# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""ELM Ordinance document content Validation logic
These are primarily used to validate that a legal document applies to a
particular technology (e.g. Large Wind Energy Conversion Systems).
import asyncio
import logging
from elm import ApiBase
from elm.ords.validation.content import (
from elm.ords.utilities.parsing import merge_overlapping_texts
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
RESTRICTIONS = """- buildings / structures / residences
- property lines / parcels / subdivisions
- roads / rights-of-way
- railroads
- overhead electrical transmission wires
- bodies of water including wetlands, lakes, reservoirs, streams, and rivers
- natural, wildlife, and environmental conservation areas
- noise restrictions
- shadow flicker restrictions
- density restrictions
- turbine height restrictions
- minimum/maximum lot size
class OrdinanceValidator(ValidationWithMemory):
"""Check document text for wind ordinances
.. start desc ov
Determine wether a document contains relevant ordinance
1. Determine wether a document contains relevant (e.g.
utility-scale wind zoning) ordinance information by splitting
the text into chunks and parsing them individually using LLMs.
Key Relationships:
Child class of
which allows the validation to look at neighboring chunks of
.. end desc
"You extract structured data from text. Return your answer in JSON "
"format (not markdown). Your JSON file must include exactly three "
"keys. The first key is 'summary', which is a string that provides a "
"short summary of the text. The second key is 'type', which is a "
"string that best represent the type of document this text belongs "
"to. The third key is '{key}', which is a boolean that is set to "
"True if the type of the text (as you previously determined) is a "
"legally-binding statute or code and False if the text is an excerpt "
"from other non-legal text such as a news article, survey, summary, "
"application, public notice, etc."
"You extract structured data from text. Return your answer in JSON "
"format (not markdown). Your JSON file must include exactly three "
"keys. The first key is 'wind_reqs', which is a string that "
"summarizes the setbacks or other geospatial siting requirements (if "
"any) given in the text for a wind turbine. The second key is 'reqs', "
"which lists the quantitative values from the text excerpt that can "
"be used to compute setbacks or other geospatial siting requirements "
"for a wind turbine/tower (empty list if none exist in the text). The "
"last key is '{key}', which is a boolean that is set to True if the "
"text excerpt provides enough quantitative info to compute setbacks "
"or other geospatial siting requirements for a wind turbine/tower "
"and False otherwise. Geospatial siting is impacted by any of the "
"You are a legal scholar that reads ordinance text and determines "
"wether it applies to large wind energy systems. Large wind energy "
"systems (WES) may also be referred to as wind turbines, wind energy "
"conversion systems (WECS), wind energy facilities (WEF), wind energy "
"turbines (WET), large wind energy turbines (LWET), utility-scale "
"wind energy turbines (UWET), commercial wind energy systems, or "
"similar. Your client is a commercial wind developer that does not "
"care about ordinances related to private, micro, small, or medium "
"sized wind energy systems. Ignore any text related to such systems. "
"Return your answer in JSON format (not markdown). Your JSON file "
"must include exactly two keys. The first key is 'summary' which "
"contains a string that summarizes the types of wind energy systems "
"the text applies to (if any). The second key is '{key}', which is a "
"boolean that is set to True if any part of the text excerpt is "
"applicable to the large wind energy conversion systems that the "
"client is interested in and False otherwise."
def __init__(self, structured_llm_caller, text_chunks, num_to_recall=2):
structured_llm_caller : elm.ords.llm.StructuredLLMCaller
StructuredLLMCaller instance. Used for structured validation
text_chunks : list of str
List of strings, each of which represent a chunk of text.
The order of the strings should be the order of the text
chunks. This validator may refer to previous text chunks to
answer validation questions.
num_to_recall : int, optional
Number of chunks to check for each validation call. This
includes the original chunk! For example, if
`num_to_recall=2`, the validator will first check the chunk
at the requested index, and then the previous chunk as well.
By default, ``2``.
self._legal_text_mem = []
self._wind_mention_mem = []
self._ordinance_chunks = []
def is_legal_text(self):
"""bool: ``True`` if text was found to be from a legal source."""
if not self._legal_text_mem:
return False
return sum(self._legal_text_mem) >= 0.5 * len(self._legal_text_mem)
def ordinance_text(self):
"""str: Combined ordinance text from the individual chunks."""
inds_to_grab = set()
for info in self._ordinance_chunks:
inds_to_grab |= {
info["ind"] + x for x in range(1 - self.num_to_recall, 2)
text = [
for ind in sorted(inds_to_grab)
if 0 <= ind < len(self.text_chunks)
return merge_overlapping_texts(text)
async def parse(self, min_chunks_to_process=3):
"""Parse text chunks and look for ordinance text.
min_chunks_to_process : int, optional
Minimum number of chunks to process before checking if
document resembles legal text and ignoring chunks that don't
pass the wind heuristic. By default, ``3``.
``True`` if any ordinance text was found in the chunks.
for ind, text in enumerate(self.text_chunks):
if ind >= min_chunks_to_process:
if not self.is_legal_text:
return False
# fmt: off
if not any(self._wind_mention_mem[-self.num_to_recall:]):
logger.debug("Processing text at ind %d", ind)
logger.debug("Text:\n%s", text)
if ind < min_chunks_to_process:
is_legal_text = await self.parse_from_ind(
ind, self.IS_LEGAL_TEXT_PROMPT, key="legal_text"
if not is_legal_text:
logger.debug("Text at ind %d is not legal text", ind)
logger.debug("Text at ind %d is legal text", ind)
contains_ord_info = await self.parse_from_ind(
ind, self.CONTAINS_ORD_PROMPT, key="contains_ord_info"
if not contains_ord_info:
"Text at ind %d does not contain ordinance info", ind
logger.debug("Text at ind %d does contain ordinance info", ind)
is_utility_scale = await self.parse_from_ind(
ind, self.IS_UTILITY_SCALE_PROMPT, key="x"
if not is_utility_scale:
"Text at ind %d is not for utility-scale WECS", ind
logger.debug("Text at ind %d is for utility-scale WECS", ind)
self._ordinance_chunks.append({"text": text, "ind": ind})
logger.debug("Added text at ind %d to ordinances", ind)
# mask, since we got a good result
self._wind_mention_mem[-1] = False
return bool(self._ordinance_chunks)
def _valid_chunk(chunk):
"""True if chunk has content."""
return chunk and "no relevant text" not in chunk.lower()
def _valid_chunk_not_short(chunk):
"""True if chunk has content and is not too short."""
return _valid_chunk(chunk) and len(chunk) > 20