Source code for floris.convert_floris_input_v3_to_v4
import sys
from pathlib import Path
import yaml
This script is intended to be called with an argument and converts a floris input
yaml file specified for FLORIS v3 to one specified for FLORIS v4.
python <path/to/floris_input>.yaml
The resulting floris input file is placed in the same directory as the original yaml,
and is appended _v4.
def ignore_include(loader, node):
# Parrot back the !include tag
return node.tag + " " + node.value
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
raise Exception(
"Usage: python <path/to/floris_input>.yaml"
# Set the yaml loader to ignore the !include tag
yaml.SafeLoader.add_constructor("!include", ignore_include)
input_yaml = sys.argv[1]
# Handling the path and new filename
input_path = Path(input_yaml)
split_input =
[filename_v3, extension] = split_input[-1].split(".")
filename_v4 = filename_v3 + "_v4"
split_output = list(split_input[:-1]) + [filename_v4 + "." + extension]
output_path = Path(*split_output)
# Load existing v3 model
with open(input_yaml, "r") as file:
v3_floris_input_dict = yaml.safe_load(file)
v4_floris_input_dict = v3_floris_input_dict.copy()
# Change turbulence_intensity field to turbulence_intensities as list
if "turbulence_intensities" in v3_floris_input_dict["flow_field"]:
if "turbulence_intensity" in v3_floris_input_dict["flow_field"]:
del v4_floris_input_dict["flow_field"]["turbulence_intensity"]
elif "turbulence_intensity" in v3_floris_input_dict["flow_field"]:
v4_floris_input_dict["flow_field"]["turbulence_intensities"] = [
del v4_floris_input_dict["flow_field"]["turbulence_intensity"]
# Change multidim_cp_ct velocity model to gauss
if v3_floris_input_dict["wake"]["model_strings"]["velocity_model"] == "multidim_cp_ct":
"multidim_cp_ct velocity model specified. Changing to gauss, "
+ "but note that other velocity models are also compatible with multidimensional "
+ "turbines in FLORIS v4. "
+ "You will also need to convert your multidimensional turbine yaml files and their "
+ "corresponding power/thrust csv files to be compatible with FLORIS v4 and to reflect "
+ " the absolute power curve, rather than the power coefficient curve."
v4_floris_input_dict["wake"]["model_strings"]["velocity_model"] = "gauss"
# Add enable_active_wake_mixing field
v4_floris_input_dict["wake"]["enable_active_wake_mixing"] = False
# Write the new v4 model to a new file, note that the in order to ignore the !include tag
# it is wrapped in single quotes by the ignore include/load/dump sequence and these will
# need to be removed in the next block of code
yaml.dump(v4_floris_input_dict, open(output_path, "w"), sort_keys=False)
# Open the output file and loop through line by line
# if a line contains the substring !include, then strip all
# occurrences of ' from the line to remove the extra single quotes
# added by the ignore include/load/dump sequence
temp_output_path = output_path.with_name("temp.yaml")
with open(temp_output_path, "w") as file:
with open(output_path, "r") as f:
for line in f:
if "!include" in line:
line = line.replace("'", "")
# Move the temp file to the output file
print(output_path, "created.")