Metrics documentation

DiTTo has the capability to extract metrics from a system once parsed in the core representation. This enables the user to compute metrics when doing a conversion from one format to another.

The advantage compared to computing metrics on a given format is that no conversion is needed prior to the caculation.

List of available metrics

Here is the list of implemented metrics with their description. The list is organized in different sections to ease the search.

Realistic electrical design and equipment parameters (MV)

Metric name Type Unit Metric description Comments
mv_len_mi Float miles The total length of medium voltage lines. Needs the nominal voltages
mv_3ph_len_mi Float miles The total length of medium voltage, 3 phase lines. Needs the nominal voltages
mv_oh_3ph_len_mi Float miles The total length of medium voltage, overhead, 3 phase lines. Needs the nominal voltages and line_type.
mv_2ph_len_mi Float miles The total length of medium voltage, 2 phase lines. Needs the nominal voltages
mv_oh_2ph_len_mi Float miles The total length of medium voltage, overhead, 2 phase lines. Needs the nominal voltages and line_type.
mv_1ph_len_mi Float miles The total length of medium voltage, 1 phase lines. Needs the nominal voltages
mv_oh_1ph_len_mi Float miles The total length of medium voltage, overhead, 1 phase lines. Needs the nominal voltages and line_type.
perct_mv_oh_len Float - Percentage of MV lines that are overhead lines. Needs the nominal voltages and line_type.
ratio_mv_len_to_num_cust Float miles mv_length_miles devided by the number of customers. Needs nominal voltages and load information.
max_sub_node_distance_mi Float miles Maximum distance between the substation and any node of the network.
nominal_medium_voltage_class Float Volts Nominal voltage of medium voltage.

Realistic electrical design and equipment parameters (LV)

Metric name Type Unit Metric description Comments
lv_len_mi Float miles The total length of low voltage lines. Needs the nominal voltages
lv_3ph_len_mi Float miles The total length of low voltage, 3 phase lines. Needs the nominal voltages
lv_oh_3ph_len_mi Float miles The total length of low voltage, overhead, 3 phase lines. Needs the nominal voltages and line_type.
lv_1ph_len_mi Float miles The total length of low voltage, 1 phase lines. Needs the nominal voltages
lv_oh_1ph_len_mi Float miles The total length of low voltage, overhead, 1 phase lines. Needs the nominal voltages and line_type.
max_lv_line: Float miles The maximum length between a distribution transformer and a low voltage customer. Needs the nominal voltages
lv_2ph_len_mi Float miles The total length of low voltage, 2 phase lines. Needs the nominal voltages
lv_oh_2ph_len_mi Float miles The total length of low voltage, overhead, 2 phase lines. Needs the nominal voltages and line_type.
perct_lv_oh_len Float - Percentage of LV lines that are overhead lines. Needs the nominal voltages and line_type.
ratio_lv_len_to_num_cust Float miles lv_length_miles devided by the number of customers. Needs nominal voltages and load information.

Voltage control schemes

Metric name Type Unit Metric description Comments
num_regulators Integer - The number of regulator objects.
num_capacitors Integer - The number of capacitor banks.
num_boosters Integer - The number of boosters. Boosters are not currently implemented in DiTTo.
avg_regulator_sub_distance_mi Float miles Mean distance between the substation and regulator objects. If no regulator, this metric is Nan.
avg_capacitor_sub_distance_mi Float miles Mean distance between the substation and capacitor bank objects. If no capacitor, this metric is Nan.

Basic protection

Metric name Type Unit Metric description Comments
num_fuses Integer - Number of Fuses.
num_reclosers Integer - Number of Reclosers.
num_sectionalizers Integer - Number of Sectionalizers.
num_sectionalizers_per_recloser Float - No_of_Sectionalizers divided by No_of_Reclosers. If no recloser, this metric is Nan
avg_recloser_sub_distance_mi Float miles Mean distance between the substation and recloser objects. If no recloser, this metric is Nan
num_breakers Integer - Number of Breakers.

Reconfiguration Options

Metric name Type Unit Metric description Comments
num_switches Integer - Number of switches.
num_interruptors Integer - Number of interruptors.
num_links_adjacent_feeders Integer - Number of links between the current feeder and other feeders. This metrics only works when computing metrics per feeder on a system with multiple feeders.
num_loops Integer - Number of loops within the feeder.


Metric name Type Unit Metric description Comments
num_distribution_transformers Integer - Number of distribution transformers.
num_overloaded_transformers Integer - Number of distribution transformers where its secondary KVA rating is smaller than the sum of downstream load KVA.
sum_distribution_transformer_mva Float MVA Sum of distribution transformer total capacity (sum of ratings accross the windings)
num_1ph_transformers Integer - Number of one phase transformers.
num_3ph_transformers Integer - Number of three phase transformers.
ratio_1ph_to_3ph_transformers Float - nb_1ph_Xfrm divided by nb_3ph_Xfrm if there is no three phase transformer, this metric is Nan.


Metric name Type Unit Metric description Comments
substation_name String - The name of the substation.
sub_capacity_mva Float MVA The capacity of the substation.

Load specification

Metric name Type Unit Metric description Comments
sum_load_kw Float Watts Total active power demand.
sum_load_pha_kw Float Watts Total active power demand on phase A.
sum_load_phb_kw Float Watts Total active power demand on phase B.
sum_load_phc_kw Float Watts Total active power demand on phase C.
sum_load_kvar Float Vars Total reactive power demand.
perct_lv_pha_load_kw Float - Percentage of low voltage active power demand on phase A.
perct_lv_phb_load_kw Float - Percentage of low voltage active power demand on phase B.
perct_lv_phc_load_kw Float - Percentage of low voltage active power demand on phase C.
num_lv_1ph_loads Integer - Number of low voltage, 1 phase loads
num_lv_3ph_loads Integer - Number of low voltage, 3 phase loads
num_mv_3ph_loads Integer - Number of medium voltage, 3 phase loads
avg_num_load_per_transformer Float - Average number of loads per distribution transformer.
avg_load_pf Float - Average power factor for loads.
avg_load_imbalance_by_phase Float Watts TODO
num_customers Integer - Number of customers. Need customer information.
customer_density Float per square miles No_of_Customers divided by the convex Hull surface of the feeder.
load_density_kw Float per square miles Total_Demand_kW divided by the convex Hull surface of the feeder.
load_density_kvar Float per square miles Total_Reactive_Power_kVar divided by the convex Hull surface of the feeder.

Graph Topology

Metric name Type Unit Metric description Comments
avg_degree Float - Mean degree.
Char_path_Length Float - Average path length.
diameter Float - Diameter of the graph.

How to compute the metrics

Easy situation: compute metrics on a single feeder

Method 1: Command Line Interface

Not implemented yet.

Method 2: Using a Python script

Step 1: Read the model into DiTTo

We assume that we have a model in OpenDSS representing a single feeder, and that we want to compute all the available metrics on it. The first step is to read in the model (more information on reading capabilities in

from import Store
from import Reader

model = Store() #Create a Store object

#Initialize the reader with the master and coordinate files of our system
dss_reader = Reader(master_file='./OpenDSS/master.dss',

Step 2: Modify the model (optional)

This step is optional but most of the time needed. In our example, since we are reading from OpenDSS, we do not have information on the nominal voltages for Nodes and Lines. Since a lot of metrics are divided according to low voltage (LV) and medium voltage (MV), we need to add this information.

In this situation, we have the nominal voltage of the source as well as the nominal voltage of the transformers (primary and secondary). We can use the following approach that will go from the source down to the customers and set the nominal voltages of the equipments:

from ditto.modify.system_structure import system_structure_modifier

#Create a system_structure_modifier object
#We can specify the name of the source and its voltage
#Otherwise, the source and its voltage will be search in the model
modifier = system_structure_modifier(model)

#Set the nominal voltages of all nodes in the system

#Use the nodes voltages to set the nominal voltages of the lines

This example only shows one of the modification possibilities. More information on modifications and post-processing can be found in

Step 3: Compute the metrics

This step of the process creates a NetworkAnalyzer object with the modified model and compute the metrics on it:

from ditto.metrics.network_analysis import NetworkAnalyzer

#Instanciate the NetworkAnalyzer object
#WARNING: In case the model was modified, we need to use modifier.model
#If we did not do any changes, then simply pass model
#Again, the name of the source can be provided to avoid the search
network_analyst = NetworkAnalyzer(modifier.model)

#Compute all the metrics

In this example, we have a single feeder so we call the compute_all_metrics() method. It is also possible to compute metrics per feeder when we have a system with multiple feeders using the compute_all_metrics_per_feeder() method. The process might be a bit more complicated since the network has to be properly partitioned. More information for this process is available in the section "Advanced: Compute metrics for multiple feeders".

Step 4: View/export the results

The final step of the process is obviously to have a look at the metrics. There are mainly two ways to do so. The first method is simply to look at the results attribute of the NetworkAnalyzer:


This prints a dictionary where the keys are the feeder names (in our case we have only one key since we have only one feeder), and the values are dictionaries holding the metrics:

{'name_of_feeder1': {'name_of_metric1': value1,
                     'name_of_metric2': value2,
'name_of_feeder2': {'name_of_metric1': value1,
                    'name_of_metric2': value2,

Getting a the value of a specific metric for a given feeder:


The second method is to export the metrics first and look at the export. The metrics can be exported to Excel using:

#Provide the path to the file

Note that this will not export distribution metrics. To export everything in network_analyst.results use the JSON export method:


Advanced: compute metrics for multiple feeders

Method 1: Command Line Interface

Not implemented yet.

Method 2: Using a Python script

It is also possible to extract metrics when we have a system composed of multiple feeders. In this situation, we might want to:

  • compute the metrics on the whole system
  • compute the metrics for all feeders

The first point is straightforward, just proceed as for the single feeder case.

Step 1 and 2: Read and modify as before

For computing metrics per feeder, we first read the model into DiTTo and apply, if needed, modifications to it (exactly as for the single feeder case):

from import Store
from import Reader
from ditto.modify.system_structure import system_structure_modifier

model = Store() #Create a Store object

#Initialize the reader with the master and coordinate files of our system
dss_reader = Reader(master_file='./OpenDSS/master.dss',


#Create a system_structure_modifier object
#We can specify the name of the source and its voltage
#Otherwise, the source and its voltage will be search in the model
modifier = system_structure_modifier(model)

#Set the nominal voltages of all nodes in the system

#Use the nodes voltages to set the nominal voltages of the lines
Step 3: Create a network analyzer

We then create a NetworkAnalyzer object as for the single feeder case:

from ditto.metrics.network_analysis import NetworkAnalyzer

#Instanciate the NetworkAnalyzer object
network_analyst = NetworkAnalyzer(modifier.model)
Step 4: Provide information on the feeder compositions

Now, we need to provide feeder information to the NetworkAnalyzer using the add_feeder_information() method wich takes the following inputs:

  • feeder_names List of names for the feeders
  • feeder_nodes List of lists which contains all nodes in the feeders. Thats is, feeder_nodes[2]is the full list of nodes belonging to feeder_names[2]
  • substations List of the substation names.
  • feeder_types This could be a list of strings to tag each feeder with a type (industrial rural or a single string to tag all feeders with the same type.


#Fake feeder information
feeder_names = ['feeder_1', 'feeder_2', 'feeder_3']
feeder_nodes = [ ['A','B','C'], ['D','E','F','G','H'], ['I','J','K','L']]
substations = ['sub_1', 'sub2', 'sub3']
feeder_types = ['industrial', 'rural', 'urban']

#Add the feeder information to the network analyzer
network_analyst.add_feeder_information(feeder_names, feeder_nodes, substations, feeder_types)

This means that you currently have to generate the 4 arguments yourself. Algorithms to automatically split a given network into multiple feeders are currently tested yet but none has been released yet.

Step 5: Split the network and compute the metrics

Once this is done, we simply have to call the following methods:

#Split the network representation into multiple subnetworks

#Loop over the DiTTo objects and set the feeder_name attribute

#Set the names

#Compute the metrics per feeders

Step 6: Export the metrics

This works exactly as for the single feeder case.