Source code for rex.multi_time_resource

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Classes to handle resource data stored over multiple files
import os
from glob import glob
from itertools import chain
from fnmatch import fnmatch
import logging

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from rex.renewable_resource import (
from rex.resource import Resource, BaseDatasetIterable
from rex.utilities.exceptions import FileInputError
from rex.utilities.parse_keys import parse_keys, parse_slice

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class MultiTimeH5: """ Class to handle h5 Resources stored over multiple temporal files """ def __init__(self, h5_path, res_cls=Resource, hsds=False, hsds_kwargs=None, **res_cls_kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- h5_path : str | list Unix shell style pattern path with * wildcards to multi-file resource file sets. Files must have the same coordinates but can have different datasets or time indexes. Can also be an explicit list of multi time files, which themselves can contain * wildcards. res_cls : obj Resource class to use to open and access resource data hsds : bool Boolean flag to use h5pyd to handle .h5 'files' hosted on AWS behind HSDS hsds_kwargs : dict, optional Dictionary of optional kwargs for h5pyd, e.g., bucket, username, password, by default None res_cls_kwargs : dict, optional Kwargs for `res_cls` """ self.h5_path = h5_path self._file_paths = self._get_file_paths(h5_path, hsds=hsds, hsds_kwargs=hsds_kwargs) res_cls_kwargs.update({'hsds': hsds}) self._h5_map = self._map_file_instances(self._file_paths, res_cls=res_cls, **res_cls_kwargs) self._datasets = None self._shape = None self._time_index = None self._time_slice_map = [] def __repr__(self): msg = ("{} for {}:\n Contains data from {} files" .format(self.__class__.__name__, self.h5_path, len(self))) return msg def __getitem__(self, file): fn_fp_map = {os.path.basename(fp): fp for fp in self._file_paths} if file in self._h5_map['fp'].values: iloc = np.where(self._h5_map['fp'] == file)[0][0] h5 =[iloc, 'h5'] elif file in fn_fp_map: iloc = np.where(self._h5_map['fp'] == fn_fp_map[file])[0][0] h5 =[iloc, 'h5'] else: raise ValueError('{} is invalid, must be one of: {}' .format(file, self._file_paths)) return h5 @property def attrs(self): """ Global .h5 file attributes sourced from first .h5 file Returns ------- attrs : dict """ attrs = dict(self.h5.attrs) return attrs @property def files(self): """ Available file paths Returns ------- list """ return sorted(self._file_paths) @property def h5_files(self): """ .h5 files data is being sourced from Returns ------- list """ return sorted(self._h5_map['fp']) @property def h5(self): """ open h5 file handler for a single .h5 file Returns ------- h5py.File """ return self._h5_map['h5'].values[0] @property def datasets(self): """ Available datasets Returns ------- list """ if self._datasets is None: all_dsets = self._h5_map['dsets'].values.tolist() dsets = [d for sub in all_dsets for d in sub] self._datasets = list(set(dsets)) return self._datasets @property def resource_datasets(self): """ Available resource datasets Returns ------- list """ res_dsets = [ds for ds in self.datasets if ds not in ['meta', 'time_index', 'coordinates']] return res_dsets @property def shape(self): """ Dataset shape (time, sites) Returns ------- tuple """ if self._shape is None: self._shape = (len(self.time_index), self.h5.shape[1]) return self._shape @property def time_index(self): """ Multi-year datetime index Returns ------- pandas.DatatimeIndex """ if self._time_index is None: time_slice_map = [] for _, row in self._h5_map.iterrows(): h5 = row['h5'] fp = row['fp'] ti = h5.time_index time_slice_map.append(np.full(len(ti), os.path.basename(fp))) if self._time_index is None: self._time_index = ti else: self._time_index = self._time_index.append(ti) if len(self._time_index) != len(np.unique(self._time_index)): unique, duplicates = np.unique(self._time_index, return_counts=True) duplicates = np.where(duplicates > 1)[0] duplicates = unique[duplicates] msg = ('The combined time_index has {} duplicate values:\n{}' .format(len(duplicates), duplicates)) raise RuntimeError(msg) self._time_slice_map = np.concatenate(time_slice_map, axis=0) return self._time_index @staticmethod def _get_hsds_file_paths(h5_path, hsds_kwargs=None): """ Get a list of h5 filepaths matching the h5_path specification from HSDS Parameters ---------- h5_path : str Unix shell style pattern path with * wildcards to multi-file resource file sets. Files must have the same coordinates but can have different datasets or time indexes. hsds_kwargs : dict, optional Dictionary of optional kwargs for h5pyd, e.g., bucket, username, password, by default None Returns ------- file_paths : list List of filepaths for this handler to handle. """ try: import h5pyd except Exception as e: msg = (f'Tried to open hsds file path: "{h5_path}" with ' 'h5pyd but could not import, try ' '`pip install NREL-rex[hsds]`') logger.error(msg) raise ImportError(msg) from e if hsds_kwargs is None: hsds_kwargs = {} if isinstance(h5_path, (list, tuple)): msg = ('HSDS filepath must be a string, possibly with glob ' f'pattern, but received list/tuple: {h5_path}') logger.error(msg) raise TypeError(msg) hsds_dir = os.path.dirname(h5_path) fn = os.path.basename(h5_path) if '*' in hsds_dir: msg = ('HSDS path specifications cannot handle wildcards in the ' 'directory name! The directory must be explicit but the ' 'filename can have wildcards. This HSDS h5_path input ' 'cannot be used: {}'.format(h5_path)) logger.error(msg) raise FileNotFoundError(msg) if not fn: msg = ('h5_path must be a unix shell style pattern with ' 'wildcard * in order to find files, but received ' 'directory specification: {}'.format(h5_path)) logger.error(msg) raise FileInputError(msg) with h5pyd.Folder(hsds_dir + '/', **hsds_kwargs) as f: file_paths = [f'{hsds_dir}/{fn}' for fn in f if fnmatch(f'{hsds_dir}/{fn}', h5_path)] return file_paths @staticmethod def _get_s3_file_paths(h5_path): """ Get a list of h5 filepaths matching the h5_path specification from s3 Parameters ---------- h5_path : str Unix shell style pattern path with * wildcards to multi-file resource file sets. Files must have the same coordinates but can have different datasets or time indexes. Returns ------- file_paths : list List of filepaths for this handler to handle. """ try: import s3fs except Exception as e: msg = (f'Tried to open s3 file path: "{h5_path}" with ' 'fsspec but could not import, try ' '`pip install NREL-rex[s3]`') logger.error(msg) raise ImportError(msg) from e s3 = s3fs.S3FileSystem(anon=True) if isinstance(h5_path, (list, tuple)): file_paths = [s3.glob(fp) for fp in h5_path] file_paths = list(chain.from_iterable(file_paths)) elif isinstance(h5_path, str): file_paths = s3.glob(h5_path) # s3fs glob drops prefix for some reason for i, fp in enumerate(file_paths): if not fp.startswith('s3://'): file_paths[i] = f's3://{fp}' return file_paths @classmethod def _get_file_paths(cls, h5_path, hsds=False, hsds_kwargs=None): """ Get a file list based on the h5_path specification. Parameters ---------- h5_path : str | list Unix shell style pattern path with * wildcards to multi-file resource file sets. Files must have the same coordinates but can have different datasets or time indexes. Can also be an explicit list of multi time files, which themselves can contain * wildcards. hsds : bool Boolean flag to use h5pyd to handle .h5 'files' hosted on AWS behind HSDS hsds_kwargs : dict, optional Dictionary of optional kwargs for h5pyd, e.g., bucket, username, password, by default None Returns ------- file_paths : list List of filepaths for this handler to handle. """ if Resource.is_hsds_file(h5_path) or hsds: file_paths = cls._get_hsds_file_paths(h5_path, hsds_kwargs=hsds_kwargs) elif Resource.is_s3_file(h5_path): file_paths = cls._get_s3_file_paths(h5_path) elif isinstance(h5_path, (list, tuple)): file_paths = list(chain.from_iterable(glob(fp) for fp in h5_path)) for fp in file_paths: assert os.path.exists(fp), 'Does not exist: {}'.format(fp) elif os.path.isdir(h5_path): msg = ('h5_path must be a unix shell style pattern with ' 'wildcard * in order to find files, but received ' 'directory specification: {}'.format(h5_path)) raise FileInputError(msg) elif isinstance(h5_path, str): file_paths = glob(h5_path) if not any(file_paths): msg = ('Could not find any file paths with pattern: {}' .format(h5_path)) raise FileInputError(msg) return file_paths @staticmethod def _map_file_instances(file_paths, res_cls=Resource, **res_cls_kwargs): """ Open all .h5 files and map the open h5py instances to the associated file paths Parameters ---------- file_paths : list List of filepaths for this handler to handle. Returns ------- h5_map : pd.DataFrame DataFrame mapping file paths to open resource instances and datasets per file (columns: fp, h5, and dsets) """ h5_map = pd.DataFrame({'fp': file_paths, 'h5': None, 't0': None, 't1': None}) for i, f_path in enumerate(file_paths):[i, 'h5'] = res_cls(f_path, **res_cls_kwargs)[i, 't0'] =[i, 'h5'].time_index.values[0][i, 't1'] =[i, 'h5'].time_index.values[1] h5_map['dsets'] = [h5.dsets for h5 in h5_map['h5'].values] h5_map = h5_map.sort_values('t0').reset_index(drop=True) return h5_map @staticmethod def _check_time_slice(time_slice): """ Check to see if time positions can be represented as a slice Parameters ---------- time_slice : ndarray | list List of temporal positions Returns ------- time_slice : ndarray | list | slice Slice covering range of positions to extract if possible """ s = time_slice[0] e = time_slice[-1] + 1 if (e - s) == len(time_slice): time_slice = slice(s, e, None) return time_slice def _map_time_slice(self, time_slice): """ Map timeslices to files Parameters ---------- time_slice : int | list | slice tuple describing slice of dataset array to extract Returns ------- file_times : dict Dictionary mapping files to the time_slices to extract """ time_index = self.time_index[time_slice] files = self._time_slice_map[time_slice] file_times = {} for file in np.unique(files): ti = self[file].time_index file_slice = np.where(ti.isin(time_index))[0] file_slice = self._check_time_slice(file_slice) file_times[file] = file_slice return file_times def _get_ds(self, ds_name, ds_slice): """ Extract data from given dataset Parameters ---------- ds_name : str Variable dataset to be extracted ds_slice : int | list | slice tuple describing slice of dataset array to extract Returns ------- out : ndarray ndarray of variable timeseries data If unscale, returned in native units else in scaled units """ ds_slice = parse_slice(ds_slice) out = [] time_slice = ds_slice[0] if isinstance(time_slice, (int, np.integer)): time_step = self.time_index[time_slice] file = self._time_slice_map[time_slice] time_index = self[file].time_index time_slice = np.where(time_step == time_index)[0][0] file_slice = (time_slice, ) + ds_slice[1:] out = self[file]._get_ds(ds_name, file_slice) else: file_times = self._map_time_slice(ds_slice[0]) for file, time_slice in file_times.items(): file_slice = (time_slice, ) + ds_slice[1:] out.append(self[file]._get_ds(ds_name, file_slice)) out = np.concatenate(out, axis=0) return out
[docs] def close(self): """ Close all h5py.File instances """ for f in self._h5_map['h5']: f.close()
[docs] class MultiTimeResource(BaseDatasetIterable): """ Class to handle resource data stored temporally accross multiple .h5 files Examples -------- Extracting the resource's Datetime Index >>> path = '$TESTDATADIR/nsrdb/ri_100_nsrdb_*.h5' >>> with MultiTimeResource(path) as res: >>> ti = res.time_index >>> >>> ti DatetimeIndex(['2012-01-01 00:00:00', '2012-01-01 00:30:00', '2012-01-01 01:00:00', '2012-01-01 01:30:00', '2012-01-01 02:00:00', '2012-01-01 02:30:00', '2012-01-01 03:00:00', '2012-01-01 03:30:00', '2012-01-01 04:00:00', '2012-01-01 04:30:00', ... '2013-12-31 19:00:00', '2013-12-31 19:30:00', '2013-12-31 20:00:00', '2013-12-31 20:30:00', '2013-12-31 21:00:00', '2013-12-31 21:30:00', '2013-12-31 22:00:00', '2013-12-31 22:30:00', '2013-12-31 23:00:00', '2013-12-31 23:30:00'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', length=35088, freq=None) NOTE: time_index covers data from 2012 and 2013 >>> with MultiTimeResource(path) as res: >>> print(res.h5_files) ['/Users/mrossol/Git_Repos/rex/tests/data/nsrdb/ri_100_nsrdb_2012.h5', '/Users/mrossol/Git_Repos/rex/tests/data/nsrdb/ri_100_nsrdb_2013.h5'] Data slicing works the same as with "Resource" except axis 0 now covers 2012 and 2013 >>> with MultiTimeResource(path) as res: >>> temperature = res['air_temperature'] >>> >>> temperature [[ 4. 5. 5. ... 4. 3. 4.] [ 4. 4. 5. ... 4. 3. 4.] [ 4. 4. 5. ... 4. 3. 4.] ... [-1. -1. 0. ... -2. -3. -2.] [-1. -1. 0. ... -2. -3. -2.] [-1. -1. 0. ... -2. -3. -2.]] >>> temperature.shape (35088, 100) >>> with MultiTimeResource(path) as res: >>> temperature = res['air_temperature', ::100] # every 100th timestep >>> >>> temperature [[ 4. 5. 5. ... 4. 3. 4.] [ 1. 1. 2. ... 0. 0. 1.] [-2. -1. -1. ... -2. -4. -2.] ... [-3. -2. -2. ... -3. -4. -3.] [ 0. 0. 1. ... 0. -1. 0.] [ 3. 3. 3. ... 2. 2. 3.]] >>> temperature.shape (351, 100) """ def __init__(self, h5_path, unscale=True, str_decode=True, res_cls=Resource, hsds=False, hsds_kwargs=None): """ Parameters ---------- h5_path : str | list Unix shell style pattern path with * wildcards to multi-file resource file sets. Files must have the same coordinates but can have different datasets or time indexes. Can also be an explicit list of multi time files, which themselves can contain * wildcards. unscale : bool Boolean flag to automatically unscale variables on extraction str_decode : bool Boolean flag to decode the bytestring meta data into normal strings. Setting this to False will speed up the meta data read. res_cls : obj Resource handler to us to open individual .h5 files hsds : bool, optional Boolean flag to use h5pyd to handle .h5 'files' hosted on AWS behind HSDS, by default False hsds_kwargs : dict, optional Dictionary of optional kwargs for h5pyd, e.g., bucket, username, password, by default None """ self.h5_path = h5_path self._time_index = None # Map variables to their .h5 files cls_kwargs = {'unscale': unscale, 'str_decode': str_decode, 'hsds': hsds, 'hsds_kwargs': hsds_kwargs} self._h5 = MultiTimeH5(self.h5_path, res_cls=res_cls, **cls_kwargs) self.h5_files = self._h5.h5_files self.h5_file = self.h5_files[0] def __repr__(self): msg = "{} for {}".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.h5_path) return msg def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): self.close() if type is not None: raise def __len__(self): return len(self.h5.time_index) def __getitem__(self, keys): ds, ds_slice = parse_keys(keys) if ds.endswith('time_index'): out = self.h5.h5._get_time_index(ds_slice) elif ds.endswith('meta'): out = self.h5.h5._get_meta(ds, ds_slice) elif ds.endswith('coordinates'): out = self.h5.h5._get_coords(ds, ds_slice) else: out = self.h5._get_ds(ds, ds_slice) return out def __contains__(self, dset): return dset in self.datasets @property def h5(self): """ Open class instance that handles all .h5 files that data is to be extracted from Returns ------- h5 : MultiTimeH5 | MultiYearH5 """ return self._h5 @property def datasets(self): """ Datasets available Returns ------- list """ return self.h5.datasets @property def dsets(self): """ Datasets available Returns ------- list """ return self.datasets @property def resource_datasets(self): """ Available resource datasets Returns ------- list """ return self.h5.resource_datasets @property def res_dsets(self): """ Available resource datasets Returns ------- list """ return self.resource_datasets @property def shape(self): """ Resource shape (timesteps, sites) shape = (len(time_index), len(meta)) Returns ------- shape : tuple """ return self.h5.shape @property def meta(self): """ Resource meta data DataFrame Returns ------- meta : pandas.DataFrame """ return self.h5.h5.meta @property def time_index(self): """ Resource DatetimeIndex Returns ------- time_index : pandas.DatetimeIndex """ return self.h5.time_index @property def lat_lon(self): """ Extract (latitude, longitude) pairs Returns ------- lat_lon : ndarray """ return self.h5.h5.lat_lon @property def coordinates(self): """ Coordinates: (lat, lon) pairs Returns ------- lat_lon : ndarray """ return self.lat_lon @property def global_attrs(self): """ Global (file) attributes Returns ------- global_attrs : dict """ return self.get_attrs() @property def attrs(self): """ Dictionary of all dataset attributes Returns ------- attrs : dict """ return self.h5.h5.attrs @property def shapes(self): """ Dictionary of all dataset shapes Returns ------- shapes : dict """ return self.h5.h5.shapes @property def dtypes(self): """ Dictionary of all dataset dtypes Returns ------- dtypes : dict """ return self.h5.h5.dtypes @property def chunks(self): """ Dictionary of all dataset chunk sizes Returns ------- chunks : dict """ return self.h5.h5.chunks @property def scale_factors(self): """ Dictionary of all dataset scale factors Returns ------- scale_factors : dict """ return self.h5.h5.scale_factors @property def units(self): """ Dictionary of all dataset units Returns ------- units : dict """ return self.h5.h5.units
[docs] def get_attrs(self, dset=None): """ Get h5 attributes either from file or dataset Parameters ---------- dset : str Dataset to get attributes for, if None get file (global) attributes Returns ------- attrs : dict Dataset or file attributes """ return self.h5.h5.get_attrs(dset=dset)
[docs] def get_dset_properties(self, dset): """ Get dataset properties (shape, dtype, chunks) Parameters ---------- dset : str Dataset to get scale factor for Returns ------- shape : tuple Dataset array shape dtype : str Dataset array dtype chunks : tuple Dataset chunk size """ return self.h5.h5.get_dset_properties(dset)
[docs] def get_scale_factor(self, dset): """ Get dataset scale factor Parameters ---------- dset : str Dataset to get scale factor for Returns ------- float Dataset scale factor, used to unscale int values to floats """ return self.h5.h5.get_scale_factor(dset)
[docs] def get_units(self, dset): """ Get dataset units Parameters ---------- dset : str Dataset to get units for Returns ------- str Dataset units, None if not defined """ return self.h5.h5.get_units(dset)
[docs] def get_meta_arr(self, rec_name, rows=slice(None)): """Get a meta array by name (faster than DataFrame extraction). Parameters ---------- rec_name : str Named record from the meta data to retrieve. rows : slice Rows of the record to extract. Returns ------- meta_arr : np.ndarray Extracted array from the meta data record name. """ meta_arr = self.h5.h5.get_meta_arr(rec_name, rows=rows) return meta_arr
[docs] def close(self): """ Close h5 instance """ self._h5.close()
[docs] class MultiTimeSolarResource: """ Class to handle solar resource data stored temporaly accross multiple .h5 files """ def __init__(self, h5_path, unscale=True, str_decode=True, hsds=False, hsds_kwargs=None): """ Parameters ---------- h5_path : str | list Unix shell style pattern path with * wildcards to multi-file resource file sets. Files must have the same coordinates but can have different datasets or time indexes. Can also be an explicit list of multi time files, which themselves can contain * wildcards. unscale : bool Boolean flag to automatically unscale variables on extraction str_decode : bool Boolean flag to decode the bytestring meta data into normal strings. Setting this to False will speed up the meta data read. hsds : bool, optional Boolean flag to use h5pyd to handle .h5 'files' hosted on AWS behind HSDS, by default False hsds_kwargs : dict, optional Dictionary of optional kwargs for h5pyd, e.g., bucket, username, password, by default None """ super().__init__(h5_path, unscale=unscale, hsds=hsds, hsds_kwargs=hsds_kwargs, str_decode=str_decode, res_cls=SolarResource)
[docs] class MultiTimeNSRDB(MultiTimeResource): """ Class to handle NSRDB data stored temporaly accross multiple .h5 files """ PREFIX = 'nsrdb' def __init__(self, h5_path, unscale=True, str_decode=True, hsds=False, hsds_kwargs=None): """ Parameters ---------- h5_path : str | list Unix shell style pattern path with * wildcards to multi-file resource file sets. Files must have the same coordinates but can have different datasets or time indexes. Can also be an explicit list of multi time files, which themselves can contain * wildcards. unscale : bool Boolean flag to automatically unscale variables on extraction str_decode : bool Boolean flag to decode the bytestring meta data into normal strings. Setting this to False will speed up the meta data read. hsds : bool, optional Boolean flag to use h5pyd to handle .h5 'files' hosted on AWS behind HSDS, by default False hsds_kwargs : dict, optional Dictionary of optional kwargs for h5pyd, e.g., bucket, username, password, by default None """ super().__init__(h5_path, unscale=unscale, hsds=hsds, hsds_kwargs=hsds_kwargs, str_decode=str_decode, res_cls=NSRDB)
[docs] class MultiTimeWindResource(MultiTimeResource): """ Class to handle wind resource data stored temporaly accross multiple .h5 files """ PREFIX = 'wtk' def __init__(self, h5_path, unscale=True, str_decode=True, hsds=False, hsds_kwargs=None): """ Parameters ---------- h5_path : str | list Unix shell style pattern path with * wildcards to multi-file resource file sets. Files must have the same coordinates but can have different datasets or time indexes. Can also be an explicit list of multi time files, which themselves can contain * wildcards. unscale : bool Boolean flag to automatically unscale variables on extraction str_decode : bool Boolean flag to decode the bytestring meta data into normal strings. Setting this to False will speed up the meta data read. hsds : bool, optional Boolean flag to use h5pyd to handle .h5 'files' hosted on AWS behind HSDS, by default False hsds_kwargs : dict, optional Dictionary of optional kwargs for h5pyd, e.g., bucket, username, password, by default None """ super().__init__(h5_path, unscale=unscale, hsds=hsds, hsds_kwargs=hsds_kwargs, str_decode=str_decode, res_cls=WindResource)
[docs] class MultiTimeWaveResource(MultiTimeResource): """ Class to handle wave resource data stored temporaly accross multiple .h5 files """ def __init__(self, h5_path, unscale=True, str_decode=True, hsds=False, hsds_kwargs=None): """ Parameters ---------- h5_path : str | list Unix shell style pattern path with * wildcards to multi-file resource file sets. Files must have the same coordinates but can have different datasets or time indexes. Can also be an explicit list of multi time files, which themselves can contain * wildcards. unscale : bool Boolean flag to automatically unscale variables on extraction str_decode : bool Boolean flag to decode the bytestring meta data into normal strings. Setting this to False will speed up the meta data read. hsds : bool, optional Boolean flag to use h5pyd to handle .h5 'files' hosted on AWS behind HSDS, by default False hsds_kwargs : dict, optional Dictionary of optional kwargs for h5pyd, e.g., bucket, username, password, by default None """ super().__init__(h5_path, unscale=unscale, hsds=hsds, hsds_kwargs=hsds_kwargs, str_decode=str_decode, res_cls=WaveResource)