Deprecated. Nullified by new PySAM code and will be taken out in Beta release.
import requests as req
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import codecs
import json
import csv
import logging
# Load configuration file, if one exists.
[docs]def load_config_params(config_file_name):
Each user should fill in a config_template.json file.
config = json.load(open('config.json','r'))
return config
[docs]class Tariff:
Tariff Attributes:
urdb_id: id for utility rate database. US, not international.
eia_id: The EIA assigned ID number for the utility associated with this tariff
name: tariff name
utility: Name of utility this tariff is associated with
fixed_charge: Fixed monthly charge in $/mo.
peak_kW_capacity_max: The annual maximum kW of demand that a customer can have and still be on this tariff
peak_kW_capacity_min: The annula minimum kW of demand that a customer can have and still be on this tariff
kWh_useage_max: The maximum kWh of average monthly consumption that a customer can have and still be on this tariff
kWh_useage_min: The minimum kWh of average monthly consumption that a customer can have and still be on this tariff
sector: residential, commercial, or industrial
comments: comments from the urdb
description: tariff description from urdb
source: uri for the source of the tariff
uri: link the the urdb page
voltage_category: secondary, primary, transmission
d_flat_exists: Boolean of whether there is a flat (not tou) demand charge component. Flat demand is also called monthly or seasonal demand.
d_flat_n: Number of unique flat demand period constructions. Does NOT correspond to width of d_flat_x constructs.
d_flat_prices: The prices of each tier/period combination for flat demand. Rows are tiers, columns are months. Differs from TOU, where columns are periods.
d_flat_levels: The limit (total kW) of each of each tier/period combination for flat demand. Rows are tiers, columns are months. Differs from TOU, where columns are periods.
d_tou_exists = Boolean of whether there is a tou (not flat) demand charge component
d_tou_n = Number of unique tou demand periods. Minimum of 1, since I'm counting no-charge periods still as a period.
d_tou_prices = The prices of each tier/period combination for tou demand. Rows are tiers, columns are periods.
d_tou_levels = The limit (total kW) of each of each tier/period combination for tou demand. Rows are tiers, columns are periods.
e_exists = Boolean of whether there is a flat (not tou) demand charge component
e_tou_exists = Boolean of whether there is a flat (not tou) demand charge component
e_n = Number of unique energy periods. Minimum of 1, since I'm counting no-charge periods still as a period.
e_prices = The prices of each tier/period combination for flat demand. Rows are tiers, columns are periods.
e_levels = The limit (total kWh) of each of each tier/period combination for energy. Rows are tiers, columns are periods.
e_wkday_12by24: 12 by 24 period definition for weekday energy. Rows are months, columns are hours.
e_wkend_12by24: 12 by 24 period definition for weekend energy. Rows are months, columns are hours.
d_wkday_12by24: 12 by 24 period definition for weekday energy. Rows are months, columns are hours.
d_wkend_12by24: 12 by 24 period definition for weekend energy. Rows are months, columns are hours.
e_max_difference: The maximum energy price differential within any single day
energy_rate_unit: kWh or kWh/day - for guiding the bill calculations later
demand_rate_unit: kW or kW/day - for guiding the bill calculations later
def __init__(self, start_day=6, urdb_id=None, json_file_name=None, dict_obj=None, api_key=None):
##### If given no urdb id or csv file name, create blank tariff #######
if urdb_id==None and json_file_name==None and isinstance(dict_obj,type(None)):
# Default values for a blank tariff
self.urdb_id = 'No urdb id given'
self.name = 'User defined tariff - no name specified'
self.utility = 'User defined tariff - no name specified'
self.fixed_charge = 0
self.peak_kW_capacity_max = 1e99
self.peak_kW_capacity_min = 0
self.kWh_useage_max = 1e99
self.kWh_useage_min = 0
self.sector = 'No sector specified'
self.comments = 'No comments given'
self.description = 'No description given'
self.source = 'No source given'
self.uri = 'No uri given'
self.voltage_category = 'No voltage category given'
self.eia_id = 'No eia id given'
self.demand_rate_unit = 'kW'
self.energy_rate_unit = 'kWh'
self.start_day = 6
###################### Blank Flat Demand Structure ########################
self.d_flat_exists = False
self.d_flat_n = 0
self.d_flat_prices = np.zeros([1, 12])
self.d_flat_levels = np.zeros([1, 12])
self.d_flat_levels[:,:] = 1e9
#################### Blank Demand TOU Structure ###########################
self.d_tou_exists = False
self.d_tou_n = 1
self.d_tou_prices = np.zeros([1, 1])
self.d_tou_levels = np.zeros([1, 1])
################ Blank Coincident Peak Structure ##################
self.coincident_peak_exists = False
######################## Blank Energy Structure ###########################
self.e_exists = False
self.e_tou_exists = False
self.e_n = 1
self.e_prices = np.zeros([1, 1])
self.e_levels = np.zeros([1, 1])
######################## Blank Schedules ###########################
self.e_wkday_12by24 = np.zeros([12,24], int)
self.e_wkend_12by24 = np.zeros([12,24], int)
self.d_wkday_12by24 = np.zeros([12,24], int)
self.d_wkend_12by24 = np.zeros([12,24], int)
################### Blank 12x24s as 8760s Schedule ########################
self.d_tou_8760 = np.zeros(8760, int)
self.e_tou_8760 = np.zeros(8760, int)
######################## Precalculations ######################################
self.e_prices_no_tier = np.zeros([1, 1])
self.e_max_difference = np.zeros([1, 1])
# If given a urdb_id input argument, obtain and reshape that tariff through the URDB API
elif urdb_id != None:
if api_key == None:
print("No URDB API key defined.")
input_params = {'version':3,
r = req.get('http://api.openei.org/utility_rates?', params=input_params)
content = r.content
tariff_original = json.loads(content, strict=False)['items'][0]
if 'demandrateunit' in tariff_original: self.demand_rate_unit = tariff_original['demandrateunit']
else: self.demand_rate_unit = 'kW'
if 'eiaid' in tariff_original: self.eia_id = tariff_original['eiaid']
else: self.eia_id = 'No eia id given'
if 'label' in tariff_original: self.urdb_id = tariff_original['label']
else: self.urdb_id = 'No urdb id given'
if 'name' in tariff_original: self.name = tariff_original['name']
else: self.name = 'No name specified'
if 'utility' in tariff_original: self.utility = tariff_original['utility']
else: self.utility = 'No utility specified'
if 'fixedmonthlycharge' in tariff_original: self.fixed_charge = tariff_original['fixedmonthlycharge']
else: self.fixed_charge = 0
if 'peakkwcapacitymax' in tariff_original: self.peak_kW_capacity_max = tariff_original['peakkwcapacitymax']
else: self.peak_kW_capacity_max = 1e99
if 'peakkwcapacitymin' in tariff_original: self.peak_kW_capacity_min = tariff_original['peakkwcapacitymin']
else: self.peak_kW_capacity_min = 0
if 'peakkwhusagemax' in tariff_original: self.kWh_useage_max = tariff_original['peakkwhusagemax']
else: self.kWh_useage_max = 1e99
if 'peakkwhusagemin' in tariff_original: self.kWh_useage_min = tariff_original['peakkwhusagemin']
else: self.kWh_useage_min = 0
if 'sector' in tariff_original: self.sector = tariff_original['sector']
else: self.sector = 'No sector given'
if 'basicinformationcomments' in tariff_original: self.comments = tariff_original['basicinformationcomments']
else: self.comments = 'No comments'
if 'description' in tariff_original: self.description = tariff_original['description']
else: self.description = 'No description'
if 'source' in tariff_original: self.source = tariff_original['source']
else: self.source = 'No source given'
if 'uri' in tariff_original: self.uri = tariff_original['uri']
else: self.uri = 'No uri given'
if 'voltage_category' in tariff_original: self.voltage_category = tariff_original['voltage_category']
else: self.voltage_category = 'No voltage category given'
###################### Repackage Flat Demand Structure ########################
if 'flatdemandstructure' in tariff_original:
self.d_flat_exists = True
d_flat_structure = tariff_original['flatdemandstructure']
d_flat_month_indicies = tariff_original['flatdemandmonths']
self.d_flat_n = np.min([len(np.unique(tariff_original['flatdemandmonths'])), len(d_flat_structure)])
# Clip indicies so they are within the given array size (only occurs when tariff was entered into URDB incorrectly)
d_flat_month_indicies = np.clip(d_flat_month_indicies, 0, self.d_flat_n-1)
# Determine the maximum number of tiers in the demand structure
max_tiers = 1
for period in range(self.d_flat_n):
n_tiers = len(d_flat_structure[period])
if n_tiers > max_tiers: max_tiers = n_tiers
# Repackage Energy TOU Structure
self.d_flat_prices = np.zeros([max_tiers, 12])
self.d_flat_levels = np.zeros([max_tiers, 12])
self.d_flat_levels[:,:] = 1e9
for month in range(12):
for tier in range(len(d_flat_structure[period])):
self.d_flat_levels[tier, month] = d_flat_structure[d_flat_month_indicies[month]][tier].get('max', 1e9)
self.d_flat_prices[tier, month] = d_flat_structure[d_flat_month_indicies[month]][tier].get('rate', 0) + d_flat_structure[d_flat_month_indicies[month]][tier].get('adj', 0)
self.d_flat_exists = False
self.d_flat_n = 1
self.d_flat_prices = np.zeros([1, 12])
self.d_flat_levels = np.zeros([1, 12])
self.d_flat_levels[:,:] = 1e9
#################### Repackage Demand TOU Structure ###########################
if 'demandratestructure' in tariff_original:
demand_structure = tariff_original['demandratestructure']
self.d_tou_n = len(demand_structure)
if self.d_tou_n > 1: self.d_tou_exists = True
self.d_tou_exists = False
self.d_flat_exists = True
# Determine the maximum number of tiers in the demand structure
max_tiers = 1
for period in range(self.d_tou_n):
n_tiers = len(demand_structure[period])
if n_tiers > max_tiers: max_tiers = n_tiers
# Repackage Demand TOU Structure
self.d_tou_prices = np.zeros([max_tiers, self.d_tou_n])
self.d_tou_levels = np.zeros([max_tiers, self.d_tou_n])
self.d_tou_levels[:,:] = 1e9
for period in range(self.d_tou_n):
for tier in range(len(demand_structure[period])):
self.d_tou_levels[tier, period] = demand_structure[period][tier].get('max', 1e9)
self.d_tou_prices[tier, period] = demand_structure[period][tier].get('rate', 0) + demand_structure[period][tier].get('adj', 0)
self.d_tou_exists = False
self.d_tou_n = 1
self.d_tou_prices = np.zeros([1, 1])
self.d_tou_levels = np.zeros([1, 1])
######################## No Coincident Peak from URDB #############
self.coincident_peak_exists = False
######################## Repackage Energy Structure ###########################
if 'energyratestructure' in tariff_original:
self.e_exists = True
energy_structure = tariff_original['energyratestructure']
self.energy_rate_unit = energy_structure[0][0].get('unit','kWh')
self.e_n = len(energy_structure)
if self.e_n > 1: self.e_tou_exists = True
else: self.e_tou_exists = False
# Determine the maximum number of tiers in the demand structure
max_tiers = 1
for period in range(self.e_n):
n_tiers = len(energy_structure[period])
if n_tiers > max_tiers: max_tiers = n_tiers
# Repackage Energy TOU Structure
self.e_prices = np.zeros([max_tiers, self.e_n])
self.e_levels = np.zeros([max_tiers, self.e_n])
self.e_levels[:,:] = 1e9
for period in range(self.e_n):
for tier in range(len(energy_structure[period])):
self.e_levels[tier, period] = energy_structure[period][tier].get('max', 1e9)
self.e_prices[tier, period] = energy_structure[period][tier].get('rate', 0) + energy_structure[period][tier].get('adj', 0)
self.e_exists = False
self.e_tou_exists = False
self.e_n = 0
self.e_prices = np.zeros([1, 1])
self.e_levels = np.zeros([1, 1])
self.energy_rate_unit = 'kWh'
######################## Repackage Energy Schedule ###########################
self.e_wkday_12by24 = np.zeros([12,24], int)
self.e_wkend_12by24 = np.zeros([12,24], int)
if 'energyweekdayschedule' in tariff_original:
for month in range(12):
self.e_wkday_12by24[month, :] = tariff_original['energyweekdayschedule'][month]
self.e_wkend_12by24[month, :] = tariff_original['energyweekendschedule'][month]
# If the urdb 12by24 has a period that isn't defined in the tiers,
# set that period to the 0th tier.
max_e_period_in_matrix = np.max([self.e_wkday_12by24, self.e_wkend_12by24])
max_e_period_in_prices = np.shape(self.e_prices)[1]
for period in np.arange(max_e_period_in_prices, max_e_period_in_matrix+1, 1):
self.e_wkday_12by24[self.e_wkday_12by24==period] = 0
self.e_wkend_12by24[self.e_wkend_12by24==period] = 0
######################## Repackage Demand Schedule ###########################
self.d_wkday_12by24 = np.zeros([12,24], int)
self.d_wkend_12by24 = np.zeros([12,24], int)
if 'demandweekdayschedule' in tariff_original:
for month in range(12):
self.d_wkday_12by24[month, :] = tariff_original['demandweekdayschedule'][month]
self.d_wkend_12by24[month, :] = tariff_original['demandweekendschedule'][month]
# If the urdb 12by24 has a period that isn't defined in the tiers,
# set that period to the 0th tier.
max_d_period_in_matrix = np.max([self.d_wkday_12by24, self.d_wkend_12by24])
max_d_period_in_prices = np.shape(self.d_tou_prices)[1]
for period in np.arange(max_d_period_in_prices, max_d_period_in_matrix+1, 1):
self.d_wkday_12by24[self.d_wkday_12by24==period] = 0
self.d_wkend_12by24[self.d_wkend_12by24==period] = 0
################### Repackage 12x24s as 8760s Schedule ########################
self.start_day = start_day
self.d_tou_8760 = build_8760_from_12by24s(self.d_wkday_12by24, self.d_wkend_12by24, self.start_day)
self.e_tou_8760 = build_8760_from_12by24s(self.e_wkday_12by24, self.e_wkend_12by24, self.start_day)
######################## Precalculations ######################################
# Collapse the tiered price matrix down to just the maximum cost
# in each tier, to be used during dispatch.
self.e_prices_no_tier = np.max(self.e_prices, 0)
# Determine the maximum differential in energy price within a day.
e_12by24_max_prices_wkday = self.e_prices_no_tier[self.e_wkday_12by24]
e_12by24_max_prices_wkend = self.e_prices_no_tier[self.e_wkend_12by24]
e_max_price_differential_wkday = np.max(e_12by24_max_prices_wkday, 1) - np.min(e_12by24_max_prices_wkday, 1)
e_max_price_differential_wkend = np.max(e_12by24_max_prices_wkend, 1) - np.min(e_12by24_max_prices_wkend, 1)
self.e_max_difference = np.max([e_max_price_differential_wkday, e_max_price_differential_wkend])
# If given a json input argument, construct a tariff from that file
elif json_file_name != None:
obj_text = codecs.open(json_file_name, 'r', encoding='utf-8').read()
d = json.loads(obj_text)
for fieldname in list(d.keys()):
if isinstance(d[fieldname], list):
d[fieldname] = np.array(d[fieldname])
if 'urdb_id' in d: self.urdb_id = d['urdb_id']
if 'name' in d: self.name = d['name']
if 'utility' in d: self.utility = d['utility']
if 'fixed_charge' in d: self.fixed_charge = d['fixed_charge']
if 'peak_kW_capacity_max' in d: self.peak_kW_capacity_max = d['peak_kW_capacity_max']
if 'peak_kW_capacity_min' in d: self.peak_kW_capacity_min = d['peak_kW_capacity_min']
if 'kWh_useage_max' in d: self.kWh_useage_max = d['kWh_useage_max']
if 'kWh_useage_min' in d: self.kWh_useage_min = d['kWh_useage_min']
if 'sector' in d: self.sector = d['sector']
if 'comments' in d: self.comments = d['comments']
if 'description' in d: self.description = d['description']
if 'source' in d: self.source = d['source']
if 'uri' in d: self.uri = d['uri']
if 'source' in d: self.source = d['source']
if 'voltage_category' in d: self.voltage_category = d['voltage_category']
if 'eia_id' in d: self.eia_id = d['eia_id']
if 'energy_rate_unit' in d: self.energy_rate_unit = d['energy_rate_unit']
if 'max_demand_charge' in d: self.max_demand_charge = d['max_demand_charge']
###################### Blank Flat Demand Structure ########################
if 'd_flat_exists' in d: self.d_flat_exists = d['d_flat_exists']
if 'd_flat_prices' in d: self.d_flat_prices = d['d_flat_prices']
if 'd_flat_levels' in d: self.d_flat_levels = d['d_flat_levels']
if 'd_flat_n' in d: self.d_flat_n = d['d_flat_n']
#################### Blank Demand TOU Structure ###########################
if 'd_tou_exists' in d: self.d_tou_exists = d['d_tou_exists']
if 'd_tou_n' in d: self.d_tou_n = d['d_tou_n']
if 'd_tou_prices' in d: self.d_tou_prices = d['d_tou_prices']
if 'd_tou_levels' in d: self.d_tou_levels = d['d_tou_levels']
#################### Coincident Peak Structure ###########################
if 'coincident_peak_exists' in d: self.coincident_peak_exists = d['coincident_peak_exists']
else: self.coincident_peak_exists = False
if 'coincident_style' in d: self.coincident_style = d['coincident_style']
if 'coincident_hour_def' in d: self.coincident_hour_def = d['coincident_hour_def']
if 'coincident_prices' in d: self.coincident_prices = d['coincident_prices']
if 'coincident_levels' in d: self.coincident_levels = d['coincident_levels']
if 'coincident_monthly_periods' in d: self.coincident_monthly_periods = d['coincident_monthly_periods']
######################## Blank Energy Structure ###########################
if 'e_exists' in d: self.e_exists = d['e_exists']
if 'e_tou_exists' in d: self.e_tou_exists = d['e_tou_exists']
if 'e_n' in d: self.e_n = d['e_n']
if 'e_prices' in d: self.e_prices = d['e_prices']
if 'e_levels' in d: self.e_levels = d['e_levels']
######################## Blank Schedules ###########################
if 'e_wkday_12by24' in d: self.e_wkday_12by24 = d['e_wkday_12by24']
if 'e_wkend_12by24' in d: self.e_wkend_12by24 = d['e_wkend_12by24']
if 'd_wkday_12by24' in d: self.d_wkday_12by24 = d['d_wkday_12by24']
if 'd_wkend_12by24' in d: self.d_wkend_12by24 = d['d_wkend_12by24']
################### Blank 12x24s as 8760s Schedule ########################
if 'd_tou_8760' in d: self.d_tou_8760 = d['d_tou_8760']
if 'e_tou_8760' in d: self.e_tou_8760 = d['e_tou_8760']
######################## Precalculations ######################################
if 'e_prices_no_tier' in d: self.e_prices_no_tier = d['e_prices_no_tier']
if 'e_max_difference' in d: self.e_max_difference = d['e_max_difference']
if 'start_day' in d: self.start_day = d['start_day']
# If given a dict input, construct a tariff from that object
elif not isinstance(dict_obj,type(None)):
if 'start_day' in dict_obj: self.start_day = dict_obj['start_day']
else: self.start_day = 6
if 'urdb_id' in dict_obj: self.urdb_id = dict_obj['urdb_id']
if 'name' in dict_obj: self.name = dict_obj['name']
if 'utility' in dict_obj: self.utility = dict_obj['utility']
if 'sector' in dict_obj: self.sector = dict_obj['sector']
if 'comments' in dict_obj: self.comments = dict_obj['comments']
if 'description' in dict_obj: self.description = dict_obj['description']
if 'source' in dict_obj: self.source = dict_obj['source']
if 'uri' in dict_obj: self.uri = dict_obj['uri']
if 'voltage_category' in dict_obj: self.voltage_category = dict_obj['voltage_category']
if 'fixed_charge' in dict_obj: self.fixed_charge = dict_obj['fixed_charge']
if 'peak_kW_capacity_max' in dict_obj: self.peak_kW_capacity_max = dict_obj['peak_kW_capacity_max']
if 'peak_kW_capacity_min' in dict_obj: self.peak_kW_capacity_min = dict_obj['peak_kW_capacity_min']
if 'kWh_useage_max' in dict_obj: self.kWh_useage_max = dict_obj['kWh_useage_max']
if 'kWh_useage_min' in dict_obj: self.kWh_useage_min = dict_obj['kWh_useage_min']
if 'eia_id' in dict_obj: self.eia_id = dict_obj['eia_id']
if 'demand_rate_unit' in dict_obj: self.demand_rate_unit = dict_obj['demand_rate_unit']
if 'energy_rate_unit' in dict_obj: self.energy_rate_unit = dict_obj['energy_rate_unit']
###################### Flat Demand Structure ########################
if 'd_flat_exists' in dict_obj: self.d_flat_exists = dict_obj['d_flat_exists']
if 'd_flat_n' in dict_obj: self.d_flat_n = dict_obj['d_flat_n']
if 'd_flat_prices' in dict_obj:
self.d_flat_prices = np.array(dict_obj['d_flat_prices'])
if 'd_flat_levels' in dict_obj: self.d_flat_levels = np.array(dict_obj['d_flat_levels'])
else: self.d_flat_levels = np.zeros([1,np.shape(self.d_flat_prices)[1]]) + 1e9
#################### Demand TOU Structure ###########################
if 'd_tou_exists' in dict_obj: self.d_tou_exists = dict_obj['d_tou_exists']
if 'd_tou_n' in dict_obj: self.d_tou_n = dict_obj['d_tou_n']
if 'd_tou_prices' in dict_obj:
self.d_tou_prices = np.array(dict_obj['d_tou_prices'])
if 'd_tou_levels' in dict_obj: self.d_tou_levels = np.array(dict_obj['d_tou_levels'])
else: self.d_tou_levels = np.zeros([1,np.shape(self.d_tou_prices)[1]]) + 1e9
#################### Coincident Peak Structure ###########################
if 'coincident_style' in dict_obj: self.coincident_style = dict_obj['coincident_style']
if 'coincident_hour_def' in dict_obj: self.coincident_hour_def = dict_obj['coincident_hour_def']
if 'coincident_prices' in dict_obj: self.coincident_prices = dict_obj['coincident_prices']
if 'coincident_levels' in dict_obj: self.coincident_levels = dict_obj['coincident_levels']
if 'coincident_monthly_periods' in dict_obj: self.coincident_monthly_periods = dict_obj['coincident_monthly_periods']
######################## Energy Structure ###########################
if 'e_exists' in dict_obj: self.e_exists = dict_obj['e_exists']
if 'e_tou_exists' in dict_obj: self.e_tou_exists = dict_obj['e_tou_exists']
if 'e_n' in dict_obj: self.e_n = dict_obj['e_n']
if 'e_prices' in dict_obj:
self.e_prices = np.array(dict_obj['e_prices'])
if 'e_levels' in dict_obj: self.e_levels = np.array(dict_obj['e_levels'])
else: self.e_levels = np.zeros([1,np.shape(self.e_prices)[1]]) + 1e9
######################## Schedules ###########################
if 'e_wkday_12by24' in dict_obj: self.e_wkday_12by24 = np.array(dict_obj['e_wkday_12by24'])
if 'e_wkend_12by24' in dict_obj: self.e_wkend_12by24 = np.array(dict_obj['e_wkend_12by24'])
if 'd_wkday_12by24' in dict_obj: self.d_wkday_12by24 = np.array(dict_obj['d_wkday_12by24'])
if 'd_wkend_12by24' in dict_obj: self.d_wkend_12by24 = np.array(dict_obj['d_wkend_12by24'])
# If the 12by24 has a period that isn't defined in the tiers,
# set that period to the 0th tier.
if 'e_wkday_12by24' in dict_obj:
max_e_period_in_matrix = np.max([self.e_wkday_12by24, self.e_wkend_12by24])
max_e_period_in_prices = np.shape(self.e_prices)[1]
for period in np.arange(max_e_period_in_prices, max_e_period_in_matrix+1, 1):
self.e_wkday_12by24[self.e_wkday_12by24==period] = 0
self.e_wkend_12by24[self.e_wkend_12by24==period] = 0
# If the 12by24 has a period that isn't defined in the tiers,
# set that period to the 0th tier.
if 'd_wkday_12by24' in dict_obj:
max_d_period_in_matrix = np.max([self.d_wkday_12by24, self.d_wkend_12by24])
max_d_period_in_prices = np.shape(self.d_tou_prices)[1]
for period in np.arange(max_d_period_in_prices, max_d_period_in_matrix+1, 1):
self.d_wkday_12by24[self.d_wkday_12by24==period] = 0
self.d_wkend_12by24[self.d_wkend_12by24==period] = 0
################### 12x24s as 8760s Schedule ########################
# Build 8760's. Note that any ingested 8760's will be ignored
if 'd_wkday_12by24' in dict_obj:
self.d_tou_8760 = build_8760_from_12by24s(self.d_wkday_12by24, self.d_wkend_12by24, self.start_day)
if 'e_wkday_12by24' in dict_obj:
self.e_tou_8760 = build_8760_from_12by24s(self.e_wkday_12by24, self.e_wkend_12by24, self.start_day)
######################## Precalculations ######################################
if 'e_prices' in dict_obj: self.e_max_difference = np.max(self.e_prices) - np.min(self.e_prices)
if 'e_prices' in dict_obj: self.e_prices_no_tier = np.max(self.e_prices, 0)
# Write the current class object to a json file
[docs] def write_json(self, json_file_name):
d = self.__dict__
d_prep_for_json = d.copy()
# change ndarray dtypes to lists, since json doesn't know ndarrays
for fieldname in list(d_prep_for_json.keys()):
if isinstance(d_prep_for_json[fieldname], np.ndarray):
d_prep_for_json[fieldname] = d_prep_for_json[fieldname].tolist()
with open(json_file_name, 'w') as fp:
json.dump(d_prep_for_json, fp)
# Define TOU demand charge periods, levels, and prices
[docs] def define_d_tou(self, d_wkday_12by24, d_wkend_12by24, d_tou_levels, d_tou_prices):
self.d_tou_levels = d_tou_levels
self.d_tou_prices = d_tou_prices
self.d_wkday_12by24 = d_wkday_12by24
self.d_wkend_12by24 = d_wkend_12by24
self.d_tou_n = int(np.shape(d_tou_levels)[1])
if np.count_nonzero(d_tou_prices) == 0: self.d_tou_exists = False
else: self.d_tou_exists = True
self.d_tou_8760 = build_8760_from_12by24s(d_wkday_12by24, d_wkend_12by24, self.start_day)
# Define Flat demand charge periods, levels, and prices
[docs] def define_d_flat(self, d_flat_levels, d_flat_prices):
# If it is only handed one value for levels and prices, it assumes that
# value applies to all months
if np.size(d_flat_prices) == 1:
self.d_flat_levels = np.array([[d_flat_levels]]).repeat(12).reshape(1,12)
self.d_flat_prices = np.array([[d_flat_prices]]).repeat(12).reshape(1,12)
self.d_flat_n = 1
self.d_flat_levels = d_flat_levels
self.d_flat_prices = d_flat_prices
self.d_flat_n = np.size(np.unique(d_flat_prices))
if np.all(d_flat_prices==0): self.d_flat_exists = False
else: self.d_flat_exists = True
# Define energy periods, levels, and prices
[docs] def define_e(self, e_wkday_12by24, e_wkend_12by24, e_levels, e_prices):
self.e_levels = e_levels
self.e_prices = e_prices
self.e_wkday_12by24 = e_wkday_12by24
self.e_wkend_12by24 = e_wkend_12by24
self.e_n = int(np.shape(e_levels)[1])
if np.count_nonzero(e_prices) == 0: self.e_exists = False
else: self.e_exists = True
if np.any(e_wkday_12by24 != np.repeat(e_wkday_12by24[:,0],24).reshape(12,24)): # TODO: add weekends
self.e_tou_exists = True
self.d_tou_exists = False
self.e_tou_8760 = build_8760_from_12by24s(e_wkday_12by24, e_wkend_12by24, self.start_day)
######################## Precalculations ######################################
# Collapse the tiered price matrix down to just the maximum cost
# in each tier, to be used during dispatch.
self.e_prices_no_tier = np.max(self.e_prices, 0)
# Determine the maximum differential in energy price within a day.
e_12by24_max_prices_wkday = self.e_prices_no_tier[self.e_wkday_12by24]
e_12by24_max_prices_wkend = self.e_prices_no_tier[self.e_wkend_12by24]
e_max_price_differential_wkday = np.max(e_12by24_max_prices_wkday, 1) - np.min(e_12by24_max_prices_wkday, 1)
e_max_price_differential_wkend = np.max(e_12by24_max_prices_wkend, 1) - np.min(e_12by24_max_prices_wkend, 1)
self.e_max_difference = np.max([e_max_price_differential_wkday, e_max_price_differential_wkend])
# Identify the maximum demand charge for this tariff
[docs] def identify_max_demand_charge(self):
# identify the max demand charge for each period for both flat and tou
max_d_flat_prices = np.max(self.d_flat_prices, 0)
max_d_tou_prices = np.max(self.d_tou_prices, 0)
# recast the 12by24 in terms of the demand charge within each cell
d_wkday_12by24_prices = max_d_tou_prices[self.d_wkday_12by24]
d_wkend_12by24_prices = max_d_tou_prices[self.d_wkend_12by24]
# add each month's flat charge to the corresponding row of the 12by24
d_wkday_12by24_prices += max_d_flat_prices.reshape(12,1)
d_wkend_12by24_prices += max_d_flat_prices.reshape(12,1)
# determine the max between wkends and wkdays
d_12by24_prices = np.maximum(d_wkday_12by24_prices, d_wkend_12by24_prices)
# determine max demand charge
self.max_demand_charge = np.max(d_12by24_prices)
[docs]class Export_Tariff:
Structure of compensation for exported generation. Currently only two
styles: full-retail NEM, and instantanous TOU energy value.
def __init__(self, full_retail_nem=True,
prices = np.zeros([1, 1], float),
levels = np.zeros([1, 1], float),
periods_8760 = np.zeros(8760, int),
period_tou_n = 1):
self.full_retail_nem = full_retail_nem
self.prices = prices
self.levels = levels
self.periods_8760 = periods_8760
self.period_tou_n = period_tou_n
[docs] def set_constant_sell_price(self, price):
self.full_retail_nem = False
self.prices = np.array([[price]], float)
self.levels = np.array([[9999999]], float)
self.periods_8760 = np.zeros(8760, int)
self.period_tou_n = 1
[docs]def tiered_calc_vec(values, levels, prices):
# Vectorized piecewise function calculator
values = np.asarray(values)
levels = np.asarray(levels)
prices = np.asarray(prices)
y = np.zeros(values.shape)
# Credit at tier 1 for negative values
y = y + ((values < 0)) * (values*prices[:][:][0])
# Tier 1
y = y + ((values >= 0) & (values < levels[:][:][0])) * (values*prices[:][:][0])
# Tiers 2 and beyond
for tier in np.arange(1,np.size(levels,0)):
y = y + ((values >= levels[:][:][tier-1]) & (values < levels[:][:][tier])) * (
((values-levels[:][:][tier-1])*prices[:][:][tier]) + levels[:][:][tier-1]*prices[:][:][tier-1])
return y
[docs]def bill_calculator(load_profile, tariff, export_tariff):
Deprecated. Nullified by new PySAM code but kept for reference.
load_profile : 8760 profile of agent
tariff : :class:`python.tariff_functions.Tariff`
Tariff class object
export_tariff : :class:`python.tariff_functions.Export_Tariff`
Export tariff class object
n_months = 12
# Check if a window length is specified, assume hourly if none is given
if hasattr(tariff, 'window_length_hours') == False: tariff.window_length_hours = 1.0
# If load profile resolution is greater than necessary, average it.
if len(load_profile) > int(8760 / tariff.window_length_hours):
load_profile = np.array(load_profile).reshape(-1, int(len(load_profile)/int(8760 / tariff.window_length_hours))).mean(axis=1)
# Note that if load profile resolution is lower than window resolution, it
# will calculate the bill at the lower resolution
n_timesteps = len(load_profile)
# If necessary, adjust the resolution of the 8760 period vectors
if hasattr(tariff, 'd_tou_8760'):
if len(tariff.d_tou_8760) > n_timesteps: tariff.d_tou_8760 = np.array(tariff.d_tou_8760.reshape(-1, len(tariff.d_tou_8760)/n_timesteps).mean(axis=1), int)
if len(tariff.d_tou_8760) < n_timesteps:
temp_array = np.zeros([len(tariff.d_tou_8760), n_timesteps/len(tariff.d_tou_8760)], int)
temp_array[:,:] = tariff.d_tou_8760.reshape(len(tariff.d_tou_8760),1)
tariff.d_tou_8760 = temp_array.reshape(n_timesteps)
if hasattr(tariff, 'e_tou_8760'):
if len(tariff.e_tou_8760) > n_timesteps: tariff.e_tou_8760 = np.array(tariff.e_tou_8760.reshape(-1, len(tariff.e_tou_8760)/n_timesteps).mean(axis=1), int)
if len(tariff.e_tou_8760) < n_timesteps:
temp_array = np.zeros([len(tariff.e_tou_8760), n_timesteps/len(tariff.e_tou_8760)], int)
temp_array[:,:] = tariff.e_tou_8760.reshape(len(tariff.e_tou_8760),1)
tariff.e_tou_8760 = temp_array.reshape(n_timesteps)
if hasattr(export_tariff, 'periods_8760'):
if len(export_tariff.periods_8760) > n_timesteps: export_tariff.periods_8760 = np.array(export_tariff.periods_8760.reshape(-1, len(export_tariff.periods_8760)/n_timesteps).mean(axis=1), int)
if len(export_tariff.periods_8760) < n_timesteps:
temp_array = np.zeros([len(export_tariff.periods_8760), n_timesteps/len(export_tariff.periods_8760)], int)
temp_array[:,:] = export_tariff.periods_8760.reshape(len(export_tariff.periods_8760),1)
export_tariff.periods_8760 = temp_array.reshape(n_timesteps)
# 8760 vector of month numbers
month_hours = np.array([0, 744, 1416, 2160, 2880, 3624, 4344, 5088, 5832, 6552, 7296, 8016, 8760], int) * n_timesteps//8760
month_index = np.zeros(n_timesteps, int)
for month, hours in enumerate(month_hours):
month_index[month_hours[month-1]:hours] = month-1
# Temporary patch of daily kWh tiers
if hasattr(tariff, 'energy_rate_unit'):
if tariff.energy_rate_unit == 'kWh daily': tariff.e_levels = np.array(tariff.e_levels) * 30.0
################## Calculate TOU Demand Charges ###########################
if hasattr(tariff, 'd_tou_8760'):
# Cast the TOU periods into a boolean matrix
d_tou_n = np.shape(tariff.d_tou_prices)[1]
period_matrix = np.zeros([n_timesteps, d_tou_n*n_months], bool)
period_matrix[list(range(n_timesteps)),tariff.d_tou_8760+month_index*d_tou_n] = True
# Determine the max demand in each period of each month of each year
load_distributed = load_profile[np.newaxis, :].T*period_matrix
period_maxs = np.max(load_distributed, axis=0)
# Calculate the cost of TOU demand charges
d_TOU_period_charges = tiered_calc_vec(period_maxs, np.tile(tariff.d_tou_levels[:,0:d_tou_n], 12), np.tile(tariff.d_tou_prices[:,0:d_tou_n], 12))
d_TOU_month_total_charges = np.zeros([n_months])
for month in range(n_months):
d_TOU_month_total_charges[month] = np.sum(d_TOU_period_charges[(month*d_tou_n):(month*d_tou_n + d_tou_n)])
d_TOU_month_total_charges = np.zeros([n_months])
period_maxs = np.zeros(0)
################# Calculate Flat Demand Charges ###########################
if hasattr(tariff, 'd_flat_prices'):
# Cast the seasons into a boolean matrix
flat_matrix = np.zeros([n_timesteps, n_months], bool)
flat_matrix[list(range(n_timesteps)),month_index] = True
# Determine the max demand in each month of each year
load_distributed = load_profile[np.newaxis, :].T*flat_matrix
flat_maxs = np.max(load_distributed, axis=0)
flat_charges = tiered_calc_vec(flat_maxs, tariff.d_flat_levels, tariff.d_flat_prices)
flat_charges = np.zeros([n_months])
flat_maxs = np.zeros(0)
############# Calculate Coincident Peak Demand Charges ####################
if hasattr(tariff, 'coincident_style'):
if tariff.coincident_style == 0:
# Input is a n by m array. Each row is a peak period and each set
# of columns are the hours that define that period. For example,
# [[100,200],[5100,5200]] would have two periods that are defined
# by the average demand of hours [100,200] and [5100,5200]
# respectively.
# Coincident_monthly_periods is a 12-length array that maps the
# charges to the billing periods.
coincident_demand_levels = np.average(load_profile[tariff.coincident_hour_def], 1)
coincident_charges = tiered_calc_vec(coincident_demand_levels, tariff.coincident_levels, tariff.coincident_prices)
coincident_monthly_charges = coincident_charges[tariff.coincident_monthly_periods]
coincident_monthly_charges = np.zeros(12)
coincident_demand_levels = None
#################### Calculate Energy Charges #############################
# Calculate energy charges without full retail NEM
if hasattr(tariff, 'e_tou_8760'):
e_n = np.shape(tariff.e_prices)[1]
if export_tariff.full_retail_nem == False:
imported_profile = np.clip(load_profile, 0, 1e99)
exported_profile = np.clip(load_profile, -1e99, 0)
# Calculate fixed schedule export_tariff
# Cast the TOU periods into a boolean matrix
e_period_export_matrix = np.zeros([len(export_tariff.periods_8760), export_tariff.period_tou_n*n_months], bool)
e_period_export_matrix[list(range(len(export_tariff.periods_8760))),export_tariff.periods_8760+month_index*export_tariff.period_tou_n] = True
# Determine the energy consumed in each period of each month of each year
load_distributed = exported_profile[np.newaxis, :].T*e_period_export_matrix
export_period_sums = np.sum(load_distributed, axis=0)
# Calculate the cost of TOU demand charges
export_period_credits = tiered_calc_vec(export_period_sums, np.tile(export_tariff.levels[:,0:export_tariff.period_tou_n], 12), np.tile(export_tariff.prices[:,0:export_tariff.period_tou_n], 12))
export_month_total_credits = np.zeros([n_months])
for month in range(n_months):
export_month_total_credits[month] = np.sum(export_period_credits[(month*export_tariff.period_tou_n):(month*export_tariff.period_tou_n + export_tariff.period_tou_n)])
# Calculate imported energy charges.
# Cast the TOU periods into a boolean matrix
e_period_import_matrix = np.zeros([len(tariff.e_tou_8760), e_n*n_months], bool)
e_period_import_matrix[list(range(len(tariff.e_tou_8760))),tariff.e_tou_8760+month_index*e_n] = True
# Determine the max demand in each period of each month of each year
load_distributed = imported_profile[np.newaxis, :].T*e_period_import_matrix
e_period_import_sums = np.sum(load_distributed, axis=0)
# Calculate the cost of TOU demand charges
e_period_import_charges = tiered_calc_vec(e_period_import_sums, np.tile(tariff.e_levels, 12), np.tile(tariff.e_prices, 12))
e_month_import_total_charges = np.zeros([n_months])
for month in range(n_months):
e_month_import_total_charges[month] = np.sum(e_period_import_charges[(month*e_n):(month*e_n + e_n)])
export_month_total_credits = np.negative(export_month_total_credits)
e_month_total_net_charges = e_month_import_total_charges - export_month_total_credits
# placeholder
e_period_charges = "placeholder"
e_period_sums = "placeholder"
# Calculate energy charges with full retail NEM
# Calculate imported energy charges with full retail NEM
# Cast the TOU periods into a boolean matrix
e_period_matrix = np.zeros([len(tariff.e_tou_8760), e_n*n_months], bool)
e_period_matrix[list(range(len(tariff.e_tou_8760))),tariff.e_tou_8760+month_index*e_n] = True
# Determine the energy consumed in each period of each month of each year netting exported electricity
load_distributed = load_profile[np.newaxis, :].T*e_period_matrix
e_period_sums = np.sum(load_distributed, axis=0)
# Calculate the cost of TOU energy charges netting exported electricity
e_period_charges = tiered_calc_vec(e_period_sums, np.tile(tariff.e_levels, 12), np.tile(tariff.e_prices, 12))
e_month_total_net_charges = np.zeros([n_months])
for month in range(n_months):
e_month_total_net_charges[month] = np.sum(e_period_charges[(month*e_n):(month*e_n + e_n)])
# Determine the value of NEM
# Calculate imported energy charges with zero exported electricity
imported_profile = np.clip(load_profile, 0, 1e99)
# Determine the energy consumed in each period of each month of each year - without exported electricity
imported_load_distributed = imported_profile[np.newaxis, :].T*e_period_matrix
e_period_sums_imported = np.sum(imported_load_distributed, axis=0)
# Calculate the cost of TOU energy charges without exported electricity
e_period_imported_charges = tiered_calc_vec(e_period_sums_imported, np.tile(tariff.e_levels, 12), np.tile(tariff.e_prices, 12))
e_month_total_import_charges = np.zeros([n_months])
for month in range(n_months):
e_month_total_import_charges[month] = np.sum(e_period_imported_charges[(month*e_n):(month*e_n + e_n)])
# Determine how much the exported electricity was worth by comparing
# bills where it was netted against those where it wasn't
export_month_total_credits = e_month_total_net_charges - e_month_total_import_charges
e_period_import_sums = 'placeholder'
e_month_total_net_charges = np.zeros(12)
export_month_total_credits = np.zeros(12)
e_period_charges = np.zeros(12*e_n)
e_period_sums = np.zeros(12*e_n)
e_period_import_sums = np.zeros(12*e_n)
total_monthly_bills = d_TOU_month_total_charges + flat_charges + coincident_monthly_charges + e_month_total_net_charges + tariff.fixed_charge
annual_bill = np.sum(total_monthly_bills)
results_dict = {'annual_bill':annual_bill,
'd_charges':np.sum(d_TOU_month_total_charges + flat_charges),
'monthly_d_charges':d_TOU_month_total_charges + flat_charges,
return annual_bill, results_dict
# Bulk Downloader from URDB API
[docs]def download_tariffs_from_urdb(api_key, sector=None, utility=None, print_progress=False):
API request for URDB rates.
Each user should get their own URDB API key: http://en.openei.org/services/api/signup/
Sectors: Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Lighting
api_key : str
Each user should get their own URDB API key: http://en.openei.org/services/api/signup/
sector : str
One of Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Lighting
utility : str, optional
Dataframe of URDB rates.
fields = ['utility',
tariffs = pd.DataFrame(columns=fields)
flag = True
offset = 0
chunk_count = 0
input_params = {'version':3,
if sector != None: input_params['sector'] = sector
if utility != None: input_params['ratesforutility'] = utility
while flag == True:
input_params['offset'] = offset
r = req.get('http://api.openei.org/utility_rates?', params=input_params)
content = r.content
tariff_list = json.loads(content, strict=False)['items']
if len(tariff_list) == 0:
flag = False
tariff_chunk = pd.DataFrame(index=list(range(500)), columns=fields)
for count, tariff in enumerate(tariff_list):
if 'utility' in tariff: tariff_chunk.loc[count, 'utility'] = tariff['utility'].encode('utf-8')
if 'eiaid' in tariff: tariff_chunk.loc[count, 'eiaid'] = tariff['eiaid']
if 'name' in tariff: tariff_chunk.loc[count, 'name'] = tariff['name'].encode('utf-8')
if 'label' in tariff: tariff_chunk.loc[count, 'label'] = tariff['label']
if 'enddate' in tariff: tariff_chunk.loc[count, 'enddate'] = tariff['enddate']
if 'demandrateunit' in tariff: tariff_chunk.loc[count, 'demandrateunit'] = tariff['demandrateunit']
if 'flatdemandunit' in tariff: tariff_chunk.loc[count, 'flatdemandunit'] = tariff['flatdemandunit']
if 'uri' in tariff: tariff_chunk.loc[count, 'uri'] = tariff['uri'].encode('utf-8')
if 'sector' in tariff: tariff_chunk.loc[count, 'sector'] = tariff['sector'].encode('utf-8')
if 'description' in tariff: tariff_chunk.loc[count, 'description'] = tariff['description'].encode('utf-8')
if 'source' in tariff: tariff_chunk.loc[count, 'source'] = tariff['source'].encode('utf-8')
if 'peakkwcapacitymax' in tariff: tariff_chunk.loc[count, 'peakkwcapacitymax'] = tariff['peakkwcapacitymax']
if 'peakkwcapacitymin' in tariff: tariff_chunk.loc[count, 'peakkwcapacitymin'] = tariff['peakkwcapacitymin']
if 'peakkwhuseagemax' in tariff: tariff_chunk.loc[count, 'peakkwhuseagemax'] = tariff['peakkwhuseagemax']
if 'peakkwhuseagemin' in tariff: tariff_chunk.loc[count, 'peakkwhuseagemin'] = tariff['peakkwhuseagemin']
if 'voltagecategory' in tariff: tariff_chunk.loc[count, 'voltagecategory'] = tariff['voltagecategory'].encode('utf-8')
if 'phasewiring' in tariff: tariff_chunk.loc[count, 'phasewiring'] = tariff['phasewiring'].encode('utf-8')
tariffs = tariffs.append(tariff_chunk.loc[:count, :], ignore_index=True)
offset += len(tariff_list)
chunk_count += len(tariff_list)
if print_progress==True: print(chunk_count)
return tariffs
# Filter tariff_df by a list of keywords in the tariff names, and unit types
[docs]def filter_tariff_df(tariff_df,
demand_units_to_exclude=['hp', 'kVA', 'kW daily', 'hp daily', 'kVA daily'],
Filter tariffs based on inclusion (e.g. keywords), or exclusion (e.g. demand units)
tariff_df : pandas.DataFrame
dataframe of URDB tariffs created by :func:`download_tariffs_from_urdb`.
keyword_list : list of str, optional
list of keywords to search for in rate structure.
keyword_list_file : str
filepath to .txt file containing keywords to search for.
demand_units_to_exclude : list of str
exclude rates from URDB database if the units are contained in this list. Default values are `hp`,`kVA`,`kW daily`,`hp daily`,`kVA daily`
remove_expired : bool
exclude expired rates. Default is `True`.
if keyword_list_file != None:
keyword_list = []
with open(keyword_list_file, 'rb') as f:
reader = csv.reader(f)
for item in reader:
keyword_list = keyword_list + item
elif keyword_list != None:
keyword_list = keyword_list
print('enter a keyword_list or keyword_list_file')
tariffs_to_exclude = np.zeros(len(tariff_df), bool)
keyword_count_df = pd.DataFrame(index=keyword_list)
for keyword in keyword_list:
tariffs_that_contain_keyword = tariff_df['name'].str.contains(keyword, case=False)
tariffs_to_exclude = tariffs_that_contain_keyword + tariffs_to_exclude
keyword_count_df.loc[keyword, 'num_of_tariffs_excluded'] = np.sum(tariffs_that_contain_keyword)
for demand_unit in demand_units_to_exclude:
tariffs_that_contain_unit = tariff_df['demandrateunit'] == demand_unit
tariffs_that_contain_unit += tariff_df['flatdemandunit'] == demand_unit
tariffs_to_exclude = tariffs_to_exclude + tariffs_that_contain_unit
tariffs_with_an_end_date = pd.isnull(tariff_df['enddate']) == False
tariffs_to_exclude = tariffs_to_exclude + tariffs_with_an_end_date
excluded_tariffs = tariff_df[tariffs_to_exclude==True]
included_tariffs = tariff_df[tariffs_to_exclude==False]
return included_tariffs, excluded_tariffs, keyword_count_df
# Create 8760 from two 12x24's
[docs]def build_8760_from_12by24s(wkday_12by24, wkend_12by24, start_day=6):
Construct long-df (8760) from a weekday and weekend 12by24
wkday_12by24 : numpy.ndarray
wkend_12by24 : numpy.ndarray
start_day : int
Start day of 6 (default) equates to a Sunday.
month_hours = np.array([0, 744, 1416, 2160, 2880, 3624, 4344, 5088, 5832, 6552, 7296, 8016, 8760], int)
month_index = np.zeros(8760, int)
for month, hours in enumerate(month_hours):
month_index[month_hours[month-1]:hours] = month-1
period_8760 = np.zeros(8760, int)
hour = 0
day = start_day # Start on 6 because the load profiles we are using start on a Sunday
for h in range(8760):
if day < 5:
period_8760[h] = wkday_12by24[month_index[h], hour]
period_8760[h] = wkend_12by24[month_index[h], hour]
hour += 1
if hour == 24: hour = 0; day += 1
if day == 7: day = 0
return period_8760
[docs]def design_tariff_for_portfolio(agent_df, avg_rev, peak_hour_indicies, summer_month_indicies, rev_f_d, rev_f_e, rev_f_fixed):
Builds a tariff that would extract a given $/kWh from a portfolio of
agent_df : 'pd.DataFrame'
agents as loaded from the agent pkl file.
agent_df.load_profile : numpy.ndarray
agent_df.weight : numpy.ndarray
avg_rev : 'float'
$/kWh that the tariff would extract from the given portfolio of customers.
peak_hour_indicies : 'list'
list of indices corresponding to the peak demand hours. Assumes peak hours are the same between
demand and energy.
summer_month_indicies : 'list'
list of indices corresponding to the summer peak demand hours. Assumes peak hours only occur during the summer.
rev_f_d : 'list'
revenue strucutre for demand charges. Format is [fraction of total revenue, fraction that
comes from tou charges, fraction that comes from flat charges] ex: [0.4875, 0.5, 0.5].
rev_f_e : 'list'
revenue strucutre for energy charges. Format is [fraction of total revenue, fraction that
comes from off-peak hours, fraction that comes from on-peak hours] ex: [0.4875, 0.20, 0.8].
rev_f_fixed : 'list'
[fraction of revenue from fixed monthly charges]. ex: [0.025].
1) Peak hours are the same between demand and energy.
2) Peak hours only occur during the summer.
tarrif : 'class object'
Returns tarrif, an object instantiated with the Tarrif class.
# Construct the 12x24 matricies for the given peak hours
d_wkend_12by24 = np.zeros([12,24], int)
d_wkday_12by24 = np.zeros([12,24], int)
e_wkend_12by24 = np.zeros([12,24], int)
e_wkday_12by24 = np.zeros([12,24], int)
for peak_hour in peak_hour_indicies:
d_wkday_12by24[summer_month_indicies, peak_hour] = 1
e_wkday_12by24[summer_month_indicies, peak_hour] = 1
# Build an 8760 of peak hours
d_tou_8760 = build_8760_from_12by24s(d_wkday_12by24, d_wkend_12by24, start_day=6)
d_tou_n = 2
# 8760 vector of month numbers
month_hours = np.array([0, 744, 1416, 2160, 2880, 3624, 4344, 5088, 5832, 6552, 7296, 8016, 8760], int)
month_index = np.zeros(8760, int)
for month, hours in enumerate(month_hours):
month_index[month_hours[month-1]:hours] = month-1
period_matrix = np.zeros([8760, d_tou_n*12], bool)
period_matrix[list(range(8760)),d_tou_8760+month_index*d_tou_n] = True
# Define the dataframes that energy and demand values will be recorded in
bld_peak_demands = pd.DataFrame()
bld_flat_demands = pd.DataFrame()
bld_peak_energy = pd.DataFrame()
bld_offpeak_energy = pd.DataFrame()
# Determine the peak demands and energy consumption for each building in
# the portfolio
for bld in list(agent_df.index):
load_profile = agent_df.loc[bld, 'load_profile']
load_distributed = load_profile[np.newaxis, :].T*period_matrix
# Determine the max demands
period_maxs = np.max(load_distributed, axis=0).reshape([2,12], order='F')
bld_peak_demands[bld] = period_maxs[1,:]
bld_flat_demands[bld] = np.max(period_maxs, axis=0)
# Determine energy consumption
period_sums = np.sum(load_distributed, axis=0).reshape([2,12], order='F')
bld_peak_energy[bld] = period_sums[1,:]
bld_offpeak_energy[bld] = period_sums[0,:]
# Calculate the normalized revenue from each category
normalized_consumption = np.sum(agent_df['f_in_this_portfolio'] * agent_df['aec'])
norm_rev = normalized_consumption * avg_rev
norm_rev_d_peak = norm_rev * rev_f_d[0] * rev_f_d[1]
norm_rev_d_flat = norm_rev * rev_f_d[0] * rev_f_d[2]
norm_rev_e_peak = norm_rev * rev_f_e[0] * rev_f_e[1]
norm_rev_e_offpeak = norm_rev * rev_f_e[0] * rev_f_e[2]
norm_rev_fixed = norm_rev * rev_f_fixed[0]
# Calculate the prices that would result in the required revenue being
# collected, for each category
charge_d_peak = norm_rev_d_peak / np.sum(np.sum(bld_peak_demands)*agent_df['f_in_this_portfolio'])
charge_d_flat = norm_rev_d_flat / np.sum(np.sum(bld_flat_demands)*agent_df['f_in_this_portfolio'])
charge_e_peak = norm_rev_e_peak / np.sum(np.sum(bld_peak_energy)*agent_df['f_in_this_portfolio'])
charge_e_offpeak = norm_rev_e_offpeak / np.sum(np.sum(bld_offpeak_energy)*agent_df['f_in_this_portfolio'])
charge_fixed_monthly = norm_rev_fixed / np.sum(agent_df['f_in_this_portfolio']) / 12.0
# Prepare variables for tariff definition
d_tou_levels = np.array([[1e9, 1e9]])
d_tou_prices = np.array([[0, charge_d_peak]])
d_flat_levels = 1e9
d_flat_prices = charge_d_flat
e_levels = np.array([[1e9, 1e9]])
e_prices = np.array([[charge_e_offpeak, charge_e_peak]]) # Check this!!! TODO
# Define tariff
tariff = Tariff()
tariff.define_d_flat(d_flat_levels, d_flat_prices)
tariff.define_d_tou(d_wkday_12by24, d_wkend_12by24, d_tou_levels, d_tou_prices)
tariff.define_e(e_wkday_12by24, e_wkend_12by24, e_levels, e_prices)
tariff.fixed_charge = charge_fixed_monthly
export_tariff = Export_Tariff(full_retail_nem=True)
for bld in list(agent_df.index):
load_profile = agent_df.loc[bld, 'load_profile']
original_bill, original_bill_results = bill_calculator(load_profile, tariff, export_tariff)
return tariff