine
# with setting period to zero. Current limits of pysam (9/2021) cause
# errors when wave heights or energy periods are greater than the power
# matrix bin maximums (20.5 and 9.75 respectively)
WAVE_DATA_RANGES = {'significant_wave_height': (0, 20.5),
'energy_period': (0, 9.75)}
# valid data ranges for trough physical process heat
# valid data ranges for linear Fresnel
# valid data ranges for solar water heater
# valid data ranges for solar water heater
GEOTHERMAL_DATA_RANGES = {'temperature': (-200, 1000),
'potential_MW': (0, 1_000_000)}
# Data range mapping by SAM tech string
'pvwattsv5': PV_DATA_RANGES,
'pvwattsv7': PV_DATA_RANGES,
'pvwattsv8': PV_DATA_RANGES,
'pvsamv1': PV_DATA_RANGES,
'tcsmoltensalt': CSP_DATA_RANGES,
'troughphysicalheat': TPPH_DATA_RANGES,
'lineardirectsteam': LF_DATA_RANGES,
'solarwaterheat': SWH_DATA_RANGES,
# Dataset aliases for flexiblity between NSRDB and WTK naming conventions
ALIASES = {'wind_speed': 'windspeed',
'air_temperature': 'temperature'}
# Variables without a height component that should never be interpolated
FLAT_VARS = ('dni', 'dhi', 'ghi', 'sza', 'solar_zenith_angle', 'dew_point',
'significant_wave_height', 'energy_period')
def __init__(self, sites, tech, time_index, hub_heights=None, depths=None,
require_wind_dir=False, means=False):
sites : int | list | tuple | slice
int, list, tuple, or slice indicating sites to send to SAM
(sites is synonymous with gids aka spatial indices)
tech : str
SAM technology string. See class attributes for options.
time_index : pandas.DatetimeIndex
Time-series datetime index
hub_heights : int | float | list, optional
Hub height(s) to extract wind data at, by default None
depths : int | float | list, optional
Depth(s) to extract wind data at, by default None
require_wind_dir : bool, optional
Boolean flag indicating that wind direction is required,
by default False
means : bool, optional
Boolean flag to compute mean resource when res_array is set,
by default False
self._i = 0
self._sites = self._parse_sites(sites)
self._time_index = time_index
self._shape = (len(time_index), len(self._sites))
self._n = self._shape[1]
self._var_list = None
self._meta = None
self._runnable = False
self._res_arrays = {}
self._h = hub_heights
self._d = depths
self._sza = None
self._mean_arrays = None
if means:
self._mean_arrays = {}
if tech.lower() in self.DATA_RANGES:
self._tech = tech.lower()
msg = ('Selected tech {} is not valid. The following technology '
'strings are available: {}'
.format(tech, list(self.DATA_RANGES.keys())))
raise ResourceValueError(msg)
if self._tech == 'windpower':
# hub height specified, get WTK wind data.
if isinstance(self._h, (list, np.ndarray)):
if len(self._h) != self._n:
msg = 'Must have a unique height for each site'
raise ResourceValueError(msg)
if not require_wind_dir:
self._res_arrays['winddirection'] = np.zeros(self._shape,
def __repr__(self):
msg = "{} with {} {} sites".format(self.__class__.__name__,
self._n, self._tech)
return msg
def __len__(self):
return self._n
def __getitem__(self, keys):
var, var_slice = parse_keys(keys)
if var == 'time_index':
out = self.time_index
out = out[var_slice[0]]
elif var == 'meta':
out = self.meta
out = out.loc[var_slice[0]]
elif isinstance(var, str):
if var.startswith('mean_'):
var = var.replace('mean_', '')
out = self._get_var_mean(var, *var_slice)
out = self._get_var_ts(var, *var_slice)
elif isinstance(var, int):
site = var
out, _ = self._get_res_df(site)
msg = 'Cannot interpret {}'.format(var)
raise ResourceKeyError(msg)
return out
def __setitem__(self, keys, arr):
var, var_slice = parse_keys(keys)
if var == 'meta':
self.meta = arr
self._set_var_array(var, arr, *var_slice)
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
if self._i < self._n:
site = self.sites[self._i]
res_df, site_meta = self._get_res_df(site)
self._i += 1
return res_df, site_meta
raise StopIteration
def sites(self):
Sites being pre-loaded for SAM
sites : list
List of sites to be provided to SAM
(sites is synonymous with gids aka spatial indices)
sites = self._sites
return list(sites)
def sites_slice(self):
"""Get the sites in slice format if possible
sites : list | slice
Sites slice belonging to this instance of ProjectPoints.
The type is slice if possible. Will be a list only if sites are
(sites is synonymous with gids aka spatial indices)
# try_slice is what the sites list would be if it is sequential
if len(self.sites) > 1:
try_step = self.sites[1] - self.sites[0]
try_step = 1
if try_step <= 0:
try_step = 1
try_slice = slice(np.min(self.sites), np.max(self.sites) + 1,
try_list = list(range(*try_slice.indices(try_slice.stop)))
if self.sites == try_list:
# try_slice is equivelant to the site list
sites = try_slice
# cannot be converted to a sequential slice, return list
sites = self.sites
return sites
def shape(self):
Shape of variable arrays
self._shape : tuple
Shape (time_index, sites) of variable arrays
return self._shape
def var_list(self):
Return variable list associated with SAMResource type
_var_list : list
List of resource variables associated with resource type
('solar' or 'wind')
if self._var_list is None:
if self._tech in self.RES_VARS:
self._var_list = list(self.RES_VARS[self._tech])
msg = ("SAM technology string {} is invalid! The following "
"technology strings are available: {}"
.format(self._tech, list(self.RES_VARS.keys())))
raise ResourceValueError(msg)
return self._var_list
def time_index(self):
Return time_index
self._time_index : pandas.DatetimeIndex
Time-series datetime index
return self._time_index
def meta(self):
Return sites meta
self._meta : pandas.DataFrame
DataFrame of sites meta data
return self._meta
def meta(self, meta):
Set sites meta
meta : array | pandas.DataFrame
Sites meta as records array or DataFrame
if len(meta) != self._n:
msg = 'Meta does not contain {} sites'.format(self._n)
raise ResourceValueError(msg)
if not isinstance(meta, pd.DataFrame):
meta = pd.DataFrame(meta, index=self.sites)
if not np.array_equal(meta.index, self.sites):
msg = 'Meta does not match sites!'
raise ResourceValueError(msg)
self._meta = meta
def h(self):
Get heights for wind sites
self._h : int | float | list
Hub height or height(s) for wind resource, None for other resource
return self._h
def d(self):
Get depths for geothermal sites
self._d : int | float | list
Depth(s) for geothermal resource, None for other resource
return self._d
def lat_lon(self):
site latitudes and longitudes
lat_lon_cols = get_lat_lon_cols(self.meta)
return self.meta[lat_lon_cols].values
def sza(self):
Solar zenith angle for sites of interest
if self._sza is None:
self._sza = \
np.radians(SolarPosition(self.time_index, self.lat_lon).zenith)
return self._sza
def _parse_sites(sites):
Sites to extract resource for and send to SAM
sites : int | list | tuple | slice
int, list, tuple, or slice indicating sites to send to SAM
(sites is synonymous with gids aka spatial indices)
sites : list
list of sites to send to SAM
(sites is synonymous with gids aka spatial indices)
if isinstance(sites, int):
sites = [sites]
elif isinstance(sites, slice):
stop = sites.stop
if stop is None:
msg = "sites as a slice must have an explicit stop value!"
raise ResourceValueError(msg)
sites = list(range(*sites.indices(stop)))
elif not isinstance(sites, (list, tuple)):
msg = ("sites must a list, tuple or slice, not a {}!"
raise ResourceValueError(msg)
return sites
def check_units(var_name, var_array, tech):
Check units of variable array and convert to SAM units if needed
var_name : str
Variable name
var_array : ndarray
Variable data
tech : str
SAM technology string (windpower, pvwattsv5, solarwaterheat, etc..)
var_array : ndarray
Variable data with updated units if needed
pressure_change = ['csp', 'troughphysicalheat', 'lineardirectsteam',
if 'pressure' in var_name and tech.lower() == 'windpower':
# Check if pressure is in Pa, if so convert to atm
if np.median(var_array) > 1e3:
# convert pressure from Pa to ATM
var_array *= 9.86923e-6
elif 'pressure' in var_name and tech.lower() in pressure_change:
if np.min(var_array) < 200:
# convert pressure from 100 to 1000 hPa
var_array *= 10
if np.median(var_array) > 70000:
# convert pressure from Pa to hPa
var_array /= 100
elif 'temperature' in var_name and "geothermal" not in tech.lower():
# Check if tempearture is in K, if so convert to C
if np.median(var_array) > 200.00:
var_array -= 273.15
return var_array
def enforce_arr_range(var, arr, valid_range, sites):
"""Check an array for valid data range, warn, patch, and return.
var : str
variable name
arr : np.ndarray
Array to be checked and patched
valid_range : np.ndarray | tuple | list
arr data will be ensured within the min/max values of valid_range
sites : list
Resource gid site list for warning printout.
(sites is synonymous with gids aka spatial indices)
arr : np.ndarray
Patched array with valid range.
min_val = np.min(valid_range)
max_val = np.max(valid_range)
check_low = (arr < min_val)
check_high = (arr > max_val)
check = (check_low | check_high)
if check.any():
warn('Resource dataset "{}" out of viable SAM range ({}, {}) for '
'sites {}. Data min/max: {}/{}. Patching data...'
.format(var, min_val, max_val,
np.min(arr), np.max(arr)),
arr[check_low] = min_val
arr[check_high] = max_val
return arr
def roll_timeseries(time_series, timezone, time_interval):
Roll timeseries array to given timezone from UTC
time_series : ndarray
time_series array to roll
timezone : int
Time zone as UTC offset
time_interval : int
Number of step-steps in an hour, needed to compute time shift
time_series : ndarray
Time series in local time
shift = int(timezone * time_interval)
time_series = np.roll(time_series, shift, axis=0)
return time_series
def check_irradiance_datasets(self, datasets, clearsky=False):
Check available irradiance datasets
datasets : list
List of available datasets in resource .h5 file
clearsky : bool, optional
Flag to check for clearsky irradiance datasets, by default False
available = 0
irradiance_vars = ['dni', 'dhi', 'ghi']
if clearsky:
irradiance_vars = ['clearsky_{}'.format(var)
for var in irradiance_vars]
for var in irradiance_vars:
if var in datasets and var in self.var_list:
available += 1
if available < 2:
msg = ("At least 2 irradiance variables (dni, dhi, or ghi) are "
"needed to run SAM!")
raise ResourceRuntimeError(msg)
def compute_irradiance(self, clearsky=False):
Fillin missing irradiance dataset from available values and SZA
clearsky : bool, optional
Flag to check for clearsky irradiance datasets, by default False
irradiance_vars = ['dni', 'dhi', 'ghi']
if clearsky:
irradiance_vars = ['clearsky_{}'.format(var)
for var in irradiance_vars]
missing = None
for var in irradiance_vars:
if var in self.var_list and var not in self._res_arrays:
missing = var
if missing is not None:
dni_var, dhi_var, ghi_var = irradiance_vars
logger.info('{} is missing and will be computed from {}'
.format(missing, irradiance_vars.remove(missing)))
if missing == ghi_var:
ghi = (self._res_arrays[dni_var] * np.cos(self.sza)
+ self._res_arrays[dhi_var])
ghi[ghi < 0] = 0
self[ghi_var] = ghi
elif missing == dni_var:
dni = ((self._res_arrays[ghi_var] - self._res_arrays[dhi_var])
/ np.cos(self.sza))
dni = np.nan_to_num(dni)
dni[dni < 0] = 0
self[dni_var] = dni
elif missing == dhi_var:
dhi = (self._res_arrays[ghi_var]
- self._res_arrays[dni_var] * np.cos(self.sza))
dhi[dhi < 0] = 0
self[dhi_var] = dhi
def set_clearsky(self):
"""Make the NSRDB var list for solar based on clearsky irradiance."""
for i, var in enumerate(self.var_list):
if var in ['dni', 'dhi', 'ghi']:
self._var_list[i] = 'clearsky_{}'.format(var)
def append_var_list(self, var):
Append a new variable to the SAM resource protected var_list.
var : str
New resource variable to be added to the protected var_list
def bias_correct(self, bc_df):
"""Bias correct wind or irradiance data using a table of linear
correction factors per resource gid.
bc_df : pd.DataFrame
DataFrame with wind or solar resource bias correction table. This
must have columns "gid" and "method", where "gid" is the resource
file indices, and "method" is a function name from the
``rex.bias_correction`` module. Only windspeed or GHI+DNI+DHI are
corrected, depending on the technology. See the
``rex.bias_correction`` module for more details on available
bias correction methods.
bc_fun, bc_fun_kwargs, bool_bc = parse_bc_table(bc_df, self.sites)
if not bool_bc.any():
if 'ghi' in self._res_arrays and 'dni' in self._res_arrays:
logger.debug('Bias correcting irradiance with function {} '
'for sites {}'.format(bc_fun, self.sites))
ghi = self._res_arrays['ghi']
dni = self._res_arrays['dni']
dhi = self._res_arrays['dhi']
bc_fun_kwargs['ghi'] = ghi[:, bool_bc]
bc_fun_kwargs['dni'] = dni[:, bool_bc]
bc_fun_kwargs['dhi'] = dhi[:, bool_bc]
sig = signature(bc_fun)
bc_fun_kwargs = {k: v for k, v in bc_fun_kwargs.items()
if k in sig.parameters}
out = bc_fun(**bc_fun_kwargs)
ghi[:, bool_bc] = out[0][:, bool_bc]
dni[:, bool_bc] = out[1][:, bool_bc]
dhi[:, bool_bc] = out[2][:, bool_bc]
self._res_arrays['ghi'] = ghi
self._res_arrays['dni'] = dni
self._res_arrays['dhi'] = dhi
elif 'windspeed' in self._res_arrays:
logger.debug('Bias correcting windspeed with function {} '
'for sites {}'.format(bc_fun, self.sites))
ws = self._res_arrays['windspeed']
bc_fun_kwargs['ws'] = ws[:, bool_bc]
sig = signature(bc_fun)
bc_fun_kwargs = {k: v for k, v in bc_fun_kwargs.items()
if k in sig.parameters}
ws[:, bool_bc] = bc_fun(**bc_fun_kwargs)
self._res_arrays['windspeed'] = ws
if self._mean_arrays is not None:
# pylint: disable=consider-iterating-dictionary
for var in self._mean_arrays.keys():
self._mean_arrays[var] = self._res_arrays[var].mean(axis=0)
def _check_physical_ranges(self, var, arr, var_slice):
"""Check physical range of array and enforce usable SAM data.
var : str
variable name
arr : np.ndarray
Array to be checked and patched
var_slice : tuple of int | list | slice
Slice of variable array to extract
arr : np.ndarray
Patched array with valid range.
# Get site list corresponding to the var_slice. Only reduce the sites
# list if the var_slice has a second entry (column slice of sites)
arr_sites = self.sites
if not isinstance(var_slice, slice):
if (len(var_slice) > 1
and not isinstance(var_slice[1], slice)):
arr_sites = list(np.array(self.sites)[np.array(var_slice[1])])
if var in self.DATA_RANGES[self._tech]:
valid_range = self.DATA_RANGES[self._tech][var]
arr = self.enforce_arr_range(var, arr, valid_range, arr_sites)
return arr
def runnable(self):
Check to see if SAMResource iterator is runnable:
- Meta must be loaded
- Variables in var_list must be loaded
Returns True if runnable check passes
if self._meta is None:
msg = 'meta has not been set!'
raise ResourceRuntimeError(msg)
for var in self.var_list:
if var not in self._res_arrays:
msg = '{} has not been set!'.format(var)
raise ResourceRuntimeError(msg)
return True
def _set_var_array(self, var, arr, *var_slice):
Set variable array (units and physical ranges are checked while set).
var : str
Resource variable name
arr : ndarray
Time series data of given variable for sites
var_slice : tuple of int | list | slice
Slice of variable array that corresponds to arr
if var in self.var_list:
var_arr = self._res_arrays.get(var, np.zeros(self._shape,
if var_arr[var_slice].shape == arr.shape:
arr = self.check_units(var, arr, self._tech)
arr = self._check_physical_ranges(var, arr, var_slice)
var_arr[var_slice] = arr
self._res_arrays[var] = var_arr
if self._mean_arrays is not None:
self._mean_arrays[var] = var_arr.mean(axis=0)
msg = ('{} has shape {}, '
'needs proper shape: {}'.format(var,
arr.shape, self._shape))
raise ResourceValueError(msg)
msg = '{} not in {}'.format(var, self.var_list)
raise ResourceKeyError(msg)
def _get_var_mean(self, var, *var_slice):
Get variable means
var : str
Resource variable name
var_slice : int | list | slice
Slice of variable array to extract
means : ndarray
Vector of variable means
if self._mean_arrays is None:
msg = ("Variable means were not computed, ensure ws_mean for "
"windpower, or dni_mean/ghi_mean for pvwatts is in "
raise ResourceRuntimeError(msg)
if var in self.var_list:
var_array = self._mean_arrays[var]
except KeyError as ex:
msg = '{} has yet to be set!'.format(var)
raise ResourceKeyError(msg) from ex
means = var_array[var_slice]
msg = '{} not in {}'.format(var, self.var_list)
raise ResourceKeyError(msg)
return means
def _get_var_ts(self, var, *var_slice):
Get variable time-series
var : str
Resource variable name
var_slice : tuple of int | list | slice
Slice of variable array to extract
ts : pandas.DataFrame
Time-series for desired sites of variable var
if var in self.var_list:
var_array = self._res_arrays[var]
except KeyError as ex:
msg = '{} has yet to be set!'.format(var)
raise ResourceKeyError(msg) from ex
sites = np.array(self.sites)
if len(var_slice) == 2:
sites = sites[var_slice[1]]
ts = pd.DataFrame(var_array[var_slice],
msg = '{} not in {}'.format(var, self.var_list)
raise ResourceKeyError(msg)
return ts
def _get_res_df(self, site):
Get resource time-series
site : int
Site to extract
res_df : pandas.DataFrame
Time-series of SAM resource variables for given site
site_meta : pandas.Series
Meta data for the input site
idx = self.sites.index(site)
except ValueError as ex:
msg = '{} is not in available sites'.format(site)
raise ResourceValueError(msg) from ex
site_meta = self.meta.loc[site].copy()
if not isinstance(site_meta, pd.Series):
site_meta = site_meta.iloc[0]
if self._h is not None:
h = self._h[idx]
except TypeError:
h = self._h
site_meta['height'] = h
res_df = pd.DataFrame(index=self.time_index)
res_df.name = site
for var_name, var_array in self._res_arrays.items():
res_df[var_name] = var_array[:, idx]
return res_df, site_meta
def curtail_windspeed(self, gids, curtailment):
Apply temporal curtailment mask to windspeed resource at given sites
gids : int | list
gids for site or list of sites to curtail
curtailment : ndarray
Temporal multiplier for curtailment
shape = (self.shape[0],)
if isinstance(gids, int):
site_pos = self.sites.index(gids)
shape += (len(gids),)
site_pos = [self.sites.index(id) for id in gids]
if curtailment.shape != shape:
msg = "curtailment must be of shape: {}".format(shape)
raise ResourceValueError(msg)
if 'windspeed' in self._res_arrays:
self._res_arrays['windspeed'][:, site_pos] *= curtailment
msg = 'windspeed has not be loaded!'
raise ResourceRuntimeError(msg)
def _check_site_request(rex_res, sites):
rex_res : rex.Resource
rex Resource handler or similar (NSRDB, WindResource,
MultiFileResource, etc...)
sites : list | slice | int
List of site indices (axis=1)
(sites is synonymous with gids aka spatial indices)
if isinstance(sites, slice):
last = np.arange(sites.stop)[sites][-1]
elif isinstance(sites, (list, tuple)):
last = sorted(sites)[-1]
if last > rex_res.shape[1] - 1:
msg = ('Cannot retrieve site index {} from rex resource of '
'shape {}: {}'
.format(last, rex_res.shape, rex_res))
raise ResourceKeyError(msg)
def load_rex_resource(self, rex_res, var_list, time_slice, sites, hh=None,
"""Load data from a rex Resource handler into this SAMResource
rex_res : rex.Resource
rex Resource handler or similar (NSRDB, WindResource,
MultiFileResource, etc...)
var_list : list
List of variables to retrieve from rex_res. These names may be
manipulated with suffixes such as _100m (for a 100m hh input)
time_slice : slice
Slicing argument for the resource temporal dimension (axis=0)
sites : list | slice | int
List of site indices (axis=1)
(sites is synonymous with gids aka spatial indices)
hh : None | int
Optional single hub height in meters that datasets are to be loaded
from rex_res at
hh_unit : str
Unit suffix for the hub height input.
self._check_site_request(rex_res, sites)
for sam_var in var_list:
alias = self.ALIASES.get(sam_var, None)
var_hh = "{}_{}{}".format(sam_var, hh, hh_unit)
alias_hh = "{}_{}{}".format(alias, hh, hh_unit)
use_hh = sam_var not in self.FLAT_VARS
res_var = sam_var
if res_var in rex_res.datasets:
elif alias in rex_res.datasets:
res_var = alias
elif hh is not None and alias is None and use_hh:
res_var = var_hh
elif hh is not None and alias is not None and use_hh:
res_var = alias_hh
arr = rex_res[res_var, time_slice, sites]
self._set_var_array(sam_var, arr)
except ResourceKeyError as e:
msg = ('Could not get SAM resource "{}" with retrieval '
'dataset "{}" from rex Resource handler: {}, received '
'error: {}'
.format(sam_var, res_var, rex_res, e))