## Viewing System Data in JSON Format System data can be serialized to JSON files with `system.to_json("system.json")`. It can be useful to view and filter the system data in this format. There are many tools available to browse JSON data. Here is an example [GUI tool](http://jsonviewer.stack.hu) that is available online in a browser. The command line utility [jq](https://stedolan.github.io/jq/) offers even more features. The rest of this page provides example commands. Some of the examples assume a UNIX operating system (our apologies to Windows users). - View the entire file pretty-printed ``` $ jq . system.json ``` - View the System component types ``` $ jq -r '.components | .[] | .__metadata__.fields.type' system.json | sort | uniq ``` - View specific components ``` $ jq '.components | .[] | select(.__metadata__.fields.type == "Bus")' system.json ``` - Get the count of a component type ``` # There is almost certainly a better way. $ jq '.components | .[] | select(.__metadata__.fields.type == "Bus")' system.json | grep -c Bus ``` - View specific component by name ``` $ jq '.components | .[] | select(.__metadata__.fields.type == "Bus" and .name == "bus1")' system.json ``` - Filter on a field value ``` $ jq '.components | .[] | select(.__metadata__.fields.type == "Bus" and .voltage > 1.1)' system.json ```