Name: diffusion_functions
Purpose: Contains functions to calculate diffusion of distributed wind model
(1) Determine maximum market size as a function of payback time;
(2) Parameterize Bass diffusion curve with diffusion rates (p, q) set by payback time;
(3) Determine current stage (equivaluent time) of diffusion based on existing market and current economics
(4) Calculate new market share by stepping forward on diffusion curve.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import config
import utility_functions as utilfunc
import decorators
# Load logger
logger = utilfunc.get_logger()
[docs]@decorators.fn_timer(logger = logger, tab_level = 2, prefix = '')
def calc_diffusion_solar(df, is_first_year, bass_params, year,
override_p_value = None, override_q_value = None, override_teq_yr1_value = None):
Calculates the market share (ms) added in the solve year. Market share must be less
than max market share (mms) except initial ms is greater than the calculated mms.
For this circumstance, no diffusion allowed until mms > ms. Also, do not allow ms to
decrease if economics deterioriate. Using the calculated
market share, relevant quantities are updated.
df : pandas.DataFrame
Input dataframe.
is_first_year : bool
Passed to :func:`diffusion_functions.calc_diffusion_market_share` to determine the increment of `teq`
bass_params : pandas.DataFrame
DataFrame generally derived from :func:`settings.get_bass_params`, includes the following attributes: `control_reg_id`, `country_abbr`, `sector_abbr`, `state_id`, `p`, `q`, `teq_yr1`, `tech`.
override_p_values : float , optional
Value to override bass diffusion `p` coefficient of innovation with.
overide_q_values : float, optional
Value to override bass diffusion `q` coefficient of immitation with.
override_teq_yr1_value : float, optional
Value to override bass diffusion `teq_yr1` value representing the number of years since diffusion began for the first year of observation.
Dataframe contains `market_last_year` column to inform diffusion in next year.
df = df.reset_index()
bass_params = bass_params[bass_params['tech']=='solar']
# set p/q/teq_yr1 params
df = pd.merge(df, bass_params[['state_abbr', 'bass_param_p', 'bass_param_q', 'teq_yr1', 'sector_abbr']], how = 'left', on = ['state_abbr','sector_abbr'])
# calc diffusion market share
df = calc_diffusion_market_share(df, is_first_year)
# market share floor is based on last year's market share
df['market_share'] = np.maximum(df['diffusion_market_share'], df['market_share_last_year'])
# calculate the "new" market share (old - current)
df['new_market_share'] = df['market_share'] - df['market_share_last_year']
# cap the new_market_share where the market share exceeds the max market share
df['new_market_share'] = np.where(df['market_share'] > df['max_market_share'], 0, df['new_market_share'])
# calculate new adopters, capacity and market value
df['new_adopters'] = df['new_market_share'] * df['developable_agent_weight']
df['new_market_value'] = df['new_adopters'] * df['system_kw'] * df['system_capex_per_kw']
df['new_system_kw'] = df['new_adopters'] * df['system_kw']
df['new_batt_kw'] = df['new_adopters'] * df['batt_kw']
df['new_batt_kwh'] = df['new_adopters'] * df['batt_kwh']
# then add these values to values from last year to get cumulative values:
df['number_of_adopters'] = df['adopters_cum_last_year'] + df['new_adopters']
df['market_value'] = df['market_value_last_year'] + df['new_market_value']
df['system_kw_cum'] = df['system_kw_cum_last_year'] + df['new_system_kw']
df['batt_kw_cum'] = df['batt_kw_cum_last_year'] + df['new_batt_kw']
df['batt_kwh_cum'] = df['batt_kwh_cum_last_year'] + df['new_batt_kwh']
# constrain state-level capacity totals to known historical values
if year in (2014, 2016, 2018):
group_cols = ['state_abbr', 'sector_abbr', 'year']
state_capacity_total = (df[group_cols+['system_kw_cum', 'batt_kw_cum', 'batt_kwh_cum', 'agent_id']].groupby(group_cols)
.agg({'system_kw_cum':'sum', 'batt_kw_cum':'sum', 'batt_kwh_cum':'sum', 'agent_id':'count'})
.rename(columns={'system_kw_cum':'state_solar_kw_cum', 'batt_kw_cum':'state_batt_kw_cum', 'batt_kwh_cum':'state_batt_kwh_cum', 'agent_id':'agent_count'})
# coerce dtypes
state_capacity_total.state_solar_kw_cum = state_capacity_total.state_solar_kw_cum.astype(np.float64)
state_capacity_total.state_batt_kw_cum = state_capacity_total.state_batt_kw_cum.astype(np.float64)
state_capacity_total.state_batt_kwh_cum = state_capacity_total.state_batt_kwh_cum.astype(np.float64)
df.system_kw_cum = df.system_kw_cum.astype(np.float64)
df.batt_kw_cum = df.batt_kw_cum.astype(np.float64)
df.batt_kwh_cum = df.batt_kwh_cum.astype(np.float64)
# merge state totals back to agent df
df = pd.merge(df, state_capacity_total, how = 'left', on = ['state_abbr', 'sector_abbr', 'year'])
# read csv of historical capacity values by state and sector
historical_state_df = pd.read_csv(config.OBSERVED_DEPLOYMENT_BY_STATE)
# join historical data to agent df
df = pd.merge(df, historical_state_df, how='left', on=['state_abbr', 'sector_abbr', 'year'])
# calculate scale factor - weight that is given to each agent based on proportion of state total
# where state cumulative capacity is 0, proportion evenly to all agents
df['solar_scale_factor'] = np.where(df['state_solar_kw_cum'] == 0, 1.0/df['agent_count'], df['system_kw_cum'] / df['state_solar_kw_cum'])
df['batt_mw_scale_factor'] = np.where(df['state_batt_kw_cum'] == 0, 1.0/df['agent_count'], df['batt_kw_cum'] / df['state_batt_kw_cum'])
df['batt_mwh_scale_factor'] = np.where(df['state_batt_kwh_cum'] == 0, 1.0/df['agent_count'], df['batt_kwh_cum'] / df['state_batt_kwh_cum'])
# use scale factor to constrain agent capacity values to historical values
df['system_kw_cum'] = df['solar_scale_factor'] * df['observed_solar_mw'] * 1000.
df['batt_kw_cum'] = df['batt_mw_scale_factor'] * df['observed_storage_mw'] * 1000.
df['batt_kwh_cum'] = df['batt_mwh_scale_factor'] * df['observed_storage_mwh'] * 1000.
# recalculate number of adopters using anecdotal values
df['number_of_adopters'] = np.where(df['sector_abbr'] == 'res', df['system_kw_cum']/5.0, df['system_kw_cum']/100.0)
# recalculate market share
df['market_share'] = np.where(df['developable_agent_weight'] == 0, 0.0,
df['number_of_adopters'] / df['developable_agent_weight'])
df['market_share'] = df['market_share'].astype(np.float64)
'solar_scale_factor','batt_mw_scale_factor','batt_mwh_scale_factor'], axis=1, inplace=True)
market_last_year = df[['agent_id',
'market_value': 'market_value_last_year',
'batt_kwh_cum':'batt_kwh_cum_last_year'}, inplace=True)
return df, market_last_year
# ^^^^ Diffusion Calculator ^^^^
[docs]@decorators.fn_timer(logger = logger, tab_level = 3, prefix = '')
def calc_diffusion(df, cur, con, techs, choose_tech, sectors, schema, is_first_year,
bass_params, override_p_value = None, override_q_value = None, override_teq_yr1_value = None):
Calculate the fraction of overall population that have adopted the technology in the current period.
df : pandas.DataFrame
df.payback_period : numpy.ndarray
Payback period in years.
df.max_market_share : numpy.ndarray
Maximum market share as decimal percentage.
df.current_market_share : numpy.ndarray
Current market share as decimal percentage.
is_first_year : bool
If `True`, the new equivalent time (`teq2`) is equal to the original `teq_yr1` plus the increment defined in `teq`.
Otherwise, `teq2` is equal to `teq` plus 2 years.
The fraction of overall population that have adopted the technology
1) This does not specify the actual new adoption fraction without knowing adoption in the previous period.
2) The relative economic attractiveness controls the p, q value in the Bass diffusion model.
3) The current assumption is that only payback and MBS are being used, that pp is bounded [0-30] and MBS is bounded [0-120].
logger.info("\t\tCalculating Diffusion")
# set p/q/teq_yr1 params
df = set_bass_param(df, bass_params, override_p_value, override_q_value, override_teq_yr1_value)
# calc diffusion market share
df = calc_diffusion_market_share(df, is_first_year)
# ensure no diffusion for non-selected options
df['diffusion_market_share'] = df['diffusion_market_share'] * df['selected_option']
# market share floor is based on last year's market share
df['market_share'] = np.maximum(df['diffusion_market_share'], df['market_share_last_year'])
# if in tech choice mode, ensure that total market share doesn't exceed 1
if choose_tech == True:
# extract out the rows for unselected technologies
market_share_cap = df[df['selected_option'] == False][['county_id', 'bin_id', 'sector_abbr', 'market_share']].groupby(['county_id', 'bin_id', 'sector_abbr']).sum().reset_index()
# determine how much market share is allowable based on 1 - the MS of the unselected techs
market_share_cap['market_share_cap'] = 1 - market_share_cap['market_share']
# drop the market share column
market_share_cap.drop('market_share', inplace = True, axis = 1)
# merge to df
df = pd.merge(df, market_share_cap, how = 'left', on = ['county_id', 'bin_id', 'sector_abbr'])
# cap the market share (for the selected option only)
df['market_share'] = np.where(df['selected_option'] == True, np.minimum(df['market_share'], df['market_share_cap']), df['market_share'])
# drop the market share cap field
df.drop('market_share_cap', inplace = True, axis = 1)
# calculate the "new" market share (old - current)
df['new_market_share'] = df['market_share'] - df['market_share_last_year']
# cap the new_market_share where the market share exceeds the max market share
df['new_market_share'] = np.where(df['market_share'] > df['max_market_share'], 0, df['new_market_share'])
# calculate new adopters, capacity and market value
df['new_adopters'] = np.where(df['system_size_kw'] == 0, 0, df['new_market_share'] * df['developable_agent_weight'])
df['new_capacity'] = df['new_adopters'] * df['system_size_kw']
df['new_market_value'] = df['new_adopters'] * df['system_size_kw'] * df['installed_costs_dollars_per_kw']
# then add these values to values from last year to get cumulative values:
df['number_of_adopters'] = df['adopters_cum_last_year'] + df['new_adopters']
df['installed_capacity'] = df['installed_capacity_last_year'] + df['new_capacity'] # All capacity in kW in the model
df['market_value'] = df['market_value_last_year'] + df['new_market_value']
market_last_year = df[['county_id','bin_id', 'sector_abbr', 'tech', 'market_share', 'max_market_share','number_of_adopters', 'installed_capacity', 'market_value', 'initial_number_of_adopters', 'initial_capacity_mw', 'initial_market_share', 'initial_market_value']] # Update dataframe for next solve year
market_last_year.columns = ['county_id', 'bin_id', 'sector_abbr', 'tech', 'market_share_last_year', 'max_market_share_last_year','adopters_cum_last_year', 'installed_capacity_last_year', 'market_value_last_year', 'initial_number_of_adopters', 'initial_capacity_mw', 'initial_market_share', 'initial_market_value']
return df, market_last_year
# ^^^^ Calculate new diffusion in market segment ^^^^
[docs]def calc_diffusion_market_share(df, is_first_year):
Calculate the fraction of overall population that have adopted (diffused into
the max market share) the technology in the current period. Note that this does
not specify the actual new adoption fraction without knowing adoption in the previous period.
df : pandas.DataFrame
df.p : numpy.ndarray
Bass diffusion parameter defining the coeffieicent of innovation.
df.q : numpy.ndarray
Bass diffusion parameter definint the coefficient of imitation.
df.t : numpy.ndarray
Number of years since the diffusion model began.
Input dataframe with `new_adopt_fraction` column added. `new_adopt_fraction` represents the proportion of the overall population that will adopt the technology.
This is different than the fraction of population that will adopt, which is the max market share.y
# The relative economic attractiveness controls the p,q values in Bass diffusion
# Current assumption is that only payback and MBS are being used, that pp is bounded [0-30] and MBS bounded [0-120]
df = calc_equiv_time(df); # find the 'equivalent time' on the newly scaled diffusion curve
if is_first_year == True:
df['teq2'] = df['bass_params_teq'] + df['teq_yr1']
df['teq2'] = df['bass_params_teq'] + 2 # now step forward two years from the 'new location'
df = bass_diffusion(df); # calculate the new diffusion by stepping forward 2 years
df['bass_market_share'] = df.max_market_share * df.new_adopt_fraction # new market adoption
df['diffusion_market_share'] = np.where(df.market_share_last_year > df.bass_market_share, df.market_share_last_year, df.bass_market_share)
return df
[docs]def set_bass_param(df, bass_params, override_p_value, override_q_value, override_teq_yr1_value):
Set the p & q parameters which define the Bass diffusion curve.
p is the coefficient of innovation, external influence or advertising effect.
q is the coefficient of imitation, internal influence or word-of-mouth effect.
IN: scaled_metric_value - numpy array - scaled value of economic attractiveness [0-1]
OUT: p,q - numpy arrays - Bass diffusion parameters
# set p and q values
df = pd.merge(df, bass_params, how = 'left', on = ['state_abbr','sector_abbr', 'tech'])
# if override values were provided for p, q, or teq_yr1, apply them to all agents
if override_p_value is not None:
df.loc[:, 'bass_param_p'] = override_p_value
if override_q_value is not None:
df.loc[:, 'bass_param_q'] = override_q_value
if override_teq_yr1_value is not None:
df.loc[:, 'teq_yr1'] = override_teq_yr1_value
return df
# ^^^^ Bass Diffusion Calculator ^^^^
[docs]def bass_diffusion(df):
Calculate the fraction of population that diffuse into the max_market_share.
Note that this is different than the fraction of population that will
adopt, which is the max market share
IN: p,q - numpy arrays - Bass diffusion parameters
t - numpy array - Number of years since diffusion began
OUT: new_adopt_fraction - numpy array - fraction of overall population
that will adopt the technology
df['f'] = np.e**(-1*(df['bass_param_p'] + df['bass_param_q']) * df['teq2'])
df['new_adopt_fraction'] = (1-df['f']) / (1 + (df['bass_param_q']/df['bass_param_p'])*df['f']) # Bass Diffusion - cumulative adoption
return df
[docs]def calc_equiv_time(df):
Calculate the "equivalent time" on the diffusion curve. This defines the
gradient of adoption.
df : pandas.DataFrame
df.msly : numpy.ndarray
Market share last year [at end of the previous solve] as decimal
df.mms : numpy.ndarray
Maximum market share as a decimal percentage.
df.p : numpy.ndarray
Bass diffusion parameter defining the coefficient of innovation.
df.q : numpy.ndarray
Bass diffusion paramter defining the coefficient of imitation.
Input dataframe with `teq` column added. `teq` is the equivalent number of years after diffusion started on the diffusion curve
df['mms_fix_zeros'] = np.where(df['max_market_share'] == 0, 1e-9, df['max_market_share'])
df['ratio'] = np.where(df['market_share_last_year'] > df['mms_fix_zeros'], 0, df['market_share_last_year']/df['mms_fix_zeros'])
df['bass_params_teq'] = np.log((1 - df['ratio']) / (1 + df['ratio']*(df['bass_param_q']/df['bass_param_p']))) / (-1*(df['bass_param_p']+df['bass_param_q'])) # solve for equivalent time
return df