import openpyxl as xl
from io import StringIO
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import datetime
[docs]class ExcelError(Exception):
[docs]class FancyNamedRange(object):
def __init__(self, workbook, range_name):
self.wb = workbook
self.base = self.__base__(range_name)
self.worksheets = self.__worksheets__()
self.count_worksheets = self.__count_destination_components__(self.worksheets)
if self.count_worksheets > 1:
raise NotImplementedError("Named Ranges spanning multiple worksheets are not currently supported")
self.worksheet = self.worksheets[0]
self.cell_ranges = self.__cell_ranges__()
self.count_cell_ranges = self.__count_destination_components__(self.cell_ranges)
if self.count_cell_ranges > 1:
raise NotImplementedError("Named Ranges spanning multiple, non-contiguous cell ranges are not currently supported")
self.cell_range = self.cell_ranges[0]
self.topleft = self.__topleft__()
self.bottomright = self.__bottomright__()
self.cells = self.__cells__()
self.cell_array = self.__cell_array__()
self.rec_array = self.__rec_array__()
self.data_frame = self.__data_frame__()
def __colnames_included__(self):
self.rec_array = self.__rec_array__(colnames_included = True)
self.data_frame = self.__data_frame__(colnames_included = True)
def __melt__(self):
# find the data type for the column names
dtype = self.data_frame.columns.dtype
self.data_frame = pd.melt(self.data_frame, self.data_frame.columns[0])
# set the data type for the variable column
self.data_frame.loc[:, 'variable'] = self.data_frame['variable'].astype(dtype)
def __transpose_values__(self):
self.cell_array = self.cell_array.T
self.rec_array = self.__rec_array__()
self.data_frame = self.__data_frame__()
def __base__(self, range_name):
# get the named range object
base = self.wb.defined_names[range_name]
# raise an error if the named range doesn't exist
if base == None:
raise ExcelError('{} named range does not exist.'.format(range_name))
return base
def __worksheets__(self):
worksheets = list(np.array([(a, b) for a, b in self.base.destinations])[:,0])
return worksheets
def __cell_ranges__(self):
cell_ranges = list(np.array([(a, b) for a, b in self.base.destinations])[:,1])
return cell_ranges
def __count_destination_components__(self, destination_component):
count = len(list(set(destination_component)))
return count
def __topleft__(self):
if ':' in self.cell_ranges[0]:
coordinates = self.cell_ranges[0].split(':')[0]
coordinates = self.cell_ranges[0]
return coordinates
def __bottomright__(self):
if ':' in self.cell_ranges[0]:
coordinates = self.cell_ranges[0].split(':')[1]
coordinates = self.cell_ranges[0]
return coordinates
[docs] def contents_to_array(self):
def __columns__(self):
def __cells__(self):
cells = [cell for cell in self.wb[self.worksheet][self.topleft : self.bottomright]]
return cells
def __cell_array__(self):
cell_array = np.array(self.cells)
if cell_array.shape == ():
cell_array = cell_array.reshape((1,1))
return cell_array
def __cell_value__(self, cell, floats = True):
if floats == True and cell.data_type == 'n' and type(cell.value) != datetime.datetime:
if cell.value is None:
cell_value = float(np.nan)
cell_value = float(cell.value)
cell_value = cell.value
if cell_value is None:
cell_value = np.nan
return cell_value
def __rec_array__(self, colnames_included = False):
cell_values = np.vectorize(self.__cell_value__)
if colnames_included == True:
i_begin = 1
i_begin = 0
cols = []
for j in range(self.cell_array.shape[1]):
col = cell_values(self.cell_array[i_begin:, j])
if col.dtype.kind not in ('S', 'b', 'U', 'O') and np.all(col.astype('int') == col):
col = col.astype('int')
rec_array = np.rec.fromarrays(cols)
if colnames_included == True:
names = cell_values(self.cell_array[0, :], floats = False)
rec_array.dtype.names = list(map(str, list(names)))
return rec_array
def __data_frame__(self, colnames_included = False):
df = pd.DataFrame(self.rec_array)
if colnames_included == False:
ncols = df.shape[1]
df.columns = list(range(0, ncols))
return df
[docs] def first_value(self):
first_value = self.data_frame.iloc[0][0]
return first_value
[docs] def to_stringIO(self, transpose = False, columns = None, index = False, header = False):
s = StringIO()
if columns == None:
columns = self.data_frame.columns
if transpose:
out_df = self.data_frame[columns].T
out_df = self.data_frame[columns]
out_df.to_csv(s, delimiter = ',', index = index, header = header)
out_df.to_csv(s, index=index, header=header)
return s
[docs] def to_postgres(self, connection, cursor, schema, table, transpose = False, columns = None, create = False, overwrite = True):
sql_dict = {'schema': schema, 'table': table }
if create == True:
raise NotImplementedError('Creation of a new postgres table is not implemented')
s = self.to_stringIO(transpose, columns)
if overwrite == True:
sql = 'DELETE FROM {}.{};'.format(schema, table)
sql = '{}.{}'.format(schema, table)
cursor.copy_from(s, sql, sep = ',', null = '')
# release the string io object