
A component is any element that is attached to a system.

All components are required to define a name as a string (it is required in the base class). This may not be appropriate for all classes. The Location class in this package is one example. In cases like that developers can define their own name field and set its default value to "".

Refer to the Components API for more information.


Recommended rule: A Component that has subclasses should never be directly instantiated.

Consider a scenario where a developer defines a Load class and then later decides a new load is needed because of one custom field.

The temptation may be to create CustomLoad(Load). This is very problematic in the design of the infrasys API. There will be no way to retrieve only Load instances. Consider this example:

for load in system.get_components(Load)

This will retrieve both Load and CustomLoad instances.

Instead, our recommendation is to create a base class with the common fields.

class LoadBase(Component)
    """Defines common fields for all Loads."""

    common_field1: float
    common_field2: float

class Load(LoadBase):
    """A load component"""

class CustomLoad(LoadBase):
    """A custom load component"""

    custom_field: float