
This package implements validation, mapping, and storage of time series data in support of Python-based modeling packages.


  • Stores time series data in any database supported by SQLAlchemy.

  • Supports data ingestion in a variety of file formats and configurations.

  • Supports efficient retrieval of time series through SQL queries.

  • Validates consistency of timestamps and resolution.

  • Provides mappings between different time configurations.

Supported Backends

While chronify should work with any database supported by SQLAlchemy, it has been tested with the following:

  • DuckDB (default)

  • SQLite

  • Apache Spark through Apache Thrift Server

DuckDB and SQLite are fully supported.

Because of limitations in the backend software, chronify functionality with Spark is limited to the following:

  • Create a view into an existing Parquet file (or directory).

  • Perform time series checks.

  • Map between time configurations.

  • Write output data to Parquet files.

There is no support for creating tables and ingesting data with Spark.

How to use this guide

  • Refer to How Tos for step-by-step instructions for creating store and ingesting data.

  • Refer to Tutorials examples of ingesting different types of data and mapping between time configurations.

  • Refer to Reference for API reference material.

  • Refer to Explanation for descriptions and behaviors of the time series store.

Indices and tables